
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Salon This Weekend: Special Guest Tatsuo Kage 鹿毛達雄さんを迎えて

Upcoming Peace Philosophy Salon

7 - 9:30 PM, Saturday November 28th

"My Life in Japan and Canada
- Growing up in Japan in and after the War, Working for the Japanese Canadian Redress, and for Reconciliation in Asia"

Special Guest Tatsuo Kage

For the upcoming salon, we will be privileged to have Tatsuo Kage, a historian and a human rights activist who has dedicated the past four decades in bringing justice and peace to the victims of WWII, including the Japanese Canadians who were sent to internment camps, and the Asian victims of the Japanese aggression. Tatsuo will share the photographs from his childhood in the war-time Japan to his recent activities, including his involvement with the Ienaga Textbook Lawsuit and with the establishment of the Article 9 group in Vancouver. Tatsuo's talk will be followed by a Q & A and discussion. All are welcome, and friends are welcome.

Peace Philosophy Centre, Vancouver, BC
(Email for direction)

* We will start the optional pizza social from 6PM. The cost will be about $5.

*RSVP: Email by November 27
(Please indicate whether you will join pizza or not)

*Free Admission. Donations to cover expenses are welcome. Snack donations are welcome.

Tatsuo Kage

Born in 1935, he was brought up in Tokyo. He studied European history at University of Tokyo and continued his graduate study at the University of Tubingen, Germany. As a professor he taught Political and Diplomatic History at Meiji Gakuin University in Tokyo. In 1975 he immigrated to Canada. For ten years he worked as a Bilingual Counsellor at MOSAIC, a multicultural immigrant and refugee settlement service agency in Vancouver.

In the 1980's he participated in the Redress movement for Japanese Canadians. In the early 1990’s he continued human rights work participating in the formation of Human Rights Committee in the Greater Vancouver JCCA and supporting redress for WWII victims.

His research work on Exiled Japanese Canadians after the end of WW II was published in 1998 in Tokyo. He participated in the writing of A Resource Guides for Teachers: Human Rights in the Asia Pacific War (1931-1945), published in 2001 by the BC Ministry of Education.


  1. I would like to learn more about exiled Japanese Canadians sent to Japan. I read that many could not speak Japanese because they were born and raised in Canada.

    It's as if they've disappeared into forgotten history.


  2. I will be happy to introduce Kage-san to you. I wish there were an English version of his book "Nikkei Canada jin no Tsuiho."
