
Friday, January 28, 2022

Statement: The Japanese government's denial of the history of forced labour will once again bring international shame upon itself

 Here is an English translation of the statement by the Center for Historical Truth and Justice that we previously posted. The translation of the Japanese version was automatically done by Deepl, with modification by Satoko Oka Norimatsu, Director of Peace Philosophy Centre. Please note that we may further modify the translation later. 前の投稿で紹介した民族問題研究所による声明日本語版の Deepl による自動英訳に乗松聡子が手を入れたものです。投稿後にさらに翻訳を修正する可能性があることをご承知ください。

<Statement denouncing the Japanese government's promotion of the Sado Island Mine as a UNESCO World Heritage Site>


The Japanese government's denial of the history of forced labour will once again bring international shame upon itself


On 28 January, the Japanese government announced that it would promote the Sado Island Mine as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Center for Historical Truth and Justice strongly condemns the Japanese government's attempt for the inscription of the Sado Island Mine as a UNESCO World Heritage Site by hiding the obvious historical fact of the forced mobilisation of Koreans, and warns that if the Japanese government persists in its denial of history, it will once again face international embarrassment and will not be able to achieve the inscription of the Sado Island Mine as a World Heritage Site. 

In 2015, at the time of the inscription of the "Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining" (hereinafter referred to as Meiji Industrial Heritage) at the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, the Japanese government promised to explain the "full history" of the Meiji Industrial Heritage, including the forced labour of Koreans. However, instead of keeping its promise, the Japanese government has insulted the victims by denying the forced labour through the exhibition at the Industrial Heritage Information Centre, and has deceived the international community by history denial, such as thoroughly hiding the facts of forced labour of Chinese people and Allied Prisoners of War.

At its 44th session in July 2021, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee noted the failure of the Japanese Government to fully implement the decision of the World Heritage Committee (39 COM 8B.14 & 42 COM 7B.10), and, uncharacteristically expressing its "strong regret," adopted the resolution (44 COM 7B.Add2) that the Japanese Government should adopt a strategy to interpret "the full history," including the history of forced mobilisation. The World Heritage Committee's resolution is significant in that it makes clear that the international community will not tolerate the Japanese government's denial of history any longer.

The historical fact that the Sado Island Mine was a site of the forced mobilization of Koreans has already been revealed by citizens of Japan who have long been making efforts to get to the bottom of the forced mobilization there, and in 1992, Japanese citizens invited victims of the forced mobilization to Sado Island for a testimonial meeting. The official history of the town of Aikawa in Niigata Prefecture, to which the Sado Mine belongs, also records the historical facts of the forced mobilisation of Koreans, and according to what has been revealed so far, more than 1,500 Koreans were mobilised. The history of forced mobilisation cannot be covered by the Japanese government's ignoring it as "Korea's own claim."

At the time of the inscription of the Meiji Industrial Heritage Site, the Japanese government tried to hide the history of forced labour by limiting the application to the Meiji period, but it could not avoid the decision of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to "interpret the full history." This time, too, the Japanese government is trying to hide the history of forced labour by limiting the applicable period for Sado Island Mine inscription as a World Heritage Site from the end of the Warring States Era to the Edo Era. This attempt by the Japanese government to distort history in such a way as to cover the heavens with the palm of its hand is an international embarrassment and will ultimately prevent Sado Island Mine from being inscribed as a World Heritage Site.

Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and other far-right forces in Japan have been inciting conflict over historical facts in order to use the World Heritage Site as a tool for domestic politics. The Kishida administration's attempt to deny history by bowing to Abe's pressure and promoting the inscription of the Sado Island Mine on the World Heritage List is an insult to the victims of the Sado Island Mine and to the citizens of Japan and Korea who have worked hard to investigate the history of forced mobilisation. The Japanese far-right's attempt to use the World Heritage Site as a tool for narrow-minded nationalism is a direct challenge to the spirit of UNESCO, which aims to cultivate a universal spirit of peace and respect for human rights, and is an act that will isolate Japan from the international community.

Since 2015, when the Meiji Industrial Heritage was inscribed as a World Heritage Site, the Center for Historical Truth and Justice has been working in solidarity with Japanese civil society to urge the Japanese government to document the history of forced labour and to clarify the reality of forced mobilisation. In response to the move towards the UNESCO inscription of the Sado Island Mine, we will continue to work in solidarity with Japanese civil society and the international community to restore the human rights of the victims and to investigate the truth.

January 28, 2022
The Center for Historical Truth and Justice 

See HERE for the original statement in Korean. 
See HERE for the Japanese version of the statement. 

声明:強制動員の歴史を否定する日本政府は 再び国際的な恥をかく事になるだろう 성명: 강제동원의 역사를 부정하는 일본 정부 다시 한 번 국제적인 망신을 면하지 못할 것이다.

See HERE for an English version. 









2021年7月の第44回ユネスコ世界遺産委員会は、日本政府が世界遺産委員会の決定(39 COM 8B.14 & 42 COM 7B.10)を十分に履行していない点を指摘し、異例にも「強い遺憾」を表明した上で、強制動員の歴史を含む「歴史全体」を解釈する戦略を講じるべきという決定文(44 COM 7B.Add2)を採択した。世界遺産委員会の決定は、国際社会が日本政府の歴史否定論をこれ以上容認しないことを明確にしたという点で大きな意味がある。







[일본 정부의 사도광산 유네스코 세계유산 등록 추진 규탄 성명]

강제동원의 역사를 부정하는 일본 정부
다시 한 번 국제적인 망신을 면하지 못할 것이다.

1월 28일 일본 정부는 사도(佐渡)광산의 유네스코 세계유산 등록을 추진한다고 발표했다. 민족문제연구소는 조선인 강제동원의 명백한 역사적 사실을 은폐하는 일본정부의 사도광산 유네스코 세계유산 등록 시도를 강력히 규탄하며, 지금과 같이 일본 정부가 역사부정론을 계속 고집한다면 다시 한 번 국제적인 망신을 면하지 못할 것이며, 사도광산의 세계유산 등록도 이루지 못할 것임을 엄중히 경고한다.

일본 정부는 2015년 유네스코 세계유산위원회에서 ‘메이지(明治) 일본의 산업혁명유산 제철·철강, 조선, 석탄산업’(이하, 메이지산업유산) 등록 당시에 조선인 강제노동을 비롯한 메이지산업유산의 ‘전체 역사’를 설명하겠다고 약속했다. 그러나 일본 정부는 약속을 지키기는커녕 산업유산정보센터의 전시를 통해 강제노동을 부정하여 피해자들을 모욕하고, 중국인과 연합군포로의 강제노동은 철저하게 감추는 등 역사부정론으로 국제사회를 기만해왔다.

2021년 7월 제44차 유네스코 세계유산위원회는 일본 정부가 세계유산위원회의 결정(39 COM8B.14 & 42 COM 7B.10)을 충분히 이행하지 않고 있는 점을 지적하고, 이례적으로 ‘강한 유감’을 표명하면서 강제동원의 역사를 포함한 ‘전체 역사’에 대해 해석전략을 마련하라는 결정문(44 COM 7B.Add2)을 채택했다. 세계유산위원회의 결정은 국제사회가 일본 정부의 역사부정론을 더 이상 용인하지 않겠다는 것을 분명히 밝혔다는 점에서 큰 의미가 있다.

사도광산이 조선인 강제동원의 현장이었다는 역사적 사실은 이곳의 강제동원 진상규명을 위해 오랫동안 노력해온 일본 시민들에 의해 이미 밝혀졌으며, 1992년에는 일본 시민들이 강제동원피해자들을 초청하여 사도에서 증언집회를 열기도 했다. 또한 사도광산이 속한 지방자치단체 니가타현(新潟県), 아이카와정(相川町)의 공식 역사에도 조선인 강제동원의 역사적 사실이 기록되어 있으며, 지금까지 밝혀진 바에 따르면 1,500명 이상의 조선인이 동원된 것으로 알려졌다. 강제동원의 역사는 일본 정부가 ‘한국의 독자적인 주장’이라고 무시한다고 해서 가려질 수 있는 것이 아니다.

메이지산업유산 등록 당시 일본 정부는 강제동원의 역사를 숨기기 위해 메이지시대로 시기를 한정하여 신청하는 꼼수를 부렸지만, ‘전체 역사를 설명하라’는 유네스코 세계유산위원회의 결정을 피해갈 수 없었다. 이번에도 일본 정부는 사도광산의 세계유산 등록 대상 시기를 센고쿠(戦国)시대 말부터 에도(江戸)시대로 한정하여 강제동원의 역사를 숨기려 하고 있다. 손바닥으로 하늘을 가리고자 하는 일본정부의 이러한 역사왜곡 시도는 국제적인 망신을 면할 수 없을것이며 결국 세계유산 등록도 이루지 못할 것이다.

아베 신조 전 총리를 비롯한 일본 극우세력은 세계유산을 국내 정치의 도구로 이용하기 위해 역사 갈등을 선동해 왔다. 아베의 압력에 굴복하여 사도광산의 세계유산 등록을 추진하는 기시다 정권의 역사부정 시도는 사도광산에서 고통 받은 피해자들, 강제동원의 역사를 규명하기 위해 노력해온 한국과 일본의 시민들을 모욕하는 것이다. 세계유산을 편협한 국가주의의 도구로 이용하는 일본 극우세력의 시도는 평화와 인권을 존중하는 보편적 정신의 함양을 지향하는 유네스코 정신에 정면으로 도전하는 것이며 국제사회에서 고립을 자처하는 행위에 다름 아니다.

민족문제연구소는 2015년 메이지산업유산 등록 당시부터 일본의 시민사회와 연대하여 강제노동의 역사를 기록할 것을 촉구하고 강제동원의 실태를 밝히기 위한 활동을 벌여왔다. 우리는 사도광산의 유네스코 등록에 대해 앞으로도 일본 시민사회, 국제사회와 연대하여 피해자의 인권회복과 진실규명을 위한 노력을 멈추지 않을 것이다.

2022년 1월 28일


強制動員真相究明ネットワークの緊急声明「日本政府は戦時の朝鮮人強制労働を否定するのではなく認知すべきである - 佐渡鉱山(「佐渡島の金山」)世界遺産登録問題によせて -」

Monday, January 03, 2022

核戦争の防止と軍拡競争の回避に関する核兵器国5カ国首脳の共同声明 Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races


新年、核保有5カ国が核戦争を回避するための共同声明を出しました。日本語の報道では朝日新聞「核保有5カ国、核戦争の回避「一番の責務」 共同声明を発表」、英語では Guardian 紙「Five of world’s most powerful nations pledge to avoid nuclear war」などが報道しているようですが、ホワイトハウスのHPに原文がありました。以下に原文をコピーし、Deepl による日本語訳にブログ運営者が多少手を入れた日本語訳も段落ごとに載せます。核不拡散条約の条文を引用している部分は外務省のHPにある日本語版にならいました。米国が、ロシアや中国との緊張を高めている中このような外交努力は注目されるべきではないかと思います。翻訳に問題があったら指摘ください。

White House Website 

Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races


JANUARY 03, 2022 


The People’s Republic of China, the French Republic, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America consider the avoidance of war between Nuclear-Weapon States and the reduction of strategic risks as our foremost responsibilities.


We affirm that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.  As nuclear use would have far-reaching consequences, we also affirm that nuclear weapons—for as long as they continue to exist—should serve defensive purposes, deter aggression, and prevent war.  We believe strongly that the further spread of such weapons must be prevented. 

私たちは、核戦争は勝つことができず、決して戦ってはならないことを確認する。 核兵器の使用は広範囲に影響を及ぼすため、私たちは、核兵器が存在し続ける限り、防衛目的、侵略の抑止、戦争の防止を目的としたものであることを確認する。 私たちは、このような核兵器のさらなる拡散を防止しなければならないと強く信じている。

We reaffirm the importance of addressing nuclear threats and emphasize the importance of preserving and complying with our bilateral and multilateral non-proliferation, disarmament, and arms control agreements and commitments.  We remain committed to our Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) obligations, including our Article VI obligation “to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control.”

我々は、核の脅威に対処することの重要性を再確認し、二国間および多国間の核不拡散、軍縮、軍備管理に関する合意と公約を維持し遵守することの重要性を強調する。 我々は、核不拡散条約(NPT)第6条の義務である「核軍拡競争の早期の停止及び核軍備の縮小に関する効果的な措置につき、並びに厳格かつ効果的な国際管理の下における全面的かつ完全な軍備縮小に関する条約について、誠実に交渉を行うこと」を含む核不拡散条約の義務に引き続きコミットしている。

We each intend to maintain and further strengthen our national measures to prevent unauthorized or unintended use of nuclear weapons.  We reiterate the validity of our previous statements on de-targeting, reaffirming that none of our nuclear weapons are targeted at each other or at any other State. 

我々はそれぞれ、核兵器の無許可または意図しない使用を防止するための国家的措置を維持し、さらに強化することを意図する。 我々は、非標的化に関する我々のこれまでの声明の有効性を再確認し、我々のいかなる核兵器も相互に、あるいは他のいかなる国家にも向けられていないことを再確認する。

We underline our desire to work with all states to create a security environment more conducive to progress on disarmament with the ultimate goal of a world without nuclear weapons with undiminished security for all.  We intend to continue seeking bilateral and multilateral diplomatic approaches to avoid military confrontations, strengthen stability and predictability, increase mutual understanding and confidence, and prevent an arms race that would benefit none and endanger all.  We are resolved to pursue constructive dialogue with mutual respect and acknowledgment of each other’s security interests and concerns.

我々は、万人のための安全保障が損なわれない「核兵器のない世界」という究極の目標に向けて、軍縮の進展により資する安全保障環境を構築するために、すべての国と協力していくことを強調する。 我々は、軍事的対立を回避し、安定性と予測可能性を強化し、相互理解と信頼を高め、誰も得をせずかつすべての人を危険にさらす軍拡競争を防ぐために、二国間および多国間の外交的アプローチを引き続き模索するつもりである。 我々は、相互に尊重し、互いの安全保障上の利益と懸念を認識した上で、建設的な対話を追求することを決意する。