
Saturday, January 19, 2013

クリントン岸田会見報道: マスメディアの煽りにだまされないように


日経米、尖閣巡り中国けん制 日米外相会談


読売: 米側、尖閣での中国の挑発けん制…日米外相会談

朝日:中国の尖閣接近「反対」 米国務長官、岸田外相に名言

毎日:日米外相会談:尖閣問題、米が日本支持踏み込む 来月の首脳会談合意

東京日米外相会談 米、尖閣で中国けん制 来月後半に首脳会談



Remarks With Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida After Their Meeting
(冒頭の発言で)...With regard to regional security, I reiterated longstanding American policy on the Senkaku Islands and our treaty obligations. As I’ve said many times before, although the United States does not take a position on the ultimate sovereignty of the islands, we acknowledge they are under the administration of Japan and we oppose any unilateral actions that would seek to undermine Japanese administration and we urge all parties to take steps to prevent incidents and manage disagreements through peaceful means.

(記者との質疑応答で)As I said at the outset, we certainly discussed the Senkaku Islands today. And I reiterated, as I have to our Chinese friends, that we want to see China and Japan resolve this matter peacefully through dialogue, and we applaud the early steps taken by Prime Minister Abe’s government to reach out and begin discussions. We want to see the new leaders, both in Japan and in China, get off to a good start with each other in the interest of the security of the entire region.

And we have also, as I said earlier, made clear that we do not want to see any action taken by anyone that could raise tensions or result in miscalculations that would undermine the peace, security, and economic growth in this region. So certainly, we are hopeful that there can be an ongoing consultation that will lower tensions, prevent escalation, and permit China and Japan to discuss the range of other issues on which they have important concerns.




★「踏み込んだ」とか「初めて中国の行為に反対を明言」とか報道されているが、これは米国が従来から認めている尖閣に対する日本の施政権について言っており、この施政権を undermine, 「弱体化する」一方的な行為に反対すると言っているのである。これは以前クリントンやパネッタが言った、「尖閣に安保適用」(尖閣が戦場になったら日本を守るために米国は武力行使する)ほど踏み込んだ表現ではない。逆に言うと、「踏み込んだ」どころか、今回、クリントンは米国の武力行使の可能性についてはあえてはっきり触れず、日本の施政権を弱体化させる行為に「反対」の立場を表明しただけという、後退とも取れる発言をしているのである

★ クリントンは、日本による施政を undermine することをもとめる一方的な行為に反対すると言っている。この undermine は日本語に訳しにくい単語だが、「弱体化させる」「台無しにする」「損なわせる」「ないがしろにする」といった訳ができる言葉である。下から土台を崩すといったようなイメージで理解してもらっていいと思う。直接的な攻撃を示す言葉ではない。朝日や読売は「損なう」とフェアな訳をしているが、しかし毎日の「侵す」、日経と東京の「害する」は強すぎる訳であると思う。産経にいたっては「日本の安全を脅かす」という、でっち上げとしか言いようのない勝手訳をしている。






報道への疑問 過去投稿集

Thursday, January 17, 2013

ジョセフ・ウォン: 領土問題で血を流したり人命を犠牲にしたりしてはいけない。Dr. Joseph Wong: Territorial disputes should not be causes for bloodshed or loss of lives.

今日は、カナダ・トロントに拠点を置く医師・社会事業家のジョセフ・ウォン氏による言葉を紹介します。日中関係を憂慮するカナダのアジア系市民たちの対話の中、1月7日にウォン氏がメールで書いたものを許可を得て引用します。Here is a quote from Dr. Joseph Wong, a Toronto-based physician and a philanthropist.
Territories are not sacred.  They have been used as excuses to satisfy some people's ambitions.  I believe they should not be causes for bloodshed or loss of lives.  The problem now at East China Sea is a symptom of what has been simmering from failure to get a proper closure for the atrocities committed by Imperial Japan during and before WWII in Asia in the first half of the last century.  What we are discussing and trying to do is to hopefully bring a voice of reason and harmony, recognizing the historical truth, promoting reconciliation and understanding, bringing eventual peace to a troubled and chaotic region, avoiding war and loss of lives in the short term, but more importantly, we should be brothers and sisters irrepective of our race and skin colors.  After all, China, Japan, and Korea are neighbours, and we are in a global village.


Also see a call for peace by a group of Okinawan intellectuals.
Intellectuals in Okinawa assert that the Senkaku Islands should be shared


琉球新報 尖閣は共存共生の場 県内学識者が緊急声明

琉球新報社説 「尖閣」識者提言 草の根交流重ね信頼回復を

沖縄タイムス 尖閣の平和へ 学術組織設立を計画

Monday, January 14, 2013

カナダにおける日中対話の試み: バンクーバー新報「対話、コミュニケーション、和解」 星島日報: 溫華裔日裔社區領袖對話達共識 唯和解溝通方消除仇怨


『バンクーバー新報』2012年10月11日号。 (見やすくするためには画像をダブルクリックして拡大してください)

溫華裔日裔社區領袖對話達共識 唯和解溝通方消除仇怨



參與對話的兩個華裔及日裔社區領袖,分別是加國與原住民真相及和解聯會(簡稱加和會)創辦人朱偉光,與日裔加人協會人權委員會成員鹿毛達雄。列席的除《星島日報》記者外,更有大溫日文報紙《溫哥華新報》(Vancouver Shinpo)記者西川桂子。



Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Abe Shinzo, a Far-Right Denier of History: Narusawa Muneo

This is an English version of 「安倍晋三と極右歴史修正主義者は、世界の敵である」、posted on January 2, 2013. Also posted at the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus .

For the Chinese version, 安倍晋三 - 极右历史窜改主义者是世界和平的最大敌人
For the Korean version, 아베 신조와 극우 역사수정주의자는 세계의 적이다

For inquiries about this article, contact  

Click HERE for PDF Version

Abe Shinzo, a Far-Right Denier of History

Narusawa Muneo

Translated and edited by Satoko Oka Norimatsu and David McNeill

In December 2012, not a few people in Japan remembered the 75th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre. Those people hoped that the lessons from war crimes committed by the Japanese Army from 1931-1945 would be learned so that Japan would never wage war against another country again, and peace would be achieved in East Asia. These Japanese, however, now face a major challenge.

In Japan’s general election of Dec. 16th the Liberal Democratic Party, which had been in opposition since August 2009, won an overwhelming majority putting it back in power. With Abe Shinzo, a right-wing historical revisionist back as prime minister, the change of government is no longer just a Japanese issue.

The LDP is a nexus for history deniers who regard calls for historical reconciliation from neighboring countries as unjustified, deem their historical accounts as inaccurate, and claim that listening to such appeals for Japan to remember the past would be "masochistic.” As LDP president, Abe most eloquently embodies this character of the party.

With the signing of the Treaty of Peace in San Francisco (September 1951), Japan was allowed to resume its place in the international community. Japan’s neighbors in Asia expected it, in return, to scrap its imperial past and apologize sincerely for perpetrating a string of wartime atrocities. But while the Federal Republic of Germany began its postwar period by breaking from Nazism and apologizing for the Holocaust, the LDP, which ruled Japan for most of the postwar period, has acted as a hub for history revisionists, and so it remains.

It is impossible to imagine that somebody who denies the Holocaust would be elected as Chancellor of Germany. What the world is witnessing right now in Japan, seventy-five years after the Nanjing Massacre, is the reappointment as prime minister of an extreme rightist who sides with the Nanjing-deniers.

The people of Asia, where millions were killed by Japanese wartime aggression, and where many witnesses and survivors are still alive, have the right to ask this prime minister if he really believes that the Nanjing Massacre was a myth, and if he recognizes that Japan invaded neighboring countries.

The people of both Koreas and Koreans around the world are entitled to challenge Abe on whether he recognizes the Japanese Army’s wartime enslavement of thousands of women (so-called “military ‘comfort women’”), one of the most ferocious and dishonorable crimes of Imperial Japan. This prime minister has been adamant about removing any description of these crimes from textbooks and classrooms.   

Here is a fundamental question. Sixty-one years after the resumption of sovereignty, does Japan, led by such a prime minister, truly deserve to be a legitimate and credible member of the international community? It is the people of Japan who, first and foremost, are responsible for asking that question, and the people of Asia and beyond are entitled to pursue it, and to demand clear answers.

1. Who is Abe Shinzo?                  
Abe Shinzo’s father was Abe Shintaro, who held various key government positions including Foreign Minister and was at one point a candidate for an LDP presidential election. Abe Shinzo used his father’s coattails to get elected to the Diet for the first time in 1993. He is a peculiar existence within the LDP, having climbed the party by consistently advocating extreme right-wing policies. Here are some of his career highlights.

  • As soon as Abe was elected in 1993, he became a member of the LDP’s “History and Deliberation Committee.” This committee held about twenty meetings with right-wing scholars, and as a result, published a book called “Overview of the Greater East Asia War,” on August 15th, 1995, the fiftieth anniversary of Japan’s defeat in the Asia-Pacific War. The book argues: 1) “The Greater East Asia War” (the Asia-Pacific War) was not an aggressive war, but a war for self-existence and self-defense, and for liberation of Asia from Western powers; 2) Events such as the Nanjing Massacre and the “comfort women,” are fabrications. Japan did not commit war crimes and was not a perpetrator; 3) Since “biased” school textbooks contain false information about Japan’s wartime activities, a “textbook struggle” (an attack on education) is necessary. Abe still holds these positions.

  • In December 1994, a right-wing group called “Diet Members’ League for the 50th Anniversary of the End of War” was formed to counter a parliamentary move to pass a resolution in August 1995, critically reflecting on Japan’s aggressive war. Abe was selected as deputy executive director.  This group organized the “Steering Committee of Japanese People’s Movement for the 50th Anniversary of the End of War” in conjunction with far-rightist religious groups (mostly Shinto). It led twenty-six prefectural assemblies and ninety municipal assemblies across the nation to pass resolutions opposing the critical resolution and arguing that Japan did not invade its Asian neighbors.

  • The same right-wing members of LDP in June 1996 formed a new group to attack history textbooks, called “Bright Japan - League of Diet Members,” and Abe was appointed deputy executive director. In February 1997, he formed a group called “Group of Young Diet Members for Consideration of Japan’s Future and History Education,” and became its executive director (“Young” was dropped from the group’s name in 2004).

  • Abe has always been on the frontline of such groups and has worked hard to scour descriptions of Nanjing and the sex slaves, who he argues were “prostitutes,” from textbooks. He pressured not only education ministry officials responsible for textbook screening, but also presidents of textbook publishers and textbook authors, to remove references to such crimes, claiming that they were “distorted.”

  • While Abe was Chief Cabinet Secretary, he complained about the content of an NHK (Japan’s national public broadcaster) program on the sex slaves issue before it was broadcast, demanding that the head of the Broadcasting Bureau make the program “fair and objective,” or resign. As a result, significant changes were made to the program before it was screened on January 30, 2001. One of the changes was deletion of the part where the Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal, held in Tokyo in December 2000, deemed the rapes and the military sex slavery system by the Japanese military as “crimes against humanity,” and held Japan and Emperor Hirohito responsible for them.

2. Attack on the Kono Statement
On August 4, 1993, during the Miyazawa administration, then Chief Cabinet Secretary Kono Yohei released a statement on the result of a study into the “comfort women” issue. Commonly called the Kono Statement, it said the following:

As a result of the study which indicates that comfort stations were operated in extensive areas for long periods, it is apparent that there existed a great number of comfort women. Comfort stations were operated in response to the request of the military authorities of the day. The then Japanese military was, directly or indirectly, involved in the establishment and management of the comfort stations and the transfer of comfort women. The recruitment of the comfort women was conducted mainly by private recruiters who acted in response to the request of the military. The Government study has revealed that in many cases they were recruited against their own will, through coaxing, coercion, etc., and that, at times, administrative/military personnel directly took part in the recruitments. They lived in misery at comfort stations under a coercive atmosphere.

The fiercest criticism against the Kono Statement came from within LDP, namely Abe.

  • He and his “Group of Young Diet Members for Consideration of Japan’s Future and History Education,” called Kono to a meeting and argued that Kono had recognized the “coerciveness” of the act without convincing evidence, as the Korean side demanded so, but Kono stuck to his guns. At the House of Representatives Budget Committee on May 27, 1997, Abe further said there was no need to specifically reference the issue in textbooks unless the women were coerced, and no document had been discovered to verify this.

  • On June 14, 2004, Abe, then Secretary General of LDP, told a symposium organized by the “Group of Diet Members for Consideration of Japan’s Future and History Education,” that “there was no such historical fact as the military comfort women,” totally ignoring the Kono Statement. Abe went on to say that he would actively work with MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) to “improve textbooks,” meaning the removal of all descriptions of “military ‘comfort women.’”

3. Double-tongued Prime Minister
Abe was first elected Prime Minister on September 26, 2006. As a state head, there was only so much history revisionism that he could get away with. History denial might be tolerated within the LDP or even within Japan, but it was evident that it would invite international animosity and backlash. One area where his position caused much international embarrassment was the military sex slavery issue.

  • At the House of Representatives’ plenary session on October 4, 2006, Abe said: “The government’s basic position is that it follows the Kono Statement.” Perhaps due to the subsequent criticism from the right-wing forces that supported Abe, on March 5, 2007, he again stated that the government would “continue to follow the Kono Statement,” but added that “there was no evidence that verifies coercion, narrowly-defined coercion such as authorities breaking into houses to take away women like kidnappers would,” suggesting that the “coercion” part of Kono Statement needed to be modified.

  • On January 31, 2007, when a Democrat Congressman Mike Honda introduced a resolution calling for the Japanese government to “formally acknowledge, apologize, and accept historical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner for its Imperial Armed Forces’ coercion of young women into sexual slavery,” Prime Minister Abe fought back.  He said he had “no plan to apologize” even if the resolution was adopted, and argued that there was “no evidence that supports ‘narrowly-defined coercion,’ or the allegation that Japanese soldiers kidnapped women and coerced them.” This was despite the fact that the Kono Statement had expressed “sincere apologies and remorse to all those, irrespective of place of origin, who suffered immeasurable pain and incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women.” Abe’s statement, which suggested the women had voluntarily provided sex to Japanese soldiers, was criticized by U.S. newspapers including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Boston Globe.

  • Abe could no longer ignore such criticisms, particularly those coming from the US and other Western countries. The BBC reported on April 27, 2007 that Abe, in a meeting with President Bush at Camp David, said, “I feel deeply sorry that they [the victimized women] were forced to be placed in such extremely painful situations.” Newsweek interviewed Abe prior to his departure to the US, and reported on April 27, 2007 that Abe said “We feel responsible for having forced these women to go through that hardship and pain as comfort women under the circumstances at the time.” He apparently admitted “coercion” in these reports, revealing his double-tongued strategy.

4. Abe bares his teeth again
Right after his policy speech on September 12, 2007, Abe suddenly abandoned his job on the day he was supposed to answer questions by all the parties’ representatives. He was criticized from all sides for his irresponsibility. However, somehow helped by the forgetful nature of the people of Japan, he was re-elected as president of LDP on September 26, 2012. Around the same time he started to intensify his far-rightist rhetoric as if trying to recover his reputation and career, which had disappointed right-wing supporters during his previous term.

  • On February 20, 2012, Kawamura Takashi, Mayor of Nagoya City stirred controversy when he expressed his doubts over the occurrence of the “so-called Nanjing Incident” in a meeting with leaders of the Nanjing City Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. In response, right-wing forces in Japan held an urgent meeting titled “Supporting the ‘Kawamura Statement’ - Condemning the myth of ‘Nanjing Massacre,’” to which Abe sent a message of support. The August 3 and September 24 versions of the Sankei Shimbun, virtually the official newspaper of Japan’s right, ran an advertisement supporting Nagoya Mayor Kawamura’s Nanjing Statement. Abe acted as one of the proposers.

  • In an interview with the Sankei on August 28, 2012, Abe laid out his agenda.  If the LDP returned to power, it would be necessary to review the Kono Statement, he said and to issue a new government “understanding” of it. His subjects for review included “The Statement by Chief Cabinet Secretary Miyazawa Kiichi on History Textbooks,” known as the “Miyazawa Statement” or the “Neighboring Countries Clause,” in which Miyazawa stated that “from the perspective of building friendship and goodwill with neighboring countries,” Japan will “pay due attention” to criticisms by the neighboring countries such as China and Korea on some descriptions in Japanese textbooks, and “make corrections at the Government’s responsibility.” He would also review theMurayama Statement” (“Statement by Prime Minister Murayama Tomiichi ‘On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the War’s End”), issued on August 15, 1995.

 The Murayama Statement says, “During a certain period in the not too distant past, Japan, following a mistaken national policy, advanced along the road to war, only to ensnare the Japanese people in a fateful crisis, and, through its colonial rule and aggression, caused tremendous damage and suffering to the people of many countries, particularly to those of Asian nations. In the hope that no such mistake be made in the future, I regard, in a spirit of humility, these irrefutable facts of history, and express here once again my feelings of deep remorse and state my heartfelt apology.” Abe, in his previous term as Prime Minister, had in fact said that this statement was “the government’s understanding.”

  • Suga Yoshihide, Chief Cabinet Secretary of the new Abe Cabinet said in a press conference of December 27, 2012 that “there have been many studies by experts, and it is desirable to continue academic examination” about the Kono Statement. It is possible that Abe will again change his position on the issue of “coercion” in military sex slavery, which he admitted during his previous term by “following” the Kono Statement. Regarding the Murayama Statement, Suga in the above press conference said the government would “follow the position of the past cabinets." Only three days later, on December 30, Abe, in an exclusive interview with the Sankei Shimbun, reportedly said, "The Murayama Statement was one issued by the Japan Socialist Party's Prime Minister Murayama Tomiichi. I would like to release a future-oriented statement that is suitable for the twenty-first century." As discussed above, Abe originally attacked the Murayama Statement when it was issued in 1995. When he became prime minister in 2006, he changed his position to “follow” the statement. Then after he resigned in 2007, he publicly stated his intention to review” it, and within a week of his re-appointment as prime minister, he and his Cabinet sent a mixed message to the world, to "follow" and "revise" it.

  • On April 10, 2012, a joint meeting of LDP’s “Education and Science Committee” and the “Group of Diet Members for Consideration of Japan’s future and History Education” was held, in which MEXT officials discussed the latest screening of high school textbooks.  Abe condemned the MEXT officials, saying that some textbooks said the “comfort women” were “mobilized” and “rounded up.”  Abe interrogated the officials on how and when such “changes” were made, even though he had denied coercion in the “so-called ‘comfort women’” cases in the Diet when he was prime minister. According to Abe, textbooks with descriptions of the “comfort women” were “far from common sense.” LDP Diet members at the meeting blamed MEXT for leaving such references in high school textbooks even though junior high school textbooks had been cleansed.

Abe’s argument that the MEXT officials “changed” their understanding of “coercion” is groundless. What he was referring to was a written answer that got Cabinet approval on March 16, 2007 in response to a written inquiry by a member of the House of Representatives Tsujimoto Kiyomi, while Abe was prime minister. There he stated that the basic position of the government was that it would “follow” the Kono Statement. The statement recognizes “coercion,” as it states, “their recruitment, transfer, control, etc. were conducted generally against their will, through coaxing, coercion, etc.”  

The written answer in the Diet in 2007 when Abe was in office states, “there was no description that directly suggested coercive mobilization per se by the military or administrative/military personnel, in the documents that the government discovered.” But this does not contradict the Kono Statement, because as Ishihara Nobuo, Vice Cabinet Secretary when the statement was put together in 1993 admitted in 2006:

“After all, we could not locate any physical evidence that verified coercion, such as notices and directives, but seeing the result of the hearing of the sixteen people who were actually made into comfort women, we concluded that it was impossible that they were making it up, and it was unmistakable that these people were made into comfort women against their will,”… “We, as the government, recognized that coercion existed, based on the report by the study group.” (From an interview with Ishihara Nobuo by the Asia Women’s Fund Oral History Project, March 7, 2006)

Therefore, it is illogical for Abe to complain in 2012 about expressions making clear that the women were “mobilized” and “rounded up.” These expressions were based on hearings with the victims, which the Japanese government recognized as credible in 1993. There were no “changes” in the expressions in the textbooks precisely because all governments since the Kono Statement have declared that they would “follow” it. When he attacked the MEXT officials in 2012, was Abe stupid enough to misunderstand his own actions when he declared adherence to the statement five years before?

  • On December 26, 2012, Abe announced his nineteen new Cabinet members.  Nine, including Abe, are members of the “Group of Diet Members for Consideration of Japan’s Future and History Education,” which has consistently worked to remove the description of the military sex slavery and the Nanjing Massacre from textbooks. Thirteen, also including Abe, are members of the “Discussion Group of the Nippon Kaigi Diet Members,” affiliated with the “Nippon Kaigi (Japan Conference),” the biggest right-wing organization in Japan. These numbers show the far-right character of the new Abe administration.

  • One of the Cabinet members, education minister Shimomura Hakubun requires attention. He is secretary general of the “Discussion Group of Nippon Kaigi Diet Members.” He is head of a new department within the LDP called “Headquarters of Education Renaissance,” which prepared the party’s “Pledges for Education Policy” for the December 2012 general election.  The pledges advocate: 1) cancellation of “biased education” based on the “masochistic view of history;” 2) abolition of the “Neighboring Countries Clause” in the textbook screening process, as expressed in the Miyazawa Statement; 3) reinforcement of patriotic education.  Shimomura argues that recognizing the history of Japan’s aggressive war and critically reflecting on it would represent a “masochistic view of history.” The world will pay close attention to how Japanese history textbooks may be distorted under Shimomura’s leadership.

5. Why the world should be alarmed about Japan
Now that Abe is prime minister again, is he going to try more double-speak, behaving as a far-rightist history revisionist in Japan but saying things like “I feel very sorry” (for what Japan did) and “I feel responsible” in the US?  We should never let him get away with such a double standard.

Abe appeared on TV on August 28, 2012 and said that Japan could not form true friendship with Korea if the Kono Statement remained unchanged. Koreans might retort that “true friendship” is impossible with Japan as long as somebody like Abe can be prime minister, or even an influential politician; and as long as an anachronistic clique like the LDP rules the country. This sentiment is shared not just in Korea but most probably in the whole of Asia.

Let us repeat the big question again. Is Japan, now with far-rightists history revisionists like Abe holding power, eligible to be a responsible member of the international community?

Shimomura Hakubun, now Education Minister, said in the interview on October 3, 2012:

The “departure from the postwar regime” slogan that the previous Abe administration put forward means revising all aspects of Japan’s modern history, including the Tokyo War Tribunal view of history, the Kono Statement, and the Murayama Statement.

The “Tokyo War Tribunal view of history” presupposes that the International Military War Tribunal for the Far East (1946 to 1948), in which Japan was tried and convicted as an aggressor, is unacceptable as it was a victors’ trial.

But Article 11 of the Treaty of Peace with Japan says, “Japan accepts the judgments of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and of other Allied War Crimes Courts both within and outside Japan.” This means that Japan accepted that it invaded neighboring Asian nations.

If Abe and Shimomura want to “review” the “Tokyo War Tribunal view of history,” the logical requirement would be that the Japanese government would formally disavow the Tribunal’s conclusions and notify all the forty-eight countries that signed the Treaty of Peace with Japan accordingly. It appears that Abe and his far-rightist ilk do not understand how unrealistic and ridiculous such a move would be regarded.

These forces insistently deny the facts of Japan’s aggressive wars, openly defend the indefensible view of the war as “for self-existence and self-defense,” and condemn any admittance of aggression as masochistic. The fact that such forces grasped power again poses a serious threat to Japan’s democracy and its credibility in the world. It is also a major challenge to the international community, particularly Asia.

We hope the world will counterattack Abe’s far-rightist history revisionist challenge, and once he is outside of Japan that there will be protests wherever he goes, and at press conferences; and that journalists will confront Abe at press conferences with the facts laid out above. This is the only effective way to let Abe know what a shameless human being he is, according to all international standards.

The original Japanese version appeared in Peace Philosophy Centre, January 2, 2013.

Narusawa Muneo is an editor of Shukan Kin’yobi, a weekly magazine established in 1993. He is author of “オバマの危険―新政権の隠された本性(Danger of Obama: The True Character of the New Administration” (Kin’yobi, 2009).

Thursday, January 03, 2013

ニューヨークタイムズ社説が安倍歴史否定を批判 The New York Times Editorial criticizes Abe for history denial

前投稿(必読!)「成澤宗男: 安倍晋三と極右歴史修正主義者は、世界の敵である」(日本時間1月2日)をアップした翌日、ニューヨークタイムズに安倍首相の歴史否定を批判する社説が出たので日本語で紹介する。

The New York Times Editorial of January 2, 2013
Another Attempt to Deny Japan's History

ニューヨーク・タイムズ1月2日社説 和訳(ハイパーリンクは訳者によるもの)



1993年に日本は、何千、何万、または何十万の(訳者注:原文では thousands となっている。thousands は、「何千」単位から「何十万」単位までをカバーする)アジアとヨーロッパの女性たちを軍の慰安所で強姦し奴隷化したことをようやく認め、このような残虐行為に対して初めての完全な謝罪を行った(訳者注:「河野談話」のこと)。1995年には村山富市首相がもっと広範囲にわたる謝罪を行い、「植民地支配と侵略によって」、日本は「多くの国々、とりわけアジア諸国の人々に対して多大の損害と苦痛を」与えたと認めた。




Tuesday, January 01, 2013

成澤宗男: 安倍晋三と極右歴史修正主義者は、世界の敵である Shinzo Abe, a Far-rightist, History Revisionist Prime Minister: Muneo NARUSAWA

See English version of this article in the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
"Abe Shinzo, a Far-Right Denier of History."
中国語版はここをご覧ください。安倍晋三 - 极右历史窜改主义者是世界和平的最大敌人
韓国語版はここをご覧ください。아베 신조와 극우 역사수정주의자는 세계의 적이다

Peace Philosophy Centreのブログが始まったのは2006年秋、第一次安倍内閣の時代でした。戦争への反省をもとに作られた日本国憲法を基盤とする教育基本法が、議論も尽くさず、「タウンミーティング」におけるやらせ質問などの不正を経て改変されたのが2006年12月15日のことでした。そして6年後、安倍内閣は復活し、時計の針は戻されました。6年前に戻るどころか、安倍氏と下村文科相をはじめとする仲間たちは「未来志向」などと言いながら、実際は戦争の反省と被害への謝罪を表現した村山談話、河野談話、東京裁判を否定することによって侵略戦争と敗戦、現憲法までをも否定し、時計を戦前に戻そうとしているようです。原発についても安倍自民党は時計の針を半世紀戻しているように見えます。自民党は「原発ゼロは無責任」と言いましたが、「無責任」はまさしく、原発を地震大国に導入し、起こるべくして起こった大事故への責任感も皆無、原発再稼働どころか新設までしかねないこの政党に当てはまる言葉です。当サイトの2013年第一弾は、『週刊金曜日』の成澤宗男氏による、安倍復古主義首相の過去から現在に至る歴史否定の足取りを追う記事です。間もなく英訳も発表します。(1月10日追記、英語版発表しました。)
この記事はリンク歓迎、拡散を希望しますが、転載希望の場合は必ず info@peacephilosophy.comに連絡ください。       乗松聡子 @PeacePhilosophy 


週刊金曜日企画委員 成澤宗男











1 安倍という政治家


  • 安倍は当選したばかりの19938月、自民党の「歴史・検討委員会」の委員となる。この「委員会」は右派の学者を招いて20回ほどの会合をもち、その検討内容をまとめて95815日(日本の敗戦記念日)に『大東亜戦争の総括』なる本を出版する。そこでは、大東亜戦争」(アジア太平洋戦争)は侵略戦争ではなく、自存・自衛の戦争であり、アジア解放の戦争であった。 南京大虐殺、「慰安婦」などの加害はデッチあげであり、日本は戦争犯罪を犯していない。加害責任もない。 教科書には、侵略や加害についてありもしない既述があり、新たな「教科書のたたかい」(教科書を『偏向している』と攻撃する)が必要である――と既述してあった。現在の安倍も、同じ認識である。

  • 敗戦から50年目の19958月に侵略戦争への反省が盛り込まれた国会決議が採択されようとしていた動きに反対し、「歴史・検討委員会」のメンバーを中心とした右派の「終戦50周年国会議員連盟」が199412月に結成された際、安倍は事務局長代理に抜擢される。この「議員連盟」は、神道系を中心とした極右宗教集団と連携して「終戦50周年国民運動実行委員会」を運営し、「日本は侵略国家ではなかった」「戦争に反省する決議には反対する」という主張を盛り込んだ決議を、全国26県議会、90市町村議会で可決させた。
  • 党内のこうした右派議員は19966月、歴史教科書への攻撃を狙った「明るい日本・国会議員連盟」を結成し、安倍は事務局長代理となる。さらに安倍は19972月に結成された同じ歴史教科書への攻撃に特化した「日本の前途と歴史教育を考える若手議員の会」(2004年に『日本の前途と歴史教育を考える議員の会』と改名)の事務局長となった。
  • 安倍は常にこうしたグループの先頭に立ち、「従軍『慰安婦』は売春婦」だとして歴史教科書からの従軍「慰安婦」や南京大虐殺の既述削除に向けて奔走する。教科書を検定する文部科学省の官僚のみならず、教科書会社の社長や教科書執筆者に対しても、侵略戦争や従軍「慰安婦」の既述が「わい曲されている」などと詰問し、削除するよう圧力をかけた。
  • 安倍が官房副長官だった2001130日、日本の公共放送であるNHKが放映した番組「戦争をどう裁くか(2)問われる戦時性暴力」の制作に事前に介入し、従軍「慰安婦」を扱った箇所についてNHKの放送総局長に「ひどい内容だ」「公平で客観的な番組にするように」「それができないならやめてしまえ」と攻撃した。その結果、放映された番組の内容が大きく変更された。その中には、200012月に東京で開催された「女性国際戦犯法廷」の席上、日本軍による強姦や慰安婦制度が「人道に対する罪」を構成すると認定し、日本国と昭和天皇に責任があるとした部分の全面的カットが含まれる。 

2 「河野談話」への攻撃




  • 安倍は「日本の前途と歴史教育を考える若手議員の会」とはかり、会合に河野を呼び、「確たる証拠もなく『強制性』を先方にもとめられるままに認めた」などと「談話」を攻撃したが、河野は屈しなかった。さらに安倍は1997527日にも衆議院決算委員会で「従軍『慰安婦』は強制という側面がなければ(教科書に)特記する必要はない。この強制性については、まったくそれを検証する文書が出てきていない」と発言している。
  • 安倍は幹事長当時の2004614日、日本の前途と歴史教育を考える議員の会」が主催したシンポジウムの席上、「河野談話」を無視し、「従軍『慰安婦』という歴史的事実はなかった」と断言し、「文部科学省にも教科書改善(注=従軍『慰安婦』の記述削除)への働きかけを積極的に行っていく」と述べている。  

3 首相時代の二枚舌


  • 安倍は2006104日、衆議院本会議で、河野談話について「政府の基本的立場は、河野談話を受け継いでいる」と答弁した。これに対し、安倍を支持していた右派勢力から批判があがったためか、200735日の参議院予算委員会で、「河野談話をこれからも継承していく」と述べながらも、「官憲が家に押し入って人さらいのごとく連れて行くという強制性、狭義の強制性を裏付ける証言はなかった」などと答弁し、河野談話の「強制性」について修正が必要との考えを示唆した。
  • 米下院議会で2007131日、「『慰安婦』問題で日本政府に対し謝罪を求める決議」案が民主党のマイク・ホンダ議員によって提出された際、安倍は「決議が採択されても謝罪するつもりはない」「慰安婦を日本軍兵士が拉致・強制したとの『狭義の強制性』の証拠はない」などと繰り返した。「河野談話」自体、政府の名において「従軍慰安婦として数多の苦痛を経験され、心身にわたり癒しがたい傷を負われたすべての方々に対し心からお詫びと反省の気持ちを申し上げる」と「謝罪」しているにもかかわらずだ。しかも「強制」されたのでなく彼女たちがあたかも「自主的」に「日本軍兵士」の相手をしたと言わんばかりのこの発言は、米国の『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』や『ロサンゼルス・タイムズ』、『ボストン・グローブ』といった各紙に批判された。
  • このためか、結局安倍は外国(特に欧米)の目を最後まで無視するわけにはいかなかったようだ。BBC2007427日、訪米した安倍がブッシュ大統領とキャンプデービッドで会談した際、「極めて痛ましい状況に慰安婦の方々が強制的に置かれたことについて大変申し訳なく思う(I feel deeply sorry that they were forced to be placed in such extremely painful situations.)」と発言したと報じている。また、米『ニューズウィーク』430日号は、訪米に先立って安倍をインタビューした記事を掲載したが、安倍は「私たちは、戦時下の環境において、従軍慰安婦として苦難や苦痛を受けることを強制された方々に責任を感じている(We feel responsible for having forced these women to go through that hardship and pain as comfort women under the circumstances at the time.)と発言している。ここでは「強制性」を明らかに認めており、二枚舌と批判されても仕方なかった。 

4 再び牙をむく


  • 名古屋市長の河村たかしが220日、中国共産党南京市委員会の幹部と面会した際、「いわゆる南京事件はなかったのではないか」と語り大きな問題になった。これに対して右翼勢力は36日、東京都内で「『河村発言』支持・『南京虐殺』の虚構を撃つ」と題した「緊急国民集会」を開いたが、安倍はそこに「河村支持」のメッセージを送った。さらに同年83日と924日には、右翼勢力の「機関紙」ともいえる『産経新聞』に「河村たかし名古屋市長の「南京」発言を支持する意見広告」 が掲載されたが、安倍は主な「呼びかけ人」の一人となっている。
  • 2012828日付の『産経新聞』で、安倍は首相時代に自身が「引き継いでいく」と明言したはずの「河野談話」について、また一転して「(自民党が与党に復帰すれば)見直しをする必要がある。新たな政府見解を出すべきだろう」と発言した。しかも「見直し」の対象は、1982826日に、宮澤喜一官房長官が、教科書の検定にあたっては「近隣のアジア諸国との間の近現代の歴史的事象の扱いに国際理解と国際協調の見地から必要な配慮がされていること」を定めると発表した「宮澤談話」=「近隣諸国条項」敗戦から50年経った1995815日、村山富市首相が発表した「談話」の二つも含まれる。

  • なお、安倍新内閣の菅義偉官房長官は1227日の記者会見で、「河野談話」について「学者や専門家の研究が行われている。そうした検討を重ねることが望ましい」と見直しを示唆した。前首相時代に一度は実質的に認めた従軍「慰安婦」の「強制性」を、また蒸し返す可能性が高い。菅官房長官はこの会見で「村山談話」については、「歴代内閣の立場を引き継ぐ考えだ」と述べたが、その3日後の12月30日、安倍は産経新聞の単独インタビューに答え、「村山談話は、社会党の首相である村山富市首相が出された談話だ。21世紀にふさわしい未来志向の談話を発出したい」と言っている。安倍は「村山談話」が発表された当時、これに攻撃を加え、前首相時代には「引き継ぐ」と変えながら、首相を辞めた後に「見直す」と公言した。また首相に返り咲いたと思ったら一週間も経たないうちに「引き継ぐ」と「見直す」との矛盾したメッセージを世に対して送っている。
  • 2012410日、自民党本部で党の「文部科学部会」と「日本の前途と歴史教育を考える議員連盟」の合同会議が開かれた。そこでは文部科学省の担当者が呼ばれ、高校の教科書検定について報告したが、安倍は従軍「慰安婦」の記述について「動員された」「かりだされた」とする記述があると非難し、「自分は総理のときに、『いわゆる従軍慰安婦の強制連行はなかった』と国会で答弁したが、一体、いつ変更したのか?なぜ(政府答弁を)無視するのか?」と詰問し、また「強制性」を問題にした。安倍によれば、従軍「慰安婦」について記述すると、「常識からかけ離れた教科書」(2011510日に都内で開かれた右翼の集会での発言)なのだという。なおこの席では、自民党議員たちは、「中学校の教科書から従軍『慰安婦』の記述が削除されたのに、高校の教科書に記載されている」との批判が相次いだ。


安倍首相時代の2007年の答弁書では、「政府が発見した資料の中には、軍や官憲によるいわゆる強制連行を直接示すような記述も見当たらなかったところである」と述べているが、特に「河野談話」と食い違っているわけではない。なぜなら、「河野談話」を取りまとめた当時の 石原信雄官房副長官は、次のように認めているからだ。 



  • 安倍は20121226日、新内閣の閣僚を発表したが、19人の閣僚中、これまで一貫して教科書から従軍「慰安婦」や南京大虐殺の記述を削除させる策動を続けてきた「日本の前途と歴史教育を考える議員の会」のメンバーが約半数の9人加わっている。さらに、神道勢力を中核とする日本最大の右翼団体である「日本会議」と連携している「日本会議国会議員懇談会」に加盟する閣僚が、安倍も含めて実に13人もいる。安倍新内閣の極右的性格を雄弁に示している。
  • 安倍が任命した新閣僚で、最も警戒を要する一人は文部科学大臣の下村博文である。この男は「日本会議国会議員懇談会」の幹事長であり、極右歴史修正主義者として安倍と共に「教科書攻撃」を一貫して続けてきた。安倍が再び自民党の総裁に選任された直後に新設した「教育再生実行本部」の本部長であり、今回の総選挙に際し、自虐史観に基づく偏向教育の中止「宮澤談話」による教科書検定での「近隣諸国条項」の廃止愛国教育の強化――といった党の「教育に関する公約」を作成した。下村氏は、日本の侵略の歴史を認めたり、反省することが「自虐史観」だと主張している。今後、日本の歴史教科書の記述がどのように改悪されるか、国内外での注視が必要であろう。   

5 世界が今後日本を警戒すべき理由





 だが対日講和条約は第11条で「日本国は、極東国際軍事裁判所並びに日本国内及び国外の他の連合国戦争犯罪法廷の裁判を受諾」する(Japan accepts the judgments of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and of other Allied War Crimes Courts both within and outside Japan)と規定している。この「戦争犯罪」は、言うまでもなく中国を始めとしたアジア諸国への侵



