
Sunday, January 31, 2010

DoD Geoff Morell Press Conference on January 27 1月27日国防総省 モレル報道官記者会見



Q Geoff, do you have a specific schedule of Assistant Secretary Chip Gregson's coming trip to Tokyo? And what is the goal of this trip? And do you expect any development of Futenma issue?

MR. MORRELL: I understand he's going to Tokyo -- I think today, arriving tomorrow. I think he'll be there until mid next week. I think there's a -- there are two -- there are two things that he's doing. I think at one hand, in Tokyo, I think he's participating in the SSC (sic) -- which is what again? Security --

STAFF: It’s right up above that. Security consultative talks.

MR. MORRELL: Yeah, something. All right. The Security Consultative Committee. So he's going to participate in that. And then he's also going to be in Okinawa to continue discussions with Okinawan officials about realignment, Futenma replacement and so forth.

Q (Off mike.)

MR. MORRELL: So that's the -- that's the agenda for that particular trip.


(Cross talk, laughter.)

Q Thank you. Satoshi Ogawa, Yomiuri Shimbun.

New Nago mayor was elected last Sunday. And he announced that he would reject any new base construction in Nago, including the current FRF (Futenma Replacement Facility) plan.

So does the U.S. government keep its position with the current FRF plan is the best and only operationally capable plan? And Japanese government is looking for a new location for FRF, so I’m wondering if the U.S. government is ready to renegotiate FRF plan?

MR. MORRELL: Yeah, I would just say in a generic sense that we have heard the prime minister and understand his timetable to address this between now and May. We continue to work with the Japanese government in the interim on that issue, as well as a range of others.

And you know, our relationship extends well beyond just Futenma replacement. I mean, it is -- it is of paramount importance to both of us that we continue to have a strong bilateral relationship particularly on the security side.

It is to both our benefit. It's to the region's benefit. And so we deal with each other on a host of other issues beyond Futenma replacement. So any sense that there is some sort of preoccupation with this, and we're paralyzed by it, and the relationship is frozen as a result of it, I think, is just overblown.(普天間問題を超えて日米関係を重要視していくことは)双方の国にとって有益である。(アジア太平洋)地域にとっても有益である。普天間問題をこえてさまざまな問題にお互いに取り組んでいく。だからこの問題にだけにかかりきりになっているとか、我々が麻痺状態にあるとか、日米関係がこれのおかげで凍結状態になっているとかいう認識があるとしたらそれは誇張としか言いようがない。

We're talking. We continue to talk about a number of other things. And we continue to work the Futenma replacement issue. It's an important one. It's a fundamental part of the base realignment that we have both agreed to.

We understand the timetable the prime minister is working under. We respect it. We'll work with it. And, but we still do believe fundamentally that the road map is the best plan for reducing the burden on the island of Okinawa and as it's been constructed.

That said, we continue to work with our friends in Japan.


Q Thanks.








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