日本政府が子どもに年間20ミリシーベルトまでの被曝を許容している問題で、国際的批判が高まっています。全投稿ではIPPNW(核戦争防止国際医師会議)の高木文相への書簡を紹介しましたが、4月26日、米国の「社会的責任のための医師の会(Physicians for Social Responsibility)」(PSR)がワシントンのナショナル・プレス・クラブで記者会見を開いたときのビデオリンクを紹介します。本当は書き起こして記録するべき重要な内容ですが、今回は伊藤夏子さんがまとめてくれたいくつかの要点を紹介します。下方には、4月29日のPSR声明文 (日英語版、FoE Japan サイトより転載)と Sankei Biz の報道を紹介します。
27:00-33:23 福島について (この部分全文書き起こし翻訳を下記に追加)
放射線に安全レベルはないとする米国国立科学アカデミーBEIR VII報告書の結論は、医学界、科学界が広く合意するところである。自然放射線を含め、いかなる被曝も発ガンリスクを高める。BEIR VII報告書は、我々が安全の閾値と聞かされている100ミリシーベルトの放射線量は100分の1の発ガンリスクがあると結論づけている。これは一人の人にとっては比較的小さなリスクのように思えるかもしれないが、100人がこの線量を浴びれば一人がガンになる。100万人がこの線量を浴びれば1万人がガンになる。これが、人々が被曝しても良い安全の閾値とみなされることは断じてない。
福島の大事故は、原子炉がもたらす差し迫った危険、進行中の危険を我々に知らせてくれている。カンター博士(?) が数分前に説明してくれた避難計画は絶対不可欠で、原発周辺に暮らす人々にはより良い計画が必要である。しかし、博士も述べたように、これらの避難計画は大勢の人を守るものではない。なぜなら、ニューヨークの7千万人、首都ワシントン・ボルティモア地域、あるいは、シカゴの800万人といった人々を避難させることは、無理だからだ。むしろ、そのような事態がそもそも起こらないよう対策を講じるべきである。PSRは人々の健康を守るため、米国政府に次の4つの対策を求める。
第二に、アルバデス(?) 博士の提案にならって、使用済み燃料プールの改良、および、稼働中の原子炉における燃料貯蔵の防護を求める。
Since the beginning of the Fukushima disaster on March 11th, we have been told repeatedly by industry spokesmen and government officials that the radiation discovered in the air, drinking water and food is safe, or it does not pose a threat to public health. Specifically, we have been told repeatedly that 100mSv is a threshold below which there is “no detectable health effect”. Unfortunately, this is not true.
It is the consensus of the medical and scientific community, summarized in the National Research Council’s BEIR VII report Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation VII, that there is no safe level of radiation. Any exposure, including exposure to naturally occurring background radiation, creates an increased risk of cancer. Specifically, the BEIR VII report concluded that a 100mSv dose which we are told as a safe threshold confers a 1/100 risk of getting cancer. That may seem like relatively small risk for one person, but if a 100 people were exposed to this dose, one of them will get cancer. If a million people are exposed to this dose, 10,000 of them will get cancer. And there is no way in the world that this should be considered a safe threshold that is okay to expose people to.
Besides the fact that there is no safe level of radiation, there are two other aspects of radiation exposure that we need to understand to properly evaluate the risk to public health.
First, not all people exposed to radiation are affected the same way. Women are more susceptible to cancer causing effects of radiation than men are, and children are much more vulnerable than adults and fetuses are even more vulnerable. Given this, it is particularly shocking that the Japanese government has decided to raise the permissible amount of radiation that children of Fukushima prefecture can be exposed to. The new limit that they are proposing, 20mSv a year, corresponds in adult population to 1 in 500 risk of cancer.
For children, this risk is probably 2 or 3 times greater. Meaning that if this policy is in fact put into effect, something like one in 200 children will get cancer as the direct result of this exposure.
Secondly, radiation from internal beam, we need to understand, is very different from external beam radiation. If you are standing next to a source of external radiation like a fuel rod, you are exposed to the radiation as long as you are standing next to a fuel rod. But if you move away, the radiation exposure stops. On the other hand, if you inhale or ingest a particle of radioactive material, that particle would continue to irradiate your body for as long as it remains radioactive and it remains in your body. Unfortunately, there are a number of radioactive elements produced in large quantities in nuclear reactors which are biologically active. They are actively taken up by the body and stored in tissue. Iodine 131 is the one which is the most familiar to people; it is concentrated in thyroids and causes thyroid cancer. Cesium 137 behaves like potassium. It is absorbed and distributed throughout the body. And because it has a half-life of 30 years; it causes long-term irradiation of the body and causes many different kinds of cancer. Strontium 90 is chemically similar to calcium; it is deposited in bone and remains there with a radioactive half-life of 29 years and a biological half-life of about 30 years. It causes bone cancer and leukemia. Plutonium 239 with a half-life of 24,200 years is carcinogenic if it is inhaled in microscopic quantities. These long lived radio isotopes remain dangerous for centuries and in a case of plutonium, for hundreds and thousands of years.
The disaster of Fukushima has been a painful reminder to us all of imminent and ongoing danger posed by nuclear reactors. The kinds of evacuation planning which Doctor Cantor (?) described a few minutes ago are absolutely essential and we need to begin to have better plans to evacuate people living around nuclear reactors. But as he made clear, these plans are not going to protect large numbers of people needed that would be affected because we simply can’t evacuate 70 million people from New York or 5 million people from Washington, Baltimore area if there is an accident in Calvert Cliffs or 8 million people from Chicago if there is an accident at XXX. Rather, we need to take other measures to prevent this from happening in the first place and PSR is calling on the United States to adopt the 4 following steps which we believe necessary to protect health of our patients.
First, we call the United States government to suspend operations at nuclear reactors in the United States which the design is similar to the affected reactors in Japan and reactors sited on fault lines until a safety review can be conducted at each of these plants.
Secondly, we call on the government to upgrade spent fuel pools and harden onsite fuel storage for all operating reactors along the lines suggested by doctor Alverdez (?).
Third, we call on the government to implement a moratorium on new nuclear reactor licensing and designs certification and to reject the renewal of any licenses for existing, excuse me, to reject a renewal for any licenses for existing reactors until all the lessons of the Fukushima accident are fully understood.
And finally, we call on the government to eliminate the subsidies for new reactors, especially loan guarantees, and to invest instead in clean renewable energy sources that can meet today’s energy needs.
The world has suffered two level 7 radiation disasters. One in Chernobyl killed tens of thousands of people. The other at Fukushima is on-going, and we don’t know how much radiation ultimately will be released, and how extensive the health effects would be. We do not know exactly what form the next nuclear disaster will take. But we do know that it will happen. If we put enormous quantities of radioactive material in buildings in close proximity to millions of people, the systems which contain these radioactive materials must work perfectly. But we are human and we are fallible. And systems which we engineer, however good they are, are never perfect. We must not wait for third disaster to take the steps necessary to protect the public health.
35:35- 質疑応答(被爆の影響等、本質を突いています)
「影響がない」とはdetectable effectがないということ。将来ガンを
SankeiBiz より
米医師団体が声明 学校基準20ミリシーベルト「安全と言えぬ」
2011.5.3 05:00.
まともな神経なら、20 mSvという数字にはショックを受けるのでしょうね。私はICRPのClaire Cousins博士にこの件で日本政府の共犯者にならないでほしいと手紙を書きました。