
Monday, September 28, 2009

Hiroshima/Nagasaki Event by Canadian Students 広島長崎、カナダ学生による報告イベント

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Beyond

- Exploring the History, Sharing Stories, Looking to the Future-

Sponsored and Organized by: Peace Philosophy Centre

Date and Time: 5:00 - 7:30 PM, Saturday, October 3, 2009

Place: Room B, Roundhouse Community Centre, Vancouver, BC

RSVP: Email by October 2

Free Admission; Non-alcoholic beverages and light snacks provided; snack donations are welcome; parking available at the community centre parking and on streets)

**A-bomb Exhibit Panels donated by Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, with the special cooperation of David Laskey, whose late wife Kinuko was a Hibakusha Survivor from Hiroshima, will be displayed at the event.

** This event is supported by Vancouver Save Article 9, an organization working for preservation and realization of Article 9, the war-renunciation clause of the Japanese Constitution.

Part I: Hiroshima and Nagasaki
(A-bombing history, victims' experiences, non-Japanese victims, peace museums)

Part II: Beyond Hiroshima/Nagasaki
(Peace tour experience for US., Japanese, and Canadian students; movements for nuclear abolition)

Presentations will be followed by discussion.

Six Canadian students participated in the Ritsumeikan/American University tour to Hiroshima and Nagasaki from July 31 to August 10, to attend the memorial ceremonies for the victims of the atomic-bombing on August 6 and 9. They made the journey to learn the history of WWII, specifically the first use of the nuclear weapons on the two cities, to hear the experiences of hibakusha (A-bomb victims), and to learn the current movements for nuclear disarmament and abolition.

This student-led event is to share our precious experience with the wider community. We ask you to join our call for action for a world free of nuclear weapons, which U.S. President Barack Obama pledged for in his Prague speech on April 6.

The students who will be leading the event will be Rowan Arundel (UBC Graduate), Arc Han (UBC), Shoko Hata (SFU), Uli Ng (Royal Roads Univ.), Julie Nolin (Royal Roads Univ.), Meg Serizawa (SFU), Satoshi Watanabe (Ritsumeikan Univ.), and Harry Teng (Royal Roads Graduate).

It will be a special evening of mutual learning and sharing.

Love and peace,

Satoko Norimatsu
Director, Peace Philosophy Centre

Sunday, September 27, 2009

White Rock Meeting Report - on Food and Safety

Report of the White Rock Meeting on September 12

Food and Safety by Guest Speaker Mariko Ishikawa

Report By Kyoko Hara




* 10%運動
オーガニックライフサークルのモットーは、「できることからやろう!」 だそうです。食品の危険性を指摘するだけでなく、より美味しいものを捜していくという前向きな姿勢が大切ですと、まりこさん。そこで”10%運動”。10ドル買っているもののうち1ドルをオーガニック品にしてみる、10品買っているもののうち1品をオーガニック品にしてみるという試みです。こうしていくうちに、本来の食べ物の美味しさに気付くことができれば良し。10%が20~30%になることもあるかもしれません。まずは、できることから。

* 70~80年前にあった物かどうかを考えて選ぶ
第二次大戦(1945年終了)後、アメリカで集約農業がはじまりました。飢えた人々を養うために合理化した農業を追求した結果、そこで生産効率をあげるために使われだしたのが大量の農薬と化学肥料でした。確かに合理的ではありますが、人体に有害であることはもちろん、化学肥料をどんどん使用することによって、 土壌が力を失っていくなどの問題も指摘されています。このような集約農業が始まる前(約70年前)に、すでにあったものを選ぶというのはわかりやすい指標です。買い物のときに、原材料等をチェックしてみると良いと思います。

* 価格について

* 地産地消

* ”オーガニック”は、人権を守る農業

* 消費者としての自覚
”Fair Trade”を、ご存知ですか? 大企業などによる不当な搾取に対抗し、経済的にも社会的にも弱い立場の人々を守り、公正な貿易をしようという動きです。”Fair Trade”マークのついた商品を見たことのある方も、多くいらっしゃると思います。また、”Ocean Wise”という、海を大切にしながらその資源を利用しようというプログラムがあります。”Ocean Wise”協賛のレストランでは、近海物の魚などを使い、海洋に負担の少ない形をとる努力をしています。 私たち消費者が支持することによって、これらの運動はさらに前進することができます。「消費者が一番チカラを持っているのです。消費者が選んだものが残っていくのですから。消費者の選択によって、社会が変わっていくことができるのです。」と、まりこさん。 いつもは何気なく買い物をしてしまいがちですが、自覚を持って商品を選んでいくことの大切さを痛感します。自分たちの食べているものが、「誰に」、「どこで」、「どのように」作られているかということを考えることは、大事なことですね。

残念ながら現在の私たちの食生活は、生産効率や安い価格を追求した結果、大企業によってコントロールされつつあります。(食物だけでなく、水源さえも企業が抑えようとしているというコワイ話もあります。)ここに一石を投じることができるのは、私たち消費者の自覚なのかもしれません。 * 結論として。。。 オーガニックは、自分自身のためだけでなく環境、人権、平和のために大切です。まず、10%運動をすすめてみましょう!

* * * * * * * 「”身体に聞く”ことが、大切ですね。食材、食べる量なども、体調に注意しながら身体と相談しながらやっていくことです。食生活であっても何であっても、否定からではなく肯定的に生きていくことが本当の意味で健康なのではないでしょうか。」と、おっしゃるまりこさん。”食”という枠を越えて、ステキな信念をもって人生を歩まれている方だな~と思いました。質問や意見交換(そして笑いもたくさん)を交えながら、とても楽しく有意義な時となりました。 石川まりこさん、どうもありがとうございました!


(報告:原京子) 京子さん、ご報告を わかりやすくまとめてくださり、ありがとうございました。大変なお仕事でした。お礼まで。 真理子

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dr. Kuwayama's Visit to Vancouver

Dr. Norihiko Kuwayama is a Japanese psychiatrist who travels around the world visiting areas of conflict and providing medical and psychiatric care. Peace Philosophy Centre was a supporting organization of the film screening of Kuwayama's "Travelling for Gratitude" on May 24, attended by 400 people. Kuwayama and Akiko Goto, Director-General of his office Frontline, visited Vancouver last weekend, and Kuwayama's supporters in Vancouver held a potluck dinner, hosted by Tatsuo Kage, a historian and human rights activist.

Kuwayama will be coming back to Vancouver in September 2010, to hold a concert "Frontline For Peace" at a major theatre in Lower Mainland and at some schools. I am sure Kuwayama's passion and creativity will touch and inspire thousands of people!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

North Korean A-bomb Survivors

Little has been reported about the North Korean hibakusha (A-bomb victims).

A total of nearly 1,911 hibakusha were identified by the end of 2007 in North Korea, according to the May 3, 2008 report by the Japan Times. About 80% of those hibakusha have passed away.

According to a recent report by Chugoku Newspaper, Hiroshima Medical Association announced that they decided to postpone the health examination of hibakusha in North Korea. The Japanese government intensified the sanctions against North Korea, following their nuclear test at the end of May. The government notified the Hiroshima Medical Association that under the current circumstances,private-level exchange programs would not be possible. According to the Hiroshima Medical Association, there are approximately 380 hibakusha in North Korea. Japan does not have a diplomatic relation with the country,so these people are left out from all the government assistance programs for hibakusha. Dr. Shizuteru Usui, President of Hiroshima Medical Association says, "Hibakusha are hibakusha, wherever they are. We would like to continue to work with the government so that we can visit North Korea by next summer."

(This is an English summary of the Chugoku Newspaper article that appeared in the morning edition of September 8, 2009. )

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Japanese Political Parties' Views on the "Nuclear Umbrella"

The NGO Network of ICNND (International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament) conducted a survey with the major Japanese political parties about their position on the issue of U.S. "nuclear umbrella" over Japan. See the result in Japanese and in English at the below link. The result was released on August 14, two weeks before the general election in which DPJ, the Democratic Party of Japan, won a landslide victory.

What we should watch for is the view of the new coalition government,especially DPJ, the overwhelming majority of it, and SDP, a minor but a party that's strongly committed to nuclear abolition, and is clear about immediate departure from the nuclear umbrella.

DPJ is, like on some other foreign policy/security issues, is ambiguous about this issue.

"NU" is a short for "nuclear umbrella."

- wants to claim its autonomy in utilizing the NU. This is in line with their manifesto that they want to form a more equal relationship with the U.S. Different from LDP that never minds being a U.S.'s pet puppy.

- wants to carefully examine the role of NU with the US, but within the vision of nuclear non-proliferation/disarmament/abolition. Again, different from LDP that accepts status quo.

- avoided answering directly on the question of "no first use," but wants to work with Obama for no-use of nukes including use as threat.

- thinks regional non-nuclear and peace framework is prerequisite for departing from NU, for example, establishment of Northeast Asia Nuclear-free Zone. This is consistent with their manifesto.

Related to the last point, DPJ wants to build closer ties with China and the rest of Asia, and wants to make sure that it is not a defiant gesture against the U.S. There is a perception that under the DPJ-led government, China and Japan, which in total possess near 50% of U.S.bonds, working together will signify a major global power-shift, posing a threat to the U.S. Efforts to prevent such perception are apparent in recent speeches by Hatoyama and Chinese officials. Through the long negotiation between DPJ and SDP, the coalition government's policy agreement announced yesterday included the revision of Status of Forces Agreement and termination of the SDF's refuelling mission in the Indian Ocean. U.S. immediately expressed a strong concern over these issues. We should look forward to the first Obama-Hatoyama talk will be held at the end of this month concurrent with the U.N. General Assembly.

The Network concludes from this survey that

- At the time when the U.S.'s nuclear policy is going through changes based on Obama's Prague Speech in April 2009, Japanese people and leaders will be confronted this fall with decisions around Japan's long-standing "nuclear umbrella" policy and its dependence on the U.S. Japan's attitude will be one of the key factors that will influence and determine whether the U.S.'s NPR (Nuclear Posture Review) will reflect Obama's vision of "a world free of nuclear weapons." The result of the survey suggests that Obama's new vision made significant impacts on Japanese policyholders. For example, LDP had always dismissed the proposal of a "no-first-use" policy calling it unrealistic, but all of the other parties are becoming increasingly aware of the urgency of this issue and necessity for building concrete strategies around this issue. The Network calls each of these parties for adoption of"no-first-use" proposal for Nuclear Weapon States, and urges the Japanese leaders and citizens to work towards the establishment of"Northeast Asia Nuclear-free Zone."

ICNND was established in 2008 as a Japan-Australia initiative for nuclear disarmament and abolition, endorsed by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. It is a joint governmental initiative co-chaired by Gareth Evans and Yoriko Kawaguchi, both former Foreign Minister of respective countries. ICNND will hold its 4th international conference in Hiroshima in October.

Satoko Norimatsu

Friday, September 04, 2009

Dr. Yasunori Takazane's Speech on August 9, 2009, in Nagasaki 2009年8月9日長崎原爆朝鮮人犠牲者追悼早朝集会メッセージ

Dr. Yasunori Takazane, Director of Oka Masaharu Memorial Nagasaki Peace Museum, also represents the Association for Advocating Human Rights of the Zainich Koreans in Nagasaki. Every year on the early morning of August 9th, Dr. Takazane gives a keynote speech at the memorial ceremony held in front of the monument for Korean A-bomb victims in Nagasaki. Here is Dr. Takazane's speech on August 9, 2009. This is in Japanese only, but hopefully we will post the English and Korean versions or summaries soon. We, the group of Ritsumeikan University, American University, and Canadian university students attended this early morning ceremony.











長崎在日朝鮮人の人権を守る会代表 高 實 康 稔

Thursday, September 03, 2009

White Rock Meeting September 2009 ホワイトロックの会のお知らせ

The White Rock Group has been hosting bi-monthly meetings on various topics on peace and sustainability. This month, we will welcome Mariko Ishikawa, from Organic Life Circle. Mariko will share her rich knowledge of food and safety. The meeting will take place at 1:30 PM, Saturday September 12th. For more information, email


9月のホワイトロックの会は オーガニックライフサークルの石川まり子さんに 来ていただくことにしました。

私達は 毎日 家族の健康を考えながら 台所に立ち 食事を支度をしています。台所を預かる者として 私達が知っておきたい食の安全を中心にまり子さんに 話をすすめていただこうと思っています。石川まり子さんは とても 気さくな方で お話もおもしろく きっと 楽しい会が持てると思います。常日ごろ 食に関して 疑問に思っていることや 参加される他の皆さんと 分かち合いたい情報などがありましたら どうぞ お聞かせください。

日時: 9月12日 土曜日 1時30分
参加希望の方は にご連絡ください。場所をお教えします。
