
Monday, May 03, 2010

"I want to apologize to Okinawan People." 「沖縄の人々に陳謝したい。」

こんな裏切りというものがあるのだろうか。What a betrayal.

Photo from Ryukyu Shimpo.

"Overseas Impossible."

According to Rykyu Shimpo, May 4, Hatoyama flew in Okinawa with an SDF aircraft, and met with Governor Nakaima on the morning of May 4. Hatoyama told him that relocating Futenma overseas was "impossible," from the "deterrance perspective." It was "not realistic" to relocate it completely out of the prefecture either. "I would have to ask people of Okinawa to bear burden."

Nakaima responded merely by asking the Prime Minister to receive the Okinawan's voice sincerely and to try to reduce the burden of Okinawans and to eliminate the danger of Futenma Air Station.

Hatoyama arrived in Naha in a Self Defense Force aircraft at 9 AM, and went to pay tribute at the cemetery for the war-dead in Itoman City before he met with the Governor.

On the afternoon of the same day, he is scheduled to visit an elementary school near Futenma to talk to citizens, then to Nago, to meet with the anti-base mayor Inamine and to visit Camp Schwab.

For the first time since taking office, Hatoyama set his foot in Okinawa, in a military aircraft.

On the day after the 63rd anniversary of Japan's post-war Peace Constitution coming into effect, its Prime Minister virtually reinforced that Article 9 had never applied to Okinawa and it never would.

Eleven days before the 38th anniversary of Okinawa't return to Japan, Okinawans were told that it would always stay as a military colony.

Only 9 days after the historic rally in which Okinawans once again opposed to a new base, a plan to build a brand-new Marine air station over the pristine ocean off Henoko is announced, just like that.

At the Itoman cemetery, what did Hatoyama have to tell the dead souls of Okinawans and their unborn children?


県内移設への協力求める 普天間で鳩山首相、知事に伝達2010年5月4日

 来県した鳩山由紀夫首相は4日午前11時すぎから、米軍普天間飛行場の返還・移設問題をめぐり、県庁で仲井真弘多知事と会談した。鳩山首相は「海外という話もなかったわけではないが、日米の同盟関係、近隣諸国との関係を考えた時、抑止力という観点から難しい。現実には不可能だ。すべてを県外でということは現実問題として難しいということに直面している。できれば、沖縄の皆さま方にご負担をお願いしなければならないという思いで来た」と述べ、県内移設への協力を求めた。国外移設は不可能と明言し、県外への全面移設は困難との認識を伝えた。移設問題の迷走を念頭に、首相は「沖縄の人々にお詫びしたい」と陳謝した。 仲井真知事は普天間飛行場の県外移設実現を求める県民世論が高まっていることを説明し、「県民の声を真しに受け止め、危険性除去に取り組んでほしい」と述べ、県外移設を模索すべきだと伝えた。知事は「過重な基地負担の軽減は県民の願いだ」と、訓練水域の返還などを求めた。

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