
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 1, 2012: Okinawa's new "Day of Humiliation" - protest against forceful deployment of MV-22 Osprey 2012年10月1日、沖縄に新たな「屈辱の日」が加わった。「不退転の決意」を固める-オスプレイ強行配備に対する抗議文


Conference Opposing Heliport Construction is an organization of citizens who have fought against the plan to build a new US Marine base on the pristine natural environment of Henoko and Oura Bay, on the Northeastern shore of Okinawa Island, twenty percent of which is already occupied by US military bases. Here is their letter to protest against the recent forceful deployment of MV-22 Ospreys onto Okinawa. The citizens call the day of deployment a "new day of humiliation," referring to the day that many Okinawans still remember as the "Day of Humiliation" - April 28, 1952, the day when San Francisco Peace Treaty came into effect, detaching Okinawa from the rest of Japan to keep it under US military rule while the rest of Japan regained sovereignty after seven years of occupation. Translated by Gavan McCormack. See below for the Japanese version. Also see previous post on the call for Marines to boycott use of MV-22 Osprey. @PeacePhilosophy

October 11, 2012


The Right Honorable Prime Minister, Noda Yoshihiko
The Right Honorable the Minister of Defense, Morimoto Satoshi
The Right Honorable the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gemba Koichiro
The Right Honorable the US Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta
The Right Honorable the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton
The Right Honorable the US Ambassador to Japan, John V. Roos


Conference Opposing Heliport Construction
(Joint representatives: Ashitomi Hiroshi, Onishi Teruo)
1-10-18-202 Ominami, Nago shi, Japan 905-0015
Tel and Fax: 0980-53-6992 

Protest against the Forced Deployment of the Osprey and Request for its Removal

The date, October 1, 2012, becoming a new “Day of Humiliation” for Okinawa, is one we shall never forget, and of which we will speak to our children and grandchildren in years to come. 

Never before had such strong opposition been shown by Okinawan people and citizens, passing resolutions of opposition in the Prefectural Assembly and in all local electoral assemblies throughout the prefecture, issuing a statement of our united resolve “No!” to the deployment by a gathering of more than 100,000 people in an All-Okinawa Mass meeting, and even resorting to hunger strike. Yet the governments of Japan and the United States paid not the slightest attention but proceeded as if it had not existed, trampling upon it and enforcing the deployment of the Osprey to Futenma Marine Base. Okinawans shiver and are filled with foreboding at this terrible noise that has been brought to us. 

The government of Japan exposes to all and sundry its own “shame” by the forcible introduction of the Osprey, known in the United States as “flying shame.” Surely there is nobody any longer who would call the Japan that refuses to see the Okinawan people as human and enforces on them colonial policies a “democratic state.” 

Ever since we citizens of Nago made clear our “No” to the construction of a Futenma replacement base/new base at Henoko in the city plebiscite of 1997, we have stood firm against all the pressures, hard and soft, applied by the governments of Japan and the United States so that to this day not one nail has been driven into the beautiful sea of Henoko. The governments of Japan and the United States, anxious at the lack of progress on the construction of the base at Henoko designed for the Osprey, threaten the people of Okinawa that they will make Futenma “into a permanent base,” and brushing aside the fierce opposition of the whole prefecture, have now enforced the deployment of the Osprey to Futenma. 

The deployment to the “world’s most dangerous” base of Futenma of the dangerous Osprey that has been constantly involved in accidents and crashes already, in the words of the All-Okinawa Mass Meeting, goes “beyond the limits of the tolerable.” The imposition of a further weight to the base burden we already bear is a major crime that tramples on the human rights of the people of Ginowan City and Okinawa prefecture. And for the prefectural police to use violence to clear away the opposing and protesting people of Nago City and Okinawa prefecture is to add further crime to the already existing crimes, The proffering of excuses such as the baseless “assurance of [Osprey] safety” or the “China threat” as reasons for deployment are no more than excuses to try to cover up the shame. Prime Minister Noda’s October 1 statement “seeking the understanding of Okinawan people” and saying that “safety has been adequately assured” poured oil onto the anger of the Okinawan people. 

The government of Japan moves towards completion by the end of this year of the environmental assessment procedures so that it can commence proceedings for reclamation. Meanwhile, at Takae in Higashi village it proceeds to brush aside the anger of the people and move ahead by force with construction of the Osprey-pads for Osprey training. 

The stupidity, the brutality of the governments of Japan and the United States, stiffens our determination to not yield. The anger of the Okinawan people grows and it will be more than a match for the schemes of the governments of Japan and the United States.    

Our demands of the governments of Japan and United States are as follows: 

1. The immediate withdrawal of the Osprey deployed at Futenma base and their return to the United States

2. The closure and removal of Futenma base

3. The cessation of moves towards construction of a base at Henoko and the abandonment of construction

4. The immediate cessation of construction on the Takae Osprey pads and the abandonment of their construction


内閣総理大臣・野田佳彦 殿
防衛大臣・森本敏 殿
外務大臣・玄葉光一郎 殿
米国防長官・レオン・パネッタ 殿
米国務長官・ヒラリー・クリントン 殿
駐日米大使・ジョン・V・ルース 殿

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TELFAX 0980536992

















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