
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

9条ピースウォークレポート パート1

                      Peace Journalist  菊野由美子







Monday, April 28, 2008

May 4 Article 9 Event in Vancouver concurrent with Global Conference in Japan

The Global Article 9 Conference (May 4-5 in Japan) is approaching!

We are going to hold a potluck event on May 4th, happening simultaneously with the VSA9's workshop at the Global Conference in Makuhari, Chiba. It will be held at Audrey Howatson's house in North Vancouver. The purpose of this event is to show support to the Vancouver delegates to the Global Conference and really for us in Vancouver to celebrate the first-ever international conference on the peace constitution. In fact,we will attempt to live-link between Makuhari and Vancouver using SKYPE. All are welcome, and there will be activities for children as well.

The host of the evening Audrey Howatson has done Peace Boat's global cruise 5 times and has been involved with numerous environment and peace initiatives including the across-nation bike ride from Hokkaido to Okinawa in Japan. Thank you Audrey for kindly offering your place for this event!

Time: 5 -8 PM, May 4th (Sunday) Place: Audrey's house in North Vancouver - email for details.

Dinner: Potluck please. We tend to get too many desserts, so please bring something other than desserts, thank you. Please bring your own cup, place, cutlery - it is a garbage-free event.

For the environment, please use transit or carpool. Drivers of carpooled vehicles will get a present (limit 10, first-come, first-served) at Theodor! Please let us know if you would like to carpool, whether offering or requesting a ride.

There is no fee, but small donations will be welcome, for future peace activities in Vancouver.

RSVP by May 3rd to Chizu Kanada Let us know how many adults and children are coming. Ages of children requested as well.

Organized by: Vancouver Save Article 9 Peace Philosophy Centre

Friday, April 25, 2008

Education for Peace – Beyond Horrors of War

(This is an article written for Nikkei Voice, to report the May 8th, 2008 Peace Education Event with guest speaker Misako Iwashita. Also look for the report in Japanese and one in Chinese. )

Peace Philosophy Centre, an organization established January 2007 to promote education for peace and sustainability, hosted a peace education event, “Be a Participant in History, not a Bystander” on March 8, 2008 at the Roundhouse Community Centre in Vancouver. Guest speaker Misako Iwashita shared her 35-year experience as a history teacher and peace educator at junior high schools in Japan, and presented a condensed version of one of her special lesson cycle pioneered by her in which she discusses Japanese war resisters active during the Asia Pacific War.

Misako pointed to the growing influence of historical revisionism on youths in Japan, and to misconceived peace education practices that fail to give hope to children by not going beyond teaching the horrors of war, as the primary concerns motivating her work. While it is critical to teach the dark chapter of history, especially Japanese aggression in Asia during the war, Misako argues, children are often left feeling bad about themselves and their ancestors, and become easy targets of a right-wing nationalism that gives children a pseudo-sense of pride in their country. She has also seen her students often trying to detach themselves from the lessons of war, making comments like “I don’t understand why those Japanese people then were so cruel,” and “I am just glad I was born in a peaceful time.”

In order to address these concerns, Misako introduced a three-step peace education course for all grade 9 students at her school. In the first class, students learnt about the realities of Japanese atrocities in China and beyond, including the Nanjing Massacre. In the second class, emphasis was placed on how ordinary citizens were brainwashed by the militaristic education and were made to believe that it was a good thing to fight and die in the name of the Emperor. In the third lesson, she introduced the fact that there were many people in Japan who courageously opposed the war of invasion.

In Japan and for her talk here, Misako used the video “People Who Opposed WWII”(produced by Osaka Education and Culture Centre), which introduces Senji Yamamoto, a congressman who opposed war and was later assassinated, Takiji Kobayashi, a proletariat author who was tortured to death, and a group of one hundred students and faculty members at Osaka Commerce University who formed an anti-war group and were put to prison. They were among the tens of thousands of people who were punished under the Peace Preservation Law. Learning about these brave individuals and groups seemed to give real hope and role models to her students, Misako said. “I saw my students’ eyes sparkle when I talked about Japanese war-resisters. They wanted to become like those people, to make sure that war doesn’t happen again. They even challenged other teachers, asking if they had done anything to stop the emergency defense legislation from passing in the Diet.”

Misako’s event was particularly significant because it took place in Vancouver where immigrants and students from all over Asia live, work and study together. Misako, an ESL student herself during her post-retirement stay in the multicultural city, says she has often observed gaps she wanted to help fill in the disparate historical views held by students from Japan and those from China and Korea. As Japanese students are generally not taught much about modern history, they don’t even know why some of their fellow Asian students don’t like Japan, and don’t know how to respond when confronted by such emotions. Misako invited many of her fellow ESL classmates to the event, believing a glimpse of her history lesson would help them build peaceful collaborations among Asian youths.

This event was blessed with over forty participants of many backgrounds who packed the small event room, including several members of BC ALPHA, an association that promotes the education of WWII history and advocates on behalf of surviving war victims. Thekla Lit, President of BC ALPHA, commented that she felt enlightened by Misako’s talk, and hoped to see Japanese youth develop more emotional connection with war victims and greater interest in taking actions that make a difference. Yuriko Yamashita, a member of a young mothers’ group that has been studying modern history with Misako, said, “I wish I had an inspiring teacher like Misako when I was in school.” Dunc Shields, a retired teacher, said, “Misako's response came across very clearly to me that solutions to problems that divide the peace movement can be found when people or countries establish a mutual friendship and genuine desire for peace.”

For more information on this event and other Peace Philosophy Centre activities, visit

Satoko Norimatsu
Peace Educator

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Face of Jizo Production in Victoria by Futarikko

Futarikko Theatre Company presented the Canadian premiere of *The Face of Jizo.*
*The Face of Jizo* deals in intimate detail with the trauma faced by survivors of the atomic bomb, reminding us of the inhumanity of nuclear weaponry.First produced in 1994 under its Japanese title, *Chichi to Kuraseba* (If Lived with my Father), *The Face of Jizo* was written by well-known Japanese playwright Hisashi Inoue and translated into English by Roger Pulvers in2003. The play's English title refers to Jizo, the Japanese Buddhist guardian deity of children.*The Face of Jizo* was presented by Futarikko Theatre Company, which formed in 2002 in Kochi, Japan. Founding member Ayumi Hamada brought the spirit ofFutarikko to Canada in 2006, with the goal of introducing Canadian audiences to Japanese contemporary plays. *The Face of Jizo *was Futarikko's third show, following three
successful runs of *The Lady Aoi *in 2007 at venues including the Nanaimo Japanese Festival and UVic's Student Alternative Theatre Co.Ayumi Hamada has been studying and performing theatre in Victoria for three years. She has received numerous awards at theatre festivals in Kochi,including Best Actress. Ayumi designed costumes and acted in *The Face of Jizo* as part of a directed studies program at the University of Victoria.Working with Ayumi on *The Face of Jizo* was a Canadian team includingactor David Christopher, artist and sound designer Min Huh, lighting designers Emily Kevis and Darcy Stoop, director Alyssa Knox, stage manager Aya Walraven as well as numerous volunteers.*Vancouver Saving Article 9* displayed an exhibition of historical photographs and paintings in the theatre. Members of *Vancouver Save Article 9*, a group which advocates for the preservation of the article in Japan's constitution which renounces war, was present at the show. Futarikko presented *The Face of Jizo* in solidarity with Peace Philosophy Centre and Vancouver Save Article 9's efforts to remind the public about the tragedy of the atomic bombs and to advocate peace.*The Face of Jizo* was performed twice at Metro Studio, in Victoria. There were 183 guests in total.

Written by

Alyssa Knox and Aya Walraven

Monday, April 21, 2008

フォトジャーナリスト 豊田直巳氏による「戦争の作り方・平和の作り方」

                    Peace Journalist 菊野由美子


   イラク戦争では、アメリカは、戦争を始める最後通告の48時間のタイムリミットより4時間前に攻撃を開始し、その最初の被害者は、豊田さんのイラク取材中のヨルダン人運転手のお兄さんだった。」 また、空爆はピンポイントであると報道されているが、イラクの市民シェルターを爆撃し、何百人もの市民が死んだ。

   そんなイラク戦争を「人道支援」としてサポートしているのが日本である。同時多発テロが起きた9.11の4日後に、アメリカに「Show the flag!」と言われ、翌月10月には日の丸がペイントされたC-130輸送機で315枚のテントをパキスタンに運んだ。費用は約3000万円。そのころ、韓国や英国はもっと安い費用で何千枚の単位でテントを運んでいた。ここで豊田さんは、だから何なのだと語らなかった。受け取る我々に委ねたのだと思う。また、2006年7月7日に自衛隊駐屯地であるイラクのサマワ市長からの感謝状が日本全国に流されたが、実はそれは自衛隊側が頼んだことだった。さらに、自衛隊が保有する860億円のペイトリオットは、地上から敵の弾道ミサイルを 打ち落とす兵器だ。しかし、アメリカ軍が自衛隊保有と同じ式のペイトリオットを実際に使っても、戦闘機しか打ち落とせなかったことが分かり、さらに460億円かけて最新式を導入する予定だ。しかし、その最新式も、アメリカ軍が使った際、イギリス軍やアメリカ空軍F戦闘機に命中しており、腹を立てたアメリカ空軍が逆に自国の最新式ペイトリオットを攻撃し破壊した、という前歴がある代物だ。

   豊田さんは言う、「情報に操作されず、疑い、自分で考える偏差値をあげてほしい。思考停止しないために。」イラクでの命がけの報道も、そのころ、多摩川にアザラシが出没してすっかり国民的人気者になっていた「タマちゃん」の話題にかき消されたそうだ。そんな豊田さんの経験談を 聞いていると、自分の中で様々な疑問が湧いてきた。視聴率やスポンサーのためのメディアになったのは、実は情報を受け取る我々 がそうさせたのではないか?「マスコミは何も真実を伝えない」と嘆くばかりでいいのだろうか?報道のあり方を変えるために、我々ができることがあるはずだ。などである。大阪からの女性参加者は、「豊田さんの講演は若者にも受け入れられやすいと思う。私もいろいろ考えさせられ、報道の見方が変わった。」と話した。




                     Peace Journalist 菊野由美子

1985年に核燃料再処理工場の建設地に決まったドイツ南部の小さな村で繰り広げられた住民の反対運動を記録したドキュメンタリー映画「核分裂過程」(1987年ドイツ)が、4月19日、東京代官山のBAR 60’Sで「再処理工場を知る会」主催で上映された。このドキュメンタリーは、美しい映像、斬新なカメラ割りや音楽を見方につけ、核エネルギーの危険性を訴えることはもちろん、民主主義や報道のありかたに大きな疑問を投げかける作品に仕上がっている。











Thursday, April 17, 2008

Presentation in Hosono Elementary School

   To find the ways to tell hope and future....   
                 Peace Journalist Yumiko Kikuno          
  On March 19th, I was invited as a guest speaker to Hosono Elementary School, where was located in Kobayashi City, Miyazaki, Japan. Masayo Shimono, a homeroom teacher of its one of sixth grade classes, arranged this event, hoping that her students would expand their horizons and move forward to make their dreams come true. I told them about Canada and Vancouver, peace activities that I worked on, and some important things to make a dream come true.

First, I explained basic information about Canada, such as its population, industry, time zone and so on. Then, I introduced Canada and Vancouver with many pictures. I got lots of questions and comments from students: “What kind of animals did you see?” “How’s food?” “Can I use Japanese yen in Canada?” “I could play outside until around 9:00pm in summer in Vancouver, which is nice!”

Second, I told some peace activities that I have been working on as a peace journalist. I told with many pictures that many people came to see the exhibit of A-bomb and Humanity held in Vancouver last summer and that having this event was important to raise awareness of the issues of nuclear weapons overseas. I also showed some pictures to tell about the international conference of banning depleted uranium weapons held last October in New York, which I attended. After that, as I was told that students had just learned about some Japanese who had been working on international activities for people in poor countries like NGO, to that contrary, I reported that many people in other countries had been working on peace activities to support Japanese, too. They were about Vancouver Save Article 9, Article 9 Peace Walk, and Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War that will be held in Tokyo in May 4th and 5th, 2008. I told children that many people in foreign countries would come to Japan to talk how they could save and spread the Article 9 through the world because they didn’t want wars anymore and wanted to introduce a peace clause like the Article 9 to their countries. Students made their comments: “I didn’t know that there are people in the US and Canada who have been working on activities to eliminate nuclear weapons,” “I want be a pediatrician to save children who have suffered from leukemia or cancer,” “I want to save the Article 9 because I don’t want to see people die due to wars and I think A-bomb survivors would feel more sad and pain if the Article 9 was changed.”

Finally, I told three important things to make dreams come true, telling to myself, too. First, “Do not give up. Believe yourself!” Second, “Do not compare yourself with others. Appreciate every thing you have!” Third, “Talk to yourself. Listen to voice from your heart!” As one of my examples to talk to myself, I told that I sit down under trees and talked to them when I took a walk, so I felt better and got some good ideas. Surprisingly, most children said that they would like to talk to trees when they lost their confidence or their ways to achieve their goals.

I would like to say big thanks to the principal, the vice-principal, Shimono-sensei, and Muranakata-sensei in Hosono Elementary School. I appreciate to be given such a great opportunity. And thank you so much for students who cheered me up and gave me a lot of energy. I will work on finding ways to tell not only hope but also future to create peace in the world, which one of students gave me as homework!


                       Peace Journalist 菊野由美子




次に私がバンクーバーで学んだことを簡単に説明し、Peace Journalistとして参加した平和活動の話をした。まず、バンクーバーで原爆展を開いた様子を写真で説明し、日本国外で原爆展を開くことは、原爆禁止の意識や運動を世界中で高めるために重要な役割を果たしますと伝えた。また、昨年10月にニューヨークで開かれた劣化ウラン兵器禁止世界会議に出席した様子も話し、イラクではその兵器のために、多くの子供たちがガンや白血病で亡くなったり、苦しんでいることを伝えた。生徒たちはちょどそのころ、海外青年協力隊など海外で支援活動をしている日本人の事を学んだばかりだということを聞き、反対に、海外の人達が日本を助けようという活動があることに触れた。それは、バンクーバー九条の会のことや、5月に開かれる9条世界会議のことと、今進行中である9条ピースウォークである。「戦争をしません。」と約束された憲法九条が今変えられつつある。日本人だけでなく、多くの海外の人達が「私の国にもこのような平和憲法がほしい、日本の9条をなくしてはだめだ!」と、この9条を守り、広めるためにどうしたらいいか、世界中の人達が日本に集まって考えてくれる会議が開かれることを話した。



Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War

(above logo from the website of Global Article 9 Conference)
The first international conference on Article 9 will be held at Makuhari, Japan on May 4, 5 and 6, 2008.

Vancouver Save Article 9 (VSA9) and Peace Philosophy Centre are among the supporting organizations of this Conference.

VSA9, with the funds that they raised through February 29th's fundraising event, will send four young and ambitious delegates to this Conference - Tomoyo Mitsuhisa, Ellen Clague, Joshua Cox, and Yashar Keramati.
On May 5th, VSA9 and the Geneva Peace Group will co-host a workshop to talk about how we can spread the Article 9 movement throughout the world. One of the co-facilitators is Eiichiro Ochiai, President of VSA9.
Here in Vancouver, we will hold a concurrent event to celebrate the Global Conference and to virtually participate in the Conference.
Date and Time: Sunday May 4th, from 5 to 8 PM
Place: Audrey Howatson's house in North Vancouver (contact for details)
Peace-loving people in Vancouver, please mark your calendar now!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

ホワイトロックの会 08年4月の会のお知らせ










4月12日(土)1時半より ホワイトロック(カナダBC州、アメリカとの国境付近の美しい町)において 会場については参加希望の方に詳細をお送りします。

参加希望の方は、 にご連絡下さい。


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Freedom in Education Wins

Despite the previous warning of dismissal that Kimiko Nezu had been given, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education decided not to fire her. On March 31st, the Tokyo Board of Education gave the 57 year-old teacher of home economics a 6-month suspension without pay, the fourth suspension and the ninth disciplinary measure that they have issued her for not standing up for the song Kimigayo during school ceremonies. Kimiko Nezu and her supporters cheered outside the gate of Minamiosawa Gakuen School, saying it was a victorious event that the Board did not, or could not fire her with the rising public opinion and media attention.

Here is the link to the TBS news on April 1 compiled by members of Committee to Stop Firing of Nezu and Kawarai with English subtitles.

Here is a Japan Times article that covered the event on March 31st.

For those who are not familiar with the Kimigayo/Hinomaru controversy at Japanese schools, see this Japan Times article.

For updates in English, check the blog site of the Committee.

I cannot be prouder of the tireless efforts of Ms. Nezu, Ms. Kawarai and their supporters. I joined their actions at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Buildings on March 24, the day of the graduation ceremony, only for half a day. They stand in rain handing out flyers, making speeches, going up to the reception of the Board knowing that they will only be blocked, and they argue for hours with the security guards and the Board employees. I could not believe that they did this every day, every single day. I think this persistance and resilience of these teachers and their supporters is what really moved the Board to reverse its direction of punishment.

Still, the Tokyo Board issued punitive measures to 20 teachers this time, including two to whom they denied re-hiring after retirement. We need to continue to encourage the Board and Tokyo Government to make right decisions, ones that comply with our Constitution that guarantees freedom of thought and conscience.

Satoko Norimatsu