
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Japanese translation of narration/subtitles of Henkyoreh/HaniTV video on Cheonan sinking 天安艦沈没事件のビデオ 日本語訳

Our colleague Makiko kindly translated the HaniTV video's narration and subtitles on Cheonan sinking into Japanese. Please see below. Please see this LINK for the English and Korean versions of the video. Scripts provided at courtesy of HaniTV.

先日の記事で紹介した天安艦沈没事件についてのHaniTVのビデオのナレーション、字幕情報を Makiko さんが日本語に訳してくれました。以下、英語、韓国語も混じっていますがどうぞ。英語版、韓国語版のビデオはこちらをご覧ください。(英語版、韓国語版の台本、字幕はHaniTVに提供していただきました。)

HaniTV is the video production division of Hankyoreh, South Korea’s leading independent daily. From the moment new broke of the ship’s sinking, Hankyoreh and HaniTV have worked to uncover the facts behind what happened. Our findings uncovered siginificant flaws in the Civilian-Military Joint Investigation Group’s report. This documentary is a summary of our findings to date.

Haniテレビは、韓国の主要な独立系日刊紙Hankyorehのビデオ制作部門です。天安艦沈没のニュースが突然伝わったときより、Hankyoreh とHaniテレビはこの事件の裏にある事実を明らかにしようとしてきました。我々の調査の結果で、軍民合同調査グループの報告に重大な欠陥があることが明るみにでました。このドキュメンタリー・ビデオは今日までに分かっている我々の調査結果の概要です。

On March 26th, the South Korean Naby’s patrol combat corvette (PPC) Cheonan sank and with it took the lives of 46 of the 104 sailors abroad. Our heartfelt condolences go to the families and those who lost loved ones that day.


Beneath the Surface: the Investigation into the Sinking of the Cheonan


-MBC: South Korean Navy warship Cheonan has sunk, 46 crewmembers missing

-MBC: The most terrible disaster in 30 years


MBC: ここ30年でもっともひどい災害

Choi Moon-soon, National Assembly Lawmaker, Democratic Party

“When I heard the news for the first time, I thought it was just an accident. I

could not have imagined the upcoming security crisis and fear of war.”

民主党国会議員、Choi Moon-soon:


Oh Sung-tak, Surviving Cheonan Crewmember

“All of a sudden, I heard a huge boom and felt my body flying through the air. Then the power shut down.”

天安号の生存乗組員、Oh Sung-takの証言


Lee Chae-kwon, Cheonan crewmember

“I can say with certainty that there were no unusual signs before the incident.”

天安号の乗組員、Lee Chae-kwon


SBS News: Military authorities continuously changed their story.


Lee Jong-in, CEO, Alpha Underwater Technology Corporation Service

“At first, it was all a mystery. The cause of the sinking could only be found after

salvaging the vessel.”

Alpha 海底技術法人サービスのCEOであるLee Jong-inさん


0. 2010년 3월 26일 밤. 천안함의 승조원들은 닥쳐올 비극을 모른 채 평온한 일상을 보내고 있었습니다. 우리는 이날 밤 그들이 죽음을 맞은 이유에 대해 명확히 알고 있지 못합니다.

On the night of March 26th, crewmembers of the South Korean naval warship Cheonan wrapped up an ordinary day, unaware of the tragedy on the horizon. Those were the last known moments of the ship, and the reason for the ship’s sinking remains unknown.


1. 그들이 탄 배는 남북이 대치한 백령도 인근에서 침몰했습니다. 함수와 함미가 인양된 뒤 본격적인 조사에 착수한 민군합동조사단은, 5월 20일 천안함을 침몰시킨 범인으로 북한을 지목했습니다. 사건이 일어난지 두달도 안된 시점이었고, 6.2 지자체 선거운동 개시일이었습니다.

The Cheonan, a patrol combat corvette, sank southwest of Baengnyeong [백령] Island. The South Korean government put together a Joint Civilian-Military Investigation Group that included representatives from the United States, Great Britain, Sweden and Australia and launched a full-scale investigation after salvaging the sunken vessel. On May 20th, the investigation group released their findings and pointed to North Korea as the culprit. The day fell just 2 months after the accident, and also coincided with the official launch of the June 2 municipal elections campaign season.

哨戒艇天安艦は、ベンニョン島の南西で沈んだ。韓国政府は米国・カナダ・英国・スウェーデンの代表を含む軍民合同調査グループを設置し、沈没した船の引き上げ語に本格調査を開始した。 5月20日、調査グループは結果を発表し、北朝鮮の犯行であると指摘。その日は沈没事故からちょうど2ヶ月、さらに6月2日にある地方選の遊説開始日に偶然一致していた。

Yoon Duk-yong, Co-Chairman, Joint Investigation Group

“The patrol combat corvette Cheonan was sliced and sank due to an underwater explosion, which was followed by a shock wave and bubble jet effect. The weapon was confirmed to be a highly explosive 250 kg torpedo manufactured by North Korea.”

合同調査グループ共同代表Yoon Duk-yong,


2. 합조단의 결론은 이렇습니다. 백령도 서쪽에서 경비 중이던 천안함은, 9시 22분경 한미 해군 레이더망을 피해 잠입한 북한 잠수정에 의해 기습당합니다. 이 연어급 잠수정이 쏜 중어뢰가 천안함 가스터빈실 아래에서 폭발해 버블효과 물기둥을 일으켰고, 천안함의 허리를 쪼갰다는 것입니다. 그러나 합조단의 결론은 곧바로 숱한 논란을 일으켰습니다.

The investigation team put together its narrative of what happened that night. The Cheonan, while guarding the west coast of the Baengnyeong [백령] Island, was ambushed by a North Korean Yono-class submarine that had penetrated deep into the West Sea, where a joint U.S.-South Korean military drill had taken place earlier that evening. The submarine launched a heavy torpedo, which exploded just below the midsection of the ship, splitting the warship in two. Their conclusion, however, has remained the subject of intense controversy.


(The following are some of the controversies that have arisen.


【Screw Controversy 】

The right screw of the Cheonan was bent into an “S” shape. Experts said unless the ship ran aground, there is no plausible explanation. The Joint Investigation

Group has never given a full explanation.





【Adhesive Substance Dispute】

The Joint Investigation Group said residue found on the ship’s hull and on the torpedo was produced at the time of the explosion. Scientists who analyzed the data said the residue is unrelated to the explosion.



Lee Seung-hun, Professor of Physics, University of Virginia

ヴァージニア大学物理学 Lee Seung-hun教授

“The ratio should be 0.23, very different from 0.9 .”

「(*付物質のある成分の)割合は0.23であるはずで、これは(*合同調査グループのデータの) 0.9とは大きく異なる。」

【Incorrect Torpedo Blueprint Released】

The Joint Investigation Group presented a full-scale blueprint of the

‘No. 1 torpedo’allegedly launched by North Korea.

The blueprint later turned out to be incorrect.

South Korea’s Ministry of Defense explains this away as a “simple mistake.”



【Frequent Reversal of Findings】

-“incident time is 21:45”  -“21:30”-“21:22”

事件発生時刻は21時45分、  21時30分、21時22分

The South Korean Ministry of Defense frequently changed the official time of the incident and related footage, leading to a loss in the South Korean public’s trust. Two weeks after the report’s release, the South Korean people deal the President’s Grand National Party a stunning loss in the June 2 municipal elections.



【Water Column’s Existence Disputed】

The South Korean military cited testimony of Marine guards stationed on Baengnyeong Island who said they “observed a white light at the time of the incident” as evidence of a water column. It is later revealed that the marine guards consistently testified in military investigations that they judged the flash and sound to be lightning and thunder.



【Water Column’s Size Disputed】

The South Korean military also cited a statement by a port-side lookout aboard the Cheonan who said he felt droplets of water splash on his face as evidence of a water column. The calculated size of the water column would have to be over 100 meters high, producing far more than water droplets.



13. 취재진이 단독 입수한 러시아 조사단 보고서 요약본에 따르면, 러시아 조사단은 사건 원인과 시간에 대해 한국 측 조사 결과가 들어맞지 않는다고 결론지었습니다. 러시아 조사단은 천안함이 기뢰에 의해 침몰됐을 가능성을 제기했고, 그 이전에 수심이 낮은 해역에서 1차적 사고를 당했다고 봤습니다. 즉, 사고가 두 번 있었다는 것입니다.

Hankyoreh journalists obtained an exclusive copy of the Korean abstract of the report entitled “Data from the Russian Naval Expert Group’s Investigation into the Cause of Sinking of the South Korean Naval Vessel Cheonan.” The report was a marked contrast to the Joint Investigation Group’s findings. The Russian team concluded that it was not a torpedo, but a floating mine in the water that was responsible for the ship’s sinking, and that before the explosion, the ship had run aground in shallow water. In other words, they believed that two accidents occurred before the sinking.


-1: Russian experts’ different findings


Lee Yong-in, Hankyoreh Newspaper Journalist, exclusively obtained Russian report

“The South Korean government surveyed the U.N. Security Council members about

the Cheonan incident. At the time, Russia mentioned the possibility of an attack by North Korea. That prompted South Korea to invite Russian experts to conduct an independent investigation, in hopes that both of the investigating teams would reach the same conclusion.”

Hankyoreh紙の記者であるLee Yong-inがロシアの報告書を単独入手した。


14. 이와 관련해 도널드 그레그 전 주한미국대사는 뉴욕타임스 인터넷판과 인터내셔널해럴드트리뷴에 흥미로운 글을 기고했습니다. 러시아 고위 인사에게 왜 자국 조사 결과를 공개하지 않느냐고 물어봤더니, 그 조사 결과가 이명박 정권에 큰 정치적 타격을 주고 오바마 행정부를 당황하게 할 수 있기 때문이라고 대답했다는 것입니다.

Former U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Donald Gregg referred to the Russian Naval Experts’ theory in an Op-ed in the International Herald Tribune on August 31st.

Gregg said, “When I asked a well-placed Russian friend why the report has not been made public, he replied, ‘Because it would do much political damage to President Lee Myung-bak and would embarrass President Obama.’”


“I then discovered that the “well placed Russian friend” Mr. Gregg referred to is a high-level official. He or she has the authority to talk about the report, therefore, Mr. Gregg’s column

is in fact quite reliable.“


15. 러시아 조사단은 스크루에 엉켜 있는 어선 그물의 존재를 환기시키고 폭발이 일어나기 전에 천안함이 해저면에 닿아 스크루가 훼손됐다고 설명합니다. 즉 천안함이 직면한 1차적 사고는 좌초 혹은 그와 유사한 상황이라는 것입니다. 30년 간 해난 구조 작업을 해 온 이종인씨는 천안함 사건의 원인이 좌초라고 주장해 왔습니다.

The Russian team’s report states the vessel’s propeller became entangled in a fishing net as it was sailing through shallow waters off the coast of Baengnyeong [백령] Island. The ship likely ran aground, and it was this occurrence that was the first cause of the sinking.

Lee Jong-in, CEO of Alpha Underwater Technology Corporation specializing in ship wreckage recovery, with over 30 years of salvaging experience, has strongly stressed in his opinions that the ship wreckage points to the fact that the ship had run aground, not that an explosion had occurred.

ロシアチームの報告書には、天安艦はベンニョン島の沖の浅い水域に向かっている折りにそのプロペラが漁業網にからまったと書いてある。同艦は座礁したようである、そして沈没の第一原因はこの出来事であった。船舶の遭難を専門とし、30年以上沈没船の引き上げ作業の経験がある、アルファ海底技術法人のCEOであるLee Jong-inは自分の見解を述べながら、天安艦の残骸は同船が座礁した事実を指すと強調した。

Lee Jong-in, CEO of Alpha Underwater Technology Cooperation

“The condition of the ship wreckage showed a simple separation between the bow and stern of the ship. When the ship hit the rock, the area struck sustained damage corresponding to the ship’s 1200-ton weight.”

アフルァ海底技術法人CEO、Lee Jong-inさん


(The Joint Investigation Group’s designated site of the explosion: 37-55-45N, 124-36-02E


-graphic: Explosion point of the JIG 37-55-45N, 124-36-02E

グラフィック:合同調査グループが爆発地点とした点: 北緯37°55′45″東経124°36′02″)

-2: The Coastguards’ statements


16. 이 그래픽은 사고 당일 밤 아홉시부터 사고 순간까지 천안함의 항적에 대해, 군과 전문가의 설명을 바탕으로 재구성해본 것입니다. 군의 공식 폭발원점은 수심이 45미터가 넘어 좌초의 여지가 없습니다.

그러나 천안함의 좌초 가능성과 관련해 주목할만한 진술이 있습니다. 바로 백령도 해안 박아무개 초병의 자필 진술서입니다. 그는 당시 섬광을 목격했다는 김 아무개 초병과 함께 초소에 있었습니다.

This computer graphic tracks the ship’s path from 9:00p.m. on March 26th to the moment of the incident. The military stated that the water level at the site of the sinking was more than 45 meters, which meant the ship had no chance of running aground. However, others also gave significant statements about these claims.

This is the handwritten statement of a marine stationed on the coast of Baengnyeong [백령] Island. He is one of the two guards who spotted the white flash when the incident happened.

このコンピュータグラフィックは、3月26日の午後9時から事故の瞬間までの、天安艦の航行経路を示す。軍は沈没現場の水深は45メートル以上であると述べた、そうであれば、天安艦が座礁した可能性は全くないということになる。 しかしこれらの主張に関して重要な話しをする者もいた。これはベンニョン島海岸に駐在する警備兵の手書きの供述書である。彼は沈没事故が起こったときに、白い光を認めた二人の警備兵のひとりだ。

Lee Tae-ho, People’s Solidarity for a Participatory Democracy

The Marine guards said they saw not a water column, but a white flash. After this fact

revealed, controversy was reignited.”

NPOであるPSPDのLee Tae-hoさん


(-graphic: Cape Doomoojin, Coast post, Expolosion point of the JIG

Doomoonjin 岬、沿岸監視所、合同調査グループが爆発現場とする地点)

17. 그 역시 섬광을 목격했다고 진술했습니다. 그런데 그는 섬광이 두 개 였으며 오른쪽 섬광은 두무진 돌출부에 의해 가려져 잘 보이지 않았다고 합니다.

그가 섬광을 봤다고 지목한 지점은 두무진 끝자락이고 군의 공식 폭발 원점과는 상당한 거리가 있습니다. 게다가 수심이 얕아 좌초 가능성이 있는 지역입니다. 군의 공식 폭발 원점은 탁트인 바다라 불빛이 가려질 여지가 없습니다.

The guard talked about the white flash. He said there were two flashes, and the one on the right was partially blocked by Doomujin spur, a large projection of land located unmistakably northwest from the guard’s watch station. The Joint Investigation Group, however, designated the location of the sinking as southwest, an entirely different direction. Shallow waters are located next to Doomujin spur, maintaining the possibility that the ship ran aground. Guards at the watch station have an unobstructed view, leaving little chance that the guard misidentified the area.

その警備兵はまた、白い閃光についても語った。二つの閃光があがり、右側の閃光は、監視所から間違いなく北西に位置している大きな岬であるDumujin Spurにより部分的に遮られたと述べた。 しかしながら(*合同調査結果の)沈没地点は南西で、それとはまったく異なる方向である。Dumujin Spurからは浅瀬が始まり、そこでは船が座礁する可能性があった。監視所の警備隊員には(*西側と南側において)視界を遮るものがなく、その付近を誤認する可能性はほとんどない。

Noh Jong-myeon, National Union of Media Workers

“The coastguard saw something to the north, but the Joint Investigation Group purposely reported it as the south. This was a fabrication.”

全国メディア労働者組合、Noh Jong-myeonさん


(Marine outpost, area designated where the “patrol combat corvette ran aground”


18. 그의 다음 진술은 더 놀랍습니다. 그는 밤 9시30분경, 초소 기준 180도 방향으로 3km 떨어진 지점에서, 해군함이 좌초된 초계함을 구조했다는 것입니다. 이 지점은 수심이 얕은 해안 인접 지역입니다. 게다가 좌초라고 쓰고 있습니다.

The guard’s next statement was even more surprising. At 9:30 that night, 180 degrees and 3 kilometers due south of the post, he spotted a navy vessel rescuing the stranded patrol combat corvette, the Cheonan. He said that the site was close to the coast, and in shallow waters. The guard referred to the ship as “having run aground.”


Noh Jong-myeon, National Union of Media Workers

“He was looking at a completely different place. He could not have been mistaken, because he continuously observed from his post, and there was nothing to block his vision. He has also confirmed this statement to date.”

全国メディア労働者組合、Noh Jong-myeonさん


19. 이에 최문순 의원과 기자들은 알파 잠수 이종인 대표의 도움을 받아 이 지점에 대한 해안 조사를 벌였습니다. 그 결과, 해도 상에는 존재하지 않는 여러 암초와 사구의 존재를 확인할 수 있었습니다.

National Assembly Lawmaker Choi Moon-soon of the main opposition Democratic Party investigated the site with several reporters, including HaniTV. At the investigation site, they discovered reefs and sand dunes under the sea that were not marked on the map.

Choi Moon-soon国会議員が、Haniテレビからの者を含む数名のリポーターと共に現場を調べた。そこで彼らは、海図に載っていない海底の暗礁と砂丘を発見した。

Choi Moon-soon, Lawmaker, Democratic Party

“There are uncharted rocks near the coast of Baengnyeong Island. There are also small rocks marked on the sea map.”

民主党議員、Choi Moon-soon,


-3: CCTV and incident time


20. 러시아 조사단은 또 사고 시간과 관련해 뜻밖의 사실을 알려줍니다. 천안함 내부에 설치돼 있던 CCTV의 마지막 촬영 시간이 군 발표와 달리 9시17분이라는 겁니다.

군은 CCTV가 전류가 끊기기 1분 전까지 녹화되도록 설정되었으며, 마지막 촬영 시간이 21분이므로 군의 공식 사고 시각 9시22분과 일치한다고 발표했습니다. 때문에 CCTV 시간은 군의 주장을 뒷받침해주는 중요한 근거였습니다.

The report by the team of Russian experts mentioned another important factor previously unknown by the public. The last time recorded by the ship’s CCTV was 9:17 p.m. Military authorities previously reported the final time code as 9:21 p.m. CCTV recording systems record images one minute after they occur, meaning the time code would register the incident as 9:22p.m. The CCTV’s time code served as important evidence in relation to the time of the incident.

ロシア専門家チームによる報告は、これまで一般には知らされていなかった別の重要な事実に触れていた。 天安号のCCTVに記録された最後の時刻は、午後9時17分だった。軍当局はこれ以前、沈没前の最終タイム・コードを午後9時21分と報告していた。 CCTVの記録システムは、実際に起こったことを1分後に映像で記録するので、すなわち、タイム・コードはその事故を午後9時22分と記録するはずだ。 CCTVに記録された時刻は、事故の時刻に関し、重要な証拠であった。

Choi Moon-soon, Lawmaker, Democratic Party

“In that case, if the CCTVs did shut down, it must have been collectively at 9:22. That is what

the Joint Investigation Group stated.“

民主党、Choi Moon-soon 議員


21. 마지막 촬영 시간이 21분인지 17분인지는 CCTV 동영상에 찍혀 있는 시간을 보면 알수 있습니다. 대부분의 CCTV는 상황이 벌어진 시각을 정확히 알수 있도록 화면 어딘가에 정확한 현재 시각이 찍혀 나오도록 돼 있습니다. 그런데 군이 국회 천안함 특위 위원들에게 제공한 CCTV 화면 스틸을 보면 어디에도 시간은 찍혀 있지 않습니다.

The CCTV on the Cheonan, like most CCTVs, have a precise time code on the screen, so that the time when the camera recorded the image is both clear and visible. However, in the images submitted to the National Assembly’s special committee, the time code is missing.

記録された時刻はCCTV画面でたやすく確認できる。 天安艦のCCTVは大抵のCCTV同様、画面上に正確なタイム・コードを載せるので、それによりカメラが映像を記録した時刻ははっきり見て取れる。しかしながら、国会特別委員会に提出された映像にはそのタイム・コードが画面上になかった。

Kim Ok-ryun, Commander, Ministry of National Defense

国防大臣、軍司令官 Kim Ok-ryun

Reporter:“Why was the last time marked on the CCTVs 9:17 p.m.?”


Minister: “It was because of errors in both the camera’s timers and computer servers.”


22. 군 역시 CCTV 화면에 찍혀 있는 마지막 시간이 17분이라는 점은 인정했습니다. 그렇다면 군 설명대로 CCTV가 실제 시간과 오차가 날수 있는 것인지 전문가에게 물어봤습니다.

Authorities stated that the final time recorded on the CCTV footage was 9:17 p.m. We contacted a CCTV expert to find out if their explanation was plausible.


CCTV Security Systems Official

“1 in 1000? The possibility is less than 1%. Why is the time record 9:17 even though the real

time was 9:22? It’s a mystery to me.”


「千に一つでしょうかね? その可能性は1%未満です。本当の時刻が9時22分であったのなら、なぜ9時17分になるのか? 私には謎です。」

(Clockwise: Rear diesel engine room 9:13:06, Front diesel engine room 9:13:16, Rear gas turbine room 9:17:03, AC/Ref plant 9:15:50, Front gas turbine room 9:16:12, Steering gear room 9:17:01

時計回りに:天安艦のディーゼルエンジンルーム:9時13分6秒、 前方ディーゼルエンジンルーム:9時13分16秒、 後方ガスタービン室:9時16分12秒、 操舵室:9時17分1秒 )

23. 미스테리는 이뿐이 아닙니다. CCTV 시간은 각기 다른 시간대에 끊겼으며 빠른 것은 13분에 끊긴 것도 있습니다.

The controversy went further. All of the cameras shut down at different times, and some of them even stopped at 9:13 p.m., at least 8 minutes earlier than the time recorded, according to the Joint Investigation Team.


Choi Moon-soon, Lawmaker, Democratic Party

“CCTVs are supposed to shut down together, but each of them shut down at a different time. This is an unacceptable answer.”



Kim Ok-ryun, Commander, Ministry of National Defense

―CCTVs are programmed to record if they detect movement.―

国防大臣Kim Ok-ryun軍司令官


Reporter :‘Then, what happened to sergeant A? He stayed in the front diesel engine room until the last moment before the incident. Even if the CCTV has a time error, it should continue until 9:16.’

Minister: “ Yes, that is correct… the only answer we have is that it was due to a time error.

R : “Then what you’re saying is, even though the time recorded is 9:13, the actual time is

9:20:58, and the reason is because of the time code error? “

M: “ Yes. “





CCTV Security Systems Official

“They say that the time codes of 9:13, 9:17 and 9:22 all occurred at 9:22? That’s just not right.”



24. 또한, 군은 당초 천안함에 설치한 11대의 CCTV 가운데 여섯 대만 부분 복원에 성공했다고 밝혔습니다. 그러나 천안함 CCTV 복원을 맡은 업체의 말은 다릅니다.

Military sources also did not release all of the footage. They announced that only 6 of the 11 cameras were restored, but the company responsible for the restoration gave a different statement.


Manager, CCTV Data Restoration Company


Reporter:“Your team restored video data from 9:00p.m. and 9:30p.m. first, then eventually

restored all the other data, is that correct? ”

Manager:“Yes, that’s correct.”


マネージャー: 「そのとおりです。」

(-gra: gyro room, A sergeant patrol course ジャイロ・ルーム 軍曹が見回り)

25. 군은 국회 천안함 특위 위원들에게 이 스틸을 CCTV의 마지막 장면으로 제시하면서, 장병들이 운동을 하는 등 평온한 상태였다고 전하고 있습니다.

The military released these pictures as the last scenes captured by the CCTV footage. Here, sailors go about their daily routines, including exercise aboard the ship.


그런데 화면 속에서 순찰을 돌며 다섯 곳에 등장한 A 하사의 시신은 함미가 아닌 함수쪽 자이로실에서 나왔습니다. 스틸 속에서 A 하사는 얼룩무늬 군복을 입고 있습니다. 그러나 시신은 검은색 동절기 근무복을 입은 채 발견됐습니다. 스틸 속 장면과 사망 순간 사이에 일정 시간 간격이 있음을 알 수 있습니다.

This is an officer found in the bow of the ship, which was

broken in two.This footage from the final moment of the ship shows him patrolling. However,

all five sets of footage were not taken in the bow, but in the ship’s stern.

The officer wears a camouflage uniform in the video, but his body was recovered wearing a

black winter uniform. These facts suggest the fact that this footage was not taken from the

last moments before the ship sank.


디젤기관실에서 근무하던 두 하사의 시신은 각기 다른 곳에서 나왔습니다. 한명은 그대로 디젤기관실에서 발견된 반면, 다른 한명은 승조원 식당에서 발견됐습니다.

Here, two officers work in the diesel engine room. Both would become fatalities of the incident. The body of one officer was discovered in the same room, but the body of the other was discovered in the crew cafeteria.


군은 이 장면이 CCTV에 찍힌 마지막 장면이라고 하면서도 녹화 시간을 뺏습니다. 우리는 이 장면이 실제 천안함의 마지막 순간인지 아니면 9시13분에서 17분의 상황인지 알 수 없습니다. 또한 이 장면 이후 어떤 상황이 발생한 것은 아닌지도 알 수 없습니다.

The military declared that this was the last footage recorded aboard the ship, but the time code has disappeared from the footage. This could very well be footage of the ship’s last moments, just as the military explained, but some believe it could also be the time between 9:13 and 9:17. What happened on the ship between these moments and the ship’s sinking remains unknown.


공교롭게도 이 13분에서 17분은 엠비씨가 공개한 바 있는 해군 및 해경 상황일지의 최초 상황발생 보고 시간과 비슷한 시간대입니다.

Strangely, the time code on the CCTV recordings disappears right around the time of the incident, reported by the South Korean navy and maritime police to superiors a few days after the incident. The times were later disclosed by a television reporter.


25-1. 9시22분 전에 다른 상황이 있었다면 아무 이상이 없었던 천안함이 어뢰 공격으로 일격에 침몰됐다는 군의 발표는 설득력을 잃어버립니다. 어뢰 공격의 직접 증거인 1번 어뢰는 끝없는 의혹을 받아 왔습니다.

The Joint Investigation Group concluded that a torpedo from a North Korean submarine struck the ship, and stated that there were no circumstances prior to 9:22 p.m. that were out of the ordinary.  If any irregular situation transpired before 9:22 p.m.,then the Joint Investigation Group’s “surprise attack theory” should be reconsidered. In fact, the fragments of No.1 torpedo, the Joint Investigation Group’s “smoking gun,” have been contested by experts since they were first introduced to the public on May 20th.


-4: Flaws of critical evidence


Yoon Jong-sung, Investigation Bureau Director, Ministry of Defense

“We carried out a thorough search of an area 500 yards long and 500 yards wide, using the

point of the explosion as the central point.”

国防省調査局監督官 Yoon Jong-sung氏


26. 게다가 어뢰를 발견했다는 폭발원점 인근에서 정밀한 수색이 가능했는지도 의문입니다.

Questions remain about whether such a precise search was possible in the location where a trawler discovered the torpedo fragments.


최문순 의원과 기자들은 공식 폭발원점 근처 해역을 조사하다가 2000톤급의 침몰선을 발견했습니다.

Lawmaker Choi and reporters discovered a 2,000 ton sunken vessel near the site of the sinking during their investigation.


Choi Moon-soon, Lawmaker, Democratic Party

“I met the owner of the trawler that discovered the “No. 1 torpedo.” He said that the operation was not easy because he had to conduct the search while maneuvering around the sunken

ship. “

民主党Choi Moon-soon 国会議員


27. 합조단은 이 침몰선이 일제시대의 상선으로 추정된다며, 그 존재를 사건 초기부터 알고 있었다고 말합니다. 천안함과의 연관성이 없는 것으로 판단해 공개하지 않았다는 것입니다. 전문가들은 그러나 이 정도로 큰 침몰선이 해당 해역에 잠겨 있었다면 1번 어뢰를 수거하는 것은 불가능에 가까운 일이라고 합니다.

The Joint Investigation Group said that they believed the vessel was a merchant ship that had sunk over 60 years ago. They were already aware of the ship before the team led by Lawmaker Choi discovered it, but decided not to announce it, because it was unrelated to the Cheonan.

Salvage experts, however, say its presence is significant in regards to the “No. 1” torpedo fragments uncovered by a trawler.


Lee Jong-in, CEO, Alpha Underwater Technology Corporation Service

“The military insists that they located the torpedo below the site of the incident. There is a sunken vessel just 200 meters from the location, which means that they did not search surrounding areas.”

アルファ海底技術法人サービスCEO、Lee Jong-in


28. 조류와 수심을 고려할 때 쌍끌이 어선의 그물 길이가 300미터가 넘어야만 쌍끌이 어선 운용이 가능하며, 이 경우 침몰선을 피해 다니며 정밀 수색한다는 것은 힘들다는 것입니다.

Salvage expert Lee Jong-in says that a trawl net must be more than 300 meters away from the ship to operate. The fragments of the No. 1 torpedo were discovered within 300 meters of the sunken vessel, meaning that it would have been nearly impossible for the trawler to uncover the fragments while avoiding wreckage from large vessels.

引き上げの専門家、Lee Jong-inは、トロール船が作業するには、網を300メートル以上離しておかねばならないという。一番魚雷の断片は沈没船から300メートル以内のところで見つかったが、それはつまり、大型の難破船を避けながらそのような断片をトロール船が発見することがほぼ不可能であっただろうことを意味する。

Lee Jong-in, CEO, Alpha Underwater Technology Corporation Service

“To recover the torpedo, the trawler must be 100 meters north of the sunken ship. In that case, there is no way the trawl net would have been able to avoid the sunken ship.”



29. 러시아 조사단도 이 증거물이 6개월 이상 수중에 있었던 것으로 보인다며 증거 능력에 회의를 나타냈습니다. 그러나 무엇보다도 어뢰 폭발로 설명이 안되는 부분은 바로 충격파입니다.

수중에서 폭발이 일어나면 먼저 충격파가 물을 타고 구형으로 전파됩니다. 이후 가스버블이 팽창과 수축을 거쳐 수면에 도달하게 되면 강력한 물기둥으로 솟구치게 됩니다.

선체를 직접 타격하는 버블제트 물기둥에 대해서는 그동안 많이 알려져 왔습니다.

The Russian team also cast doubt on the “No. 1” torpedo. They deduced that it had been underwater for more than 6 months, far longer than the Joint Investigation Group’s estimation at 2 months. Moreover, the part of the torpedo theory they simply could not explain away was the shock wave that split the ship in two.

When a torpedo explodes in the water, the primary impact is a shock wave, which spreads through the water in the shape of a sphere, The water column produced by the gas babble)is the second effect of the explosion. The Joint Investigation Group explained that the water column was the main cause of the ship’s split, and was therefore highly publicized.


29-1. 그러나 실제 폭발 에너지의 53퍼센트를 차지하는 것은 바로 이 충격파입니다. 국내의 한 연구원은 이 충격파가 중력가속도의 열여덟배, 즉 18G를 넘어가게 되면 머리의 인체 안정성을 확보할수 없다고 말합니다.

The shock wave employs 53 percent of the explosion’s energy. One expert that spoke on the condition of anonymity said that if the shockwave is 18 times stronger than “G,” the acceleration of gravity, the human body is unable to resist damage.


South Korean Physics Scientist

Question: Where did the 18G and 50G criteria come from?

Military: “ NASA conducted experiments and set up the standards”




30. 합조단은 그동안 천안함의 경우 TNT 이삼백 키로 규모의 수중 폭발의 영향을 받았다고 주장해 왔습니다. 그 영향에 대한 전문가의 의견은 이렇습니다.

The Joint Investigation Group concluded from calculations that the explosion that split the Cheonan was equal to 200-300 kilograms of TNT. Expert Shin Yong-shik, a member of the Joint Investigation Group, says that when an explosion takes place, the following would result.

合同調査グループは、天安の船体を二つに割った爆発は、TNT(トリニトロトルエン)200~300キログラムに相当すると結論づけた。合同調査グループのメンバーである、専門家のShin Yong-sikさんは、爆発が起これば、次ぎのようなことが生じるだろうと言う。

Shin Young-sik, Professor of Ocean Systems Engineering, Mokpo National Maritime University

“The impact could be 100G or more. In that case, the crewmembers would have flown like bullets from a gun. They would have sustained hits from every direction, may have fractured bones and could even have died.”

国立木浦海洋大学の海洋システム工学教授、Shin Young-sik 氏


31. 이 장면은 사건 발생 13일만인 4월 7일, 국군수도병원에서 기자회견 자리에 선 천안함 생존자들의 모습입니다. 일부를 제외하곤 대부분 큰 부상없이 멀쩡합니다. 이들이 100G의 충격을 받은 것으로는 보이지 않습니다.

사망자들 역시 마찬가지입니다. 국립과학수사연구소는 천안함 사망자들의 사체를 검안한 결과, 일부 골절이 있지만 사인은 전부 익사인 것으로 추정된다고 밝혔습니다.

This footage shows the Cheonan survivors 2 weeks after the incident. With the exception of two to three crew members, they show little evidence of injuries, and could not have sustained the 100G impact.

The bodies of the deceased crewmembers are also nearly identical. The National Institute of Scientific Investigation, which conducted autopsies of the bodies, concluded that although some of them sustained bone fractures, the cause of death, without exception, was drowning.


32. 게다가 1번 어뢰의 실제 폭발량은 그간의 설명보다 훨씬 강력한 것으로 드러났습니다. 천안함에서는 티앤티 외에도 HMX와 RDX라는 고성능 폭약이 검출됐는데, 흔히 이런 폭약을 혼합해 훨씬 강력한 폭발 효과를 낸다고 합니다.

The explosive power of the “No. 1” torpedo was in fact stronger than indicated on the Joint Investigation Group’s interim report. The Joint Investigation Group detected HMX and RDX on the ship, both highly powerful explosives in comparison to TNT.

「一番」魚雷の爆発力は実際ならば、合同調査グループの中間報告で示されたものより強力であったろう。合同調査グループは船上で、どちらもTNTよりずっと強力な爆発物であるHMX(高融点爆薬)とRDX (シクロトリメチレントリニトロアミン)を検知した。

Explosives Expert 「爆発物専門家」

Anonymous explosive expert:

“If high explosives are mixed, the power is 2 to 3 times stronger than TNT. Experts surely

know that. “


33. 5월 20일 발표 이후 3개월간 합조단은 시뮬레이션 결과 TNT 이삼백키로 규모 폭발시 천안함과 유사한 손상이 발생한다고 주장해 왔습니다. 백령도 인근에서 발생한 지진파의 세기도 TNT로 환산하면 250키로 규모로 파악돼 1번 어뢰의 폭발량과 일치한다고도 했습니다. 그러나 전문가들의 의견을 종합할 때 1번 어뢰의 폭발량을 TNT로 환산하면 350에서 500키로 규모가 되므로, 합조단의 설명은 심각한 오류에 빠집니다.

After the interim announcement on May 20th, the Joint Investigation Group maintained that the scale of the explosion was between 200 and 300 kilograms of TNT. This was consistent with the seismic wave produced around Baengnyeong Island at the time of the incident. However, the final compiled data from the Joint Investigation Group’s team of experts revealed that the scale of the explosion was in fact between 350 and 500 kilograms of TNT. This did not match the seismic wave measured at the time, meaning the Joint Investigation Group’s report contained significant inconsistencies.


33-1. 합조단 역시 이런 오류를 인식했는지 9월13일 낸 최종 보고서를 통해 3개월 넘도록 유지해왔던 설명을 뒤집었습니다. 다시 시뮬레이션 해 보니 TNT 360키로 규모가 맞다는 것입니다. 그러나 지진파의 크기와의 불일치는 명쾌히 설명하지 못했습니다. 지진파는 합조단이 그동안 사고 장소와 시간을 특정하는 근거로 사용돼 왔습니다.

The Joint Investigation Group admitted its mistake and altered the scale of the explosion. They said that an explosion of 350 kilograms of TNT fit the rest of their data when they altered the simulation. Unsurprisingly, they could not give a clear explanation about the mismatch with the seismic wave data. The Joint Investigation Group previously presented the seismic wave data as strong evidence for the time and location of the incident.


34. 그 어뢰를 쐈다는 북한의 연어급 잠수정에 대해서도 설명이 명쾌하지 않습니다. 군의 설명에 따르면 이 잠수정은 기지에서 사고 지점까지 디귿자 모양으로 310키로미터를 이동해 왔습니다. 이 잠수정의 속도는 시속 5키로에 불과해, 목표 지점까지 도달하는데 이틀이 걸렸습니다.

The explanation for the North Korean submarine torpedo launch was even more unclear than the explanation for the torpedo itself. According to South Korea’s Ministry of Defense, the North Korean Yono-class submarine departed from its North Korean base and took a route through international waters that stretched about 310 kilometers in length. A member of the Joint Investigation Group told Lawmaker Choi Moon-soon that the submarine’s speed, at 5 kilometers per hour, meant that the journey took 2 days.

北朝鮮の潜水艦による魚雷発射という説明は、魚雷そのものについての説明よりずっと不明瞭であった。韓国の国防省によれば、北朝鮮のヨオノ級潜水艦が北朝鮮内のその基地を出発し、310キロメートルの長さにわたって広がる公海を航行したという。合同調査グループのメンバーの一人がChoi Moon-soon国会議員に、時速5キロメートルのその潜水艦の速度ではその航行は2日かかったことになると述べた。

Choi Moon-soon, Lawmaker, Democratic Party

“This means that the submarine traveled for 2 days and torpedoed a moving patrol combat corvette with a single shot.Then, it took the same route back to North Korea over a 2-day period.“



Lee Tae-ho, People’s Solidarity for a Participatory Democracy

“This is not a fact, nor is it confirmed information. It is just widespread speculation.

The speculation is that the submarine travelledall the way from and back to North Korea without getting caught by the US and South Korea. ”

PSPDのLee Tae-hoさん



35. 전문가들은 천안함 사건을 미 해군의 아이오와함 사건과 비교하곤 합니다. 1989년 4월, 아이오와함 선체의 포탑에서 의문의 폭발이 일어나 47명의 수병이 사망하는 사건이 발생합니다. 해군은 조사 3개월 만에 동성애자인 포병 클레이튼 하트윅이 고의적으로 뇌관을 건드려 폭발이 일어났다고 발표했습니다.

Some experts have drawn parallels between the Cheonan incident and the explosion aboard the U.S.S. Iowa.

On April 19, 1989, the gun turret in the central gun room aboard the U.S.S Iowa exploded, killing 47 of the turret’s crewmembers. After a 3-month investigation, the U.S. Navy concluded that Clayton Hartwig, a crewmember, had intentionally caused the explosion. News media at the time published stories focusing on a concocted failed romantic relationship with another male crewmember in citing the criminal reasons for his actions.



35-1. 그러나 미 의회는 조사결과를 신뢰하지 않았습니다. 해군은 사고 직후 현장을 제대로 보존조차 하지 않았습니다. 의회는 독립기관인 샌디아 연구소에 조사를 의뢰했고, 2년에 가까운 재조사 끝에 하트윅의 유족은 군으로부터 사과를 받아냈습니다.

The United States Senate, however, criticized the results of the investigation. The Senate discovered that the Navy had failed to even properly preserve the site of the incident. They decided to conduct a reinvestigation and assigned the task to Sandia Laboratories, as an independent scientific study. After an investigation lasting nearly 2 years, the Navy admitted to their mistakes and apologized to Hartwig’s family.


Noh Jong-myeon, National Union of Media Workers

“As demonstrated by a number of cases internationally, military authorities often try to fabricate incidents related to them. The attention of the people and the National Assembly is essential for revealing the truth. Therefore, there should definitely be a reinvestigation.”

全国メディア労働者組合、Noh Jong-myeonさん


36. 천안함의 경우도 조사 주체와 기간에 대해 외부는 물론 합조단 내부에서도 비판의 목소리가 나오고 있습니다.

There has also been criticism from within and outside the Joint Investigation Group.



Joint Investigation Group Civilian Member, Chungnam National University Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Professor 

“To determine the exact cause of the sinking, I think the Joint Investigation Group requires a bigger budget and more time to investigate step-by-step(ナシ)”



Noh In-shik氏


Lee Jong-in, CEO, Alpha Underwater Technology Corporation Service

“There were only 10 days to conduct an investigation at sea due to the inclement weather.

That means that the Joint Investigation Group did not have time to investigate any other

possible causes of the incident except for a torpedo attack.”

アルファ海底技術法人サービス、Lee Jong-inさん


-Lee myung-bak, President of South Korea

“My fellow citizens, circumstance around Korea Peninsular is getting into important turning point.”



37. 천안함 이후 한미는 대규모 해상군사훈련을 강행했습니다. 중국과 북한도 군사훈련과 해안포 사격으로 맞섰습니다.

After the sinking of the Cheonan, the United States and South Korea launched large-scale joint military exercises on the seas surrounding the Korean peninsula. As tensions escalated, China’ Navy responded with their own military exercises, and North Korea fired artillery into the West Sea.


Jeong Se-hyun, Former Minister of Unification of South Korea

“Some have called this the new Cold War. The sinking of the Cheonan occurred in the midst of a U.S.-China competition for global power. Since the incident, the South Korea-U.S. and North Korea-China alliances have entered a new era of confrontation.”

韓国の前統一相、Jeong Se-hyun氏

「これを新たな冷戦と呼ぶ人もいます。 天安艦沈没は、グローバルな覇権を求める米国と中国の競争のただ中で発生しました。その事故以来、韓国と米国、北朝鮮と中国の同盟は、新たな対立の時代に入りました。」

38. 한국의 대미의존외교는 심각한 부작용을 일으켰고, 북한은 급속도로 중국 영향권으로 편입될 조짐을 보이고 있습니다.

South Korea’s foreign policy has now become increasingly dependent on the United States, and as a consequence, North Korea’s dependency on China is rising quickly.


“The South Korean government used the sinking of the Cheonan incident for domestic political purposes. As a result, China has placed a check on South Korea through economic disadvantages. South Korea can no longer refuse the U.S. demands to join sanctions on Iran. I can now say that South Korea has been placed in a difficult position.“


39. 천안함 침몰의 원인이 무엇인지는 명확치 않습니다. 그러나 조사과정과 정보공개가 부실했다는 것은 명확합니다. 이 부실한 조사에 한반도의 운명을 맡기기에는 오늘 우리의 상황이 너무 엄혹합니다.

Who or what was responsible for the sinking of the Cheonan? As of now, there is no definitive answer. But one thing is clear. The investigation of the sinking was incomplete, lacking in transparency, and even subject to political manipulation. The situation on the Korean Peninsula is far too critical to base far-reaching policy decisions on such a flawed investigation.

天安艦沈没は誰が、何が起こしたのか? 現在のところ、決定的な回答はない。しかし明瞭なことがひとつある。沈没調査は不完全であり、透明性に欠け、政治的操作に利用された。朝鮮半島の状況は大きな危機にあり、広範な政治決定をこのような欠陥調査に基づかせることはできない。

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