
Monday, September 14, 2015

Tatsuo Kage: Some Background of the “Comfort Women” Issue  鹿毛達雄: 「従軍慰安婦」問題をどう見るか―河野談話に寄せて

Tatsuo Kage, historian and human right activist based in Vancouver, BC, Canada, wrote an article in Japanese for the April 2015 issue of JCCA Bulletin, a monthly magazine for Japanese Canadians, on the "comfort women," or the issue of wartime Japanese military sex slavery. Here is an English version of it. For more information about Tatsuo Kage, see report of his talk "Living Through History" on this blog. Also see JCCA interview "Tatsuo Kage: commitment to human rights." For background of the local discussion on the plan to build a "comfort women" statue in Burnaby, BC, see Satoko Oka Norimatsu's report that appeared in Japanese weekly journal Shukan Kinyobi. An English version of the report, "To Build a “Comfort Women Statue” in Canada: Testing the Multicultural Society Amid Opposition" is available HERE. カナダ・バンクーバーの歴史家・人権運動家である鹿毛達雄氏による記事「『従軍慰安婦』問題をどう見るか - 河野談話に寄せて」(JCCA Bulletin 2015年4月号掲載)の英語版を紹介します。下方に日本語版も掲載。バンクーバーの隣町、バーナビー市での「慰安婦像」建立計画については『週刊金曜日』4月24日号「設置反対の運動で試される多文化共存社会――カナダで『慰安婦像』の動き」(乗松聡子著)を参照。英語版はここにあります。

Some Background of the “Comfort Women” Issue

Tatsuo Kage

(Translation:  Article in the JCCA Bulletin/Geppo, April 2015 issue)

Tatsuo Kage 鹿毛達雄
 On August 4, 1993, Mr. Yohei Kono, the Chief Cabinet Secretary, made a statement. This is one of the basic documents for understanding the reflection of Japan’s recent past as well as the course taken by the country. Even though it was published over 20 years ago, the document is worthwhile to recall, particularly at the present time with Japan’s difficulties with neighbouring nations. He states as follows:   

“As a result of the study which indicates that comfort stations were operated in extensive areas for long periods,  it is apparent that there existed a great number of comfort women.  Comfort stations were operated in response to the request of the military authorities of the day. The then Japanese military was, directly or indirectly , involved in the establishment and the management of the comfort stations.”  “Undeniably, this was an act with the involvement of the military authorities of the day, that severely injured the honor and dignity of many women. The Government of Japan would like to take this opportunity once again to extend its sincere apologies and remorse to all those, irrespective of place of origin, who suffered immeasurable pain and incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women.
This statement is the official position of the Japanese government at the time. It is known that in drafting this the Japanese government had close communication -  exchange of opinions - with the Korean government. The issue is, however, not limited to Korea (ROK) which was Japan’s colony at the time. It is an occurrence of forced sexual service for Japanese military and civilians in the occupied territories in China and Southeast Asia where girls and women were, against their wishes, forced to provide sexual services. Women of Dutch origin in Indonesia (Dutch East Indies then) were also victims in this matter. Against their will, these women were forced to work in brothels. As a grave violation of Human Rights took place, this is often and rightly called as sexual slavery.

As the above cited statement says, it is an issue that “severely injured the honor and dignity of many women.”  Therefore it can be regarded as the violation of  international conventions and war crimes.  However,  the Kono statement did not mention the criminal nature of the sexual slavery which could inevitably lead to prosecution, punishment,  apology and compensation. The position of Japanese government is not clear on this aspect in the statement, as pointed out by Prof. Yoshiaki Yoshimi, a prominent researcher on this topic.

Unresolved Issues
The San Francisco Peace Treaty was concluded in 1951.  There were countries such as Korea and China which were neither invited to the Peace conference nor signed the treaty. Such countries eventually concluded a separate peace treaty with Japan and bilateral relations were normalized.  These treaties customarily include provisions regarding reparation, and the reparation issues are regarded as resolved.

However, the issue of comfort women is unique and an exceptional case on this point, because it was not discussed at the time of the conclusion of peace/normalization treaties in the 1950’s and 60's as it was not known widely or openly discussed. The former comfort women were hesitant to speak up, as they were afraid to be discriminated because of such experiences. As time went on, a Korean woman “came out” and spoke openly in 1991. Since then it became a social and political issue. Some of them started lawsuits against the Japanese Government. Many others from other Asian countries also came out.

But as a whole such lawsuits were unsuccessful, as the Japanese government  successfully argued that the issue of compensation for wartime damages was resolved by the peace/normalization treaties. 

In regard to the comfort women, the Asian Women’s Fund was established in 1995 in Japan with private donations and the government funding for its management. This NGO expended a gift of sympathy money of 2,000,000 Yen (ca. $20,000) to 285 former comfort women from Korea, Taiwan and Philippines. But some victims refused to accept the money as they wanted to have a compensation from the government fund along with an apology of an official nature, e.g., a resolution by the Diet.

International Criticisms
There have been numerous criticisms against the Japanese government’s handling of the issue. In 2007, the parliaments of various countries including Canada, the United States, and EU passed a resolution urging the Japanese government for a resolution which would be satisfactory to the victims. A few years ago, In Seoul, Korea, a girl’s statue to commemorate the comfort women was erected in front of the Japanese Embassy at time when weekly demonstrations demanding resolution reached 1,000 times.  Hwaseong city near Seoul, sister city of Burnaby, BC, has a plan to donate a copy of the statue and a group of Korean Canadians in BC  are fundraising for the erection of the statue in Central Park in Burnaby. A group of Japanese and Japanese Canadian people has been campaigning against the erection of the statue. They say that it will create a friction and division of otherwise harmonious multicultural community.  

The Japanese government under Shinzo Abe as Prime Minister has been trying to revise the official position of the government expressed in the Kono statement. The current government leaders argue that no historical documents have been found to prove that the women were forced to engage in prostitution against their will.  They also argue that the comfort women were not sexual slaves. 

The position of those who are against the erection of the statue runs parallel to the current government's  stance. I wonder what the Japanese government and those local Japanese or Japanese Canadian people have learned from the past - from the time of the Kono statement over 20 years ago.   

(Disclaimer: The above statement is my personal view, and not the position of the GVJCCA or JCCA Human Rights Committee. )

JCCA Bulletin 人権委員会のページ 20154月号




 この談話は「 従軍慰安婦」問題にかんする当時の日本政府の公式見解を示すものである。これの作成にあたって、韓国政府との緊密な意見の交換・調整があったと伝えられている。しかし、この問題はかって日本の植民地であった朝鮮(韓国)に限られたものではない。日本が侵略し、占領した中国や東南アジアでその地域の女性を本人の意思に反して日本の軍隊や民間人のために性的サービスを強制した事件でもある。なお、その中にはオランダ領東インド諸島{現在のインドネシア)在留のオラン ダ人の女性も含まれている。現地の女性たちが本人の意思の反し、強制的の連行され、性的サービスを強制されたという重大な人権侵害として注目する人びとはこれを「性奴隷」と呼んでいる。



 慰安婦問題については その後、1995年に財団法人「アジア女性基金」が民間の資金と政府の経費負担によって設立された。そしてこの非政府機関が2007年に解散されるまでに、韓国や台湾、フィリピンでは元慰安婦の人びと285人に一人当たり200万円の「償い金」(当初は「見舞金」と呼ばれていた)が支払われている。しかし、たとえば韓国では、これが政府の資金からの賠償金ではないことや国会決議などに基ずく正式な謝罪でないことに反発する多くの被害者が受け取りを拒否している。



 しばらく前のこと、201211月に日本の国会議員39人の連名で米国の新聞にこの問題に関する意見広告を発表している。その賛同者として、安部晋三首相や閣僚の名前が含まれている。(  201316日の記事)その中で「女性がその意思に反して日本軍に売春を強要されたとする歴史的文書は . . . 発見されていない」「慰安婦は『性的奴隷』ではない」などと主張し、強制性や日本政府の責任を否定しているが、その点で、冒頭で触れた河野談話の内容を見直し、否定するものである。  



(Tatsuo Kage, Member, GVJCCA Human Rights Committee)

Thursday, September 03, 2015

NYTデイヴィッド・ヴァイン論説和訳: 米国内基地だけでなく在外基地を閉鎖せよ Don’t Just Close Bases at Home, Close Them Overseas - Japanese Translation of David Vine's NYT Op-Ed

(前文、翻訳:酒井泰幸 翻訳協力 乗松聡子 注:和訳は投稿後微修正することがあります。)

Don't Just Close Bases at Home, Close Them Overseas 


2015年7月27日 ワシントン発
David Vine

 9万人近くの雇用を失いたくなければ基地を閉鎖せよと、今月初めにペンタゴンが迫った後、議会は国内の軍事基地を再びいくつか閉鎖することを、間もなく承認しそうな兆候がある。軍は何年もの間、活用されていない国内の軍事施設を閉鎖するために議会で義務づけられた、軍事基地再編閉鎖(Base Realignment and Closure:BRAC)の手続きを繰り返して、経費を節減しようとしてきた。















デイヴィッド・ヴァイン(David Vine)は、アメリカン大学の人類学准教授で、新刊書「Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World(基地国家:在外米軍基地はいかにアメリカと世界に害をなすか)」(マクミラン社)の 著者である。

訳注1. アルバ(オランダ語:Aruba)は、西インド諸島の南端部、南米ベネズエラの北西沖に浮かぶ島。高度な自治が認められたオランダ王国の構成国。

訳注2. 前方戦略(forward strategy):北大西洋条約機構 NATOが旧東西ドイツの境界付近で防衛する戦略をいう。1956年西ドイツが NATOに加盟するまでは、NATOの防衛線はライン川であったが、西ドイツの加盟によって前方に進められ、東西ドイツの境界線付近となった。


米軍事基地帝国の今:水草のように歯止めなく世界中に増殖している小規模軍事基地「リリー・パッド」(デイヴィッド・ヴァイン、アメリカン大学)David Vine: The Lily Pad Strategy (from TomDispatch - Japanese Translation)

米軍海外展開の真のコスト:米国納税者は米軍の海外展開に年間1700億ドルも払っている (デイビッド・バイン「TomDispatch」記事 The True Costs of Empire 和訳)

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Towards Reconciliation - Professor Nobuyoshi TAKASHIMA will speak in Vancouver, BC, Canada to mark the 70th of End of WWII in Asia 戦後70年記念「和解に向けて」高嶋伸欣バンクーバー講演10月17日に開催

NEW!We added a flyer to the event. See below. It can be downloaded at: イベントチラシができました!ここでダウンロード。下方にも貼り付けました。 

On the day to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Imperial Japan's surrender, let us introduce an important upcoming event in Vancouver.  第二次世界大戦、日本降伏の日(9月2日)70年に、この秋バンクーバーでの重要なイベントを紹介します。

Those in and around Vancouver, BC, Canada, please mark your calendar! 高嶋伸欣琉球大学名誉教授の講演をカナダ・バンクーバーで10月17日土曜日(午後2時から5時まで、バンクーバーユニタリアン教会にて)行います。カレンダーをマークしてください。日本語での案内(概要)は下方を見てください。Visit our Facebook event page! フェースブックのイベントページはこちら

Asia-Pacific War 70th Anniversary Vancouver Committee invites you to:   

Towards Reconciliation

-  The 70th Anniversary of the End of the Second World War in the Asia-Pacific -

Special Guest: Nobuyoshi TAKASHIMA,
Professor Emeritus of the University of Ryukyus

Professor Nobuyoshi TAKASHIMA 

Chaired by Ellen Woodsworth

(Chair of Women Transforming Cities, Former Vancouver City Councilor)

Saturday, October 17th, 2015
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

949 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC (Oak and 49th)

Co-sponsored by the Social JusticeCommittee of the Unitarian Church of Vancouver

-    Admission by donation (suggested: $5)

2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the Asia-Pacific War. This fall, we will welcome Nobuyoshi TAKASHIMA, professor emeritus of the University of Ryukyus, to Vancouver. Professor Takashima, a former high school social studies (geography and history) teacher and textbook author, a teacher educator at the University of Ryukyus, has been leading study tours to Malaysia and Singapore for the last four decades,
At a memorial for the Chinese victims of the Imperial
Japanese Army, August 15, 2014, in Kuala Lumpur,
with Takashima and his study tour members 
researching, documenting and publishing on the history of the region, particularly the massacre by the Imperial Japanese Army of tens of thousands of Chinese residents in the region, during the Japanese Army’s invasion and occupation from December 1941 to August 1945. 

Professor TAKASHIMA has published widely in the areas of history education, textbook issues, war responsibilities and war memory, including those of Okinawa. When he was in graduate school at Tokyo University of Education (now Tsukuba University), he was a student of late Saburo IENAGA, who is internationally known for the “Ienaga Textbook Lawsuits,” the three-decades struggle from 1960s to 90s against the Japanese government’s screening of the textbooks he authored. 

Professor TAKASHIMA also fought a separate textbook lawsuit from 1993 to 2005, over the description of the media control over events such as Emperor Hirohito’s death and the First Gulf War. In Vancouver, Professor TAKASHIMA will talk about his decades of collaboration with people in Malaysia and Singapore in learning and sharing memory of the war, as an example of grass-roots peace and reconciliation building in the Asia-Pacific region. We believe that such event will be significant in multi-cultural Vancouver with many of its residents closely connected to Asia, and we look forward to having cooperation and support from individuals and organizations who agree to the intent of this event. 

Professor TAKASHIMA also has a family connection to Vancouver – his father was the first principal of Steveston Japanese School, established in 1911. This is professor Takashima’s first public lecture tour in North America. 

  Professor Takashima will speak in Japanese and consecutive translation into English will be provided.

Please Support our Event!

-    DONATION: send a $20 cheque (payee: Vancouver Save Article 9) or any amount to: Mr. W. Matsuda, 9840 Francis Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 1B3

-    CONTACT our committee at for volunteering opportunities and other inquiries.

Visit our event blog:




  Women Transforming Cities代表、元バンクーバー市議会議員

日時:20151017日 (土)

会場:The Unitarian Church of Vancouver
949 West 49th Avenue Vancouver
 (Oak and 49th)






― 寄附:$20ドル(またはご希望の金額;チェックの宛名:Vancouver Save Article 9)のチェックを下記の住所までお送り下さい: W. Matsuda 9849 Francis Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 1B3

ー ボランティアをしてくださる方はご連絡下さい。



Here is the event flyer. チラシです↓