
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Washington Shifting from Hard-Sell to Soft-Sell 米国は姿勢を和らげ「説得」に取り掛かっているが・・・

Here are some of the English-language media reports of the February 1 Tokyo speech by Wallace Gregson, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asia and the Pacific. I have not been able to find the full text of his speech at JIIA, the Japan Institute of International Affairs, but found some reports on it. Much of the Japanese media, as always, have been emphasizing how the US leaders think the current plan (2006 Roadmap) is the best, but ther overall tone is definitely changing. グレグソン国防次官補が東京の日本国際問題研究所主催で行ったスピーチについて、日本語の報道はあいかわらず「現行案が最善」ばかり繰り返している。元のの原稿は手に入っていないが、英語による報道はこうである。

Futenma can wait till May: U.S. defense envoy (「普天間解決は5月まで待つ」国防省)

US softens stance on Japan base (米国は日本の基地問題で態度を和らげる)§ionid=351020406

Official: U.S. willing to compromise on Futenma (米国は普天間について妥協する用意がある)

Quoting from this Stars and Stripes article,
“If we have to go back to negotiating, we will go back to negotiating,”

“The solution is not an American-imposed one,” he said. “It’s a cooperative U.S. and Japanese solution.” (「解決策はアメリカが押しつけたものではない。アメリカと日本が協同で出すもの。」)

Gregson also stressed he believes the current plan is “the most balanced plan which satisfies the needs of both governments.” (現行案は「双方の政府のニーズを満たすもの」と強調もした。)

Shortly after the election, U.S. officials decried the need for a review of existing agreements. More recently, U.S. leaders have struck a more conciliatory tone in public, saying they need to do a better job explaining the Marines’ role on Okinawa and the reasons they need an air base on Okinawa. (昨年の総選挙後、米政府高官たちは現行案見直しを非難したが、最近になって米国の指導者たちはより和解的な口調を公の場で取るようになった。沖縄での海兵隊の役割や沖縄に飛行場がなぜ必要かということをよりよく説明する必要性を感じるようになった。)

Yoshida Kensei, whose new book on the U.S. plan to move the Marines out of Okinawa will be published through Kobunken soon, says, "We need to re-examine what kind of U.S. and Japanese administrations were they when the current agreement was reached." Obama Administration, which made the word "change" an international buzz word, has been clinging to the status quo - the 2006 Roadmap Agreement. Only recently they have started to realize that the Japanese administration actually changed last summer, after the election that clearly reflected the "people's will" of opposition against the new Henoko base plan. 間もなく高文研から『米軍のグアム統合計画 沖縄の海兵隊はグアムへ行く』という本を出版する吉田健正さんは、「そもそもあの合意を結んだ日米の政権がどういう政権だったのか、検証する必要が

This "softening" trend of Washington was seen in the speech by US Ambassador Roos at Waseda University, the Defense Department briefing on January 27, and the statement by Kurt Campbell, Assistant Secretary of State who arrived in Narita on January 31. この交渉姿勢が柔和になった傾向は先日のルース大使の早稲田大学での講演にも見られたし、先日紹介した27日の国防総省のモレル報道官の発言にも見られたし、今回来日しているカート・キャンベル国務省次官補(東アジア・太平洋担当)の発言にも見られた。

They also started to give a series of unconvincing explanations of why we need Marines in Okinawa. Why unconvincing? Because there is really no reason why we need Marines in Okinawa, or nowhere in the Asia-Pacific. There are notable arguments on this issue by experts, like Sato Manabu of Okinawa International University, Gabe Masaaki of Ryukyu University, and the Asahi article by former Defense official Yanagisawa Kyoji. Sorry these materials are mostly in Japanese. In English, Mark Selden of Japan Focus recently brought attention to Peter Ennis's article which will soon appear in Weekly Toyo Keizai. と同時に、沖縄に海兵隊がなぜ必要かという苦し紛れな説明をたくさんするようになった。なぜ苦し紛れな説明しかできないのか。それは沖縄に海兵隊が必要な理由はないからである。これについては沖縄国際大学の佐藤学さんのこの講演記録に丁寧に記されているし、先日紹介した元防衛幹部の柳沢協二さんの小論も読んでほしい。また琉球大学の我部政明さんのテレビ出演の記録も紹介した。日米の政府やメディアや官僚が決して教えてくれないことを私たち市民はこういった人たちから学ぶべきである。これらを日英語でまとめたいが時間がないのでなるべく少しずつやっていくようにする。


  1. Brilliant, investigative, analytical series of issues and media coverage.

    This is netsroots citizen news blogging at its best and far better than any reports in any "mainstream media."

  2. Kay Hwang1:55 pm






