
Thursday, January 07, 2010

An English Translation of December 21 Kyodo Report of Newly Discovered Evidences of "Comfort Stations" Throughout Asia

As I reported before, the new research conducted by the Center for Research and Documentation on Japan's War Responsibility (JWRC) newly discovered more evidences of "comfort stations" throughout Asia and the direct military involvement. Here is a more complete version of the news, provided by Hirofumi Hayashi, Professor at Kanto Gakuin University. The original Japanese version is below.

*** Description of "comfort stations" in 260 documents - war memoirs published in 1990's and after

According to a Kyodo News Agency report on December 20, 2009, The Center for Research and Documentation on Japan's War Responsibility (JWRC) discovered that about 260 documents published between 1990 and 2006, including personal notes written by those who experienced war, had concrete descriptions of "comfort stations" installed throughout different parts of Asia, "comfort women," and other sexual violence in the battlefields. Among those are reports of kenpeitai, or military police officers examining "comfort women" and drawings of "comfort stations."

JWRC went through about 2,000 documents, including battlefield diaries and personal memoirs, stored in the National Diet Library, from March to June this year. These documents were published during 1990's and after, when the former "comfort women" started to call for apologies and compensation from the Japanese government. Chuo University Professor Yoshiaki Yoshimi, who examined those documents points out that there are many specific details reported in these documents, including the deep military involvement with the sex slavery system.

This former military police (Kenpei) officer recalled the conversation when he interviewed Korean women. "When I asked these women, 'do you know what kind of job you are going to do?', many answered 'I am here to provide imon (see note) to soldiers.' Few of them were aware of that they would be having sex with those soldiers." (Translator's note: the Japanese word "imon" is often ambiguous in its meaning, and it is probably why it was used to describe the "job" of these women. "Imon" can mean providing entertainment, comfort, or simply paying friendly visits.)

This former military doctor who worked in Indonesia recorded the organizational structure of a comfort station, with the unit commanding officer at the top. This former private (joto-hei) who was stationed in China recorded, "(The comfort station) was virtually managed by the military," and "Two of the Japanese women among those sent there as military personnel were not needed, so they were made into 'comfort women.' I saw them crying."

There were also drawings of comfort stations in China, Rabaul, and Indonesia, of soldiers who were forming a long line to wait for their turn at a comfort station, and of the "comfort women" themselves.

Most of the documents with reference to the "comfort women" are personal memoirs, instead of public documents. Yoshimi suspects there was pressure within veterans' associations for not speaking out about the issue. The result of this research will be published in the December 2009 and March 2010 issues of "The Report on Japan's War Responsibility," the quarterly journal by JWRC.

*** 35 newly identified comfort stations - in locations including China and Indonesia

Among the 260 memoirs written by those who experienced war that JWRC discovered, the existence of the 35 comfort stations were newly discovered. Previously at least 700 were identified, in the research by private organizations. Yoshimi Yoshiaki, Professor of Chuo University who examined these materials said, "There should have been more comfort stations. There is still a lot of room for further research."

According to this new research, the newly-identified comfort stations included 24 in China, 3 in Indonesia, 2 in Taiwan and Myanmar, 1 in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Philippines.

This mountain artillery soldier who was stationed in China wrote, "In this garrison in Banjiehe (Hansaika) in the old Manchuria, there were a total of four, what we now call "comfort stations," and their names included Fujiya, Hanaya, and Ran."

2009年12月21日(月) 地方紙各紙に掲載(12月20日 共同通信配信) 

◎260冊に「慰安所」記述 90年以降出版の戦争手記


◎新たに35カ所の慰安所特定 中国やインドネシアに


1 comment:

  1. Tammy Mueller9:11 am


    Thank you so much for sending me this information. You did a great job with the translations. Work like yours is great appreciated as so much of this info is only written in Japanese. I know from experience how frustrating it is to find information while researching a topic such as this only to find that I cannot read most of it. I know that's mostly my fault for not learning Japanese quickly enough, but there are others out there who may be interested with no exposure to the Japanese language who would benefit from your translation.

    Please keep me up to date on any further news.
