
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Statement of protest against the sexual assault on an Okinawan woman by a US Marine Corps serviceman, and demand for withdrawal of US Military Forces 米海兵隊員による女性への性暴力事件に抗議し軍隊の撤退を求める要求書 

Here is a statement of protest against the sexual assault on an Okianwan woman committed by a US marine on August 18, 2012, by Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence (OWAAMV), first in Japanese, then in English.



米兵わいせつ事件 根絶の近道は海兵隊撤退(琉球新報8月21日社説)

「とても許せる話ではない」 仲井真知事、来訪の米総領事に抗議 強制わいせつ事件(琉球新報8月20日)

基地内性的暴行 軍隊が持つ構造的な犯罪だ(琉球新報7月7日社説)

沖縄県知事 仲井真弘多 殿

内閣総理大臣 野田佳彦 殿

外務大臣  玄葉光一郎 殿

防衛大臣  森本敏 殿

アメリカ合衆国 オバマ大統領 殿

駐日米大使 ジョン・V・ルース 殿

在沖四軍調整官 ケネス・グリューク 殿

在沖米総領事アルフレッド・マグルビー 殿












一、            被害女性への謝罪と加害米兵の厳正なる処罰を行うこと

一、            女性、子どもの安全な生活環境を保障するため、全米兵の基地外行動を禁止すること

一、            沖縄からすべての基地・軍隊は撤退すること。



共同代表 高里鈴代 糸数慶子 

900-0015 那覇市久茂地3-29-41-402

電話・ファックス 864-1539
Hirokazu Nakaima, Govenor of Okinawa Prefecture
Yoshihiko Noda, Prime Minister
Koichiro Genba, Foreign Minister
Satoshi Morimoto, Defense Minister
Barack Obama, President of the United States
John V. Roos, U.S. Ambassador to Japan
Kenneth Glueck, Okinawa Area Coordinator and Commanding General of III Marine Expeditionary Force
Alfred Magleby, U.S. Consul General of Naha, Okinawa
Monday, August 20, 2012
Statement of protest against the sexual assault on an Okinawan woman by a US Marine Corps serviceman, and demand for withdrawal of US Military Forces
We, residents of Okinawa, and women of Okinawa, who have long suffered from imposition of US military bases and troops on this island, are deeply shocked and outraged over the sexual assault on the woman, resulting in injury, which happened at 4:30 AM on August 18.
The offender, a US marine, knocked the woman down on the street as she was on her way home, and assaulted her. Local residents heard her scream, and the offender has been arrested, but the pain and fear of the victim is immeasurable, causing serious anxiety in local communities. We must also remember that many such crimes are left unreported.
Why are US combat personnel allowed to freely roam around outside of the bases and enter local neighbourhoods? Why is the provision of a safe living environment for women and children not treated seriously?
According to a newspaper report on July 6 (Ryukyu Shimpo), the number of sexual assaults against female service members within the US Marine Corps as a whole last year was three hundred and forty-six, sixty-seven of which were committed by Marine Corps members based in Okinawa, the second highest in all US Marine Corps bases. We were appalled that the rate of such crimes [in Okinawa] was twice of those of the other bases, and this does not even include sexual crimes against Okinawan women.
The US military in June 2010 placed an indefinite midnight curfew on military personnel, in response to the frequent occurrences of fatal hit-and-run accidents and taxi robberies. This present case shows that such disciplinary measure by the US military has been gradually dropped.
Together with the risk posed by the MV-22 Osprey deployment in Okinawa we must raise awareness about the continuing threat posed by the US military and call for their removal,. Based on the stance that “Armies are organizations of structural violence, not providing true security either at local or inter-state level,” we demand the following:
-        Respect for the privacy of the woman victim, and physical and psychological care for her.
-        Apology to be issued to the woman victim and the offender to be strictly punished.
-        Banning of all off-base activities of all US military personnel, in order to secure safe living environments for women and children.
-        Withdrawal of all US military bases and troops from Okinawa.
Suzuyo Takazato and Keiko Itokazu, Co-Chairs
Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence (OWAAMV)
3-29-41-402, Kumoji, Naha-shi, Okinawa Prefecture 900-0015
Phone & Fax: (+81) 098-864-1539

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