(下の方に日本語解説があります。12月17日付の「きっこのブログ」に日本語の部分が引用されました。また、翻訳家 平和活動家の池田香代子さんのブログにも引用されました。池田さんのブログの方には、私がここで引用しているクローリー国務省次官補の12月15日の記者会見の日本語による要約も出ております。この要約の翻訳はサトウマキコさんによるものです)
Much has been discussed around the Futenma Air Station relocation plan. The Japanese media, from left to right, has been busy creating an impression (i.e. lying) that the U.S. is angry over Hatoyama Administration's indecision. There are numerous examples, but let's look at what happened today, and let's get to the source of it, the daily press briefing of Phillip Crowley, Assistant Secretary of State. Somehow this interviewer, whom Phillip Crowley calls "Matt," is desperate to get some, or any negative response from Crowley as if he would be killed by his wife if he went home empty-handed. Now my question is who that wife is! Anybody who has an idea, let me know.
Japanese media horizontally reported Crowley expressed a firm US Government's attitude to refuse to renegotiate the 2006 accord. He started his answers with "I defer to the Government of Japan..." and ends it with "we are happy to oblige." A 10-year-old would know that this is not about refusal; this is about cooperation. We should replace all the Japanese correspondents in Washington with my daughter's classmates and put those people in the Grade 3 classroom of the elementary school she attends.
日本のメディアは横並びで「海兵隊トップのコンウェー司令官は普天間先送りを「遺憾」」としたと報道している。「国務省のクローリー次官補(広報担当)も同日の記者会見で、移設先修正をめぐる再交渉には応じない考えを重ねて示した。 」(共同)このクローリー氏と「マット」と呼ばれる記者のやり取りを見てほしい。「再交渉に応じない」などとはどこにも書いていない。まず 「I will defer to the Government of Japan to describe its position」(日本政府にその立場を表明することを任せる)と始めている。 2006年「ロードマップ」に沿う意向、引き続き協議を重ねる姿勢、沖縄の問題が複雑で日本側にも時間が必要なことに対する理解を示し、最後には 「We'd be happy to oblige.」 ((日本側がもっと時間が必要というのなら)喜んで従います))とまで言っているのだ。「任せる」から始まり「従う」に終わったこの話のどこから「再交渉に応じない考えを重ねて示す」という、あたかも強硬的な態度を取ったかのような解釈ができるのだろうか。そして、この、何か収穫(日本政府の普天間決定延期に対する否定的な反応)を持って帰らないと奥さんに殺されるといった勢いの記者は一体何者か。その「奥さん」は誰なのか。心当たりのある人は教えてほしい。
Source: US State Department Website
Excerpts from the briefing where Crowley is asked about the Futenma issue and the US reaction to Hatoyama's decision to postpone the decision to mid-2010.
QUESTION: Thank you. I would like to ask about the U.S. base realignment issue in Japan, so-called Futenma issue. The Japanese – the Government of Japan officially made a decision today that not – will not to make a decision sometime and will continue to consider where to relocate. And what is the government’s response of that?
MR. CROWLEY: I mean, I will defer to the Government of Japan to describe its position. We have been in consultations with the Government of Japan on this issue since the new government came into office. I think we had discussions today with Japanese officials and our Ambassador in Tokyo. We will continue to discuss this issue with the Government of Japan going forward.
QUESTION: Just to follow up, Japanese Government is saying that they might decide by next year, May or June, but U.S. officials are saying that they want answer as soon as possible. And also, at the same time, there may be talk of moving those into Guam. Is there any --
MR. CROWLEY: Well, there is an agreement that the United States reached with the previous Japanese government. We still think that roadmap is the best way forward and we’ll continue to consult closely with the Government of Japan as it works its way through this issue.
QUESTION: And also, are you in touch with the regional countries? It might affect them also to move.
MR. CROWLEY: I think that the – our presence of military forces in Okinawa is a manifestation of primarily our U.S.-Japanese bilateral relationship and alliance. Obviously, it does have regional ramifications, but I think that most people continue to appreciate the robust U.S. presence in the region.
QUESTION: Can I just – on this whole thing, is it not a little bit frustrating that it’s taking the Japanese – the new Japanese Government so long to --
MR. CROWLEY: We will continue to work with them. We understand that these are complex issues for them. They’re getting up to speed on a range of issues. I don’t think it --
QUESTION: Well, don’t you think they’ve had enough time to get up to speed on this considering – I mean, Campbell’s been over there how many times?
MR. CROWLEY: A couple.
QUESTION: Yeah. And they’ve had people here. So what’s --
MR. CROWLEY: We’ll continue to work with them.
QUESTION: So you’re prepared to draw this out – you’re prepared to let them drag this out indefinitely?
MR. CROWLEY: Well, we – I mean, we have a roadmap. We’re continuing to plan based on that roadmap, but we’ll continue to have our high-level consultations with the Japanese in the coming weeks and months.
QUESTION: Are you sure you want to use the word “roadmap?” In other contexts – (laughter) – that roadmap really leads to nowhere. So is that what you’re prepared --
MR. CROWLEY: If it leads to Guam. (Laughter.)
QUESTION: No, I’m serious. P.J., I’m serious.
MR. CROWLEY: Matt --
QUESTION: How long are you prepared to let the Japanese drag this out?
MR. CROWLEY: We recognize that our presence in Okinawa has an impact on the people of that island and is of significant importance and interest to the Japanese people. We’ll continue to work with the Japanese Government.
QUESTION: But that doesn’t answer the question. How long are you prepared to let them drag this out?
MR. CROWLEY: Matt --
QUESTION: What? It’s a simple question.
MR. CROWLEY: Let the record show that the spokesman shrugged. (Laughter.)
QUESTION: So you don’t know?
QUESTION: You don’t know? This could go on indefinitely and that doesn’t bother the Administration?
MR. CROWLEY: I wouldn’t characterize this as an indefinite conversation. The Japanese Government has indicated to us that they’d like a little more time to work through these issues and we’re happy to oblige.
("Matt" concedes and after moving onto other topics, he comes back again!)
QUESTION: Can we go back to Japan basement issue? Actually, the Government of Japan is considering to find a new location of Futenma basement, and it is totally different from the (inaudible). And my question is: Can the U.S. --
MR. CROWLEY: Or the planet.
QUESTION: Can the U.S. Government accept that?
MR. CROWLEY: There is an existing plan and it – we think it is the best way forward, but as I said earlier, we will continue to discuss this with the Government of Japan.
QUESTION: Yeah. All of us know that the roadmap is the best plan, but actually, the Government of Japan is considering the new location. So my question is --
MR. CROWLEY: I understand that. And we will continue to discuss the issue with the Government of Japan.
これも踊らされているトンデモナイ話ですね。 聡子さん、貴重な情報ありがとうございます。
普天間移転に関して日本政府が早急に回答しないということでアメリカが鳩山政権に苛立ち、日米関係は悪化しているとまで最近の主要メディアが報道している一方、鳩山首相の“時間をかけて”という発言との食い違いに、何かきな臭い不自然さを感じて気になってました。 事実を事実として報道すべき報道の理念から悦脱し圧力に屈し誘導するマスゴミは許せません!
kyutono9 said
NO DU のメーリングリストに来た、前田さんという方がまとめた資料集が秀逸です。特にこの日テレ番組での伊波市長の説明は、とてもわかりやすかったです。
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