
Friday, September 24, 2010

Meeting Linda Hoaglund, Director of a VIFF Film "ANPO" VIFF参加「映画 安保」監督 リンダ・ホ―グランドさんを囲む会

Are you ready for VIFF (Vancouver International Film Festival)?

Film ANPO - by director Linda Hoaglund, producer of highly acclaimed film "Tokko-Wings of Defeat," will be shown in VIFF (6PM on Oct. 3, and 1:15 PM on Oct.4).
*Thanks to ANPO, the "American-Japanese Joint Security Pact", there are still 90 American military bases on Japanese soil, 30 of them in Okinawa. The "Pact" dates from the post-war years when Japan was governed by General MacArthur, and its periodic renewals attracted mass protests - sometimes violent - in the 1950s and 1960s, as seen in films by Oshima and others. Protests against the US Army presence on Japanese soil also surfaced in Japanese painting and sculpture, as shown in Linda Hoaglund's eye-opening documentary essay, which offers some broad historical perspectives on the struggles but centres on the responses of engaged artists. Hoaglund's own perspective (she is an American who was born and raised in Japan, well-known as the subtitler of many Japanese movies) gives the film real heft: she coaxes forthright statements from usually-reticent interviewees as well as getting up close to the political stances embedded in a wide range of paintings....

To purchase tickets: 
See homepage of ANPO, with trailer.

You are invited to a gathering with Linda, at

6:45 PM - 8:15 PM, Monday October 4

Multimedia Room (2F)
Roundhouse Community Centre, Yaletown, Vancouver
(Roundhouse Station, Canada Line)
Linda Hoaglund

Please see the movie, and come to our event to meet Linda, ask questions, and talk about whatever is inspired by the film. (It is not mandatory to have seen the film to be part of this event, though. You can meet her and always see the film later.)

Admission is free (donations to cover the rental expense are welcome. )Children are welcome. Snack donations are welcome.

For inquiry and RSVP, contact:

Vancouver Save Article 9 and Peace Philosophy Centre

Linda Hoaglund Profile:
Linda Hoaglund was born and raised in Japan. Her previous film, Wings of Defeat, told the story of Kamikaze pilots who survived WWII. She has recently directed and produced ANPO, a film about Japanese resistance to U.S. bases seen through the eyes and works of celebrated Japanese artists. 

映画「安保」 Film ANPO





日時 10月4日(月)午後6時45分から8時15分まで

場所 ラウンドハウスコミュニティーセンター2階 マルチメディアルーム

(カナダライン ラウンドハウス駅)



★大体の人数を確認するため、 に出席のお知らせいただければ幸いです。





オフィシャルウェブサイト より。


現在も日本は、沖縄の普天間基地の問題など、安保に象徴される日米の関係を、根本的にはなにも問い直しをせずに棚上げしてきました。 『ANPO』は、日本で生まれ育ったアメリカン人リンダ・ホーグランド監督が、60年安保を知るアーティストたちの証言と作品を通して、日本とアメリカの関係の問い直しを日本人に迫るドキュメンタリーです。


リンダ・ホ―グランド プロフィール
日本で生まれ、山口と愛媛で宣教師の娘として育った。日本の公立の小中学校に通い、アメリカのエール大学を卒業。2007年 に日本で公開された映画『TOKKO-特攻-』では、プロデューサーを務め、旧特攻隊員の真相を追求した。黒沢明、宮崎駿、深作欣二、大島渚、阪本順治、是枝裕和、黒沢清、西川美和等の監督の映画200本 以上の英語字幕を制作している。

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Did Clinton really say ANPO applies to Senkaku? 「クリントンが『尖閣は安保5条の適用対象』と言った」というのは前原外相が言っているだけでどこにも証拠がない

(English-language readers - this is about Japan's Foreign Minister Maehara's possible misrepresentation of Hilary Clinton from their talk in New York on September 23, 2010.)

この投稿のタイトルに反してクリントンが本当にそう言ったという証拠があるということだったらすぐ に連絡が欲しい。


日経 米国務長官、尖閣「安保条約の適用対象」 日米外相会談

テレ朝  「尖閣諸島も日米安保の対象」クリントン国務長官
時事 米長官「尖閣は安保条約の対象」=日中対話に期待-日米外相会談

読売 クリントン米国務長官「尖閣は日米安保適用対象」

共同 尖閣は安保の対象、米国務長官 日米外相が初会談、漁船衝突で

 産経 「尖閣は日米安保適用対象」クリントン長官、明言 日米外相会談で

東京 『尖閣諸島は安保対象』 日米外相会談 米国務長官が明言




AFPは 「Clinton urges dialogue to resolve China-Japan row クリントンは日中の騒動を解決するための対話を」というタイトルで報道している。重要なのはこの部分だ(下記参照)。「ニューヨークの共同通信は、前原が『クリントンが尖閣に安保が適用されると確認した』と報道した」と報道していることだ。どうしてこんなに回りくどい言い方をしなければいけないのか。本当にクリントンがそう言ったという裏が取れていないから「共同によると、前原がこう言ったとのことだ」程度のことしか言えなかったのである。日本の数々のメディアにはクリントンが「名言した」とまで書かれているがここでは acknowledge, 「確認した」ということである。この acknowledge という言葉は、誰かに言われて、うなずいたり、「そうです」と答えた程度の消極的なものである。いずれにせよAFPは「わからないけど、共同によると前原がこういってたとのことだ」と言っているだけなのだ。 また、「記事では前原を引用しなかった」という不明な表現がある。
Maehara told reporters after his meeting here that Clinton had acknowledged the Senkaku islands -- known as the Dadirectlyioyu islands by China -- were subject to the treaty, Kyodo News Agency reported from New York.
"According to the Japanese minister, Clinton said that the Senkakus... are subject to Article 5 of the bilateral security treaty, which authorizes the US to protect Japan in the event of an armed attack 'in the territories under the administration of Japan'," the report said. 
The dispatch did not quote Maehara .
このAFPの報道は、Yahoo News でも、Clinton says disputed islands part of Japan-US pact: Maehara 「前原によると:」という但し書きでクリントンがしたと言われる安保への言及について報道している。







MR. CROWLEY: The Secretary had an excellent meeting with Foreign Minister Maehara. He joked at the start of the meeting this is his sixth day on the job – (laughter) – so he’s obviously traveled a great deal, put in a great many miles in a relatively short period of time. He spoke first about the importance of the U.S.-Japanese alliance, and the Secretary reciprocated that we certainly want to both continue and expand our consultations on strategic issues that affect the region and, of course, of interest to the United States and Japan. I’ll quickly tick off a number of topics, then you can just follow up where your interests lie.

In terms of regional issues, they talked about North Korea, they talked about Iran, talked about Afghanistan. The minister did bring up the current tensions with China and just provided Japan’s perspective on the incident involving the fishing boat and the coast guard vessel, and indicated that Japan was working this in accordance with both its legal process and international law. The Secretary’s response was simply to encourage dialogue and hope that the issue can be resolved soon since relations between Japan and China are vitally important to regional stability.(クリントン長官の反応は、地域の安定にとって日中の関係は非常に重要なので、対話を奨励し、この問題が早期に解決されることを望むというものだった。)

And in terms of bilateral issues, they talked about the relocation effort in Futemna, talked about trade – a variety of trade issues. On Futemna, the minister noted the agreement, the government-to-government agreement of May 28, and pledged that he was committed to fully implementing the agreement.

And just one other issue on our side: The Secretary made a special appeal for the minister to encourage Japan to ratify The Hague Convention. She noted that there are a very large number of custody cases that are on our bilateral agenda. And the minister simply said this remains an issue that Japan is studying.

But I’ll stop there and take your questions.

QUESTION: On the tensions with China and how she encouraged dialogue, to what extent is the U.S. – not mediating, but the President’s going to be meeting with President Hu later today. I think he’s meeting with the Japanese prime minister while they’re here. But, like, to what extent is the U.S. trying to talk to both parties rather than just encouraging dialogue between the two of them? Is the U.S. being thrown into the role of peacemaker here?

MR. CROWLEY: Well, I think, Elise, you put it properly. We are not mediating, per se. We have not been asked to play a particular role. This is an issue that two mature countries like Japan – and Japan are fully capable of resolving. And our sense is that neither side wants to see the situation escalate to the point that it has long-term regional impact, and that is really our view. (日本のような成熟した国なら、この問題を解決する能力があるはずだ。長期的に地域に影響が及ぶような事態にまでエスカレートすることは両国とも望んでいないはずだ、と我々は見ている。)It has come up in various discussions that we’ve had with both Japan and China this week. I can’t predict whether it will come up in the high-level meetings later on in the day. But we are hopeful that this issue can be resolved soon, and that was simply our message to the Japanese today.

QUESTION: Could you characterize your level of concern about those right now?

MR. CROWLEY: I mean, in any bilateral relationship, there are always areas of cooperation and mutual interest, and periodically, in any relationship, there are issues that arrive – arise that create tensions. So I wouldn’t say at this point – it is something that we just are hopeful that the two sides will work on aggressively and resolve as quickly as they can.

QUESTION: P.J., does the U.S. take a position on actually what happened here? I mean, do you feel one side or the other is in the wrong or in the right?

MR. CROWLEY: This is a – the issue of the Senkakus is complicated, as you know. We don’t take a position on the sovereignty of the Senkakus. So we understand that there can be room here for different interpretations of what happened. From our discussion this morning, the minister simply laid out from the Japanese side that they are pursuing this case through their legal system and that they expected to be able to resolve it, and we simply encouraged that to happen as soon as possible.

QUESTION: Is that your sense from the Chinese, too, that they’re going to stick to, kind of legal international law type of instruments then? Obviously, when you talk about China being a much – not a bigger power than Japan, but certainly militarily, you’ve been concerned about their expansion – are you worried about any kind of military escalation?(記者の問い:軍事的にエスカレートすることを懸念していますか。)

MR. CROWLEY: I mean, we – I don’t think that we see that on the horizon, and we certainly would hope that it would not rise to that level. (そういうことは展望していないし、そういった事態にならないことを望んでいる)。This is – there are – this is, at one level, a case to be resolved legally. Obviously, it has diplomatic implications, and we are hopeful that through consultation and dialogue and communication, that this can be resolved. I mean, there are broader principles here for the region. As the Secretary noted when in Vietnam, we have an interest in the broad principles of freedom of navigation. And so – but certainly, in this narrow case, we just simply hope – we’re certainly aware of the tensions in various meetings. Both sides have mentioned it to us. And we continue to encourage both sides to do everything to resolve it and certainly not to escalate it.

QUESTION: Do you think – this is a follow-up – do you think that legal process the Japanese are undertaking is appropriate? Is that one of those beefs that China has?

MR. CROWLEY: I’m – I don’t know that I want to sit here and do an analysis of the legal process that is unfolding. All I’ll say is that the minister provided their perspective on how they see the issue, what they – the investigation that’s ongoing. And we just took note of their position.

QUESTION: How much of this is related to your concerns about China’s general behavior on the seas? And you’re going to be meeting on Friday with the ASEAN leaders, talking about the South China Sea, and there just seems – and certainly, in the ASEAN meetings in Vietnam, there was quite a hefty discussion about China’s activities on the high seas themselves. How much of this is kind of related to trying to keep China in check?

MR. CROWLEY: Well, I think let’s – there is a particular incident that has occurred. But obviously, broadly speaking, part of the dialogue that we did have at ASEAN involved broader principles, but also how nations in regions of importance to us will relate to each other, work together, and pursue common interests that benefit everyone, including the United States.

The Secretary and the minister during the meeting today did briefly touch on the importance of the emerging architectures that we have discussed with Japan and other partners in the region. The minister, as we’ve heard from a variety of countries, is very pleased with the United States’s commitment to the East Asia Summit. And so we hope to play a constructive role in bringing and advancing architectures that will promote regional peace and stability.

QUESTION: In terms of China’s ban on exports to Japan (inaudible) escalation to the spat between the Chinese and Japanese, and considering that (inaudible) and that the U.S. has expressed concern about how much of this China had.

MR. CROWLEY: I’ve lost you.

QUESTION: China has basically withheld exports of (inaudible) Japan (inaudible). What is the U.S. reaction to that?

MR. CROWLEY: Well, it reinforces our hope that the two countries can resolve this soon.

QUESTION: Just one more, sorry. Is this part of your common concern about regional stability? Is this – is there a concern that this is going to affect kind of getting on the same page about restarting the Six-Party Talks, or are you not even kind of there yet with North Korea, that that’s even a concern?

MR. CROWLEY: I wouldn’t see a connection between the current tension over this one episode between Japan and China, and I don’t see it affecting North Korea. The ministers – the minister and the Secretary did touch on North Korea, and we have the same view about the importance of working together within the Six-Party process, and our hope that North Korea will take a more constructive path and will pursue denuclearization under the 2005 joint statement.

QUESTION: Can you give us any more on the discussions about Futenma? I mean, that definitely helped to bring down the last Japanese government. Are you – was there any discussion of new approaches for Futenma or was there any discussion of timelines about when they hope to get this resolved?

MR. CROWLEY: It was a relatively brief aspect of the meeting. The minister simply pledged that with the government agreement of May 28 that he is committed to carrying it out. I believe there – that there are some elections coming up in Japan, so how elections affect the timetable of how to carry it out, I can’t say from here. But obviously, we welcome that reaffirmation of the importance of the agreement and Japan’s commitment to work with us to carry out the relocation plan.

QUESTION: Does the Secretary still feel the same sense of urgency that, for instance, she was expressing in the spring about this issue? I know that apparently, there’s some problems now with the Guam facility that might not even be possible (inaudible). Is there a sense that they can – if we can – we have a little bit more time now?

MR. CROWLEY: I think with the – we’ve moved past that point both with the agreement and then with the technical work that’s been done by the working groups. I think with this reaffirmation, I don’t see – I don’t know that we see any particular obstacles at this point.

QUESTION: You mentioned they just have trade issues. Can you give more detail on that? Does that, in any way, include the (inaudible) discussion on the recent currency intervention?

MR. CROWLEY: Currency was not an issue discussed.

QUESTION: Anything else about trade issues (inaudible)?

MR. CROWLEY: No. The – high-speed rail was one that came up. The minister expressed an interest in having Japan invest in high-speed rail in this country. The issue of beef came up.

QUESTION: How about Afghanistan? The Japanese are playing a big role in financing. Was there any discussion that they are going to be (inaudible)?

MR. CROWLEY: Yeah. The Secretary thanked the minister and Japan for its ongoing commitments to Afghanistan, its role both in police training and financing of police salaries. Japan’s commitment is something like $5 billion over five years – a very substantial commitment. And they pledge this will be an area that – in terms of developing a strategic understanding of key issues, both regionally and globally, pledged to continue to cooperate on Afghanistan, understanding that we have – we’re facing a critical period over the next one or two years.

QUESTION: Two quick unrelated things: Do you have any update on the efforts to resolve the issue of the settlement moratorium, the talks that are going on now.

MR. CROWLEY: I don’t know that I have. There are still – our teams are in continual contact. Beyond that, let me – we’re working intensively with both parties to see if we can keep them moving forward.

QUESTION: And you think that – are you trying to resolve it here in New York right now, or is it – is that where most of the discussions are or --

MR. CROWLEY: I would – I mean, there’s lots of things in play. There are – the teams are here. Our team’s here, the Israeli team’s here, the Palestinians’ team’s here. Obviously, the Israeli team is in close contact back to the prime minister as needed. So I just can’t catalog because there’s just a lot going on. Our folks are in constant contact and trying to see if we can’t find a way to keep the parties in the process and moving forward.

QUESTION: Are any –

QUESTION: Is there – does the Secretary have any reaction to the Woodward book?


QUESTION: One more thing on the Japan-China issue: Did the Japanese ask you to try and – I mean, I guess you said that you’re not playing a mediation role, but has either side – but particularly this morning, concludes a meeting with the Japanese? Did they ask you to kind of use your good offices to try and talk to the Chinese on the (inaudible)?

MR. CROWLEY: There was no specific request that the Japanese made of us.


QUESTION: Thank you.

MR. CROWLEY: Okay. Thanks.

Monday, September 20, 2010

An Interveiw with Ota Masahide, Former Governor of Okinawa 大田昌秀沖縄県元知事インタビュー英語で発表 ジャパン・フォーカス誌

I would like to share my new article on Japan Focus: Asia-Pacific Journal.

"The World is beginning to know Okinawa":
Ota Masahide Reflects on his Life from the Battle of Okinawa to the Struggle for Okinawa

It is the first of such in-depth interview in English with the man, survivor of the Battle of Okinawa, who has worked, written, spoken, and taught tirelessly for the 65 years of post-war Okinawa, and continues to do so. This article also reveals crucial little-known facts around the contentious "Futenma relocation" issue, and provides historical background behind the centuries of alienation of oppression of the southernmost islands of Japan and their people.

Ota Masahide interviewed on July 20, 2010 at the Ota Peace Research Institute, Naha, Okinawa
 Interview, translation, notes, and introduction by Norimatsu Satoko


“Ota-san is the ‘Conscience of Okinawa’,” the manager of a small museum in Shuri said, when I told her I was going to interview former Governor of Okinawa Ota Masahide after leaving the museum. The museum, run by the alumni association of Okinawa Prefectural First Junior High School (now Shuri High School), commemorates their students who perished in the Battle of Okinawa. At the time of the U.S. invasion of Okinawa in late March of 1945, at least 1,787 junior high school boys across the island, mostly from age 14 to 18, were drafted by the Japanese Imperial Army as members of the “Tekketsu Kinnoutai (Blood and Iron Student Corps).” At least 921, more than half of those students, died in the Battle, the bloodiest of the Pacific War, which took over 200,000 lives, half of them local civilians....

Click HERE to read the whole article.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Armitage says new base plan in Okinawa may be impossible アーミテージは「名護市議選もあったし、沖縄県知事選によっては普天間移設は無理になるかもしれない」と言っているが主要メディアは完全無視

See bottom for a brief description in English, and a YouTube link to Richard Armitage's talk at Japan Press Club on September 15, 2010.  Please see comments below by Gavan McCormack, John Junkerman and myself too.  New comments are welcome.  (英語のサマリーも一番下につけています。この投稿へのコメントもご覧ください。新規コメントも歓迎です。)



そこでアーミテージ講演の全文が記載されているサイトを探した。しかし記載されていた形跡があるようなサイトに行っても全部なくなっていた。現役の国防省は国務省の高官ならそれらの省庁のウェブサイトに行けば大体原文を入手できるのだがなんせこの人は「元国務副長官」というだけの肩書きなので、そういう正式な文書も残らないし、そもそも日本のメディアがこぞってよいしょして、かつぎあげて報道合戦するような対象ではないのである。しかしこの人の、アメリカ軍事業界の利権との深いつながりがきっと日本の「軍産・官僚・メディア複合体制」ともがっちりタックルを組んでいるのでこの人が来るとやはりメディアは国賓扱いなのだ。やっとこの講演を主催した日本記者クラブのサイトで見つけた。最初からそこに行くべきだった。しかしここでも全文のテキストはなく、YouTube ビデオだけだった。質疑応答も含めて一時間もゆっくり聞いている暇はとてもないので飛ばし飛ばし聞いて普天間問題に触れているところを探したら、あったあった。琉球新報や沖縄タイムスが報道しているようなことをやはりしっかり語っている。下にリンクを示しているので56分あたりのところから聞いて欲しい。








What I wrote here basically is about the fact that the mainstream Japanese all ignored that Armitage said that,  given the recent Nago election and depending on the result of Okinawa gubernatorial election in November, a replacement base for Futenma in Okinawa may be impossible. Ryukyu Shimpo and Okinawa Times reported it, but the mainland media all ignored that part and focussed on one thing, which is that China is testing Japan by showing stern attitudes towards Japanese arrest of the Chinese fishing boat that collided with Japan's Coast Guard patroll ship near Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. Now that the "deterrence" of marines and Okinawa's "geopolitical" advantage to deal with the "North Korea threat" are becoming ever unconvincing, this incident came in a perfect timing for those who want to increase the perception of  the"threat of China," to justify  perpetuation the US military base presence in Okinawa and the Henoko base construction.

Richard Armitage
State; Deputy Secretary a former Assistant Secretary of Defense and Ambassador to the Newly Independent States after the fall of the Soviet Union, in recent years Armitage has combined a lucrative consulting business - through his firm, Armitage Associates - with seats in many prominent corporate boardrooms, including Raytheon and Mantech International. His company's clients have included multimillion-dollar defense contractors such as Boeing, Science Application International Corporation, and Halliburton subsidiary Brown & Root, as well as financial powerhouses Goldman Sachs and Chase Manhattan. Armitage also owns Rubaiyat Trading, a business entity created to own a Cessna Citation private aircraft valued at somewhere between $1 million and $5 million. He also has stakes in partnerships involved in everything from publishing to commercial real estate, and has personally invested millions in companies such as Pfizer, Chase Manhattan and American International Group.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hwang Kay's Speech on Korea and Japan History and Relationship 黄圭さんのスピーチ 「日本と朝鮮の歴史と関係について」

Speech by Hwang Kay, one of the guest speakers at the event on September 11, marking the 100th year of Japan's annexation of Korea. 

9月11日のVSA9のイベントでスピーカーの一人として発言いただいた黄圭(Hwang Kay)さんのスピーチ原稿を投稿します。








こうした近代における日本の戦争の歴史と直接関連した産業発展史という側面から、日本が朝鮮半島や中国とどう関わってきたのか、僅かな時間ですが、たぶん皆さんがあまりご存知ないようなことを用意しましたので、お話ししたいと思います。 これまで当たり前だと思っていたことが、よく勉強して考えてみると違うと言うことがあります。








それまで天皇は武士階級にとっては、権威だったかもしれませんが、それ以外の日本人にとっては、無関係な存在でした。 鎌倉時代以来、国の統治者は武家の頭領だったからです。









明治以降、日本という国家がなぜあのような猛々しい帝国になっていったのか? 戦争における数々の残虐行為、その深層について考えてみるときに、一人ひとりの日本人をみれば 繊細で親切なとても良い人たちなのに、なぜそうなってしまったのだろうか?と思うわけです。




歴史書には出て来ない実史があります。 日清戦争の講和のため下関を訪れた李鴻章を嘲る歌がつくられ、明治人ですら聞くに堪えないような民族蔑視観を広げる流行り歌として、巷で公然と歌われました。またある時代「鰯がサカナか朝鮮人が人間か」という歌もありました。


近代以前の歴史の話しを少ししますと、 江戸時代の260余年間、日本と朝鮮国とはとても良い関係にありました。江戸の将軍が代わるたびに、朝鮮から一級の知識人で構成された通信使(数百人)が派遣され、対馬藩の案内で関門海峡を通って鞆の浦(広島・福山)で潮をまち「対潮楼」という迎賓館で数日休息しました。その間、知識を得ようと日本全国から僧侶や学者などが大勢つめかけて、夜遅くまで筆談が交わされたという記録がたくさん残っています。








近代、日本と朝鮮とのかかわり 1910年の強制併合は国権の強奪であり、その頃「何が起きたのか」を知ろうとすらしないのは、想像力を持って歴史を見る姿勢とはほど遠いと思います。 

ひるがえって、簡単に35年の植民地統治といいますが、その中身は 言葉や文化、風俗というより、個人の尊厳、拠り所、もてる人間のすべてを、銃剣で奪い統治したと言う事でした。


昨今は「歴女ブーム」という言葉があって、ドラマや小説を通して 戦国時代や幕末にはやたらと詳しいのですが、アジア太平洋戦争は知らない ひどい場合は中国への侵略や朝鮮の植民地支配すらよく知らない、という人が多いのはなぜなのでしょうか?

「知らなくても何も恥ずかしくない」 というある種の「異常性」がそこにあるように思いました。





サンフランシスコ平和条約の意味についてですが、国際社会にへつらったのは「戦争に負けて仕方がなかったから」と云わんばかりの論調は、社会的に批判されなけばなりません。歴代の政府も国民も過去を批判的に受け入れられない これこそが現代日本の最大の歪みであり、大きな問題ではないかと思います。「靖国 」の意味もそうです。


原爆とか戦争の悲惨さのみを教え加害者としての過去を教えない また、戦争の本質的なところには関心がないように私にはみえました。失われた命は、日本人の戦没者310万、アジア太平洋地域で1900万人です。

「東アジア共同体構想」を念頭に、日本の近代史を産業発展史という側面からみますと、明治維新の頃、(これはカナダの歴史にも関係して来るのですが) 欧州では英・仏の争いあいがあり、東アジアでロシアを牽制したかった英国は、日本を使ってそれをやろうとし、1902年日英同盟を結びました。日本の戦争債(債権・国債)を引き受け、大々的な武器供与をし日露戦争に肩入れしました。一方フランスは、ロシアに大きな借款を供与し投資もしていたので、ロシアをバックアップしました。そういうことから日露戦争は英仏の代理戦争だったと云えます。




中国など東アジアの綿工業製品市場では、日本と米英との間で奪い合いが起き、関係は悪くなりました。 三菱商事、三井物産などが国家権力と癒着して戦争政策に加担していきました。
戦後に軍民の兵器廠からあふれ出た膨大な数の技術者たちが、町工場に集まり物づくりを始めました。ソニー ホンダ キャノン  日本光学=ニコン・・・などです。


コスト計算のない戦争政策が 皮肉にも後世に産業の技術的基盤を残したのです。こうして日本はドイツ由来の生産技術を積みあげ、朝鮮戦争特需が追い風となってわずか20年で経済大国になって行きました。

1945年敗戦 日本はGHQの統治となり、52年サンフランシスコ平和条約が発効して、日本は独立を認められるのですが、その後の社会や産業はどのようにして発展を遂げてきたのでしょうか?

1951年 国連からの復興調査チームは、道路事情の悪さに驚き、世界銀行融資を勧告して、名神高速や黒部ダム、東海道新幹線などが整備されました。




その例ですが、薄型TV LCD市場では既にサムソンやLGが世界マーケットを席巻しているのに、日本市場では日本の消費者は誰も買いません。欧米市場で高い評価を受けているにもかかわらず、日本では全く売れないのです。日本の家電量販店でこれらの商品は見ることすら出来ません。





ルックダウン 嫉妬 否定の論理を排除し、互いがリスペクトする対等の関係となれば、人の交流も更に増え、未来はより明るいものになるでしょう。

日本が、東アジアの信頼されるパートナーとして、生きていくためには 過去、現代からよりよき未来へと繋げられるよう皆で努力すべきなのです。これからは欧米の顔色ばかり見ているような時代ではありません。



Sunday, September 12, 2010

Base opponents win majority in Nago election 名護市議選、基地反対の稲嶺市長を支える与党が圧勝

Diagram from Ryukyu Shimpo

Nago City Council Election on September 12 resulted in the candicates supporting Mayor Inamine's opposition against a new base gained 16 seats, winning the majority in the 27-seat council.

The election was not a referendum on the base issue, but it sends a message to the Japanese and the U.S. governments that their heavy-handed efforts to buy off Nago's "min-i (democratic voices)" are not working. They should stop trying to convince voters of Nago, and start listening to them.

See a related post on September 9.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

DoD: Joint Use of "ALL" bases in Japan, and Operation of Ospreys

(Photo: MV-22 Osprey, from Wikipedia)

See below an excerpt from the September 9 press briefing by Assistant Secretary of Defense Geoff Morrell, talking about the U.S. and Japanese joint use of "all facilities in Japan," including the FRF("Futenma Relocation Facility"), and confirming their plan to operate MV-22 Ospreys will operate in Japan.

What Morrell indicates is that the joint use of military bases and operation of Ospreys apply to ALL military bases in Japan, not just in Okinawa. Could Ospreys operate in and out of Iwakuni as well ?

Okinawans are angry about the fact that the Japanese government has concealed the Osprey plan until earlier this month. The environmental impact assessment did not pay consideration to the Osprey operations either.

The Japanese and U.S. governments must be fully accountable for their plans to jointly use the military bases in Japan, and their plans to operate MV-22 Ospreys, dangerous aircrafts dubbed "Widow Makers" for their frequent accidents.

From the transcript of September 9 Press Briefing of DoD (Department of Defense website).

Q Hi. On the Futenma issue, Japanese Defense Minister Kitazawa announced that United States and Japan agreed to discuss the possible joint use of Futenma Replacement Facility. But this was not included in the so-called bilateral or Experts Study Group report which was recently published. Did United States actually agree to discuss about this possible joint use?

MR. MORRELL: I think, Yoso, as you are aware, the ministers have agreed to look at joint or shared use of, frankly, all facilities in Japan, the FRF among them. But the mandate of the Experts Study Group was to look at the facility's location, configuration and construction method.

So looking at shared use was beyond the scope of their mandate, as were a slew of other issues. So that was never their charge.

However, there is a separate consultative process that will, indeed, study, you know, the expansion of joint and shared use of U.S. military and Japanese facilities in order to improve the effectiveness of the alliance's defense posture. So we do anticipate those discussions to take place. They just weren't a part of this first -- the working group -- the experts' group, their mandate, okay?

Okay. You also had another question that you sent me, I think. It was about the Ospreys. And what I would say to you there is yes, we anticipate that Ospreys will indeed operate in Japan. And we've -- and we've told the Japanese government as much. You know, where and when and how are things to be determined. But this is obviously an incredibly effective form of airlift that will enhance our alliance capabilities. And so we do anticipate the deployment of Ospreys to our facilities in Japan at some point.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

On the upcoming Nago election, and the fence on Henoko Beach 近づく名護市議選と、辺野古浜の境界線

Barbed wire fence dividing the beach of Henoko, Nago, Okinawa, which may be replaced by a fixed structure soon. (Photo taken on July 21, 2010)

After the long hot summer in Japan, working on various other programs such as the annual study tour to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I have not done a good job of keeping up with the military base issue in Okinawa. I will try to post again as often as I can, especially the kind of information that is not readily available in English.

This upcoming Sunday, September 12 is the day for Nago City Council election. 37 candidates are running for the 27 positions. Within the current City Council, 12 support the anti-base mayor Inamine Susumu, another 12 are against, and 3 are neutral. According to the Ryukyu Shimpo report on September 6, the 37 candidates are divided over the base issue too, with 18 of them connected to the political parties opposing the new base, 17 of them supporting, and 2 on the neutral side.

However, according to the Ryukyu Shimpo survey with those candidates asking specifically about the base relocation issue, 24 of them oppose the base, only 1 supports it, and the 12 others did not know or did not answer. According to Asahi Shimbun on September 7, most of the candidates are avoiding the base relocation issue in their campaigns, because they all want votes from Nago citizens, whether they are against or for the new base plan. This City Council election is not, or even the mayoral election back in January was not a plebiscite on the base issue, even though both elections are perceived to be so. In fact, Nago did have a plebiscite specifically on this issue back in 1997, in which the the majority expressed their opposition to the base.

Medoruma Shun, an Okinawan author and blogger on September 6 says, "The voice of Nago was already expressed at the December 1997 plebiscite, in which the majority voted against the new base. Subsequent mayors (Higa-Kishimoto-Shimabukuro), previous Governor Inamine (Keiichi), current Governor Nakaima, and the Japanese government have all ignored this democratic expression of Nago for the past thirteen years. If these leaders had respected the result of the 1997 plebiscite, residents of Nago would not have had to go through the kind of confusion and suffering they went through for the past 13 years."

Meroruma is right. There are four elections in this year only - the mayoral election, the Upper House election in July, the upcoming City Council election, then the gubernatorial election in November. It is not fair for the residents of Nago to be tested like this from one election to another, when the only plebiscite they ever had dedicated to this issue expressed a NO to the base. The reason why there is so much media attention on the council election of this small city of 60,000 is that the government wants to use the result of the election, if it is favourable to them, to push through the base plan.

I found another disturbing piece of news in the August 27 edition of Okinawa Times. It was reported that the Marine Corps in Okinawa is planning to replace the barbed wire fence on the beach of Henoko with a more sturdy structure. What kind of structure it will be is unknown, but a local company has already won a contract, and the construction is set to start in September. This barbed wire fence has become a symbol of the resistance in Henoko. People from all Okinawa, Japan, and around the world have left messages of opposition against a new base and for a base-free Okinawa on pieces of colourful cloth over the fence on the border of USMC Camp Schwab and the civilian side of the beach.

Is it possible that they are building a new fixed fence so people won't be able to see easily what they will try to do beyond that fence... to build a brand-new, Osprey-capable runway and a military port, by massive reclamation of the eco-sensitive Oura Bay?

Whatever they build over the border, we won't let them build a new base beyond it, and the activists and visitors will be as creative as ever in decorating the new fence.

For more in-depth analysis of the Nago election, as well as the DPJ presidential election (September 14) and Okinawa gubernatorial election (Novemebr 28), see Gavan McCormack's new article on Japan Focus: Asia-Pacific Journal.


Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Learning Together, for Peace in Northeast Asia - A Special Event in Vancouver バンクーバー九条の会イベント 東アジアの平和をもとめて

This year marks the 100th year since Japan's forceful annexation of Korea. Vancouver Save Article 9 will host an event on September 11, 2010, with special guest speakers Hwang Kay, Kim Sung Joon, and Pae Ann, to learn about the history of Japan's colonization of Korea, the post-war Korea/Japan relationship, and issues surrounding zainichi Koreans (Korean residents in Japan), among other related issues, and think together about creating a peaceful future for Korea and Japan. It will be held 1:30 - 3:30 at Roundhouse Community Centre in Downtown Vancouver, across the street from Canada Line's Roundhouse Station. The admission will be free, and we accept donations to cover rental and other expenses. The event will be conducted in Japanese. For more information, email






日時:9月11日(土)午後1時半~3時半 (1時15分開場)

場所:ラウンドハウスコミュニティーセンター:Multi-Media Room

(181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver、センターTel#:604-713-1800  カナダラインのラウンドハウス駅近く)

(会場は、2階の Multimedia Room です。受付前の階段から上に登ってください。)



講演者:裵 安 (Pae Ann)氏、金 昇俊 (Kim Sung Joon)氏、黄 圭 (Hwang Kay)氏。

進行は全て日本語です。入場無料、寄付歓迎。ご家族、友人達にも声をかけ、一緒にご参加下さい。 お問合せは、  までお誘いあわせの上、ふるってご参加ください!

ゲストスピーカー プロフィール

裵 安


黄 圭

学生時代ベトナム反戦、朝鮮統一運動などに参加。 評論、小説などを執筆。
エッセイ集などの著書数冊。 「時代を生きる」(1997), 「群らん抄」 (2005), 「緋色のエッセー集」(2009) など。

金 昇俊

『「原罪」としてのナショナリズム」 教育史料出版会 2003年
『ナショナリズム イデオロギー 宗教  ー絶対的価値基準の恐るべき力とその秘密ー』 麻布学園・麻布文庫 2005年

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Hiroshima Nagasaki Study Tour - Canadian Student Sydney Archer's Report 広島長崎に行ったカナダ人学生のレポート

Here is a report by Sydney Archer, one of the two Canadian students who participated in the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Study Tour. It a joint program of Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto and American University in Washington, D.C. - click HERE for more information about the program. (Photos by Satoko Norimatsu, inserted by her)

Sept 3rd, 2010

Hiroshima Nagasaki Study Tour 2010 Report

My name is Sydney Archer and I am currently a second year student at the University of British Columbia. This year I had the honor of joining some students from American University, Ritsumeikan University and Asia Pacific University on a ten day trip from Kyoto to Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the time of the 65th year memorial ceremonies. Throughout the trip, the group of around forty students got to hear from professors, hibakusha, researchers, politicians, and other speakers as well as experience the tragedy of the bombings by participating in the ceremonies and visiting museums. It was an incredibly unique experience where students from such varied backgrounds could come together and learn about the history that has shaped the countries where they live in.

One-legged Torii Gate near the hypocentre of Nagasaki. The rest of the gate was shattered by the bombing.

I was one of the two Canadian students that got to participate on this tour, and so it was a bit interesting finding out for myself where I fit in the mix of other students! Being half Japanese with Canadian citizenship, I didn’t really feel the same as the Japanese students or American students -- it was interesting how I was learning about what it meant to be Canadian ironically outside of Canada! During the trip, we were put into “peace families”, mixed groups of students where the locals served as guides to the foreigners around Japan. My peace family had an amazing combination of experiences and history: an American soldier who fought in Iraq, a Hiroshima local whose grandfather and great grandfather were in Hiroshima 65 years ago, a Ritsumeikan Student who was born in America, an Asia Pacific University student who went to school in China, and a peace advocate who walked across America in a nine month peace march. Despite the scope of our backgrounds, we shared an incredible desire to learn about the events of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and how they have shaped history. It was quickly apparent that the ways in we had each individually learned about WWII left holes in a bigger picture that came together as we visited museums, attended lectures, and shared experiences with each other.

Statue of the unknown child victim of Shiroyama Elementary School in Nagasaki, which lost over 1,400 students and teachers in the bombing.

Being a physics minor student, one aspect of this trip that to me was quite interesting was the opportunity we had to hear lectures where we heard from speakers regarding the effects of the bombs on the people. In Hiroshima, we went on a trip to the RERF (Radiation Effects Research Foundation, which used to be the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission) an organization that conducts research on the hibakusha to discover the long-term effects of the radiation. We heard Dr. Neriishi, who works at the RERF and talked with us about how the radiation affected the people who lived in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We learned about how the bombs had an initial wave of neutrons, and other radiation that accompanied the blast and this being the cause of the future problems with the hibakusha. Later in the trip, we heard from Dr. Sawada, who in addition to being a hibakusha himself, researches the effects of the atomic bombs on other survivors like him. He talked about how the RERF doesn’t acknowledge the existence of the residual radiation and the effect this has on the underestimation of the adverse effects of nuclear victims both in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where bomb victims are only recognized within a certain range (and others don’t receive the same health benefits). Because the RERF conducts research which is used in making decisions regarding nuclear weapon use elsewhere in the world, this also means that people living near nuclear test sites are experiencing long term effects of the residual radiation (such as the abnormal birthrates increasing among Marshal Island inhabitants as distance decreases to Bikini Atoll). The residual radiation made sense to me after visiting the Nagasaki museum which explained it quite well and upon hearing this, I understood why the mayor of Hiroshima had urged the Japanese government to legally recognize the expanded “black rain areas” in his peace declaration that I had heard earlier in the week.

Group photo in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, with the A-bomb Dome in the background.

In addition to learning all of these things on a mental level, I felt as though I was experiencing it on an emotional level. Though I still can’t imagine what it must have been like for the hibakusha after the bomb was dropped, travelling for the ten days with Koko (a hibakusha) and experiencing the lantern ceremony as well as many other annual events gave me a taste of the tragedy associated with the bombings. As our study tour connected the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings with issues of today like the American bases in Japan, nuclear nonproliferation, and peace between countries I realized how these two events fit into the picture of history that is being defined today.

Sydney Archer, asking questions about the radiation effects of different types of nuclear weapons, at Dr. Shoji Sawada's lecture.

Participating in this trip was truly a great opportunity to build relationships with students from across the world and learn while visiting the places that these events took place. Going back to the University of British Columbia again this year, I feel as though I take the experience of this trip back with me. Living this year less than a block away from the Ritsumeikan residence on UBC campus, hopefully I will be able to share my experience not only with local students, but Ritsumeikan students studying here! I would like to thank Professor Atsushi Fujioka of Ritsumeikan University, Professor Peter Kuznick of American University, and all of the organizers who made this trip possible as well as the other students who welcomed Tomoe and I on this year’s tour.

Sydney Archer

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Stage Earth 2 in Vancouver 地球のステージ2 バンクーバーにて

Dr. Kuwayama Norihiko and his concert are coming back to Vancouver. Please double-click the pictures to enlarge the images. Click HERE for the past blog posts about Dr. Kuwayama and his activities. 桑山紀彦医師の「地球のステージ」バンクーバー公演のご案内です。桑山医師の活動についての過去のブログ投稿についてはこちらをご覧ください。 下記のポスター画像をダブルクリックすれば大きく見られます。