
Thursday, October 07, 2010

Peace Philosophy Salon with Gavan McCormack on October 16 ピース・フィロソフィー・サロンの案内 ガバン・マコーマックさんを迎えて

日本語の案内は下方をご覧ください。For notice in Japanese, scroll down.

Peace Philosophy Salon - Fall Special -

A special event by Peace Philosophy Centre and Vancouver Save Article 9

"The Battle of Okinawa 2010: Japan-US Relation at a Crossroad"

7 PM, Saturday, October 16

With special guest

Gavan McCormack

Professor Emeritus, Australian National University
Author of "Client State: Japan in the American Embrace"

@ Peace Philosophy Centre (Vancouver, BC - participants will be given a direction)

Photo by Chuck Overby
 Five decades after the adoption of the (revised) US-Japan Security Treaty, Cold War assumptions still underpin the relationship between Japan and the US. A belated Japanese attempt to reform the relationship in 2009-2010 ended in failure and the collapse of the Hatoyama government. Whether the Kan government can do better remains to be seen. The “Okinawa problem” has emerged as a crucial bone of contention between the two governments. 65 years after the Battle of Okinawa, Okinawans' anger towards the two governments have reached a peak. What are the implications of the now 14-year long attempt to resolve the Okinawan demand for closure and return of Futenma Marine base in Ginowan City?

- Free admission. Snack and drink donation welcome.
- RSVP and inquiry to
(Detailed direction will be given to participants)

Gavan McCormack is emeritus professor at Australian National University. A graduate of the universities of Melbourne and London , he joined the ANU in 1990 after teaching at the Universities of Leeds (UK), La Trobe (Melbourne), and Adelaide. He has also been Visiting Professor at many universities in Japan, where he has lived and worked on many occasions since first visiting it as a student in 1962. He was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Humanities of Australia in 1992. His work has been translated and published in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Arabic, and the main European languages. His most recent book is Client State: Japan in the American Embrace, (Verso, 2007), of which Japanese, Korean, and Chinese editions were published by Gaifusha, Changbi, and Social Science Academic Press of China. He is the author of Target North Korea: Pushing North Korea to the Brink of Nuclear Catastrophe. A media commentator on North-East Asia, he is a coordinator of Japan Focus. In 2008 and 2009, he contributed an invited monthly essay published in Korean to Kyunghyang Shinmun (Seoul). He is a regular visitor to Okinawa, and was convener in December 2009 of the "Nago Conference" held in Nago City, Okinawa, on "Civil Society and Social Movements in East Asia."



スペシャルゲスト ガバン・マコーマックさん(オーストラリア国立大学名誉教授、『「属国」:米国の抱擁とアジアでの孤立』著者)を迎えて





★参加申し込みと問い合わせは  まで

ガバン・マコーマック プロフィール
オーストラリア国立大学名誉教授。1974年ロンドン大学博士号取得。日本と東アジアの政治、社会問題を歴史的視点で幅広く把握しようと研究を続けてきた。リーズ大学(英)、ラ・トローブ大学(豪)、アデレード大学(豪)で現代日本史および日中、日韓、日米関係を中心に教え、1990からオーストラリア国立大学アジア太平洋研究所教授。1962年の日本留学以来ほぼ毎年来日し、東京滞在時にはよく皇居の周りをジョギングする。オンライン誌「Japan Focus」のコーディネーターもつとめる。

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