
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

カナダ(バンクーバー)で市民たちが南京大虐殺75年を祈念する集いを開催 Nanjing Massacre 75th Anniversary Commemorated in Canada (Vancouver & Toronto)

南京大虐殺事件75周年という大事な節目にあたってカナダ西海岸バンクーバーでは、作家のジョイ・コガワ氏をはじめ日系、中華系、ヨーロッパ系等さまざまな背景を持つ市民たち60人が12月9日、「ヒストリック・ジョイ・コガワ・ハウス」(代表作『OBASAN』―邦訳は『失われた祖国』という題で中公文庫から1998年に出版―で知られるコガワ氏が、戦時のカナダ政府による日系人強制収容の被害にあうまで幼少期を過ごした家が保存されている)に集まりました。その後発表したプレス・リリースの英語版、日本語版を以下に紹介します。On December 9, a gathering and a roundtable discussion were held to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre at the Historic Joy Kogawa House in Vancouver. See below for the press release that was issued following the event.

12月9日の催しには報道関係者も多数来ていました。報道された中で英語の記事は以下です。Media reports available in English

Global Times

中国語の記事は以下です。In Chinese

歌う "We Shall Overcome"

Press Release

December 11, 2012 

Community calls for observance of 75th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre

Representatives of Japanese and Chinese Canadian communities along with other concerned Canadians call for truth, reconciliation, and understanding in an effort to collaborate and move forward in a grassroots peace action. 

Sunday, December 9, more than 60 people crowded into the tiny living room at Historic Joy Kogawa House to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre and to start a historic roundtable discussion.  
The roundtable included the following discussants:

  • Joy Kogawa of Historic Joy Kogawa House
  • Theka Lit of BC Association for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (ALPHA)Judy Hanazawa and Tatsuo Kage of the Japanese Canadian Citizens Association Human Rights Committee
  • Satoko Norimatsu of Peace Philosophy Centre and Vancouver Save Article 9 Group
  • Bill Chu of Canadians for Reconciliation Society
  • Ellen Woodsworth, former Vancouver City Councillor

The goodwill expressed called for ongoing cooperation and understanding between Japanese and Chinese Canadians to overcome the tension between their home countries. The Japanese captured the Chinese city of Nanjing in December 1937. The Nanjing Massacre on December 13, 1937, led to the death of 250,000 to 300,000 people and the rape of 20,000 to 80,000 women and girls. The atrocity and unhealed historical wounds contributed to the longstanding tension between Japan and China, which flared recently over disputed ownership of islands in the East China Sea.

 “It is urgent that people of the world overcome old animosities in order to address dangers our planet faces today,” said Joy Kogawa. “Canada is a space where this can be demonstrated.”

“We need to be educated about and observe events like the Nanjing Massacre to honour those who were victimized, to call for justice for this inhumanity which affects us all, and most of all, to learn by working together, to create a world which will no longer allow this,” said Judy Hanazawa of the Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Cultural Association. 

“We have to work harder to help make the Nanjing Massacre penetrate into public consciousness,” stated Thekla Lit, president of BC Association for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (ALPHA).  “As Iris Chang, author of The Rape of Nanking, reminded us that unless we truly understand how these atrocities can happen, we can't be certain that it won’t happen again.”  

Satoko Norimatsu of the Peace Philosophy Centre said, “In Japan, unfortunately, Nanjing Massacre has been largely ignored, downplayed, or even negated. If there is any attention, it is often about the debate on how many people were killed. I believe on this commemorative day, we should simply put aside the debate and humbly and solemnly remember and reach our hearts to the victims of the horrendous crime.” 

“It is agonizing to see post-WW2 Japan being so misled by self-interests as to deny its WWII atrocities committed in Nanjing, China,” said Bill Chu of Canadians for Reconciliation Society. “As Christmas signifies peace and hope, let us try to seek liberation from untruths and reconciliation with neighbours, for the sake of our shared humanity.” 

The gathering at Historic Joy Kogawa House on December 9 was but one of numerous commemoration events to be held across the country. Toronto City Council has unanimously voted for a week of education around this historic event, proclaiming this to be Nanking Massacre Awareness Week.   

Participants at the gathering called for the public to observe the 75th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre on Thursday, December 13. 

For more information, or to interview Joy Kogawa, Judy Hanazawa, or Thekla Lit or any of the discussants listed above, please email or call 604-897-7438. 

Note to Editors:

1. Information on Historic Joy Kogawa House
Historic Joy Kogawa House is the former home of the Canadian author Joy Kogawa (born 1935). It stands as a cultural and historical reminder of the expropriation of property that all Canadians of Japanese descent experienced after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Between 2003 and 2006, a grassroots committee fundraised in a well-publicized national campaign, and with the help of TLC, The Land Conservancy of BC, a non-profit land trust, managed to purchase the house in 2006. The Historic Joy Kogawa House Society hosts a writer-in-residence for three months each year and sponsors writing workshops, educational tours, and reconciliation events.
Contact: Historic Joy Kogawa House Society: Ann-Marie Metten /
2. Information on JCCA Human Rights Committee
The Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens Association is a non-profit organization representing the Japanese Canadian community in Vancouver and the surrounding area. Established in 1990 as a standing committee of the JCCA, the Human Rights Committee has been dealing with human rights, race relations, and discrimination related issues. 

Contact: JCCA Human Rights Committee: Judy Hanazawa / 

3. Information on Peace Philosophy Centre
Peace Philosophy Centre was established on January 1, 2007, to promote the creation of peace by peaceful means, invites people with diverse opinions to enter into open dialogue and equal participation. It facilitates personal growth and leadership, and connects like-minded people locally, and around the world.

Contact: Peace Philosophy Centre: Satoko Oka Norimatsu /  

4. Information on BC Alpha
B.C. ALPHA (Association for Learning & Preserving the History of WW II in Asia) was established in January 1997 and works alongside other chapters of ALPHA across Canada to foster understanding, redress, and reconciliation related to the tragedies of World War II in Asia.  

Contact: BC Alpha: Thekla Lit / 

5. Information on Canadians For Reconciliation Society
Canadians For Reconciliation Society is a non-profit with a focus to reconcile the relationship between Canadians and Indigenous People, as well as the history between Canadians and Chinese. Its work with City of New Westminster resulted in the first formal apology to the Chinese community from a Canadian city for its past discriminatory policies.
Contact: Canadians For Reconciliation Society: Bill Chu /   


プレス・リリース日本語 Press Release in Japanese






  • ジョイ・コガワ(ヒストリック・ジョイ・コガワ・ハウス)
  • テクラ・リットBCALPHA、アジアにおける第二次世界大戦の歴史を学び保存する会)ジュディ・ハナザワ、鹿毛達雄(グレーター・バンクーバー日系カナダ市民協会人権委員会)
  • 乗松聡子(ピース・フィロソフィー・センター、バンクーバー九条の会)
  • ビル・チュー(和解のためのカナダ人協会)
  • エレン・ウッズワース(前バンクーバー市議会議員) 
この会では、日系と中華系のカナダ人が、日中( 中日)間の緊張を乗り越えるために引き続き協力と理解を推進していくことを目指す前向きの意向が表明されました。1937年12月13日に日本軍は南京城を攻略しました。南京大虐殺(日本語版注:文末参照)では25万人から30万人ともいわれる数の人が殺され、2万人から8万人に及ぶともいわれる女性たちや子どもたちが強姦されました。この残虐行為と癒されぬ歴史の傷跡はその後日中間に長い緊張関係をもたらし、最近では東シナ海におけるいくつかの島の領有権をめぐる論争をきっかけに過熱する結果となりました。








詳しい情報をお求めの方は、また、ジョイ・コガワ、ジュディ・ハナザワ、テクラ・リット他、上記の発言者にインタビューをご希望の場合、 Eメールか 604-897-7438に電話を下さい。 



犠牲者の数についての議論は同書218-228頁を参照。南京大虐殺事件をめぐる論争については笠原十九司『南京事件論争史―日本人は史実をどう認識してきたか』(平凡社新書、2007年)参照。日本政府は南京大虐殺について、「日本軍の南京入城(1937年)後、非戦闘員の殺害や略奪行為があったことは否定できないと考えています」(外務省HP )としている。 


1. ヒストリック・ジョイ・コガワ・ハウス
ヒストリック・ジョイ・コガワ・ハウスはカナダの作家、ジョイ・コガワ(1935年生)が昔住んでいた家です。1941年真珠湾攻撃後、全ての日系カナダ人が体験した[カナダ政府による]財産没収を文化的歴史的に記憶するために保存されています。2003年から2006年にかけて、草の根の努力で立ち上げられた委員会が全国的に保存のためのキャンペーンを行い、TLC(The Land Conservancy of BC )という非営利団体の助力により、2006年に家の購入をすることができました。ヒストリック・ジョイ・コガワ・ハウスは、毎年3か月間作家招聘プログラムを行い、執筆ワークショップ、見学ツアー、和解のためのイベント等を主催しています。
連絡先: Historic Joy Kogawa House Society: Ann-Marie Metten アン=マリー・メッテン/
2. JCCA 人権委員会

連絡先: JCCA Human Rights Committee: Judy Hanazawaジュディ・ハナザワ / 

3. ピース・フィロソフィー・センター

連絡先: Peace Philosophy Centre: Satoko Oka Norimatsu 乗松聡子/  

4. BC ALPHAの紹介
B.C. ALPHA (アジアにおける第二次世界大戦の歴史を学び保存する会) は1997年に、カナダ中にある他のALPHAの支部とともに設立された。会の目的は、アジアにおける第二次世界大戦中に起こった数々の悲劇に関して理解を深め、過去の不正を正すことと、和解を促進することである。 

連絡先: BC Alpha: Thekla Lit テクラ・リット/ 

5. 和解のためのカナダ人協会

連絡先: Canadians For Reconciliation Society: Bill Chu ビル・チュー/ 

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