
Friday, July 10, 2009

Japanese media reports the Open Letter to the Emperor and Empress

Kyoto News Agency reported the open letter to the emperor. Please click the link to see the full text in Japanese, which is quoted below. See under the Japanese news for the English translation.

As far as we have searched on the web on July 13, the newspapers that ran the Kyodo news include:
Tokyo Shimbun/Chunichi Shimbun/Shizuoka Shimbun/Nishinippon Shimbun/Nagasaki Shimbun/Kumamoto-nichinichi Shimbun/Sanyo Shimbun/San-in Chuo Shimbun/Kitanippon Shimbun/Kobe Shimbun/Shimotsuke Shimbun/Chiba Nippo/Shikoku Shimbun/Kahoku Shimpo/Yamagata Shimbun/Iwate Nippo/... the list goes on.

(Links may be lost after a certain number of days.)


陛下に「慰霊続けて」 アジア系団体が公開書簡



The following is the English translation of the Kyodo news:

Asian organization sends an Open Letter to the Emperor and Empress, asking them to continue visits to war memorial sites

(Toronto, July 9th, Kyodo) On July 9th, several Asian and other civil organizations in Vancouver, on the West Coast of Canada, published an Open Letter to the Emperor and Empress who are visiting Canada, through the Consulate General of Japan. In this letter, these Canadian organizations requested the Emperor and Empress to continue paying tribute to the victims of the war initiated by Japan.
The Emperor and Empress are visiting Vancouver, where many residents are Asian immigrants. The open letter was co-signed by the Chinese-Canadian Canada ALPHA (Association for Learning & Preserving the History of WWII in Asia), Peace Philosophy Centre(a peace organization represented by a Japanese-Canadian), and other organizations including Korean and Filipino ones. These groups are involved with activities regarding the post-war compensation issues and the "comfort women" issue.

This Open Letter points out that "the Japanese Parliament has yet to pass a resolution that fully admits and apologizes for Japan’s responsibility for the loss and suffering of the victims of the Asia-Pacific War." The Open Letter welcomes the Emperor and Empress to Canada, recognizes their reconciliatory efforts, saying "we are aware and appreciative of how much you have demonstrated a commitment to peace and history issues."
Furthermore, this Open Letter appealed for the imperial couple's "support of the endeavours to keep Article 9 intact in the spirit of peace."

1 comment:

  1. 天皇陛下が居ないからと言って、衆議院解散を見送る精神は日本の民主主義の汚れ。別に衆議院解散に天皇は要らないし、天皇陛下本人もこの時期のご旅行はもっと考えるべきであった。衆院の任期が切れることくらい解っていたはずだし、スケジュールの変更だって十分可能であったはず。天皇が居ないからと、言い訳にされては困る。
