
Monday, August 30, 2010

August 9 Memorial for Korean A-bomb Victims in Nagasaki 8月9日長崎原爆朝鮮人犠牲者追悼早朝集会 나가사키 원폭 조선인 희생자 추도 조조집회 메시지

Below is the keynote speech by Dr. Takazane Yasunori, Director of Oka Masaharu Memorial Nagasaki Peace Museum, and Chair of the Nagasaki Association for Protecting Human Rights of Korean Residents in Japan, at the early morning memorial gathering for the Korean victims of the Nagasaki atomic bomb, on August 10, 2010. Our Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Tour group always visits this memorial that starts at 7 a.m., before we visit the Shiroyama Elementary School memorial and Nagasaki City's main ceremony. The photo above is the monument for the Korean victims, located at Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park.

The monument was built in 1979 with donations collected by the Nagasaki Association for Protecting Human Rights of Korean Residents in Japan, and since then, a gathering in memory of the Korean victims has been held in front of the monument every year, to remember and to pay tribute to the over 20,000 Korean victims of the atomic-bombing of Nagasaki, and over 10,000 who were killed. This is the fourth year that I attended the ceremony, and I had an impression that the crowd was particularly large this year, perhaps around 400 people, compared to 200 or so for the previous years. This could be related to the fact that this year marks the 100th year of Japan's annexation of Korea, and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, a Korean national, visited both the Korean memorials in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

The speech is available in Japanese and, for the first time, in Korean this year. Takazane takes months to prepare for this August 9 speech every summer, and the speech of this year places specific emphasis on the 100th year of Japan's forceful annexation of Korea. To summarize the main points, Takazane called for Japan and its people to recognize the Korean victims of the atomic bombing, not just as victims of a nuclear weapon, but also as victims of Japan's colonization of Korea, and Japan's invasive war in Asia. He stressed the illegality and unjustifiability of the "Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty" of 1910. He pointed out there is crucial lack of consciousness in Japan about their responsibility for the division of Korea, and condemned the Japanese government for continuing to implement policies that reinforce the division and hostility in Korean Peninsula. He also criticized the Japanese government's continued alienation and discrimination against Korean residents in Japan, particularly their exclusion of Korean schools from the tuition subsidy program for high school students. Referring to the unresolved issues of the military sex slavery and forced labour, he called for the government to legally recognize the responsibility for and provide individual compensation to the Korean war victims.

Takazane concluded his speech with the set of five demands to the Japanese government: 1)to declare the 1910 annexation treaty null and illegal; 2)to pave the way for the Atomic Bomb Victims' Relief Law to be applied to the victims living in DPRK(North Korea); 3)to recognize the right to request compensation by individual victims of Japan's war, and to establish a "war reparations law"; 4)to include Korean high schools in the tuition subsidy program, and to waive tuition for the Korean elementary and junior high schools as well; 5)to resume a diplomatic relationship with DPRK.

Here is the speech, first in Japanese then in Korean.







一、 「韓国併合条約」は当初から不法・無効であることを宣言すること
一、 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国在住の被爆者に被爆者援護法適用の道を開くこと
一、 個人の損害賠償請求権を認め、抜本的「戦後補償法」を制定すること
一、 朝鮮高級学校の無償化に加え初級中級学校の国費による無償化を図ること
一、 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国との国交正常化を実現すること



   長崎在日朝鮮人の人権を守る会代表  高 實 康 稔

나가사키 원폭 조선인 희생자 추도 조조집회 메시지

이곳 나가사키에 원자폭탄이 투하된지 65년을 맞이하는 오늘, 우리는 조선인 원폭 희생자 추도비 앞에 모였습니다. 반세기를 넘는 세월동안 풀리지 못한 조선인 원폭 희생자의 한을 생각하지 않을 수 없었기 때문입니다. 절대악인 핵무기를 사용한 미국의 책임은 인류사상 영원히 추궁당해야 마땅합니다. 주일 미국대사가 히로시마 평화기념식전에 참석했다고는 하나, 법적인 책임이나 도의적인 책임도 인정하지 않은 채, 단지 대량학살무기의 위협에만 주목하고 있는 현상은 언어 도단입니다. 그러나 원폭투하의 책임을 규명하고 원폭의 비참함과 핵무기 폐기를 호소하는 것만으로 핵시대를 살아가는 우리의 사명이 완수된다고 할 수 있을까요? 저는 여기에도 이기적인 사고가 숨어 있다고 생각합니다. 왜냐하면 조선인 원폭 희생자는 핵무기의 희생자일뿐 아니라 일본의 조선침략과 아시아 침략 전쟁의 희생자이기도 하기 때문입니다. 일본 국민은 자국의 가해 책임을 마음 속 깊이 되새기며, 반성과 사죄와 배상을 소홀히 해서는 안 됩니다.

일본이 조선을 침략하지 않았다면, 조선인이 원폭에 희생되는 일도 없었을 것입니다. 한국 강제병합 100년, (을사)'보호조약'으로부터 105년이 흐른 올해, 일본 국민은 이들 '조약'이 얼마나 폭력적인 위압과 기만으로 가득찬 불법인가를 얼만큼 인식하고 있을까요. '병합 조약' 제1조와 2조를 보는 것만으로도 그 기만성은 명백하지만, 일본정부를 시작으로 많은 국민이 '합법적으로 체결된 유효한 조약'이라고 믿고 있는 것이 현실입니다. 제1조 "한국 황제폐하는 한국에 관한 일체의 통치권을 완전히 그리고 영구히 일본제국 황제폐하에게 양여한다.", 제2조 "일본국 황제폐하는 전 조항에서 제기한 양여를 승낙하며, 한국을 완전히 일본제국에 병합하는 것을 수락한다." 즉, 한국 황제가 통치권을 양여하겠다고 스스로 요청했기 때문에 그것을 승낙하여 병합하는 것이라는 뜻입니다. 이는 기만일 뿐 아니라, 이 정도로 타국을 모욕한 조약이 있을 수 있을까요. 이 조약은 당초부터 불법・무효라는 것은 명백합니다.

또한 저는 이 불법적인 '병합 조약' 아래 단행되었던 수많은 포학 행위에도 관심을 갖되, 침략을 찬미하고 추진했던 사상적 배경에도 주목해야 한다고 생각합니다. 그렇지 않으면 원폭희생자의 원통함도, 잔인한 학대에 희생되었던 사람들의 한(恨)도 결코 치유될 수 없다고 생각합니다. "빼앗기 쉬운 조선・만주・지나(중국)를 정복하고・・・"라고 제자들에게 가르쳤던 요시다 쇼인(吉田松陰)이나 "조선은 부패한 유학자들의 소굴・・・위로는 도량이 크고 결단성 있는 선비가 없으며, 백성들은 노예의 처지・・・이러한 연약하고 염치가 없는 국민・・・협박한다고 결정한 이상은 국무 실권을 우리 손에 잡아, 한인 등은 단순히 일의 집행만 맡게 하고・・・참견하지 못하게 하여・・・"라는 등 제멋대로 편견을 들이대, 협박에 의한 지배마저 고취했던 후쿠자와 유키치(福沢諭吉)의 침략사상을 우리는 얼만큼 인식하고 반성하고 있을까요. 후쿠자와 유키치가 일본 엔화의 최고 화폐인 1만엔 짜리 지폐의 인물이라는 점은, 반성은커녕 그를 위인으로 숭배하고 있다는 일본의 현실을 뒷받침합니다. 침략사상의 대죄를 고발하고, 두 번 다시 전철을 밟지 않겠다고 맹세하는 것이야말로 희생자를 추도하는 우리의 책무임을 믿습니다.

일본은 한반도의 남북 분단을 초래한 근원적인 책임도 추궁당하고 있습니다. 일본의 침략이 없었다면 조선의 분단도 있을 수 없었기 때문입니다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 전후 일본은 오히려 한반도의 분단을 부추기고, 통일을 저해하는 정책을 일관되게 펼쳐 왔습니다. 지난해 정권교체에 의해서도 이 정책을 재검토하는 기색은 보이지 않습니다. 저는 남북이 화해의 흐름에서 다시 대립 국면으로 기울어가는 정황에 우려를 금할 수 없습니다만, 일본정부가 변함없이 대립을 조장하는 정책을 시종일관하고 있다는 점에 실망과 의분을 느낍니다. 남북분단의 근원적 책임에 대한 자각을 완전히 결여하고 있기 때문입니다. 대립에 박차를 가하는 이 무책임한 태도는 내정에서도 엿볼 수 있어, 일본 정부는 조선학교의 존재와 민족교육을 노골적으로 적대시하고 있습니다. 본래 무상이어야 할 초중등교육에서 조선학교를 배제하고 국비를 일체 지급하지 않으며, 또한 새롭게 실시된 고교 무상화 정책에서도 조선 고급학교는 베제해 평등한 대우를 거부하고 있습니다. 이는 인권침해와 다름없으며, 세계로부터 지탄받아 마땅합니다. 유엔기관도 차별 철폐를 권고하였으며, 한국의 언론에서도 강한 비판을 제기하고 있습니다. 일본 정부는 조속히 이 부끄러운 차별대우를 포기해야 합니다.

일본군 '위안부' 문제와 강제연행 문제를 시작으로 하여, 오늘 이 시점까지도 미해결 상태로 남아있는 문제 역시 잊어서는 안 됩니다. 국가간의 전후 처리로 '해결 완료'라고 하는 것은 용납될 수 없습니다. 국가라 해도 개인의 손해배상청구권을 박탈할 수는 없기 때문입니다. 조선인 원폭 희생자의 한맺힌 절규에 응답하기 위해서도, 우리는 다음과 같은 다섯 항목을 일본 정부에 강력하게 요구합니다. 여러분이 찬성을 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

1. '한국 병합 조약'은 당초부터 불법・무효라는 것을 선언할 것.
1. 조선민주주의 인민공화국(북한)에 거주하고 있는 피폭자에게 피폭자 원호법 적용의 길을 열
1. 개인의 손해배상청구권을 인정하고, 근본적인 '전후 보상법'을 제정할 것.
1. 조선 고급학교 무상화와 더불어, 초중급 학교의 국비에 의한 무상화를 꾀할 것.
1. 조선민주주의 인민공화국(북한)과의 국교정상화를 실현할 것.

마지막이 되었습니다만, 일본군'위안부' 문제나 유골 반환 운동에 온힘을 다했으며, 한국 정부의 '일제강점하 강제동원피해 진상규명위원회'가 업무를 수행하는 과정에서, 한국측 위원회와 일본을 잇는 가교가 되어 그 누구도 대신할 수 없는 공헌을 했던 후쿠도메 노리아키(福留範昭)씨의 갑작스러운 죽음에 충격과 슬픔을 억누를 길이 없습니다. (한국의 강제동원진상규명 위원회) 조사원들과 함께 나가사키에도 몇 차례 방문하였던 후쿠도메 씨의 모습을 그리며, 그 위대한 사상과 실천에 마음 깊이 생각을 옮겨 봅니다. 조선인 원폭희생자 추도비 앞에서 진심으로 애도의 마음을 올리고 싶다고 생각합니다.

2010년 8월 9일
나가사키 재일 조선인의 인권을 지키는 모임
대표 다카자네 야스노리(高實康稔)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kan Statement to Mark the Centennial Anniversary of Japan's Annexation of Korea 菅談話 내각총리대신 담화

Today is the centennial anniversary of Japan's annexation of Korea. Here is the full text of Prime Minister Kan Naoto's statement on August 10 to mark the 100th year of the start of colonization of Korea, in English, Japanese, and Korean, from the website of Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet. There are different evaluations of this statement, and comparisons with the "Murayama Statement" issued back in 1995 to commemorate the 50th year anniversary of the end of the war. I appreciate the fact that this statement was issued with reiteration of the Prime Minister's "feelings of deep remorse and heartfelt apology" for Korea and its people, and the fact that none of the members of the Kan Cabinet went to Yasukuni Shrine on August 15. At the same time, it is unfortunate that the statement was only issued for the Republic of Korea and ignored DPRK, and the statement seems to generally avoid the use of the subject of those colonial deeds. If somebody who does not know anything about the history reads the first paragraph, s/he may not be able to tell who colonized and oppressed Korea. It also avoided mentioning specific unresolved issues, such as military sex slavery and forced labour. (PeacePhilosopher)

Statement by Prime Minister Naoto Kan

10 August 2010
[Provisional Translation]

This year marks a significant juncture for the Japan-Republic of Korea relationship.
In August precisely one hundred years ago, the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty was concluded, making the beginning of the colonial rule of thirty six years. As demonstrated by strong resistance such as the Samil independence movement, the Korean people of that time was deprived of their country and culture, and their ethnic pride was deeply scarred by the colonial rule which was imposed against their will under the political and military circumstances.

I would like to face history with sincerity. I would like to have courage to squarely confront the facts of history and humility to accept them, as well as to be honest to reflect upon the errors of our own. Those who render pain tend to forget it while those who suffered cannot forget it easily. To the tremendous damage and sufferings that this colonial rule caused, I express here once again my feelings of deep remorse and my heartfelt apology.

Guided by such understanding, I will build a future-oriented Japan-Republic of Korea relationship by placing the next one hundred years to come in my prospect. I will continue in all sincerity conducting such humanitarian cooperation as the assistance to ethnic Koreans left in Sakhalin and the assistance in returning remains of the people from the Korean Peninsula. Moreover, in response to the expectations of the Korean people, I will transfer precious archives originated from the Korean Peninsula that were brought to Japan during the period of Japan's rule through the Governor-General of Korea and the Government of Japan possesses, such as the Royal Protocols of the Joseon Dynasty.

Japan and the Republic of Korea, through active exchanges of cultures and peoples for over two thousand years, deeply share wonderful culture and tradition that are renowned to the world. In addition, the exchange between our two nations today is remarkably multi-layered and wide-ranging, as well as the affinity and friendship which the peoples of our two nations mutually embrace are stronger than ever. Furthermore, the scale of economic relations and people-to-people exchanges between our two nations has dramatically expanded since our relationship was normalized, and our ties have become extremely solid while both sides have been improving together by friendly rivalry.

Japan and the Republic of Korea have become the most important and closest neighboring nations now in this twenty-first century, sharing such values as democracy, freedom, and market economy. Our relationship is not confined to our bilateral relations, but rather it is a partnership where we cooperate and exercise leadership for the peace and prosperity of the region and the world by encompassing a broad spectrum of agenda: the peace and stability of this region envisioning, among others, the future establishment of an East Asia community, the growth and development of the world's economy, as well as issues of global scale such as nuclear disarmament, climate change, poverty and peace-building.

At this significant juncture of history, I strongly hope that our bond will become even more profound and solid between Japan and the Republic of Korea, and I declare my determination to make every ceaseless effort to open the future between our two nations.

Original Japanese Version









Korean Translation

내각총리대신 담화

2010년 8월10일

올해는 일한관계에 있어 큰 전환점이 되는 해입니다. 백년 전 바로 8월
일한병합조약이 체결되고, 그 후 36년에 이르는 식민지 지배가 시작되었습니다.
3・1독립운동 등의 격렬한 저항에서도 드러났듯이, 정치적 군사적 배경 하에
당시 한국인들은 그 뜻에 반한 식민지 지배로 인하여 나라와 문화를 빼앗기고
민족의 자긍심에 큰 상처를 입었습니다.

저는 역사에 대하여 성실히 임하고자 합니다. 역사적 사실을 직시하는 용기와
이를 받아들이는 겸허함을 가지고 자신의 잘못을 성찰하는 데 솔직하고자 합니다.
아픔을 준 측은 잊기 쉽고, 당한 측은 그것을 쉽게 잊을 수 없는 법입니다. 이
식민지 지배가 가져온 다대한 손해와 고통에 대하여, 이에 다시금 통절한 반성과
진심어린 사죄의 마음을 표명합니다.

이러한 인식 아래 앞으로의 백년을 내다보며 미래지향적인 일한관계를 구축해
나가겠습니다. 또 지금까지 실시해온 이른바 재사할린 한국인 지원, 한반도
출신자의 유골 봉환 지원과 같은 인도적인 협력을 앞으로도 성실히
실시하겠습니다. 그리고 일본의 통치기간에 조선총독부를 경유해서 들어와
일본정부가 보관하고 있는 조선왕조의궤 등 한반도에서 유래된 귀중한 도서를
한국인들의 기대에 부응하여 가까운 시일에 인도하고자 합니다.

일본과 한국은 2천년의 활발한 문화교류와 사람들의 왕래를 통해 세계에
자랑할 만한 훌륭한 문화와 전통을 깊이 공유하고 있습니다. 더욱이 오늘날의
양국교류는 매우 중층적이고 광범하며 다방면에 걸쳐 있어 양국 국민이 서로에게
느끼는 친근감과 우정은 일찍이 유례가 없을 만큼 강해졌습니다. 또한 양국의
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공유하는 가장 중요하고 긴밀한 이웃나라가 되었습니다. 이는 양국관계에 그치지
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아끼지 않을 결심임을 표명합니다.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ban Ki-moon's Speech in Hiroshima, August 6, 2010 広島式典での潘基文国連事務総長の演説

Ban Ki-moon speaking at the Hiroshima Atomic-Bomb Memorial Ceremony on August 6, 2010 (photo by Wu Zhaowei 8月6日 広島の式典に出席した潘基文国連事務総長 撮影 呉 兆煒)

This year, Ban Ki-moon spoke the Hiroshima ceremony on August 6 as the first UN Secretary General attending the annual commemoration. Below is the full text of his speech then, first in English and in Japanese. In my observation, many who attended the ceremony, or heard or read his speech thought that it was the best of all. He shared his personal experience in the Korean War as a child, reinforced his commitment for nuclear weapons abolition, recognized Hibakusha (a-bomb survivors), their suffering and their contribution to the cause, and demonstrated some concrete steps for disarmament.

There was something, however, that I was expecting to hear in Ban's speech and did not. It is the idea of a Nuclear Weapons Convention(Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Testing, Production, Stockpiling, Transfer, Use and Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons and on their Elimination), supported by Ban, atomic-bomb survivors' organizations like Nihon Hidankyo, Mayors for Peace, and many other NGOs around the world. It is also mentioned, though rather subtly, in his "five-point plan to rid world of nuclear weapons." He talked about it at the NGO Conference at Riverside Church, on May 1, 2010 in New York. Below is the YouTube video of his 20-minute speech then. "I especially welcome your support for the idea of concluding a Nuclear Weapon Convention," he said during the speech. It is reported that the idea of a Nuclear Weapons Convention was for the first time included twice in the final document of the 2010 NPT Review Conference, because of the Secretary General's strong commitment to the idea. But he did not mention it in his Hiroshima speech. Neither did he at the opening speech of the NPT Review Conference in New York, on April 30.

YouTube video of Ban Ki-moon and Hiroshima Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba's speeches at the NGO Conference at Riverside Church, New York, on May 1, 2010. The full text of Ban's speech then is available at the UN website.

I was at the Riverside Church on May 1 to hear Ban's speech, which was powerful, convincing, and inspiring, so this is probably why I was not as excited as the other people at the Hiroshima ceremony were about his speech on August 6. Apparently, Ban avoided talking directly about the Convention idea at the main UN conference in order not to upset the nuclear weapons states too much. That was understandable, but why did he avoid it again in his speech in the city, which is regarded by many as the international capital for nuclear abolition movements? Was he too considerate to the presence of U.S. Ambassador John Roos at the ceremony? It has been reported that Ban made a phone call to the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at some point when he was in Japan this summer. Whatever the reason was, we need to be vigilant about the forces that disable Ban from talking about a Nuclear Weapons Convention in the ceremony hosted by Hiroshima City, a co-leader of Mayors for Peace, an organization of 4,000+ mayors around the world committed to the idea of a Nuclear Weapons Convention and the total abolition of nuclear weapons by the year 2020.

Here are the full texts of Ban's speech in Hiroshima, first in English and then in Japanese.  

Hiroshima, Japan, 6 August 2010 - Secretary-General's remarks at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony

Hiroshima no minasama konichiwa. Ohayo gozaimasu.

We are here, on hallowed ground, to see, to feel, to absorb and reflect.

I am honored to be the first UN Secretary-General to take part in this Peace Memorial Ceremony on the 65th anniversary of this tragic day. And I am deeply moved.

When the atomic bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I was one year old. Only later in life, could I begin to understand the full dimension of all that happened here. As a young boy, I lived through the Korean War. One of my earliest memories is marching along a muddy road into the mountains, my village burning behind me. All those lives lost, families destroyed -- so much sadness. Ever since, I have devoted my life to peace. It has brought me here today.

Watakushiwa sekai heiwa no tameni Hiroshima ni mairimashita.

We gather to pay our solemn respects to those who perished, sixty-five years ago, and to the many more whose lives forever changed. Life is short, but memory is long.

For many of you, that day endures, as vivid as the white light that seared the sky, as dark as the black rains that followed. To you, I offer a message of hope. To all of you, I offer my message of peace. A more peaceful world can be ours. You are helping to make it happen. You, the survivors, who inspired us with your courage and fortitude. You, the next generations, the young generation, striving for a better day.

Together, you have made Hiroshima an epicentre of peace. Together, we are on a journey from ground zero to Global Zero ? a world free of weapons of mass destruction. That is the only sane path to a safer world. For as long as nuclear weapons exist, we will live under a nuclear shadow.

And that is why I have made nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation a top priority for the United Nations – and put forward a five-point plan.

Our moment has come. Everywhere, we find new friends and allies. We see new leadership from the most powerful nations. We see new engagement in the UN Security Council. We see new energy from civil society. Russia and the United States have a new START treaty. We made important progress at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington last April, which we will build upon in Korea.

We must keep up the momentum. In September, I will convene a high-level meeting in support of the work of the Conference on Disarmament at the United Nations. We will push for negotiations towards nuclear disarmament. A Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. A Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty. Disarmament education in our schools -- including translating the testimonies of the survivors in the world's major languages. We must teach an elemental truth: that status and prestige belong not to those who possess nuclear weapons, but to those who reject them.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Sixty-five years ago, the fires of hell descended upon this place. Today, one fire burns, here in this Peace Park. That is the Flame of Peace ? a flame that will remain lit until nuclear weapons are no more. Together, let us work for that day ? in our lifetime, in the lifetimes of the survivors. Together, let us put out the last fire of Hiroshima. Let us replace that flame with the light of hope. Let us realize our dream of a world free of nuclear weapons so that our children and all succeeding generations can live in freedom, security and peace.

Thank you. Domo arigato gozaimasu.








































Thursday, August 26, 2010

White Rock Meeting on September 18 (Sat.) 9月ホワイトロックの会

Peace Philosophy's White Rock Group will host its first meeting of the new school year. This time, we will think about food safety and together watch the film "Food, Inc." It will be held in White Rock from 1:30 PM on Saturday September 18. Email for details.


夏休みもあとわずか、いかがおすごしですか。あと10日あまりで 新学期ですが ここのところの晴天で、あともう一週間夏休みがあったらなんて 思っているのは私だけでしょうか。

さて 9月の会は 第二土曜日の11日が九条の会のイベントと重なってしまうため、一週間のばし、第三土曜日の18日に行うことに決めました。

食欲の秋ということで 私たちの健康、力の素となる、毎日の食べ物について考えてみたいです。

今回は "Food Inc." という映画を みなさんと一緒に鑑賞し、その感想や 経験を話し合っていきたいとおもいます。私事ですが、わが家の子供たちも 学校などで 見たことがあり、とても興味ある内容だといっていました。

いままで 毎年、9月の会では 乗松聡子さんの 日本での夏の活動報告をしていただいてきたのですが、聡子さんも たいへんお忙しく、お時間が許せば この日、いらしていただき 報告をしてもらいます。 

日時:9月18日 土曜日、1時半

場所:ホワイトロックにて。場所の詳細と、申込、問い合わせは にお問い合わせください。

また 私たちのキルトが各地のイベントで活躍してます。賀上マサさんが京子さんに送ってくれたキルトの写真を添付しました。ご覧ください。


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Konan High's Ace Shimabukuro was a Junior Peace Activist 興南エース島袋、小学生代表として宜野湾市民大会で発言していた

Konan High School of Okinawa Prefecture defeated Kanagawa's Tokaidai Sagami 13 - 1 in the final game of the 92nd National High School Baseball Championship, to be the first Okinawan school to win the summer game title, and the first since 1998 to claim both the spring and summer titles (photo from Okinawa Times).

The summer high school baseball tournament is a national tradition in Japan, enjoying overwhelming popularity across the country, equal or greater than professional baseball tournaments. I have never been a baseball fan, but even I followed the summer high school baseball since childhood. The spring tournament is played by 30+ high schools selected based on previous records, and the summer one is of a bigger scale, gathering winners of all the prerfectural tournaments. There are 47 prefectures in Japan, and Tokyo and Hokkaido are divided into two tournament districts, making the total number of participating schools to 49. Major Leabue players like Matsui Hideki and Matsuzaka Daisuke are former high school baseball heroes.

The tournament is held at Koshien Stadium in Nishinomiya, Hyogo, near Kobe, home stadium of a professional baseball team Hanshin Tigers. The single-elimination tournament makes each game an emotional event for players, coaches, families and supporters. When you lose once, that's the end of your summer. One well-known ritual of the high school baseball tournament is collecting soil on the stadium ground and bring it home as memorabilia.

The first Okinawan school to play in the national high school tournament was Shuri High School, back in 1958, when the island was still under the U.S. occupation. The students had to obtain passports to go to Koshien, and they lost in the first game. Following the tradition, they collected the stadium soil to take home, only to be confiscated at the border quarantine.

What is not reported much in the Japanese mainland media is the fact that Konan's ace pitcher Shimabukuro Yosuke (photo from Japan Times) lived in Ginowan City, where Futenma Air Station is, at the time of the 2004 USMC helicopter crash into the Okinawa International University campus. The helicopter burst into flames and debris flew in front of the apartment building where he and his family lived then.

Shimabukuro was a grade 6 student, and as a student leader, he spoke at the Ginowan Residents Rally, as representative of all elementary school students. The Rally was held on September 12, 2004, a month after the August 13 accident, and attended by more than 30,000 residents, one third of Ginowan City's residents. (rally photos from Ginowan City's website) Shimabukuro then called for a safer living environment for the residents.

See this previous post for more information about the helicopter crash.

See the below related links for the Konan High's victory, Pitcher Shimabukuro, and Ginowan City.

Congratulations for Konan High's Victory!

Peace Philosopher

Monday, August 23, 2010

Today's Vancouver Sun バンクーバー・サン紙より

Related to the previous post, here is an excerpt from today's Vancouver Sun - Jonathan Manthorpe's Asia-Pacific Report, " South Korean president's proposal for unification tax raises eyebrows."

We will see what this "most of a 400-page report" to be published within a few days will prove.

The South Korean Navy corvette Cheonan sank with the loss of 46 sailors. Seoul swiftly blamed Pyongyang, saying a torpedo fired by a North Korean submarine sank the ship.

As a result, Lee's administration in the South has cut off almost all remaining economic and diplomatic ties with the North.

Pyongyang has reacted to both Lee's curbing of bilateral relations and his accusations over the sinking of the Cheonan with the overblown rhetoric and threats it always employs on these occasions.

More of the same can be expected in the next few days when Lee's government in Seoul is due to publish most of a 400-page report on the sinking.

Publication of the report is an attempt to counter a good deal of skepticism about the purported findings of two inquiries into the sinking and the role of much-touted "international experts."

The international judgment that Lee has failed to provide conclusive evidence of North Korea's guilt in the sinking of the ship is well illustrated by the United Nations' refusal to impose the new sanctions on Pyongyang that Seoul wanted.

To read the full article, go to:

Friday, August 20, 2010

Yoshio SHIMOJI: Making big deal out of Cheonan Sinking

Photo from the related article by Jonathan Manthorpe, Vancouver Sun, June 18, 2010.
An unpublished letter to The Japan Times:

By Shimoji Yoshio

August 11, 2010

Making big deal out of Cheonan sinking

To show off power to North Korea over the South Korean corvette's sinking incident, the U.S. and South Korea began a series of massive joint military exercises, code-named Invincible Spirit, after delays and revisions.

But, first of all, is the premise correct and irrefutable that the corvette Cheonan's sinking was caused by North Korean mini-submarine's torpedoing?

Even to a layman's eyes, there are so many moot questions that need clearer explanations albeit Seoul's and Washington's claim that the investigation was carried out by an international team scientifically and objectively.

Dr. Seunghun Lee, a professor of solid state physics at the University of Virginia, and Dr. J. J. Suh, an associate professor of international politics at Johns Hopkins University, himself with a physicist background, point out in their coauthored paper that the final report announced by the
Li Myung-bak government is imbued with fabrications and concoctions. Both submitted their opinion to the U.N. security council.

The war games are said to involve 8,000 service members, more than 20 warships and submarines including the nuclear-powered carrier George Washington, plus 200 aircraft.

What's the real purpose of these overblown war games? Does Washington want the East Asia region ever so volatile so that it can keep its bases in Japan, especially in Okinawa, as securely and indefinitely as possible? Naturally, Washington's adamant demand that the Futenma Air Station be moved within Okinawa can be construed in this unspoken context.

Yoshio Shimoji

Naha, Okinawa


For more articles on this blog by Yoshio Shimoji, see HERE.

See Shimoji's article in Japan Focus, "The Futenma Base and the U.S.-Japan Controversy: an Okinawan perspective."

For more information and articles on the questions surrounding the official investigation result of the sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan, see this link.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hiroshima Nagasaki 65th Years

The Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Studies Tour 2010, August 1 - 10 completed successfully. See below link for the NHK World special program on the 65th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, featuring our tour.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Bloomberg: Japanese Police Arrest U.S. Marine Suspected of Sexual Assault in Okinawa ブルームバーグ: 沖縄で性暴力 海兵隊員逮捕

Bloomberg Business News, August 4, 2010

Japanese police arrested a U.S. Marine for the alleged sexual assault of a woman on the island of Okinawa, where similar incidents in the past have led to protests against the American military presence.

Marine Sergeant Phillip Edward Sawyerr, 28, was taken into custody in the capital of Naha early this morning on suspicion of breaking into the house of a woman in her 20s and sexually assaulting her, police spokesman Motoki Haneji said by phone. The U.S. serviceman has denied the charges, Haneji said.

The U.S. Marine Corps based in Okinawa acknowledged the arrest in an e-mailed statement without mentioning the name of the person held. The Marines are “fully cooperating” with the investigation by the Naha Police Department, it said.

The arrest of a Marine in 1998 led to demonstrations outside the U.S. embassy in Tokyo and Okinawa’s local assembly adopted a resolution demanding the U.S. remove military personnel from the island, where about half of American forces in Japan are located.

Months of protests after allegations American servicemen raped a 12-year-old girl in 1995 forced the U.S. to agree to relocate an airbase from central to northern Okinawa. Former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama cited his failure to keep a campaign promise to relocate a base off the island as a reason for resigning in June.

There are about 47,000 U.S. military personnel based in Japan on land and at sea, according to the U.S. Forces in Japan Web site.

To contact the reporter on this story: Yumi Otagaki in Tokyo at





