
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Statement of Outrage, Remorse and Solidarity from the Working Group for Peace and Demilitarization for Asia & the Pacific アジア太平洋地域の平和と非軍事化を目指すワーキンググループから沖縄へ―激しい怒り、自責の念と連帯の声明

オバマ政権の「アジア回帰」や「中国の台頭への対応」に伴い、アジア太平洋地域の平和と非軍事化を目指す活動家、学者、ジャーナリスト等のワーキンググループが発足した。これは昨年(2011)アメリカン大学で開催された「アジア太平洋の平和」会議の成果を受けて、今年6月に改めて関係者で会合が開かれ発足したものである。メンバーは Institute of Policy Studies のジョン・フェファー氏、American Friendship Service Committee のジョセフ・ガーソン氏、Hawai'i Peace and Justice のカイル・カジヒロ氏、アメリカン大学のピーター・カズニック氏、Peace Action のケビン・マーティン氏、プリンストン大学のジア・ミアン氏、映画監督のアナベル・パーク氏等である。グループのウェブサイトはここである。Working Group for Peace and Demilitarization for Asia & the Pacific メンバーのプロフィールはこちらを。


Statement of Outrage, Remorse and Solidarity

Dear Okinawan friends, 沖縄の友たちへ

It is not enough to say that we are outraged by the most recent G.I. rape of an Okinawan woman or by the deployment of crash-prone Osprey aircraft to Futenma Air Base. It is not enough to write that we apologize for what the government that speaks in our name has inflicted on your communities. And, it is anything but sufficient for the U.S. military to set a curfew for U.S. forces based in Japan in response to G.I. sexual crimes or for the U.S. and Japanese governments to certify that the Ospreys are safe. 先日の米兵による沖縄の女性への性暴行事件、そして事故が多発しているオスプレイの普天間飛行場への配備は、私たちが激しい怒りを抱いていると言うだけではとても済むものではありません。政府が私たちの名のもとに沖縄の地域社会に対して与えている被害についても、謝罪するだけではとても済みません。さらに、性犯罪事件を受けて在日米軍に夜間外出禁止令を出したり、日米政府がオスプレイの安全性を保証したりしても、十分といえる対応からは程遠いものです。

The only way to bring an end to sixty-seven years of G.I. sexual abuse, rape and crimes or the deadly accidents, property destruction and environmental degradation that have plagued the people of Okinawa is the complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from your communities and prefecture, and from Japan as a whole.67年間に渡り沖縄の人々を苦しめ続けた、米兵による性的虐待、強姦、犯罪、致命的な事故、財産の破壊、環境の劣化に終止符を打つためには、沖縄の各地域と県全体から、そして日本全体から米軍を全面的に撤退させるしか方法はありません。

We stand in solidarity with your protests and calls for withdrawal of U.S. military forces. As we work for peace and demilitarization of Asia and the Pacific, focusing primarily on U.S. policies and actions, please keep us informed of ways that we can support your nonviolent resistance and campaigns to win the withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Okinawa and elsewhere in Japan.私たちは、沖縄の皆さんの抗議活動と米軍撤退に向けての訴えに連帯します。私たちは、アジア太平洋地域の平和と非軍事化に向けて、特に米国の政策と行動に影響を与えることに重点を置いて活動していきます。沖縄の皆さんの非暴力抵抗と、沖縄や日本全体から米軍基地を撤退させるための運動に私たちがどのように協力できるか、常に知らせていただけたらと願います。

With outrage, remorse and solidarity, 激しい怒り、自責の念と、連帯への願いを込めて、

Working Group for Asia-Pacific Peace and Demilitarization.

(For more information about the Working Group seeこのワーキンググループについての詳細は:

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Responses to Kurt Campbell's "heartfelt apology" 沖縄性暴行事件へのキャンベル国務次官補の「心からのお詫び」について

Here are two responses, one Okinawan and one American, to Kurt Campbell's "heartfelt apology" to the latest rape in Okinawa by US servicemen. カート・キャンベル国務次官補が沖縄の女性が再び米兵による性犯罪の被害にあったことについて、10日経って「心からのお詫び」をした。以下、沖縄から下地良男氏、米国からデイビッド・ロスハウザー氏の反応である。ブログ運営者によるコメントも下方に日本語で記した。 @PeacePhilosophy

Comment on "U.S. assistant secretary of state apologizes to Japan over alleged rape" run on Japan Today: Politics Oct. 27, 2012 - 06:45AM JST
How many times do we have to hear the same old apologies from U.S. officials for how many rape incidents committed by U.S. service members?
On October 17, Ambassador John Roos apologized and pledged his full cooperation in an investigation over the incident. On October 23, U.S. Navy Commander Dan Croid visited the Okinawa Prefectural Government and apologized in person. Enter Kurt Campbell, issuing "Washington's most high-level apology yet" on October 26. But we haven't heard any words from his superior Secretary Hillary Clinton as yet. It's very strange why Clinton is keeping mum because her predecessor Condoleezza Rice, on January 28, 2008, apologized to Tokyo for a similar rape incident involving a junior high school girl. Is Clinton's reticence an indication that she knows too well that mere apologies won't solve the problem at all?

Anyway, we've had a rash of apologies more than enough. As Clinton's reticence indicates, these apologies must be made out of selfish motivation, that is, out of greed for keeping these U.S. bases safe and intact as well as for facilitating the U.S.'s grand design to move Futenma to Henoko and deploy total 36 Ospreys in Okinawa as scheduled.  If so, then U.S. officials' repeated apologies would be more vicious than the two soldiers' criminal act.

Yoshio Shimoji
Naha City, Okinawa
下地氏は、2008年に沖縄の中学生への性暴行があったときはコンドリーザ・ライス国務長官からの謝罪があったにもかかわらず今回、ヒラリー・クリントン国務長官が沈黙を保っていることに言及。いくら謝罪があっても米軍基地を沖縄に置き続ける 「自己中心的な動機」、すなわち"greed" (強欲)から来ているものであるとする。
I am an American citizen and I find these attacks on Okinawan women and children shocking! Equally shocking is U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs Kurt Campbell's official apology. He framed his answer in the context of the security pact between Japan and the U.S., not as an expression of compassion for the rape victim. If the U.S. were occupied by a foreign military and the rape of an American woman occurred by occupying forces it would not be tolerated. If the government didn't take immediate action to radically change the dynamics of the situation, the citizenry would. When the Assistant Secretary of State talked about placing a curfew on the U.S. military it was akin to making a direct insult to the intelligence and integrity of the Okinawan people. The U.S. military must be laughing in their beer at the absurd suggestion of a curfew. There appears to be only one way that both the Japanese and American governments can rectify this crime. The strongest expression of compassion towards the Okinawan people would be for U.S. forces to completely withdraw from Okinawa. Instead of trying to manipulate and coerce Okinawan people, the U.S.and Japan must listen to their pleas for independence. Real power, America and Japan, comes from acknowledging the struggle for freedom for Okinawa and humbly withdrawing in the name of sovereignty for Okinawa. To maintain and continue to build a military presence in Okinawa and mainland Japan is, in my opinion, a criminal act. May I suggest that Japan and the U.S. work with the United Nations to resolve this terrible situation. Support the UN. Enable them to do the work they are fully capable of.

David Rothauser
Memory Productions
Director of Hibakusha, Our Life to Live

Ichiro Fujisaki@AmbJapan2US

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Protest Statement against Sexual Assault by US Sailors and Demand for Withdrawal of US Military from Okinawa米海軍兵士による女性への性暴力事件に抗議し軍隊の撤退を求める要求書

Scroll down for the English version.

沖縄県知事 仲井真弘多 殿
内閣総理大臣 野田佳彦 殿
外務大臣  玄葉光一郎 殿
防衛大臣  森本敏 殿
アメリカ合衆国 オバマ大統領 殿
駐日米大使 ジョン・V・ルース 殿
在沖四軍調整官 ケネス・グリューク 殿
在沖米総領事アルフレッド・マグルビー 殿




 さらに、県民の強い反対の声を封殺するかのように強行配備されたMV22オスプレイ機が住民の頭上で飛行訓練するのはまさに「空飛ぶ凶器」であり、陸上においては米兵の性暴力、事件事故は「歩く凶器」だと言えます。前年度の全米海兵隊における女性兵士に対する性暴力事件が、その発生率で他の基地の約2倍にもなることも、8月に知らされたばかりです。しかしそれは、今回のような沖縄女性に対する性犯罪を除外したものなのです。 米軍は、ひき逃げ死亡事故、タクシー強盗など米兵による事件事故の多発により、2010年の6月から兵士の深夜零時以降の外出禁止令を無期限で発していましたが、今回の事件は、その枠外で起こっており、在沖米軍以外の米軍人に対しては、どのような規律が存在するのか疑問です。





共同代表 高里鈴代 糸数慶子 

〒900-0015 那覇市久茂地3-29-41-402
電話・ファックス 864-1539

Hirokazu Nakaima, Govenor of Okinawa Prefecture
Yoshihiko Noda, Prime Minister
Koichiro Genba, Foreign Minister
Satoshi Morimoto, Defense Minister
Barack Obama, President of the United States
John V. Roos, U.S. Ambassador to Japan
Kenneth Glueck, Okinawa Area Coordinator and Commanding General of III Marine Expeditionary Force
Alfred Magleby, U.S. Consul General of Naha, Okinawa

October 17, 2012

Protest Statement against Sexual Assault by US Sailors and Demand for Withdrawal of US Military from Okinawa

We, people of Okinawa, particularly women, have suffered as a result of the long-term stationing of US military and their bases in Okinawa. We are deeply shocked and outraged at the alleged gang-rape and injury committed by US sailors on October 16th. It has been reported that the victim was attacked as she was walking home alone from work and that she had a mark of possible strangulation on her neck. We strongly deplore such a crime that targeted a woman, violating her freedom and safety. We remember another recent sexual assault case by a US soldier in Naha in August this year, and hundreds of others over many years.

The perpetrators, two US sailors, had arrived at Kadena Air Base from the US mainland on transport duty, staying over in Okinawa for only two nights. The crime was reported to have been committed within a few hours before they were to depart Okinawa for Guam, the next stop on their return to the US. We are appalled by the fact that they committed this sexual crime during their brief tour of duty. This clearly reveals the violence structured into the institution of the military. If the victim had not reported the crime to the local police quickly enough, the perpetrators would have left Okinawa without being apprehended. Then the crime would never have been disclosed.

Moreover, the unsafe Marine Corps aircraft, the MV-22 Osprey, has been forcibly deployed in Okinawa recently, ignoring the very strong protest of Okinawan citizens. These planes are now flying over residential areas, posing a deep threat from the air to people of Okinawa. On the ground, the numerous cases of sexual assault accidents and other crimes continue to pose another threat to Okinawan people. We recently learned from the Department of Defense Annual Report of Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program that in Fiscal Year 2011, the rate of sexual assaults against female soldiers on the bases in Okinawa was twice as high as that of other bases. This statistic does not even include sexual assaults against Okinawan women.

Since June 2006, the US military in Okinawa has issued a midnight curfew on soldiers for an indefinite period in order to cope with frequent occurrences of crimes committed by US soldiers, including hit & runs or taxi robberies. The perpetrators of this particular sexual assault were not subject to this curfew as they are not stationed in Okinawa. We question whether any disciplinary measures are taken regarding those military personnel who stay in Okinawa temporarily.

The physical and psychological pain and the fear that the victim has to endure must be enormous. The care and treatment for the victim needs to be the first priority, and the 2 perpetrators must be strictly punished. Repeated cases of violence against women by US soldiers and a long-standing pattern of human rights violations against Okinawan people by US soldiers demonstrate the insecurity and threat caused by the long-term stationing of the US military to the lives and dignity of Okinawan people. We also need to be mindful of a number of other victims of sexual assault by US soldiers who could not come forward.

Standing on our analysis that the military is an institution in which violence is intrinsic and that the military does not provide genuine security in local communities or among nations, we demand the following:

Respect for the privacy of the woman victim, and physical and psychological care for her.
• Apology to be issued to the woman victim by US military authorities; and the perpetrators to be strictly punished.
• Banning of all off-base activities for all US military personnel, in order to secure safe living environments for women and children.
• Withdrawal of all US military bases from Okinawa.

Okinawa Women Act Against Military Violence

3-29-41-402 Kumoji, Naha
Okianawa, 900-0015 Japan
Ph. Fax: +81-98-864-1539

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 1, 2012: Okinawa's new "Day of Humiliation" - protest against forceful deployment of MV-22 Osprey 2012年10月1日、沖縄に新たな「屈辱の日」が加わった。「不退転の決意」を固める-オスプレイ強行配備に対する抗議文


Conference Opposing Heliport Construction is an organization of citizens who have fought against the plan to build a new US Marine base on the pristine natural environment of Henoko and Oura Bay, on the Northeastern shore of Okinawa Island, twenty percent of which is already occupied by US military bases. Here is their letter to protest against the recent forceful deployment of MV-22 Ospreys onto Okinawa. The citizens call the day of deployment a "new day of humiliation," referring to the day that many Okinawans still remember as the "Day of Humiliation" - April 28, 1952, the day when San Francisco Peace Treaty came into effect, detaching Okinawa from the rest of Japan to keep it under US military rule while the rest of Japan regained sovereignty after seven years of occupation. Translated by Gavan McCormack. See below for the Japanese version. Also see previous post on the call for Marines to boycott use of MV-22 Osprey. @PeacePhilosophy

October 11, 2012


The Right Honorable Prime Minister, Noda Yoshihiko
The Right Honorable the Minister of Defense, Morimoto Satoshi
The Right Honorable the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gemba Koichiro
The Right Honorable the US Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta
The Right Honorable the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton
The Right Honorable the US Ambassador to Japan, John V. Roos


Conference Opposing Heliport Construction
(Joint representatives: Ashitomi Hiroshi, Onishi Teruo)
1-10-18-202 Ominami, Nago shi, Japan 905-0015
Tel and Fax: 0980-53-6992 

Protest against the Forced Deployment of the Osprey and Request for its Removal

The date, October 1, 2012, becoming a new “Day of Humiliation” for Okinawa, is one we shall never forget, and of which we will speak to our children and grandchildren in years to come. 

Never before had such strong opposition been shown by Okinawan people and citizens, passing resolutions of opposition in the Prefectural Assembly and in all local electoral assemblies throughout the prefecture, issuing a statement of our united resolve “No!” to the deployment by a gathering of more than 100,000 people in an All-Okinawa Mass meeting, and even resorting to hunger strike. Yet the governments of Japan and the United States paid not the slightest attention but proceeded as if it had not existed, trampling upon it and enforcing the deployment of the Osprey to Futenma Marine Base. Okinawans shiver and are filled with foreboding at this terrible noise that has been brought to us. 

The government of Japan exposes to all and sundry its own “shame” by the forcible introduction of the Osprey, known in the United States as “flying shame.” Surely there is nobody any longer who would call the Japan that refuses to see the Okinawan people as human and enforces on them colonial policies a “democratic state.” 

Ever since we citizens of Nago made clear our “No” to the construction of a Futenma replacement base/new base at Henoko in the city plebiscite of 1997, we have stood firm against all the pressures, hard and soft, applied by the governments of Japan and the United States so that to this day not one nail has been driven into the beautiful sea of Henoko. The governments of Japan and the United States, anxious at the lack of progress on the construction of the base at Henoko designed for the Osprey, threaten the people of Okinawa that they will make Futenma “into a permanent base,” and brushing aside the fierce opposition of the whole prefecture, have now enforced the deployment of the Osprey to Futenma. 

The deployment to the “world’s most dangerous” base of Futenma of the dangerous Osprey that has been constantly involved in accidents and crashes already, in the words of the All-Okinawa Mass Meeting, goes “beyond the limits of the tolerable.” The imposition of a further weight to the base burden we already bear is a major crime that tramples on the human rights of the people of Ginowan City and Okinawa prefecture. And for the prefectural police to use violence to clear away the opposing and protesting people of Nago City and Okinawa prefecture is to add further crime to the already existing crimes, The proffering of excuses such as the baseless “assurance of [Osprey] safety” or the “China threat” as reasons for deployment are no more than excuses to try to cover up the shame. Prime Minister Noda’s October 1 statement “seeking the understanding of Okinawan people” and saying that “safety has been adequately assured” poured oil onto the anger of the Okinawan people. 

The government of Japan moves towards completion by the end of this year of the environmental assessment procedures so that it can commence proceedings for reclamation. Meanwhile, at Takae in Higashi village it proceeds to brush aside the anger of the people and move ahead by force with construction of the Osprey-pads for Osprey training. 

The stupidity, the brutality of the governments of Japan and the United States, stiffens our determination to not yield. The anger of the Okinawan people grows and it will be more than a match for the schemes of the governments of Japan and the United States.    

Our demands of the governments of Japan and United States are as follows: 

1. The immediate withdrawal of the Osprey deployed at Futenma base and their return to the United States

2. The closure and removal of Futenma base

3. The cessation of moves towards construction of a base at Henoko and the abandonment of construction

4. The immediate cessation of construction on the Takae Osprey pads and the abandonment of their construction


内閣総理大臣・野田佳彦 殿
防衛大臣・森本敏 殿
外務大臣・玄葉光一郎 殿
米国防長官・レオン・パネッタ 殿
米国務長官・ヒラリー・クリントン 殿
駐日米大使・ジョン・V・ルース 殿

9050015 名護市大南11018202
TELFAX 0980536992

















以 上

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

To our Brothers and Sisters in the US Marines 米海兵隊の兄弟姉妹たちへ

MV-22 Osprey heading toward Futenma, October 2.
photo by Sunao
On October 1, six MV-22 Ospreys were flown into MCAS Futenma, and three more on the following day (see New York Times report by Martin Fackler), despite the all-island opposition against their deployment to the Marine base in the middle of the crowded neighbourhood of Ginowan. Back in 1996, sixteen years ago, US and Japanese governments made a promise to Okinawans to return it within several years. Today, the two governments have not only not returned it, but reinforced the base with these bigger, faster, noisier and accident-prone aircraft, sending a clear message to local residents that this base would stay for a while.  Many Okinawans believe that this is a punitive measure for their opposition against the plan to build a new mega-base at Henoko, Oura Bay, and it is simply unacceptable. Here is a message from an Okinawan women's group "Gathering of Kamaduu gua," to the members of the US Marine Corps, with hope that it will speak to the conscience of the women and men who will be not only exposing Okinawan residents but themselves to danger. Author chinin usii, a member of the group says, "Okinawans oppose  MV22 Osprey, not just because they are dangerous. We are also expressing our anger against the denial of our lives, our dignity, and our democracy, throughout the history, and we are also voicing our determination so that such treatment of our people will not be repeated. If we allow this, we will be allowing such injustice to be inflicted on our children and grandchildren, and people in other regions of the world."       @PeacePhilosophy

To our Brothers and Sisters in the US. Marines,

    When you joined the Marines, maybe you thought you could help propagate, or protect, democracy in the world.
     Now is a good time to think about democracy in Okinawa.
     On the question of whether to bring the Osprey to Okinawa, do we Okinawans have a right to participate in that decision?  After all, this is our island, and the sky over it, which the Osprey will be flying through, also belongs to us.  Would it be democratic for the US and Japan to decide to bring it in, ignoring the Okinawans?

     Of course, it would not.

     We Okinawans have expressed our opposition in every peaceful way possible.  100,000 people gathered at an anti-Osprey rally (out of a population of 1,400,000) on Septemer 9.  The conservative Governor of the prefecture is against it.  The Prefectural Assembly is against it.  The conservative Mayors of both Naha City and Ginowan City are against it.  The local government of every other city, town, and village in Okinawa is against it.  Both local newspapers are against it.  Even the PTA is against it.  To ignore all this and bring it in anyway would be to insult the Okinawan people in a way that would never be forgotten. 

     Why do we oppose it?  Because it is dangerous.  It crashes too often.  It has killed far too many Marines.  Everybody knows this; Osprey is notoriously a flawed aircraft.  It was not we who named it Widow Maker.  Yes, it is sometimes an airplane and sometimes a helicopter.  That’s very clever.  But sometimes it is neither.  Then it becomes a big blob of metal in the sky, which can only fall to the ground.  Not clever at all.  We don’t want it falling on us, and we don’t want it falling with you in it.

     As for the danger of the Osprey, we suppose you know all about that.  And we think, perhaps, on this issue we can join forces.  And so we ask you, in the name of democracy, in the name of our dignity and yours, in the name of our safety and yours: join us in opposing the Osprey. 

Don’t get in it, don’t fly it, don’t service it, don’t go near it.  Treat it like the death trap that it is.

     When you joined the Marines, you probably wanted to do something for democracy and for the dignity of human life.

     Now’s your chance.

                    Your Brothers and Sisters in Okinawa

Japanese version below.









