
Monday, March 26, 2007







PS:感谢VSA9的朋友们,3月24日在日裔中心举行的放映会非常成功。值得一提的是KCTV电视台进行了现场采访,相关的新闻将在KCTV电视台3月30日晚6:30分的KVBC News节目中播出。温哥华的朋友们可锁定20频道观看。

Peace Philosophy Center将于近日收到该影片的英文拷贝,届时我们将为英语社区,中文社区和讲其他语言的人士举行专场放映会。

Sunday, March 25, 2007

(Japanese) Film Annyong Sayonara at Nikkei Centre

This is a report in Japanese of the film event on March 24th at Nikkei Heritage Centre.

3月24日、バンクーバー近郊のバーナビー市にある日系ヘリテージセンターで、映画「あんにょん サヨナラ」日韓両国語版の上映をしました。バンクーバー九条の会、ピースフィロソフィーセンター主催、JCCA人権委員会後援によるものです。




- I truly appreciate that you have provided such a great opportunity to think further about "the war".

- あのような映像作品をつくり運動を推し進めておられる方がたには心からの敬意を表したいと思います。(H)

- ”国のために命をささげた人に敬意を表すのが何が悪い”という人たちに対する答の一部がこのDVDにあると思う。(M)

- 観ていて辛いけれど希望を持てる映画でした。私は夫が在日朝鮮人なので、多くの在日一世と関わらねばならなくて、苦しかった時期がありました。映画でも伝えられたように人と人とは壁を取り払っていくことができるという体験をしました。それを”国家”によって妨害されるのは残念だと思う。靖国を支持する層の厚さにも、ちょっと驚きました。これが現実でしょうか。(K)


- 日本の現実を垣間見ることが出来、とても考えさせられました。(T)

- アジアの人達と仲良くしたい!単純ですが、そんな気持ちがさらにあふれてきました。バンクーバーに来て、コリアン、Chinese の友達もできて、こういった個人レベルのつながりが、いつかは大きな力(政府?)をも吸収してしまうエネルギーとなることを信じます。(Y.K)

- 310万の戦没者のこと、ヒロシマ、ナガサキの惨禍については日本人なら誰でもがよく知っているのですが、それではあのアジア太平洋戦争がなぜ、どういう経緯で引き起こされ、近隣諸国の人びとがどれだけの被害を被ったかということについては大方の人びと(大学まで教育を受けたような人たちを含め)は知らされていないのだと思います。昨年末ごろには高校世界史の未履修の問題が新聞に出ていましたが、あれなどは文科省官吏が教委に出向していた道府県ほど多かったことなどみると、国がいかに近現代史教育を軽視しているかという事がよく分かります。(H)


- あの映画の個人的な感想は、日本のアジアに対する侵略行為が正当化されていると言う事実を批判しているのは本当にごくわずかなんだと改めて思わされました。靖国神社でのやりとりのシーンは見たことがなかったし、メディアに疑問を持たざるをえません。メディアがこれでは、本当にまた日本が戦争をする国になるのも先の話ではないのかもしれません。今も苦しんでいる、戦っている、もがいている人たちを見て、何か自分に出来ないかと問わさせてくれた映画でした。(K)






Saturday, March 24, 2007

About Peace Philosophy Centre (English)


- Facilitator of
Dialogue and learning
For peace and sustainability –


Peace Philosophy Centre was established on January 1st, 2007 to provide a community-based place where people of all backgrounds can gather and learn from each other to create a peaceful and sustainable world.

The Centre’s activities include events, workshops, and lectures in the fields of peace, sustainability, education, and intercultural communication. Its area of focus is often Northeast Asia, and events are held in multiple languages such as English, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese.

Peace Philosophy Centre promotes creating peace by peaceful means, and believes that inner peace and world peace are inseparable. The Centre upholds love, respect, well-being, fun, and spirit as core values.

The Centre invites people with diverse opinions, and encourages open dialogue and equal participation. It facilitates personal growth and leadership, and connects like-minded people locally, and around the world.

For information of upcoming events and how you can get involved, contact us at in either English, Japanese or Chinese. Please also visit our website

Friday, March 16, 2007



- 平和と持続可能性のための
  対話と学びの場 –






Thursday, March 15, 2007

Report of First Screening of Annyong Sayonara

The first screening of Annyong Sayonara was held on March 10th. For the2 PM one, my Chinese-born Korean friend Julia kindly brought so many of her friends, so the audience was a good mix of Korean, Chinese,Japanese-speaking people. For the 5 PM one, there were 7 adults and children - I don't know how many, but there certainly seemed many running all over the place!

Here are a couple of comments on the film from the participants.

"There will be no way for peace as long as the war-time wounds are dealt with as inter-state problems or political tools. In this film, the pain and the sorrow of the victims of the Japanese invasion and those of the families of the Japanese soldiers are shared with each other. We can realize peace in Northeast Asia by such sharing on the grass-roots level.We do not have to have state relationships interfere with our own efforts as citizens. What I find unfortunate is that there are many that are indifferent. I think this film can play a great role in raising people's awareness. I want to recommend this film to everyone. " (S.I.)

"This film left me with many questions. Throughout the film I observed cultural differences between Korean and Japanese in the way they deal with the notions and emotions such as resentment, forgiveness, apology,and anger. Not only the historical facts but these cultural differences are making the issues more complicated." (N.T.)

After the film the participants stayed for tea and cookies, and had along discussion on a wide range of topics from Canadian troops in Afghanistan to the 'comfort women' issue. One of the participants mentioned Victoria Cross medal, the highest honour to the acts of military bravery given by the Queen, will be given to the Unknown Soldier of Canada. There are mixed feeling about this award, and the participant expressed a concern that this medal would mean that the Queen owns the death of these unknown soldiers, somewhat resembling the situation of Yasukuni Shrine.

Thanks for all who came to the event.

For future screening events, contact Peace Philosophy Centre at

With love and appreciation,


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring Event Series

Vancouver Save Article 9 and Peace Philosophy Centre will be presenting the following two event series on March 24th and April 2nd, with the Yasukuni Shrine issue as one of their central topics. Please note that the film Annyong Sayonara that we are showing on March 24 is the Korean/Japanese bilingual version, and the April 2nd talk by Kim Yeonghwan will be in Japanese. The English version of the film is currently being made in Korea, and we will arrange a screening as soon as it arrives.

The Spring Event Series

Part I

Screening of Film "Annyong Sayonara" Korean and Japanese Bilingual Version

Annyong Sayonara (107min. 2005) is a collaborative work by young Korean and Japanese filmmakers, Kim Tae-il and Kato Kumiko. This is a powerful and emotional film about the controversial Yasukuni Shrine issue.

Date and Time: 2 - 4 PM Saturday, March 24th
Place : Nikkei Heritage Centre 2nd Floor, Kaede Room
6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby BC (Kingsway & Sperling)
Fee: $5.00
Inquiries and Reservation: or
Organizers: Vancouver Save Article 9 and Peace Philosophy Centre
Sponsor: JCCA Human Rights Committee

Lee Hee-Ja, a Korean woman lost her father in China during the WWII. Her father was drafted to the Japanese Army when Lee was a baby, and never returned. In 1997, 52 years after the war, Lee discovered that her father had been enshrined at Yasukuni Shrine. Lee meets civic activist Furukawa Masaki in Kobe after the 1995 earthquake. Furukawa becomes Lee's supporter in her lawsuit against Yasukuni for withdrawal of her father's enshrinement.

The official website of the film (in Korean and Japanese)

Part II

An Evening with Korean Peace Activist Kim Yeonghwan (in Japanese)

"Watashitachi ga tsukutte iku higashi ajia no heiwa" (Northeast Asia Peace that we will create together)

Date and Time: 7 - 9 PM Monday April 2nd
Place: Iwasaki Room, New Sakura-so (Across the street from Nikkei Heritage Centre. See map at the bottom of this page )
Inquiries and Reservation: or
Admission by Donation
Organizers: Vancouver Save Article 9 and Peace Philosophy Centre

Kim Yeonghwan
Former Executive Director of A Peace Museum Grassroots House in Kochi,Japan. Co-director of "East Asia Collaborative Workshop." Instructor of Peace Studies at Kochi Junior College and Kochi University.

Kim Yeonghwan was born in Chungju-si, Korea. M.A. in Sociology from Sogang University. His master's thesis was on nationalism in Korea.Since 1996 Kim has been active in "Okedongmu Children in Korea," a program that arranges meeting of North and South Korean children to promote peace and reconciliation. Kim came to Japan for the first timein 1997 to participate in the excavation of bones of Korean forced labourers in Shumarinai, Hokkaido - the project now known as "East Asia Collaborative Workshop." In 2000, Kim was hospitalized for a serious injury he suffered during snow removal work in Shumarinai. He was so touched by the kindness of the people of Japan who helped him then that he decided to stay and work for a peace museum in Kochi. Kim's lifework is building solidarity among citizens of the East Asia for peace and understanding.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

(Japanese) An Evening with Korean Peace Activist Kim Yeonghwan

This is information about the April 2nd (7-9 PM) talk by Kim Yeonghwan, a Korean peace activist who was former executive director of Kusano-Ie, a peace museum in Kochi, Japan. This event will be held in Japanese. For more information, contact

共に作ろう 東アジアの平和 2回シリーズイベント



講演および懇談会 「私たちがつくっていく東アジアの平和」


★日時 4月2日(月) 午後7-9時 
★場所 新さくら荘 地下 岩崎ルーム (新さくら荘は日系ヘリテージセンターの通りを挟んで向かい側の、シ ニア住宅です。岩崎ルームには、玄関の右下方面から地下に入る入り口から入ります。 6677 Southoaks Crescent,Burnaby BC (Kingsway & Sperling) このページの一番下の地図をご覧下さい。水色の建物が新さくら荘です。
★費用 Admission by Donation
★言語 日本語
★定員 50名
★主催 バンクーバー九条の会 ピース・フィロソフィー・センター
★申込 まで、お申込下さい。お電話でのお問い合わせは、604-619-5627 までどうぞ。

★金英丸 略歴
平和資料館・草の家 前事務局長。現在「東アジア共同ワークショップ」共同代表。高知短期大学・高知大学非常勤講師(平和学)。



Sunday, March 04, 2007

(Japanese) Film Annyong Sayonara in Korean and Japanese

This is information about the March 24th (2-4PM) screening of documentary film Annyong Sayonara in Japanese and Korean (Japanese parts with Korean subtitles and vice versa). The English information is coming soon. For more info, contact either in English, Japanese or Chinese.

ピース・フィロソフィーセンター が バンクーバー九条の会 との共催でお送りする 春の二回シリーズイベントのご紹介です!

共に創ろう 東アジアの平和 - 2回シリーズイベント


ドキュメンタリー映画 「あんにょん・サヨナラ」日韓両国語版 上映会


★日時 3月24日(土)午後2時ー4時 (開場1時45分 2時10分上映開始)
★会場 日系ヘリテージセンター 2階 楓の間
6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby BC (Kingsway & Sperling)
★費用 5ドル
★定員 50名
★申込 まで、お申込下さい。 お電話でのお問い合わせは、604-619-5627 までどうぞ。
★主催 バンクーバー九条の会 ピース・フィロソフィー・センター
★後援 JCCA人権委員会
★言語 この映画は主に日本語と韓国語で構成されていて、日本語の部分には韓国語字幕、韓国語の部分には日本語字幕が付きます。なので日本語と韓国語を話す方が同時に鑑賞できます。


★2005年 107分 日韓合作 監督 金兌鎰(キム・テイル) 共同監督 加藤久美子

★釜山国際映画祭 ドキュメンタリー部門最優秀賞受賞作品  山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭 アジア千波万波 特別招待作品



Thursday, March 01, 2007

(Japanese) Lecture on Japan's Constitution UBC法学部松井教授による憲法講演

This is information about April 12 (7-9 PM) lecture by Dr. Shigenori Matsui (UBC Faculty of Law) about the constitutional debate in Japan. This lecture will be held in Japanese. For more information, contact

UBC法学部 松井茂記教授による日本語講演

「日本国憲法 - 改憲は必要か」

日時: 4月12日(木) 午後7-9時 (6時45分より受付)
場所: 日系ヘリテージセンター 2階 楓の間        
6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby BC (Kingsway and Sperling)
費用: Admission by donation
問い合わせ or 604-619-5627


松井茂記教授 プロフィール
UBC法学部教授。京都大学大学院法学研究科修士、スタンフォード大学法学博士。大阪大学法学部教授を務めた後、2006年より現職。専門は憲法学、比較憲法学、マスメディア法、情報公開法、インターネット法、法律と医学。著書は『日本国憲法を考える』(大阪大学出版会 2003年)『マス・メディアの表現の自由』(日本評論社 2005年)等多数。