
Monday, December 31, 2018

2018年のおわりに At the End of Year 2018

手前に見えているのはマハトマ・ガンディーの像。One of the most memorable places that I visited in 2018, Canadian Human Rights Museum. The statue in front is one of Mahatma Gandhi. 

You must be the change you wish to see in the world – Mahatma Gandhi

The number of the blog posts has been the lowest this year, since I started this blog at the end of 2006. 

理由は、シンプルで、ブログに費やせる時間が減ってしまったことです。今年は別の媒体に書いた記事の転載が中心となりました。The reason is simple --- I have not been able to spend as much time on this blog as I did before. This year, many of the posts were re-posts from the writing that I did for other media outlets. 

今年は前半は『沖縄は孤立していない』(金曜日、2018年)の本の執筆・編集・出版イベントなどでまたたく間に過ぎました。The first half of 2018 flew by, with the writing and editing for the book Okinawa wa koritsu shite inai (Okinawa Is Not Alone), and the subsequent book events in Tokyo and Okinawa.

2012年にガバン・マコーマック氏と共著で出した英語の本 Resistant Islands: Okinawa Confronts Japan and the United States の Second Edition も、2012-17年の動きを書いた章を新たに付け足して、出しました(Rowman and Littlefield, 2018)。The second edition of the book Resistant Islands: Okinawa Confronts Japan and the United States, which I co-authored with Gavan McCormack, has been published too this year, with the addition of a whole new chapter that covers the development of 2012 to 2017. 

夏は、済州島を初めて訪れ、済州島国際連帯キャンプに参加しました。朝鮮半島の終戦・平和実現に大きく踏み出した年です。軍産複合体の妨害があっても、一歩ずつ進めるように関係諸国首脳を応援していきたいです。In the summer, I visited Jeju Island, Korea, for the first time, and participated in the Inter-Island Solidarity Camp.

また、2006年以来通訳・講師として参加してきている広島・長崎の日米学生の旅、例年のようにワシントンDCのアメリカン大学と、新しいパートナーである明治学院大学の学生さんや社会人参加者の皆さんと共に行いました。In August, I participated in the annual Hiroshima/Nagasaki study tour as an instructor and translator, with American University (Washington, DC) and its new partner Meiji-gakuin University (Tokyo). 

地元バンクーバーでは、私は不在でしたが、「バンクーバー9条の会」の仲間たちが核兵器の恐ろしさを訴える「原爆展」を例年通り行い、何百人もの人に来てもらえました。Back in Vancouver, while my absence, my colleagues of Vancouver Save Article 9 successfully held the "A-bomb Exhibit," to raise awareness of the horror of nuclear weapons, and we had hundreds of visitors! 

9月には、「海外識者103人声明」にたいし、琉球新報社から「池宮城秀意記念賞」を仲間と共に受賞しました。沖縄は、辺野古に土砂が投入され始め、南西諸島全体の自衛隊配備も進み、深刻な状況ですが、新年は、引き続き、そして新たな試みをもって、沖縄に対する軍事・植民地主義と闘っていきます。In September, my colleagues and I received Ikemiyagushiku Shui Memorial Award, for the "International Okinawa Statement by 103 Scholars, Artists and Activists of the World" of 2014, from Okinawan newspaper company Ryukyu Shimpo. Okinawa continues to face a serious situation, with the government starting reclamation of the bay of Henoko, and with planned deployment of Self Defense Force troops and construction of missile bases across the chain of Nansei Islands. I will continue efforts to be part of the international struggle against militarism and colonialism against Okinawa. 

アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカス Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus』のエディター・ライター・翻訳コーディネーターとしても、役割を果たしてきました。来年は英語による執筆もこれまで以上に積極的に行っていきたいと思います。As an editor, writer, and translation coordinator for the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, I will continue to help disseminate critical information from the Asia-Pacific region. 

日本の、鹿児島大学をはじめとするいくつかの大学でも講演・ゲストスピーカーをさせていただき、若い人たちの考えから学ぶことができました。I spoke at several universities, including Kagoshima University, and had opportunities to hear from young people in Japan. 

地元カナダでは、国会で「南京大虐殺を記憶する日」を設けることにたいする、日本政府、一部の日本移民や日系カナダ人による反対に対して懸念を表明しました(これについては英語サイト Japanese Canadians Supporting Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day を参照)Back in Canada,  I expressed my criticism of the Japanese government's, and some Japanese immigrants' and Japanese Canadians' opposition against the Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day (for details, see HERE).

また、これとは別に、12月、地元で、バンクーバー9条の会とピース・フィロソフィーセンターは、南京大虐殺追悼集会を主催しました。Separately, in December, Vancouver Save Article 9 and Peace Philosophy Centre hosted an event "Remembering the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre."

銅像や記念日の法的制定については私はそこまでの関心はありません。制定よりも、実際に歴史と歴史からの教訓を学ぶことの方が重要です。私が関心があるのは、被害者に寄り添う歴史記憶のあり方であり、私が闘う対象は、被害者を傷つける歴史否定です。I am more interested in learning and learning from history than in the establishment of statues or memorial days. What I AM interested in is how we remember history with our heart reaching out to the victims, and what I OPPOSE is history denial that further hurts the victims. 

相変わらず、日本国外に出てきてまで、日本軍「慰安婦」の制度に「強制がなかった」とか、「南京大虐殺はなかった」とかいう、おおよそ日本国外では全く通用しない歴史否定の言説を流布する人たちの存在に心を痛めております。I continue to be concerned about those people who spread the narrative of history denial, such as "There was no force in the Japanese Army's 'Comfort Women' system," and, "Nanjing Massacre did not happen," the kind of narrative that has no place outside of Japan. 

そしてそういう人たちが、私や仲間に不当なレッテルをはり、ネット中傷やデマを流布するような傾向もあります。それらには断固対処し、必要とあらば法的処置も取っていきます。Some of these people unfairly label me and my colleagues, and spread defamatory remarks, and lies on the Internet. I firmly stand against, and if necessary, take legal action to deal with such acts.

私の原理原則は以下の二つです。My principle in this regard is two-fold.
  • 見解の相違は認めるが、嘘や個人攻撃、誹謗中傷は許さない。I accept differences in opinions, but I do not tolerate lies, personal attacks and libelous remarks against me. 
  • 歴史記憶のあり方についての意見の相違は認めるが、歴史的事実自体の否定は許さない。I accept differences in how we want to memorialize events of past wars, but I do not tolerate denial of historical facts. 

お互い敬意をもって意見交換ができるような土壌を創っていきたいと思っています。I would like to create an atmosphere in which we can exchange opinions with respect to each other. 

地元の仲間、日本を含むアジア諸国の同胞、世界の同志と、平和で持続可能な世界を築くために2019年も頑張っていきます。また、考えの異なる人々へのコンパッションも忘れないでいきたいと思っています。I will continue to work for a peaceful and sustainable word, hand in hand with local friends, colleagues in Asia, including Japan, and like-minded people in the world. I will also always try to have compassion for the people who think differently from I do. 

新年への願いをこめて With the best wishes for the new year, 

Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever. – Mahatma Gandhi

乗松聡子 @PeacePhilosophy  Satoko Oka Norimatsu 
『アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカス』エディター Editor, Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
ピース・フィロソフィーセンター代表 Director, Peace Philosophy Centre
バンクーバー9条の会共同代表 Co-Chair, Vancouver Save Article 9

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Nanjing Massacre Memorial Events in Vancouver, and Jeju 南京大虐殺追悼集会 in バンクーバー、そして済州島

On December 11, Vancouver Save Article 9 and Peace Philosophy Centre hosted an event: Remembering the Nanjing Massacre. Over forty people filled the small room at Roundhouse Community Centre in Downtown Vancouver - Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and European Canadians and more. 

We watched a film "Nanking" together, a film that is now available on Snagfilms.

Satoko Oka Norimatsu introduced the event and the film: 

Thank you so much for coming to this event, Remembering the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre.
Film "Nanking"
This event is organized by Vancouver Save Article 9 and Peace Philosophy Centre. Vancouver Article 9 was established in 2005, and it is a citizen’s group that upholds and promotes the spirit of the war-renunciation clause of Japan’s post-war constitution. Peace Philosophy Centre is a peace education organization established in 2007. I am Satoko, and I am Co-chair of Vancouver Save Article 9 and Founding Director of Peace Philosophy Centre.  
I would like to first acknowledge that we are holding this event on the traditional and sovereign territories of Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil Waututh nations.  
Just as I recognize the colonial history of this land, I would like to stress that this event also recognizes the colonial history of the Empire of Japan and the suffering that it brought. 
Nanjing Massacre refers to a series of atrocities including massacre, rape, pillage and arson committed by the Japanese Army and Navy against Chinese civilians, wounded and surrendering soldiers, prisoners of war and stragglers who had given up arms. These crimes violated the international law of war and international humanitarian law. They happened during the time of the Japanese Army’s Nanjing Campaign and subsequent occupation of Nanjing, which started in the beginning of December 1937, and ended in March of 1938. This year marks the 81st anniversary. 
Film Nanking was released in 2007, produced by then vice-chairman of America Online Ted Leonsis and directed by Academy-award winning directors Bill Guttentag and Dan Sturman.  I recommended this film for today’s occasion, because this film is neither a docufiction or docudrama, but a documentary, a well-balanced mix of news reels, photographs, testimonies by the surviving victims and former Japanese soldiers, and the staged reading of the actual words of the Westerners who were in Nanjing at that time to help save the lives of the Chinese people. So it is real history, presented in this film. 
Weaving activity for reflection,
facilitated by Youki
In the debriefing, I talked about my past two trips to Nanjing (2007 and 2017, to attend the 70th and 80th memorial event, respectively), particularly how I was touched by the kindness of the people I met there. The questions and comments from the audience included the collective memory of the history in the people of Nanjing in the present time, how the history is taught (or not) in China and Japan. 

Of course, Nanjing Massacre is a very heavy history to learn, and for many, it is hard to come up with any word to describe the feeling after watching such a film. Youki, an expressive art therapist facilitated an weaving activity as we reflected on our experience with the film and the history. 

This occasion in Vancouver is also linked to the annual Nanjing memorial event in Jeju Island, Korea. I sent a solidarity message to the people  there: 

A Solidarity Message from Canada

Back in 2016, I was shocked to know that people of Jeju Island commemorated the Nanjing Massacre on December 13, out of the sense of responsibility for the fact that Alddreu Airfield on Jeju island was then used as a launchpad for the Imperial Japanese air attacks against Nanjing and other places, during Japan’s aggressive war against China from 1937 to 45.
Of course, the people of Jeju Island at that time had no control over the deeds of Imperial Japan under its colonial rule. Many residents there were even forcefully mobilized to work on the construction and fortification of the Japanese airfield. In that regard, the people of Jeju were victims of the war more than anything else, as were the people of Nanjing and other places under the Japanese occupation.
Yet, the people of Jeju still commemorate the Nanjing Massacre today. This deeply moved me, and at the same time, shamed me. While these people of the victimized island remember the history, the vast majority of people in Japan are oblivious of it, and many, including some key government officials and politicians, even deny that it happened at all.
Omura Airfield in Nagasaki was also used for air attacks against Nanjing, but I have never heard of any effort there to remember the history in the way that those on Jeju Island do. In fact, the war memory of Nagasaki overwhelmingly revolves around that of the U.S. atomic-bombing of the city on August 9, 1945, and very few people there know or want to know anything about the aggressive character of the region.
I also felt ashamed about myself. Although I act as one of the leaders of an international study tour to Hiroshima and Nagasaki every year, I have only hosted or participated in commemorative events for the Nanjing Massacre three or four times in the past decade.
It was out of this sense of shame and responsibility, and with inspiration from the people of Jeju, that I pledged to myself that every December from now on, I would never miss remembering and mourning the hundreds of thousands of Chinese POWs and civilians who were unlawfully and brutally massacred, raped, and deprived, for weeks and months from the beginning of December 1937 till around the end of March 1938, the series of horrific war crimes called the Nanjing Massacre.
This year, on December 11, my colleagues of Vancouver Save Article 9 and I will host a local event to remember the victims of the Nanjing Massacre, and renew our pledge that we will never allow such history to repeat, for the sake of humanity and justice. Here I engage myself deeply in solidarity with the people of Jeju, as well as people of China, Japan, and around the world, in our joint efforts to eliminate violence and create a peaceful and sustainable world.

December 4, 2018

Satoko Oka Norimatsu 
Co-Chair, Vancouver Save Article 9
Director, Peace Philosophy Centre
Editor, the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
The Nanjing 81st events in Jeju 

My friend, artist and activist Choi Sung-Hee translated my message into Korean.

캐나다로부터의 연대 메시지

2016, 나는 제주도민들이1937년부터 1945년까지 있었던 일본의 중국 침략 전쟁 기간, 제주도 알뜨르 비행장이 당시 난징과 다른 장소들을 공격하기 위한 일제의 발사대로 쓰였다는 사실을 알고 책임을 느끼며 12 13 난징대학살을 기념한다는 것을 알고 충격을 받았다.
물론 당시 제주도민들은 식민 통치 아래 일제의 행태에 대한 어떠한 통제도 갖지 못했다. 곳의 많은 주민들은 심지어 일본 비행장 건설과 요새화를 위해 일하도록 강제로 동원되었다. 그런 점에서, 제주도민들은 무엇보다 전쟁의 희생양이었다. 난징과 다른 곳의 사람들이 일본 점령 아래 놓여있었던 것처럼
그럼에도 제주도민들은 오늘날 난징 학살을 아직도 기념한다. 이는 나를 깊이 움직였다. 그리고 또한 동시에 나를 부끄럽게 했다. 희생된 섬의 사람들이 역사를 기억할 일본 대부분의 사람들은 것을 의식하지 못한다. 그리고 핵심 정부 관리와 정치인들을 포함하여 많은 이들이 그것이 일어났다는 것조차 부인한다.
나가사키 오무라 비행장 또한 난징을 침공하는데 쓰여졌다. 그러나 나는 제주도의 사람들이 역사를 기억하는 방식으로 곳이 노력한다는 소식을 듣지 못했다. 사실 나가사키의 전쟁에 대한 기억은 1945 8 9 도시에 대한 미국의 핵폭탄 폭격에 관한 것이 압도적이다. 그리고 지역의 호전적인 성격에 대해 뭐라도 알거나 알려고 하는 사람은 거의 없다.
또한 자신이 부끄러웠다.비록 내가 매년 히로시마와 나가사키로 가는 국제 연구 여행 지도자들 중의 사람으로 활동하지만 지난 10 동안 난징 학살 관련 기념 행사들을 서너번 주관하거나 참가했을 뿐이다.
이렇듯 부끄러움과 책임감에서, 그리고 제주도민들로부터 받은 감화에서, 나는 12 초부터 1938 3 마지막에 이르는 동안 난징 대학살로 불리는 끔찍한 전쟁범죄 시리즈에서 불법적으로, 야만적으로 학살 당하고 강간당한 중국 전쟁 포로들과 시민들을 기억하고 애도하는 것을 결코 잊어버리지 않겠다고 스스로에게 맹세했다.
12 11 밴쿠버 세이브 9 에서 같이 일하는 동료들과 나는 난징 학살의 피해자들을 기억하는 지역 행사를 가질 것이다. 그리고 인도주의와 정의를 위해 그러한 역사가 반복되는 것을 결코 허용하지 않을 것이란 우리의 맹세를 새롭게 것이다. 나는 곳에서 제주도민들과 또한 중국, 일본, 세계 곳곳의 사람들과 함께  폭력을 근절하고 평화롭고 지속 가능한 세계를 만들기 위한 공동의 노력에 깊게 연대하는 마음으로 참여할 것이다.

2018 12 4

사토코 오카 노리마츠 (Satoko Oka Norimatsu)
밴쿠버 세이브 9 공동 의장
평화철학센터 감독
아시아-태평양 저널: 재팬 포커스 편집장
See a Facebook post by artist and activist Sung-Hee to report the Jeju event.
This is another friend and activist Kaia's report of the day.