
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

『アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパン・フォーカス』からのメッセージ A Message from Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
今日、『アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカス』 (APJ: The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focusm) が読者、協力者に宛てたレターを紹介します。



Dear Colleagues, 仲間たちへ
This is the year of arguably the most serious catastrophe that Japan has faced since the firebombing and atomic bombing of 1945. Many of us at The Asia-Pacific Journal have been working 24/7 since 3.11 to chronicle its development, to frame strategies to assist, and to raise funds for the victims. You can find the results of our work at APJ, especially here, providing an important source on these events. 今年は日本にとって、1945年の原爆と空襲以来、最も悲惨な災害に見舞われた年となりました。『アジア太平洋ジャーナル』(APJ)の関係者たちは3月11日以来24時間体制でこの問題を追い、力になれる方策を考え、被災者への募金活動を行ってきました。APJのサイトでぜひご覧ください。震災・原発関連ニュースへのリンクはこちらです。

For the first time, proposals framed by our associates at the Institute for Environmental and Energy Research have been conveyed directly to the Prime Minister's office in ways that promise constructive action to eliminate radioactive water in Fukushima's turbine buildings. You can read about it here:  along with perhaps the most comprehensive coverage of the quake/tsunami/meltdown available in English.また、協力関係にあるアメリカの研究機関「エネルギー環境研究所」(IEER)が福島第一原発のタービン建屋の、放射線に汚染された溜まり水を取る方法を提案した文書は首相官邸に届けることができました。くわしくはこちらのリンクをご覧ください。 (日本語訳はこちら)。

Catastrophe means the disruption of the lives or worse of scores of thousands of people. But it also offers opportunities for people to come together in ways that can bring about positive change. We hope to contribute to that process. 大惨事は、何万、何十万もの人たちの犠牲と、生活の破壊もたらします。と同時に、人々が一体となり、少しでも状況がよくなるように協力し合える機会となります。私たちはその一端を担うことができればと願っています。

Please consider supporting our fundraising effort for the Japan Red Cross to assist victims. You can find information about that here 日本赤十字社を通じての被災地への寄付をどうぞご検討ください。私たちのサイトで募金ができます。(日本語のできる人へ:日本赤十字のサイトに寄付の案内があります。)

We look forward to your ideas and suggestions for improving our work. We hope that those of you with Japanese translation skills will consider helping us to making available our most important work for Japanese readers. より質の高いジャーナルを目指して、みなさんのご意見やご提案をお待ちしております。現在、非常に重要で緊急性の高い記事を日本語を読む人に発信するために、英語から日本語への翻訳ができる人を募集しています。
Mark Selden for The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
アジア太平洋ジャーナル マーク・セルダン


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

マキジャーニ博士:「福島第一原発のタービン建屋の水と照明について」提案 Dr. Arjun Makhijani: Suggestions for Troubled Turbine Buildings at Fukushima Daiichi

27日に二ヶ国語版プレス・リリースを紹介した米国のシンクタンク「エネルギー環境研究所」所長のアージュン・マキジャーニ博士が、現在復旧作業の妨げとなっている、高い放射能を帯びたタービン建屋の溜まり水についての方策を昨日(3月28日)提案した論文の二カ国版を紹介する。英語原文は Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus に掲載されている。タービン建屋に穴を開けて採光することと、空のオイルタンカーを現場のなるべく近くまで寄せて汚水を排水する方法だ。オイルタンカー使用の案は朝日時事で報道されているように現在検討されている。


6935 Laurel Avenue, Suite 201
Takoma Park, MD 20912

Phone: (301)270-5500
FAX: (301) 270 – 3029

Issues of Water and Light in the Turbine Buildings at Fukushima Daiichi Plant 1


Arjun Makhijani 2
エネルギー環境研究所 所長
アージュン・マキジャーニ 2

28 March 2011

Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi plant have been trying to reestablish electricity connections to pumps so as to restart the cooling system for the reactors at the plant. According to news reports, two of the major obstacles have been

  • a high radiation environment (on the order of 1,000 millisieverts per hour) due to contaminated water on the floor of the turbine buildings, and
  • a lack of light in the turbine buildings, which has forced the electricians to work in the dark.

  • タービン建屋の床に溜まった水の汚染により、高放射線の環境となっていること(毎時約1,000ミリシーベルト)。
  • タービン建屋に照明がなく、電気技師たちは暗闇で作業をすることを強いられていること。
The combination of these two factors has made it exceedingly difficult to accomplish the objective and has so far frustrated it. Pumping water out of the reactor buildings has not been possible since there are no empty tanks on site of sufficient capacity to hold the water, which is too contaminated to be pumped into the ocean. Recent reports indicate that the water is also leaking out of the building on to the site, further contaminating the working environment and complicating efforts to bring the problem of cooling the reactors and spent fuel pools under control.

It is extremely difficult to suggest possible courses of action from afar; yet sometimes, the ability to bring the experience of other localities and technological challenges to bear on a problem may be helpful. In this spirit, we put forward a suggestion in the hope that it might be considered by those on site who are struggling with the very difficult and complex effort to bring seven major sources of radioactivity under control (three reactors and four spent fuel pools).

The suggestions presented here may or may not be suitable courses of action. However, they may be worthy of consideration after which the authorities may decide whether they merit implementation or suggest alternative approaches. It should be understood explicitly, that we are not recommending that the steps outlined below be implemented, since we are not in a position to evaluate the various possible safety and feasibility issues associated with them. The responsibility for making and implementing decisions belongs fully and solely to the Japanese government’s safety authorities and the Tokyo Electric Power Company.

A. Light 照明について
Punching holes into the roof of the turbine buildings (with due consideration to the hydrogen that may be in them) could provide an initial amount of light, which would enable much more work to be done in the 15 minutes to which workers are limited under the current radiation conditions (according to news reports). At that point, explosion-proof lights using small external generators could also be introduced into the buildings through the holes in the roof to further facilitate work. evacuate Any increased radioactivity in the atmosphere outside the turbine building is likely to be very minor compared to the radioactivity on site already, and puncturing the roof will reduce radiation doses greatly once the leakage onto the site is stopped and the water in the building evacuated. Any increased radiation will also likely be temporary since this method will facilitate the removal of water in the building provided the pumping is maintained while the source of the leak is being repaired (if possible).

B. Pumping out water 排水について

It is suggested that an empty oil tanker of sufficient size to accommodate the accumulated water and that anticipated to leak into the turbine buildings in the coming period be brought as close to the site as possible. (Alternatively, two tankers may provide a more flexible arrangement, since one could carry water away for unloading into tanks elsewhere in Japan.) The radioactive water can be pumped into the tanker, which can serve as a floating tank. Fresh water to cool the reactors and spent fuel pools is already being brought to site by U.S. barges. This would be the reverse of the process. Of course, it is recognized that the vessel would probably have to be written off, but in the scheme of damages that have already occurred and that may occur if the regular cooling system is not made functional soon, it would seem that this may not a major consideration.

Since the water is extremely radioactive, pumping out water and putting it in a ship’s hold (like putting it in a tank on land) will involve some hazards that the authorities should evaluate and take the necessary precautions. For instance, there could be residual radioactive noble gases in the water; it is established that there are volatile radionuclides, notably iodine-131. Other iodine isotopes may also be present. Appropriate arrangements to protect workers pumping the water and those managing the filling of the holds on board, such as venting of the holds, should be made.

Finally, given that the water contains a significant concentration of long-lived cesium-137, we stress that it should not be discharged into the ocean, into any other body of water, or onto land; neither should it be injected into the ground. It should be held in large tanks away from the site that are appropriately seismically qualified and checked regularly. The water should be held until all the short-lived radionuclides are decayed away so that the rest can be captured, for instance by ion exchange in resins, as is done with reactor primary water.

C. Conclusion 結論

It appears urgent to devise ways of lighting the turbine building at least by daylight and preferably also by electric explosion-proof lamps. The suggestions above are for consideration and evaluation by the Japanese governmental authorities and by TEPCO. They are not recommendations for action, but could provide ideas that might be useful in an extremely difficult and dangerous situation; they may also be rejected if found unsafe or unsuitable for any reason. The responsibility for evaluation and implementation rests, of course, entirely with the Japanese governmental authorities and with TEPCO who may accept, reject, or modify them as appropriate. Our only desire is to be helpful at a very difficult time for the Japanese people and for the workers and managers who are trying their best to manage the unprecedented nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.

(Translation by Satoko Norimatsu)
1. This paper reviewed by Dr. Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress and Dr. Patricia Lewis. I am grateful for their helpful comments. As the author, I alone take responsibility for its final contents and any deficiencies that remain.
2. Arjun Makhijani is president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research.

注1) この論文はフェレンク・ダルノキ-ベレス博士とパトリシア・ルイス博士にレビューをしてもらった。両博士の助言に感謝する。著者として、私がこの論文の内容と、まだあるかもしれない欠陥について責任を持つ。

注2) アージュン・マキジャーニはエネルギー環境研究所所長である。


Sunday, March 27, 2011

IEER Press Release: "This accident has long since passed the level of Three Mile Island" 「放射性ヨウ素はスリーマイル島事件の10万倍以上」-米エネルギー環境研究所プレス・リリース 日本語訳

6935 Laurel Avenue, Suite 201, Takoma Park, MD 20912
Phone: (301)270-5500 FAX: (301) 270 – 3029

For further information:
Arjun Makhijani 301-270-5500 (preferred) or, for weekend, cell: 301-509-6843

アージュン・マキジャーニ(電話番号301-270-5500か、週末は携帯へ 301-509-6843)

Institute Calls for More Intensive Contingency Planning by Japanese Authorities;
U.S. Should Move as Much Spent Fuel as Possible to Dry Storage to Reduce Most Severe Risks and Suspend Licensing and Relicensing during Review

プレス・リリース 2011年3月25日




Takoma Park, Maryland – The damaged Fukushima Daiichi reactors in Japan continue to release radioactivity into the atmosphere. So far, the accident has released far more radioactivity than the 1979 Three Mile Island (TMI) accident. While Chernobyl had one source of radioactivity, its reactor, there are seven leaking radiation sources at the Japanese site. Together, the three damaged reactors and four spent fuel pools at Fukushima Daiichi contain far more long-lived radioactivity, notably cesium-137, than the Chernobyl reactor.
メリーランド州タコマ・パーク発 ―損傷した日本の福島第一原発の原子炉は大気中に放射線を発し続けている。現時点で、事故は1979年のスリーマイル島(TMI)事故を大きく上回る放射線を出した。チェルノブイリは放射線を出す元は1か所の原子炉だけであったが、日本の事故現場では7カ所から放射線が出ている。損傷を受けた3つの原子炉と4つの使用済み燃料プールは、チェルノブイリの原子炉に比べ、特にその影響が長引くセシウム137を含む。

The French radiation protection authority, Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), estimates the radioactive releases of iodine-131 in Japan had reached about 2.4 million curies by March 22, 2011. That is about 160,000 times the best estimate of the amount released during the TMI accident in Pennsylvania (15 curies) and about 140,000 times the maximum estimate of 17 curies. It is about 10 percent of the estimated amount released during the Chernobyl accident, according to the IRSN.

Combined cesium-134 (half-life: about 2 years) and cesium-137 (half life: about 30 years) releases from Fukushima are estimated at about half-a-million curies, about 10 percent of estimated Chernobyl cesium releases. The TMI accident did not emit measurable amounts of radioactive cesium, according to the presidential commission that investigated the accident.

“This accident has long since passed the level of Three Mile Island,” said Dr. Arjun Makhijani, president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER). “While the releases are still considerably below Chernobyl, they have already reached a level that could affect the region around the site for a prolonged period. It is simply a fantasy and highly misleading for the official accident level to remain at level 5, given the estimated radioactivity releases and the extended evacuation, contamination of food and water, and other countermeasures that have already been ordered by the government.”

The primary risk of concern with iodine-131 is thyroid cancer, with children more at risk than adults. A high enough intake of iodine-131 by children can also cause developmental problems and other thyroid diseases. Young girls are at greater risk than boys. Female infants have a risk of thyroid cancer 70 times greater than adult males for the same radiation exposure. Some iodine-131 deposits on land, including pastures.

When contaminated grass is eaten by cows and goats, iodine-131 concentrates in milk. It has a half-life of about eight days, meaning that appreciable amounts will remain in the environment for a few months after large releases. Cesium-137 will take a few hundred years to decay to very low levels. Some cesium-137 from atmospheric testing in the 1950s and 1960s is still present in soil all over the world. It causes all types of radiogenic cancers since it distributes itself all over the body, like potassium. Cesium-137 contamination is the main reason that a huge exclusion zone (about 1,000 square miles) still needs to be maintained around Chernobyl.

The radioactive fallout from the damaged Fukushima reactors has already covered substantial parts of Honshu, Japan’s main island. Japanese officials have warned citizens against consuming 11 types of vegetables found to have higher than the legal levels of radioactivity, as well as milk from regions near the plant. They have urged residents to avoid giving tap water to children and infants.

Despite these warnings, authorities in Japan have not been forthcoming about the actual levels of radioactive releases, which according to some reports are grave enough that additional, immediate public protection is necessary. The large radioactivity releases, large evacuation zone, and extensive contamination of food and water indicate that it should be raised to level 6, which is also the evaluation of the French and U.S. authorities. This would give a more realistic picture to the public in Japan and allow for appropriately intensified contingency planning.

Efforts to stabilize the damaged reactors have only been partly successful; cooling with seawater may have created its own problems. A significant blockage of the space between the fuel rods with salt deposits could slow cooling water flow even if fresh water can be pumped in. The re-start of normal pumping faces formidable technical and safety problems.

“Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Japanese government must inform the public of their estimates of the releases so far and the potential scale of additional releases, provide updates that are as complete as possible, and create appropriate contingency plans for the public.”
「東京電力と日本政府はこれまでの放射線放出量、そして今後どれぐらい放出されるかの予測をなるべく詳細に市民に知らせ、市民を守るための適切な緊急時対応策を打ち出す必要がある。」とマキジャーニ博士は提言する。(注2 )

Last week, IEER noted that damages from severe spent fuel accidents in the U.S. could range from $900 million to $700 billion ( ). Vermont Yankee, for example, contains more spent fuel in its pool than all four stricken pools at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Yet the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has not ordered any additional actions to protect this material.
( )であると予測した。例を挙げれば、バーモント・ヤンキー原発では、福島第一原発の問題を抱える4つの原子炉の使用済み燃料の合計以上の燃料を、その使用済み燃料プールに抱えている。それにも関わらず原子力規制委員会(NRC)はこの燃料を安全に保つための追加策を何ら(この原発に)命じていない。

“The Nuclear Regulatory Commission should order all aged spent fuel in the U.S. to be moved from pools to hardened dry storage,” said Dr. Makhijani. “It should suspend all licensing and relicensing proceedings until the long-term safety review is complete. It should also review the nearly certified reactor designs, like the AP1000. It is lamentable that the NRC extended the license of the Vermont Yankee reactor, which is the same design as the stricken Fukushima units, while the Japanese crisis is still going on and there has been no time to learn its lessons. I am shocked the NRC did not even order the emptying of all of Vermont Yankee’s older spent fuel into dry cask storage, as a condition of the license extension.”

(Translated by Satoko Norimatsu)

注1)この注釈は日本語版作成にあたり日本の読者にわかりやすいようにIEERと相談した上で訳者が付けている。この数値はフランスのIRSNの推計( )にもとづいている。この文書のI-131(ヨウ素131)のところを見ると、9E+16ベクレルる。1キュリー=3.7E+10ベクレルなので、換算すると240万キュリーとなる。ちなみにこの文書によるとセシウム134とセシウム137はそれぞれ1E+16ベクレル、合せると2E+16ベクレルとなる。これを換算すると約50万キュリーとなる。

(  日本語書類へのリンクは下方にあります)


IEER (エネルギー環境研究所)について


Why Japan?―原爆投下のシナリオ (ワールドブックス)

力の支配から法の支配へ―オバマは核問題で国際法体制を再構築できるか [単行本]

Nuclear Wastelands: A Global Guide to Nuclear Weapons Production and Its Health and Environmental Effects

Democracy Now!の日本語版にもインタビューがあります。 


Post-Tsunami Situation at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan: Facts, Analysis, and Some Potential Outcomes 

エネルギー環境研究所(IEER)「福島第一原子力発電所における津波後の状況――事実・分析・推測される結末」  (上記マキジャーニ論文の日本語訳)

★アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカス Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus の関連記事(英語)
Japan's Nuclear Crisis: Status of Spent Fuel at Exploded Reactor Buildings Unclear 日本の核危機:爆発した原子炉での使用済み燃料の状況への懸念

TEPCO, Credibility, and the Japanese Crisis 東京電力、信ぴょう性、日本の危機

“Long Since Passed the Level of Three Mile Island” – The Fukushima Crisis in Comparative Perspective 「とうにスリーマイル島事故を超えている」-福島危機の比較的視点

Friday, March 25, 2011

日本3つめの大規模核被害地「福島」 自らの責任を問う Fukushima: The Third Nuclear Attack on Japan, This Time by Us

See below YouTube links for a 1995 U.K. documentary "Nuclear Ginza" that tells us about the realities of nuclear plant workers in Japan. It is bilingual (English and Japanese).
















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フェースブックFacebook "Peace Philosophy Centre"



Thursday, March 24, 2011

福島原発の現状とリスク: 元東芝原子炉設計者 後藤政志 Former Reactor Engineer Dr. Goto Masashi Explains Fukushima Situations and Risks




  • 原子炉の冷却ができないと炉心が溶融して原子炉の中に溶融物(デブリ)が落ちる。
  • さらに冷却ができないと原子炉容器の底が抜ける。
  • 溶融物が格納容器の床を突き抜けコンクリートと反応し大量の水素ガスを出す。
  • この段階で格納容器が破損するので外部に大量の放射性物質が放出される
  • 冷却に失敗すると、事故の進展にともない水素爆発、水蒸気爆発、あるいは、再臨界が起こり得る。
  • 大規模な爆発現象をともなうと、大量に放射性物質が飛び出し、チェルノブイリのようになる。
  • 爆発を起こさない場合には、徐々にではあるが放射性物質が外部に出続ける可能性がある。


東電福島第一原発事故 3月25日午前6時台(日本時間) Fukushima - As of March 25 AM (Japan Time)

日本時間 3月25日の朝6時台にこれを書いています。See below links for reactor update and radiation levels at differenct places in Tohoku and Kanto areas.

福島原発事故概況一覧(第24版,24日23:18現在: )。

(Reactor update in English 英語)




深刻な問題とされる1号機格納容器圧力について Pressure in the containment vessel of No.1

これは16日から24日までの関東地方の放射線推移です。Radiation levels in Kanto Area for the past week

これは東北のグラフです。データが足りないですが。Tohoku Area

わかりにくいと思います。MEXT data of radiation around Fukushima Daiichi
この最後のページ「日常生活と放射線」ですが、カナダの友人が "Happy
Radiation Chart" と呼んで、あきれていました。まるで放射線を受ける活動が
あと、観測数値は全部マイクロシーベルト/時なのに、この 「ハッピー放射線チャー





(English 英語)

引き続き、フェースブック (Peace Philosophy Centre)、ツイッター(PeacePhilosophy)、またこのブログで日英語で報告していきます。

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

福島第一原発 3月24日7時台(日本時間)現在



「福島原発事故概況一覧(第22版,24日2:02現在: )。







But experts say that pregnant women, nursing mothers and fetuses, as
well as children, face the greatest danger from radioactive iodine,
which is taken in by the thyroid gland and can cause thyroid cancer.
Children are at much higher risk than adults because they are growing,
and their thyroid glands are more active and in need of iodine. In
addition, the gland is smaller in children than in adults, so there is
less tissue to share the radiation: a given amount of iodine 131 will
deliver a higher dose of radiation to a child’s thyroid and potentially
do more harm. (放射性ヨウ素は妊婦、授乳中の女性、胎児、そして子どもたち

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, if an adult and a child ingest the same amount of
radioactive iodine the thyroid dose will be 16 times higher to a newborn
than to an adult; for a child under 1 year old, eight times the adult
dose; for a 5-year-old, four times the adult dose. (米国疫病予防管理セ

Pregnant women also take up more iodine 131 in the thyroid, especially
during the first trimester. The iodine crosses the placenta and reaches
the fetus, and the fetal thyroid takes up more and more iodine as
pregnancy progresses. During the first week after birth a baby’s
thyroid activity increases up to fourfold and stays at that level for a
few days, so newborns are especially vulnerable. Women who are
breast-feeding will secrete about a quarter of the iodine they ingest
into their milk. (妊婦も、妊娠初期の3ヶ月間は、より多くのヨウ素131



福島第一原発 3月23日午後6時台(日本時間)現在




森原「福島第一1号機の原子炉温度急上昇の裏付け。保安院最新情報の「消火系に加え、給水系を使うことにより炉心への注水量を増量」という記述と、添付文書の「圧力容器下部温度:400℃以上」の記述( )。原因不明だが、溶けた燃料棒だとすると心配。」

岩上安身「東電の会見では、原子炉を冷却するポンプは原子炉建屋の地下にあり、立ち入り困難(放射線量高+がれきで危険)が明らかに。使用済燃料プールに入れるポンプは修理可能、肝腎な冷却系回復のめど立たず。」!/iwakamiyasumi  (岩上さんはこの問題を追っている人たちが一番追っているジャーナリスト。福島元知事をインタビューした人もこの人。)






Tuesday, March 22, 2011

福島第一原発 Fukushima Daiichi Updates




森原「この事態に至って「実は基準がない」と、食品安全委が食品の放射線被害基準づくりに着手とは何ごとだと思うが、厚労省が20日になって同委に諮問の形跡(  )。農水省が困って厚労省に要請した結果か…( )。

森原「やるせない。原発30km圏内に残っていた入院患者や福祉施設入所者の避難中に、3人が亡くなったとの報(。20km圏から避難の入院患者ら21名が避難所で亡くなった報告もある( )。忘れない。」

すべて重要な報告だ。森原氏のツイッター @HidekiMorihara のフォローを勧める。










Sunday, March 20, 2011

もう嘘はつけない:食品放射能汚染が始まった(加筆再投稿) No More Lying; No More Hiding - Radioactivity Detected in Food (Milk from Fukushima; Spinach from Ibaraki)





NHK は「大量の放射線が漏れ出す恐れがある」と言いだしてから何日もたってもまだ「恐れがある」と言ってる。効果的な解決策も見出せないまま「このまま何日も」実際に経っているのにまだ「恐れ」のままなのはおかしいと思わないか。「大量の放射線が出ている」とどうして認めないのか。


「裸の王様」とか英語の言い回しの the elephant in the room 「部屋の中の象」を思いだす。部屋の中に巨大な象がいることを皆わかっているのに、誰もそれに触れずに会話する異常さ。一昔前、癌の告知がまだあまりされていなかったときの患者と家族の会話のようだ。胃がんで死にゆく人に「胃潰瘍だよ」と言い続け、治るからね治るからねと言い、云われる方も、もう癌だとわかりながら敢えて言わずに死んでいく。













Saturday, March 19, 2011

謎に満ちた原発事故での負傷・不明者の行方、NYT紙とABCの死亡5名報道 Questions Over Casualties of Fukushima Plant Accidents



The few details Tokyo Electric has made available paint a dire picture. Five workers have died since the quake and 22 more have been injured for various reasons, while two are missing. One worker was hospitalized after suddenly grasping his chest and finding himself unable to stand, and another needed treatment after receiving a blast of radiation near a damaged reactor. Eleven workers were injured in a hydrogen explosion at reactor No. 3. (東電が提供した詳細によると事態の切迫した状況が浮かび上がる。震災以来5名の職員が死亡、22名がさまざまな理由で負傷、2名が行方不明である。1人は突然胸を押さえて立っていることができなきうなり、もう1人は損傷を受けた原子炉の近くで被曝して手当てを受けた。3号機の水素爆発では11人が負傷した。)とある。「東電が提供した」とはっきり書いてあるが、東電や保安院の報告には死者は出ていない。



以下は東電<福島第一原子力発電所プラント状況等のお知らせ> (3月18日午後10時現在)の負傷者等についての記述である。

・ 地震発生当初、発電所構内において協力企業作業員2名に負傷が発生し、病院に搬送
・ 当社社員1名が左胸を押さえて立てない状態であったため、病院へ搬送
・ 免震重要棟近傍にいた協力企業作業員1名の意識がないため、病院へ搬送
・ 原子炉建屋内で作業していた当社社員1名の線量が 100mSv を超過し、病院へ搬送
・ 当社社員2名が1、2号機中央制御室での全面マスク着用作業中に不調を訴え、福島第二原子力発電所へ搬送
・ 1号機付近で大きな音があり白煙が発生した際に4名が負傷し、病院へ搬送
・ 3号機付近で大きな音があり白煙が発生した際に 11 名が負傷し、福島第二原子力発電所等へ搬送。そのうちの1名を病院へ搬送
・ 当社社員2名が現場において、所在不明」
















Tuesday, March 15, 2011

「福島原発」避難住民へのアドバイスDr. Yagasaki's Advice to Evacuees of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants

Dr. Yagasaki, physicist and professor emeritus of the University of Ryukyuus, advises those who are affected by Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accidents, on how to minimize radiation exposure, particularly internal exposure.

以下は、住民プロテクトでやれるところを書いています。 ご参考に

「福島原発放射能漏れについて  矢ヶ崎克馬 









Saturday, March 12, 2011

A message

I offer my sincerest condolence and sympathy to those who were lost in the big Tohoku earthquake in Japan, their families and friends, and all who have been affected by the disaster of an unimaginable scale. Having family in Sendai and other parts of Japan, this has personally affected me and my family as well, and I will take a temporary break from maintaining this blog. Thank you for your understanding and I appreciate your continuous interest and support. I will continue to post short messages on Facebook and Twitter. My Twitter updates can be viewed on the right hand side of this blog too.

東北の大地震の犠牲者とその家族の皆さまに心より哀悼の意を表します。また、想像もつかない規模のこの災害に影響を受けたたくさんの人々に想いを馳せております。私自身、仙台をはじめ日本の各地に家族がおり、個人的に打撃を受けております。このブログの更新はしばらくお休みさせていただきますのでご理解ください。このブログに関心を持ち読んでいただいている方々に心から感謝致します。フェイスブックツイッターでは短いメッセージを発信していきますので、そちらをご覧ください。最新のツイッターはこのブログの右側の Twitter Update でも見られます。



Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gavan McCormack: How Many Other Mahers Will Turn Up in Wikileaks? ガバン・マコーマック:ウィキリークスにあと何人の「メア」が隠れているのだろうか

Kevin Maher, former Consul-General of Okinawa, has been sacked as Director of the Japan Affairs Office of the State Department and being replaced by Rust Deming, a former deputy chief of mission at the US embassy in Japan. See below for related news (Kyodo, Xinhua, and New York Times). 下方にケビン・メア更迭の英語報道(共同、新華社、ニューヨークタイムズ)を貼り付けています。

Here is Gavan McCormack's comment on the issue, which he provided at request of Okinawan newspaper Ryukyu Shimpo. The English version is followed by Japanese. 琉球新報3月10日版の社会面に一部が掲載されたガバン・マコーマック氏(オーストラリア国立大学名誉教授、アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカス編集委員)のコメント全文をここに英語、日本語で紹介します。

For Ryukyu Shimpo

Gavan McCormack
Gavan McCormack

As exposure follows exposure since 2009, with the Mitsuyaku, Hatoyama, and now Maher revelations, the US-Japan-Okinawa relationship is revealed as never before. We now learn that the US Department of State’s Japan policy unit is headed by a man who is ignorant, abusive, and racist.

That in itself is not new. Contempt for Japan has been common ever since General MacArthur referred to Japanese as “twelve-year old.” But it was commonly concealed by the warmth with which Japanese leaders who are compliant, performing essentially as poodles and saying “Yes” are feted in Washington.

When Hatoyama in 2009 began to assert, however briefly and feebly, a distinctive Japanese national interest, and to talk of an equal relationship, however, that was intolerable. He was subjected to a barrage of contempt and abuse that would have been unimaginable towards any other country, enemies included. Much of Japan, however, then sided with Washington.

In due course compliant Japanese leadership was reinstated under Kan and Maehara. They are accorded respect precisely because they have reverted to the established role of Japanese leaders: to say “Yes.” Respect is simply the other side of the coin of contempt.

To Maher, Okinawa deserves special contempt because it is, or should be, the zokkoku (a client state) of a zokkoku, yet it persists in saying “No.” That he seems to find infuriating and his bureaucratic colleagues are presumably like-minded.

By exposing so clearly the thinking of Washington’s Japan handlers, however, Maher performs an unexpected service. He opens a window onto thinking at elite policy levels in the Washington establishment and so makes it virtually inconceivable that the agreements for construction of the new base at Henoko or the helipads at Takae should ever proceed.

He also makes us anticipate the release of the supposed 5,000 plus US embassy documents contained in the Wikileaks archive. How many other Mahers will turn up in those files?

Gavan McCormack, author of Client State: Japan in the American Embrace, is Coordinator of Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, and Professor Emeritus at Australian National University.









メアは、米国のいわゆるジャパンハンドラーズの考え方を、 これほどまでに赤裸々にした結果、思いがけない貢献をすることになった。米国の日本政策担当のエリートたちの思考様式がここまで明白になった以上、辺野古の新基地や高江のヘリパッドの建設を計画する日米合意が実際に進行することは考えられないからである。



Here are related news.

U.S. sacks official over disparagement, apologizes to Japan
Thursday 10th March, 11:04 AM JST

The United States has sacked Kevin Maher as head of the Japan affairs office of the State Department following his remarks that reportedly disparaged the people of Okinawa, while apologizing Thursday to the Japanese government over the matter.

The U.S. Embassy in Tokyo announced Rust Deming, a former deputy chief of mission at the embassy, had replaced Maher and the appointment was effective immediately.

Kurt Campbell, an assistant U.S. secretary of state who was in Japan to attend scheduled bilateral security talks, expressed his ‘‘deepest regrets’’ over the matter during a meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto.

Campbell also told Matsumoto of the dismissal of Maher, the embassy said.

U.S. Ambassador to Japan John Roos plans to visit Okinawa to offer an apology over the matter, Campbell told Matsumoto.

Maher, a former consul general in Okinawa, allegedly made a series of remarks including a description of people in the southern Japan prefecture as ‘‘masters of manipulation and extortion,’’ during a lecture at the department in December.

The comments have stirred a controversy in Japan and especially angered residents of Okinawa.

U.S. sacks state department official over racist slurs, apologizes to Japan

TOKYO, March 10 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Embassy in Tokyo announced Thursday that the U.S. government has sacked Kevin Maher as head of the Japan affairs office of the State Department following derogatory remarks he made about the people of Okinawa.

A former deputy chief of mission at the embassy, Rust Deming, will replace the abashed Maher, immediately in a bid to rebuild strained ties between the two countries, officials said.

Following the uproar caused by Maher, leading to prefectural and city assemblies in Okinawa calling for Maher to step down, apologize and officially retract his comments, U.S. assistant secretary of state Kurt Campbell was dispatched to Tokyo.

Campbell on Thursday offered a personal apology to the people of Okinawa and Japan and conveyed deep regret on Maher's behalf, stating that Maher's views in no way represent those of the U.S. government.

In a meeting held with Japan's new Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto on Thursday, Campbell said that U.S. Ambassador to Japan John Roos plans to visit Okinawa to offer an official apology to the people there in person.

Local media reported that the people of Okinawa, Japan's southernmost prefecture, felt shocked, horrified and utterly ridiculed by Maher's remarks.

The issue arose during a State Department lecture in the U.S. aimed at college students, during which Maher referred to the people of Okinawa as being "masters of manipulation and extortion. "

He also referred to the people of Okinawa as "lazy and deceptive," drawing the ire of Japan's senior ministers and the Japanese population at large.

The Okinawa prefectural assembly said that Maher's comments trampled on the feelings of the Okinawan people, ridiculing and insulting them and that the disparaging remarks were absolutely unforgivable.

The assembly also said that Maher repeatedly made discriminatory remarks and acted discriminatorily during his time as consul general.

Added to this, one of the students attending Maher's State Department lecture felt there were definitely racist undertones to the former U.S. consul general's remarks.

During the lecture, Maher was quoted as saying: "Consensus building is important in Japanese culture. While the Japanese would call this 'consensus,' they mean'extortion' and use this culture of consensus as a means of extortion."

"By pretending to seek consensus, people try to get as much money as possible," he said.

He was also quoted as saying that Okinawan people are, "too lazy to grow goya" a traditional summer vegetable in the southern prefecture, according to official accounts.

Maher, 56, served as the consul general in Okinawa from 2006 to 2009 after joining the State Department in 1981. His comments have riled the people of Okinawa who have suffered under the heavy burden of hosting U.S. military bases for 65-years after the war.

U.S. Apologizes for Japan Remark

TOKYO — A senior American official apologized on Wednesday for comments attributed to an American diplomat that stirred charges of racism.

The official, Assistant Secretary of State Kurt M. Campbell, said he regretted misunderstandings caused by the diplomat’s reported remarks about the people of Okinawa, the island that is host to about half of the 50,000 American military personnel in Japan.

The Japanese news media have reported that the head of the State Department’s office of Japan affairs, Kevin K. Maher, told American university students in December that the Okinawans were “masters of manipulation and distortion.” Mr. Maher, who previously served as consul general in Okinawa, has called the reports inaccurate and incomplete. It was unclear why the media reports emerged now.

The United States Embassy said Thursday that Mr. Maher had been replaced, The Associated Press reported.

The Japanese news media reports on Mr. Maher’s remarks caused outrage on Okinawa, where there is deep resentment of the large United States military presence. The Okinawan prefectural assembly adopted a resolution on Tuesday calling for a retraction and apology. The uproar also created a challenge for Japan’s new foreign minister, Takeaki Matsumoto, who was sworn in on Wednesday. Mr. Matsumoto, a relative unknown, replaced Seiji Maehara, a hawkish young member of the governing Democratic Party who was popular in Washington but resigned over illegal campaign donations. In his inaugural news conference, Mr. Matsumoto said that if the reports were true, Mr. Maher’s comments were “unacceptable” and “hurt the feelings of not only Okinawans but all Japanese.”

Some Japanese officials also said the reported comments could further complicate efforts to relocate the Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to elsewhere on Okinawa, something sought by Washington but opposed by many Okinawans.

Mr. Campbell, who is visiting Japan for two days of talks, said the reported comments did not reflect the stance of the United States government. He said he would apologize at every meeting during his visit.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Okinawans Urge US to Fire Maher: Ryukyu Shimpo 沖縄県民、ケビン・メアの解任を要求(琉球新報英文社説、記事)

See previous posts on Kevin Maher's controversial remarks on Okinawa.

Anger Spreads Over Kevin Maher's Derogatory Comments on Okinawans ケビン・メア 沖縄蔑視発言に怒り拡がる(英文原文)

Mark Selden on Maher: Arrogance, Expressed Crudely メア発言について、マーク・セルダン:「露骨に表現された傲慢」

On the morning of March 9th, four more municipalities in Okinawa - Nago City, Uruma City, Chatan Town, and Yomitan Village passed resolutions at their assemblies, asking Maher to rescind and apologize for his statement. Kurt Campbell, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs expressed a personal apology to reporters at an airport near Washington D.C. before he left for Japan for the 2 + 2 meeting (with Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to be held on March 9 and 10 in Tokyo.
The State Department spokesperson Phillip Crowley avoided clarifying whose apology it will be, at the March 8 daily press briefing.


Below are English language articles by Ryukyu Shimpo, one of the two major Okinawan newspapers.

Kevin Maher’s Discriminatory Remarks
Cover of March 9 edition of Ryukyu Shimpo. The title
reads, "Derision and Insult to Okinawans."

The Ryukyu Shimpo Editorial, March 8, 2011

- The U.S. should remove him from his post and amend its views
- Lecture reflects distortion of Okinawa situation

Diplomats carry heavy responsibilities. A state’s relations with its allies or neighboring countries could be instantly damaged; friendship and trust undermined, and the setting for consultations spoiled, all of which could occur because of a single statement made by a diplomat.

“Okinawans are masters of ‘manipulation’ and ‘extortion’,” “too lazy to grow goya,” “[The Japanese] use [the] culture of consensus as a means of ‘extortion’,” “If the Japanese Constitution was changed, the United States would not be able to use Japanese land to advance US interests.”

The recent lecture delivered by Mr. Kevin Maher, the Director of the Office of Japanese Affairs at the U.S. State Department (also a former consul general in Okinawa), has provoked the ire of Okinawans in many quarters. In his remarks, sampled above, Mr. Maher repeatedly showed his contempt not only for Okinawans but also for Japanese culture and society, and laid bare the policy of giving precedence to the requirements of the U.S. military. This is a typical case in which a diplomat’s words and action end up causing serious repercussions.

Colonial attitude still alive

In the lecture delivered to an audience of American students at the U.S. State Department in December last year, Mr. Maher also stated that the Futenma Air Base was not particularly dangerous. He repeatedly expressed a similar view, without any hesitation, during his tenure as consul general. He now holds the key post of Director of the Office of Japanese Affairs at the State Department and is deeply involved in the relocation of Futenma Air Base used by the U.S. military. Despite this, if he does not take seriously the fact that both the U.S. and Japan have already admitted the dangers posed by the air base, it would shake the fundamental basis of the agreement between the two countries.

Mr. Maher is in the position of handing up his opinions to Secretary of State Clinton. The matter is more serious because he has been an advocate of the relocation of the air base to Henoko in Nago.
Mr. Maher’s speech is a reflection of the negative legacy of the Battle of Okinawa. The occupier mentality, which claims that “America controls Okinawa, land won through the sacrifice of American blood,” is still alive, and largely projected onto the distorted views of Okinawa and Japan held by some U.S. government officials.

Such a mentality is completely lacking in the diplomatic tradition that matters of concern among countries should be resolved by being based on mutual respect for history, culture, and national character. In fact, this is a quality essential in a diplomat. The occupier mentality throws into relief the attitude of complacency and unilateralism, which only takes into account America’s own interests.

We Okinawans want to demand that the United States government take immediate measures to dismiss Mr. Maher who has exhibited strong biases against Okinawans and the Japanese.

Although the American Embassy in Tokyo issued an unusual statement to say that Mr. Maher’s comments do not reflect the official views of the U.S. government, it is still not clear which part of his views really differ from those of his government, and thus the statement is not sufficient. If Washington does not take action against Mr. Maher, it only means it has accepted his views.

As in the case of the recent speech made by former Prime Minister Hatoyama, who said that the “deterrence capability” argument which he used last year was simply “an expedient,” the real nature of the problem this time will not be understood if it is treated simply as an individual instance of a slip of the tongue or lapse in his professionalism.

Unintentional or not, Mr. Maher’s remarks should be seen as revealing the true opinions of the United States, and accordingly, the Japanese government should take resolute action. If it fails to lodge a firm protest, it, too, will be seen to be endorsing Mr. Maher’s views.

The news about Mr. Maher’s lecture was reported on the 7th. However, what is hard to understand is that there was only a minimal ripple of reaction among the politicians and officials in Tokyo’s Nagata-cho and Kasumigaseki districts.
Okinawans, express your wills!

With reference to the plan to relocate Futenma Air Base, Mr. Maher said in the lecture, “Tokyo needs to tell the Governor of Okinawa, ‘if you want money, sign up to the plan!’” It reveals the view that the relocation of Futenma within the prefecture, which a large proportion of the Okinawan population opposes, would be implemented by an offer of money. It testifies to Mr. Maher’s blind eye to the fundamental shift that has occurred in Okinawan opinion on base problems. Now, Okinawan politicians detest the policy of “bases in return for compensation,” a feeling which transcends party lines. Mr. Maher’s view, however, still reflects such a policy.

Mr. Maher was the consul general in Okinawa from 2006 to 2009. When there was a nonpartisan request for the revision of the U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement, he declared that local politicians were “making a political issue” out of this agreement. He made numerous other comments which used to rub Okinawans the wrong way.

While in that post, Mr. Maher repeatedly said that frank exposition of issues, and not separation of honne (one’s true opinions) from tatemae (public stance), is necessary for the practical resolution of the Futenma issue. He also said that the basic principle for a diplomat is not to tell a lie. If that is true, his scornful remarks this time must also reflect his frank views.

While he was consul general, he did not develop close relations with political and economic leaders in Okinawa, and failed to demonstrate any rapport with Governor Nakaima. He tended to establish relations only with those who accepted the relocation of Futenma within Okinawa, and paid no attention to people whose ideas were different from his own.

The major concern for Okinawans is that, since Mr. Maher is a recognized “Japan hand,” his distorted views on Okinawa may be influencing Washington’s stance on the negotiations over Futenma, the consequence of which might be unfavorable to Okinawa.

In Washington, a view that Governor Nakaima may accept the relocation of Futenma within Okinawa in exchange for development aid is more widespread than before. However, there will be no solution to base problems unless Okinawan wishes are taken into account. It is important that the people of this prefecture take a firm stance and stand up to any proposal that is contrary to their wishes.


Okinawans Urge US State Department to Fire Maher

Ryukyu Shimpo, March 9, 2011

The reported disparaging of Okinawans by Kevin Maher, Director of the US Department of State’s Office of Japanese Affairs and a former consul general in Okinawa, has outraged many observers in Okinawa.
They angrily accused Maher of seeing Okinawa as an American colony, and claim that there is little to distinguish his views from those of the US High Commissioners who reigned supreme in Okinawa before its reversion to Japan.

Those observers claim that the Department of State should ask Maher to resign. Maher is reported as having said that “(Okinawan) people try to extract as much money as possible by pretending to seek consensus.” Following that comment, the mayors of the municipalities that host the US military bases objected strongly, saying, “Money is not the issue!”

Political scientist and Okinawa International University Professor Manabu Sato concluded that what Maher had said were “his genuine views.”

The statements were made as part of a lecture to a group of university students in the US, and on the understanding that he was speaking off the record.

Sato also pointed out that Maher still sees Okinawa as a US strategic colony, which indicates Okinawa is still suffering from the kind of discrimination of which it was a victim under the High Commissioners.

Considering that Maher holds such an important position as Director of the Office of Japanese Affairs within the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Sato expressed concern that he has been extending his biased ideas that Okinawans would accept the US military bases if they were given more money or if pressure were exerted on them.

The recipients of such views could be Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.

Zenji Shimada, leader of a Futenma group suing the government over noise pollution, is one who was exasperated at Maher’s alleged remarks. He said, “Local residents are living on the edge. During his term as consul general, Maher repeatedly stated that Futenma base was not a source of danger. He still seems to entertain the same view, and we find that highly offensive.”

Knowing Maher has been an advocate of relocating the Futenma Marine Corps Air Station to the Henoko coastal district of Nago, KENko, a musician and resident of Ginowan City, strongly asserted that the government of Japan should take Okinawa’s side and say “NO” to the US government instead of putting the onus on Okinawa.

KENko said, “Okinawa has persistently expressed its determination in rejecting the US military bases as we have seen in election results and at protest rallies”.

Douglas Lummis, a political scientist and an ex-Marine, said that in view of Maher’s insults it is important that the State Department demand Maher’s resignation. It would be a well-advised move unless it wants to be seen as accepting discriminatory remarks aimed at a partner and an ally.

Teruo Onishi is a member of Nago City Council in northern Okinawa and a critic opposed both to the construction of the U.S. sea-borne heliport and to the relocation of the Futenma base to Nago.
Onishi offered the view that Maher deliberately passed such remarks in order to make the Kan administration bend to US policy, and added that he was trying to throw Okinawa Governor Hirokazu Nakaima off balance in order to force him to accept the relocation of the Futenma base elsewhere in the prefecture.

“Maher used to pass various remarks that deprecated Okinawa while he was Consul General,” Onishi added.

Masatake Kyoda is a co-leader of the voluntary group that conditionally accepts the relocation of the Futenma base to Henoko. He argued for the hasty relocation of Futenma base, saying, “Although the US doesn’t see Futenma as posing serious risks to the safety of the local population, Okinawa and the government of Japan both do. The relocation of a dangerous base should be undertaken immediately before any further accidents occur.”

"Okinawans, Masters of Extortion”
- U.S. Diplomat Makes Disparaging Remarks

Ryukyu Shimpo, March 9, 2011

Kevin Maher, director of the Japanese Affairs Office at the U.S. State Department and former consul general in Okinawa, has described Okinawan people as masters of “manipulation” and “extortion” in their dealings with the Tokyo government and in relation to the Futenma issue.

He delivered his critical observations during a lecture to the students of American University in Washington D.C. late last year. He explained “They use the “wa” or harmony element of Japanese culture as means of extortion.”

As an official involved in working-level consultations between Washington and Tokyo, Maher has been deeply involved in the negotiations on the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma relocation plan.
He is an advocate of relocation of the air station to Cape Henoko in Nago City in the northern area of Okinawa Island, the site of the existing Camp Schwab.

Once disclosed, his remarks drew immediate criticism for their discriminatory implications and because of his lack of awareness of the Okinawan and Japanese situation and of local feeling.

According to reports of what he had said, based on summary notes written by students, who had attended the State Department lecture, Maher explained that Japanese culture is one of “wa”, which is based on consensus. Okinawans use that consensus culture as a means of “extortion,” and they try to get as much money as possible through a pretense of seeking consensus.

In their relations with Tokyo, Mayer saw Okinawans as masters of “manipulation” and “extortion.”
As an illustrative aside, he remarked that “Okinawans are too lazy to grow their own goya (the bitter cucumber vegetable and a local specialty)”.

As head of the Japan desk, he said with absolute certainty that Tokyo officials “only need to tell Hirokazu Nakaima, the governor of Okinawa Prefecture, ‘If you want money, sign here!’ ” in order to give the green light to the Futenma Air Base relocation plan.

Maher made the emphatic point that Futenma posed no uniquely specific dangers since the civilian airports at Fukuoka and Osaka were similarly situated, that is also surrounded by residential areas.

The students who attended the lecture have confirmed the contents of his lecture. They were all shocked at how such remarks betrayed inappropriate prejudice and racism coming, as they did, from someone of his high-ranking official position.

Maher delivered his lecture on December 3 at the invitation of American University in D.C., to 14 students who had been undertaking two-week study tours of Tokyo and Okinawa.

Maher had an understanding with the university that his lecture would be “off the record.”

Mark Selden on Maher: Arrogance, Expressed Crudely メア発言について、マーク・セルダン:「露骨に表現された傲慢」


Here is Mark Selden's comment on former Consul-General of Okinawa Kevin Maher's remarks on Okinawa and US military bases there, which has stirred a big controversy in Japan. Mark wrote this to Ryukyu Shimpo, in response to the Okinawan newspaper's request for a comment on the US diplomat's briefing with the American University students in December, before they went on to a two-week study tour to Tokyo and Okinawa. According to the latest news (Sankei news below in Japanese), the Prefectural Assembly of Okinawa and Naha City Assembly both passed a unanimous resolution to protest against Maher's remarks. The move is expected to be followed by other municipalities in Okinawa. Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano Yukio said those remarks "hurt the feeling of not just Okinawans but also all Japanese. He held a phone conference with U.S. Ambassador to Japan John Roos and told him that Maher's remarks were very inappropriate. The US Embassy issued a statement that Roos told Edano of his regret, and that the reported remarks would not be compatible at all with the U.S. government's policy or the utmost respect that the U.S. pays to Okinawan people. (PP)

Kevin Maher's comments are striking in several ways.
Mark Selden

First, their arrogance is unusual primarily in the fact that it is rarely expressed so crudely in public: in this case, of course, it came to public attention only because the students who attended his briefing saw to it that the talk was publicized.

Second, and here his remarks are very much in keeping with the views of both Japanese and US officials on plans to further increase the military base burden on Okinawa by building a new base at Henoko: that is, they are content to impose the base on the Okinawan people who have shown overwhelming opposition to the new base: in successive elections, in the largest demonstrations in Okinawan history, and in sustained sit-ins at Henoko and Takae that are among the longest in human history.

Third, some of his remarks are as false as they are offensive, frequently choosing to blame the victim and ignoring the acts of the assailant. For example, he is quoted as stating that "The controversial bases in Okinawa were originally in the middle of rice fields, but are now in the middle of towns because Okinawans allowed urbanization and population growth to surround United States facilities." Most of the bases were indeed carved out of fields in the late 1940s when virtually the entire Okinawan population that survived the battle was thrown into detention camps and their lands paved over to form bases, never to be returned. It is extraordinary that Maher holds Okinawans responsible for the subsequent urbanization which has created in Okinawa city one of the most dangerous and noise-polluting bases in the world.

Finally, Maher comments that "There is nowhere else to base US Marines. The DPJ suggested a replacement facility in mainland Japan, but there is no place in mainland Japan for the US Military." No place else? Interesting. The United States uniquely maintains more than 1,000 military bases as its prerogative throughout the world in an empire of bases . . . excluding hundreds in the United States. I am not aware that many other countries maintain even a single base outside their own territory. What is clear of the proposed new Marine Base is that it has virtually nothing to do with protecting Okinawa or Japan. With the vast majority of the 12,000 Marines (by some counts, 18,000) fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, Okinawa is largely a training base for fighting US wars far from Japan or Okinawa, a fact consistent with US plans to shift 8,000 Marines to Guam at Japanese expense.

There have been signs in recent months that the US government, far more than the Japanese government, has begun to recognize that imposing a new base on Okinawa over the opposition of the vast majority poses huge problems that had best be avoided. The Okinawan resistance movement has begun to make its voice heard in Washington through the court challenge to the Henoko Base filed in California on grounds of environmental disruption; through its voice expressed at the polls and in demonstrations. As construction begins on the Takae Helipads, and as preparations continue for Henoko construction, the movement will have to find means to strengthen both its political resistance and its ability to publicize that resistance internationally. Our Asia-Pacific Journal  has attempted to provide one vehicle for giving voice to the Okinawan resistance.

Mark Selden
Mark Selden is Coordinator of The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, and Senior Research Associate of the East Asia Program, Cornell University.

メア日本部長「沖縄はゆすりの名人」発言 沖縄県議会が抗議決議





Monday, March 07, 2011

Anger Spreads Over Kevin Maher's Derogatory Comments on Okinawans ケビン・メア 沖縄蔑視発言に怒り拡がる(英文原文)

Kevin Maher

On December 3, 2010, Kevin Maher, Director of the Office of Japan Affairs and former U.S. Consul-General of Okinawa gave a lecture to the fourteen students of American University (Washington, DC) who were going to visit Okinawa to learn about the issues surrounding US military bases there. Kyodo News Agency, Okinawan newspapers Ryukyu Shimpo and Okinawa Taimusu, and other media reported it on March 7, 2011, and anger quickly spread through Okinawa over Maher's numerous derogatory remarks about Okinawa and its people. The March 8 edition of Ryukyu Shimpo ran almost five full pages of special reports, analyses, an editorial that calls for dismissal of Maher, a response from US Embassy in Tokyo saying Maher's views did not represent the US government at all, and critical comments from former Governor of Okinawa Ota Masahide, citizens, politicians and scholars in Okinawa and Japan. Ota says Maher is one who "endorsed the Henoko plan, so we should use this opportunity to crush the plan."

Here is the original text of Maher's lecture, based on the notes that the AU students took then.

Note: PeacePhilosopher added corrections to factual errors in the lecture in red, italic and bolded letters.  See the PDF version without annotation HERE.

United States Department of States Briefing

December 3rd, 4pm, at the Department of State


-Department of State:
Mr. Kevin K. Maher, Director of the Office of Japan Affairs

-American University:
14 Members of Alternative Break Trip to Okinawa, Japan, Winter Break 2010, "U.S. Military Bases and Their Impacts in Okinawa, Japan"


***All opinions and claims are from Mr. Maher

  • I was the Consul General in Okinawa until 2009. It is said that a half of U.S. bases in Japan is located in Okinawa, but the statistic only includes bases used exclusively by the US Military. If all bases, US bases and bases jointly used by the US and JSDF, are considered, the percent of bases in Okinawa is much lower.  (75% of military bases in Japan  exclusive to US use are in Okinawa.)
  • The controversial bases in Okinawa were originally in the middle of rice fields, but are now in the middle of towns because Okinawans allowed urbanization and population growth to surround United States facilities. (US military acquired many of those lands by forceful expropriation or while local residents were in the concentration camps during and after the war. Many residents had no place to live when they returned from the camp, and lived around the bases, close to their home land and where their anscestors' tombs were)
  • The US bases in Okinawa exist for regional security. The Japanese obligation under the US-Japan security treaty is to provide land for bases. The relationship between Japan and the US under the security treaty is asymmetric and benefits the Japanese to the detriment of the US.  (This is contradictory to Maher's last statement, "The high host nation support the Japanese government currently pays is beneficial to the US.We’ve got a very good deal in Japan.")  Japan is not obligated to defend the United States if US forces are attacked, but the United States must defend and protect Japan’s people and property.
  • Collective security is not a constitutional issue, but a policy issue. (Yes, it is a constitutional issue. The Japanese government's interpretation of Article 9 holds that Japan is NOT allowed to use its right of collective self-defense.)

  • Eighteen thousand (18,000) US Marines and an air wing are stationed in Okinawa. (The number in 2007 was 13,200 according to Okinawa Prefecture. The number of Marines in Okinawa at any given time is a lot lower, with many of them in Iraq/Afghanistan and training elsewhere in Asia.) The United States needs bases in Okinawa for two reasons: bases are already there and Okinawa is an important geographical location. 
  • (While showing a map of East Asia) US Forces Japan is headquartered in Tokyo and is the location of a logistics hub that would coordinate supplies and troops in the event of a crisis. Misawa, an important base in the Cold War, is the closest U.S. base to Russia and the base at Iwakuni is only 30 min from Korea, yet Okinawa’s geographic location is important to regional security.
  • Okinawa was an independent Kingdom paying tribute to China, although it has never been a part of China. The U.S. occupied Okinawa until 1972.
  • The Okinawan people’s anger and frustration is directed at Japan rather than the United States.The DPJ government does not understand Okinawa.  The Japanese government does not have a “pipe” of communication to Okinawa. When I offer to contact people in Okinawa DPJ officials say “Yes! Yes, please!” The LDP communicated with Okinawa and understood Okinawan concerns better than the current DPJ government.
  • One third of people believe the world would be more peaceful without a military. It is impossible to talk with such people.
  • The 2009 election brought the DPJ to power, which was the first change in the government of Japan.Hatoyama was a leftist politician. Despite the DPJ and PM Hatoyama, the US and Japan managed to issue the 2+2 statement in May.
(Mr. Maher left the room and two his colleagues gave a lecture about the US-Japan economic relationship. Mr. Maher returned to resume his lecture and the two officials left the room.)

  • The US will relocate 8000 Marines from Futenma to Guam in order to reduce the US Military footprint on Okinawa. The plan will allow the US to maintain a military presence in the region to provide regional security and deterrence capability.
  • Under the Roadmap, Japan will provide money for the relocation and it is a sign of a tangible effort from Japan. The DPJ government has delayed implementation, but I am confident that government will implement the existing plan. Tokyo needs to tell the Okinawan Governor, “if you want money, sign it [agree to the relocation plan].” ]

  • There is nowhere else to base US Marines. The DPJ suggested a replacement facility in mainland Japan, but there is no place in mainland Japan for the US Military.
  • Japanese culture is a culture of "Wa" (harmony) that is based on consensus. Consensus building is important in Japanese culture. While the Japanese would call this “consensus,” they mean “extortion” and use this culture of consensus as a means of “extortion.” By pretending to seek consensus, people try to get as much money as possible. Okinawans are masters of “manipulation” and “extortion” of Tokyo.
  • Okinawa's main industry is tourism. While there is an agricultural industry, the main industry is tourism. Although Okinawans grow goya, other prefectures grow more than Okinawa. Okinawans are too lazy to grow goya (Okinawa is the number one producer of goya, or bitter melon, in Japan, with a share of 33%, followed by Miyazaki's 17% and Kagoshima's 14%).
  • Okinawa has the highest divorce rate, birthrate (especially out of wedlock) and drunk-driving rate due to Okinawa’s culture of drinking liquor with high alcohol content.
  • You should be careful about “tatemae and honne” while in Japan. Tatemae and honne is the “idea that words and actual intentions are different."  While in Okinawa, I said MCAS Futenma “is not especially dangerous." My statements caused Okinawans to protest in front of my office. Although Okianwans claim MCAS Futenma is the most dangerous base in the world,they know it is not true. Fukuoka Airport and Osaka Itami Airport are just as dangerous (Fukuoka and Itami airports are NOT US military bases).
  • Japanese politicians do tatemae and honne all the time. Okinawan politicians will agree to a negotiation in Tokyo but return to Okinawa and claim they did not. The US Ambassador and other representatives to Japan are constantly criticized for speaking the truth because the Japanese culture is too focused on tatemae and honne.

  • The US Military and JSDF have different mentalities. The US Military trains to prepare for possible deployment, but the JSDF train without actually preparing for deployment. 
  • Local people oppose to night training by the US Military but it is necessary because modern warfare is often fought at night. Night training is essential to maintain deterrence capability.
  • I don’t think Article Nine of the Japanese Constitution should change. I doubt it will ever be changed. It would be bad for the United States if the Japanese Constitution was changed because Japan would not need the United States’ Military. (The US military bases are justified under Anpo, or the Japan-US Security Treaty, NOT Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. The Japanese Constitution does NOT stipulate anything on US military presence in Japan.) If the Japanese Constitution was changed the United States would not be able to use Japanese land to advance US interests. The high host nation support the Japanese government currently pays is beneficial to the US.We’ve got a very good deal in Japan.
******* the end of notes of Maher's lecture on December 4, 2010 *******
Related news below.

The Japan Times

Monday, March 7, 2011

U.S. diplomat accused of disparaging Okinawans
Islanders 'masters of manipulation and extortion' on Futenma issue

Kyodo News

A U.S. official in charge of Japanese affairs at the State Department is said to have likened the Japanese cultural principle of maintaining social harmony to "extortion" and described Okinawans as "lazy" during a speech in Washington late last year.

According to a written account compiled by students who attended the lecture at the State Department, Kevin Maher, head of the Japanese affairs office and a former consul general in Okinawa Prefecture, described Okinawan people as "masters of manipulation and extortion" when dealing with the central government.

"I am not in a position to comment on the record at this time," Maher said, noting his briefing was an off-the-record event. He said the account made available to Kyodo News is "neither accurate nor complete."

Maher has been involved in the bilateral negotiations on relocating the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma and is known to be an advocate of relocating it elsewhere in the prefecture, an idea detested by local residents.

The remarks attributed to Maher are making waves.

They are "racially discriminating against Okinawa," said Teruo Hiyane, a scholar on postwar Okinawan history. Ukeru Magosaki, a former diplomat, said Maher's reported view on Japan is "biased and completely distorted."

Maher gave the speech Dec. 3 at the request of American University to a group of 14 students who were about to embark on a roughly two-week study tour of Tokyo and Okinawa.

In the speech, Maher was quoted as saying, "Consensus building is important in Japanese culture. While the Japanese would call this 'consensus,' they mean 'extortion' and use this culture of consensus as a means of extortion.

"By pretending to seek consensus, people try to get as much money as possible," he said.

Maher also criticized the people of Okinawa as "too lazy to grow 'goya' (bitter gourd)," a traditional summer vegetable in the prefecture, according to the account.

On the base, which is situated in a crowded residential area of Ginowan, Maher allegedly said that while Okinawans claim the base is the most dangerous in the world, they know it's not true.

The civilian airports in Fukuoka and Osaka are "just as dangerous," he reportedly said.

Maher was quoted as saying that the Japanese government "needs to tell the Okinawan governor, 'If you want money, sign it," referring to the Futenma relocation plan.

Students who took notes during Maher's speech said he definitely made the remarks, and at least one said it was surprising to hear statements full of bias coming from a person in the U.S. government.

The air base affair in Okinawa has been dragging on for well over a decade.

Maher, 56, served as the consul general in Okinawa from 2006 to 2009 after joining the State Department in 1981 and being posted to Tokyo and Fukuoka.

Maher said of the account provided to Kyodo that he "cannot control how individual students themselves might interpret remarks" and "it would therefore not be appropriate" to attribute any specific remarks to him "based upon secondhand information coming from students or others."

In the summer of 2008, while he was posted in Okinawa, Maher sparked controversy after questioning why the local authorities were allowing the construction of homes in the residential area around the Futenma air base. Plaintiffs seeking damages over noise from the U.S. base then presented him with a written demand calling on him to immediately leave Okinawa.

Magosaki, former head of the international intelligence office at the Foreign Ministry, said he had the impression that "U.S. officials in charge of recent U.S.-Japan negotiations shared ideas like those of Mr. Maher," adding "in that sense, his remarks were not especially distorted."]


Kyodo News, March 7, 2011

Okinawa governor dismayed by U.S. official's 'extortion' remark


Okinawa Gov Hirokazu Nakaima expressed dismay Monday at a remark made by a former U.S. consul general in Japan’s southwestern island prefecture describing people there as ‘‘masters of manipulation and extortion.’‘

‘‘His remarks make me question what the U.S. consular office in Okinawa exists for,’’ Nakaima told reporters. ‘‘I wonder what he learned in Okinawa when he was here.’‘

Former Consul General Kevin Maher, who is in charge of Japanese affairs at the U.S. State Department, talked about his experience of negotiating with Japan over the relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps’ Futenma Air Station to Nago, another location in the prefecture, which is stiffly opposed by Okinawa citizens.

Maher told Kyodo News, ‘‘I am not in a position to comment on the record at this time,’’ saying his briefing was an off-the-record event. He said the account made available to Kyodo News is ‘‘neither accurate nor complete.’‘

The remarks attributed to Maher are being seen as provocative in Japan. They are ‘‘racially discriminating against Okinawa,’’ said Teruo Hiyane, a scholar on postwar Okinawan history. Ukeru Magosaki, a former Japanese diplomat, said Maher’s reported view on Japan is ‘‘biased and completely distorted.’‘

Maher spoke on Dec 3 at the request of American University to a group of 14 students just before their roughly two-week study tour to Tokyo and Okinawa.

In the speech, Maher was quoted as saying, ‘‘Consensus building is important in Japanese culture. While the Japanese would call this ‘consensus,’ they mean ‘extortion’ and use this culture of consensus as a means of extortion.’‘

‘‘By pretending to seek consensus, people try to get as much money as possible,’’ he said.
Maher also criticized people in Okinawa as ‘‘too lazy to grow ‘goya’ (bitter gourd),’’ which is a traditional summer vegetable in the southern prefecture, according to the account.

On the Futenma base, located in a crowded residential area of Ginowan, Maher allegedly said while Okinawans claim the base is the most dangerous in the world, they know that is it not true.

Civilian airports in Fukuoka and Osaka are ‘‘just as dangerous,’’ he reportedly said.

Maher was quoted as saying that the Japanese government ‘‘needs to tell the Okinawan governor, ‘if you want money, sign it,’’ in reference to the Futenma relocation plan.

Students who produced notes of Maher’s speech said he definitely made the remarks, with at least one saying it was surprising to hear statements full of bias from a person with a position in the U.S. government.
Maher, 56, served as consul general, the top U.S. envoy, in Okinawa from 2006 and 2009 after joining the State Department in 1981 and being posted to Tokyo and Fukuoka.

Maher said of the account provided to Kyodo that he ‘‘cannot control how individual students themselves might interpret remarks’’ and ‘‘it would therefore not be appropriate’’ to attribute any specific remarks to him ‘‘based upon secondhand information coming from students or others.’‘

In the summer of 2008, while he was posted in Okinawa, Maher sparked controversy after questioning why the local authorities were allowing the construction of homes in the residential area around the Futenma base. Plaintiffs seeking damages over noise from the U.S. base presented him with a written demand calling on him to immediately leave Okinawa.

Magosaki, former head of the international intelligence office at the Foreign Ministry, said he had the impression that ‘‘U.S. officials in charge of recent U.S.-Japan negotiations shared ideas like those of Mr Maher,’’ adding ‘‘in that sense, his remarks were not especially distorted.’‘

Hiyane, professor emeritus of the University of the Ryukyus, said he ‘‘cannot overlook’’ remarks describing Okinawans as ‘‘lazy’’ and ‘‘masters of manipulation and extortion,’’ adding Maher’s remarks represent ‘‘a blatant mentality of occupation.’‘

‘‘The U.S. military has for over 60 years after the war occupied land best fit for agriculture in Okinawa,’’ he said. ‘‘Were it not for U.S. bases, the local economy including agriculture would have been different.’‘
‘‘By pretending to seek consensus, people try to get as much money as possible,’’ he was quoted as saying.

He also described people in Okinawa as ‘‘masters of manipulation and extortion’’ in their relations with the central government, according to the account.

In Tokyo, top government spokesman Yukio Edano told a news conference, ‘‘I do not think it is necessary to verify every remark (made by a U.S. official) based solely on news reports,’’ noting that their two countries regularly discuss and share mutual understanding on a wide range of bilateral issues.

Edano made his remark when asked if the government would make inquiries with the United States about the matter.

Kyodo News, March 8, 2011
U.S. says it is aware of Okinawa base-hosting burdens; respects local people

Tuesday 08th March, 08:42 AM JST

The U.S. government is aware of the base-hosting burdens in Japan’s Okinawa Prefecture and respects the local people, a U.S. official said Monday, following recent reports that said a State Department official is said to have made remarks disparaging the people.

‘‘We recognize the burden that the people of Okinawa bear in terms of our bases. We deeply appreciate that,’’ a State Department official told reporters on condition of anonymity.

‘‘We have a great deal of respect for Okinawa and its people,’’ the official added.

His remarks came after Kevin Maher, who heads the Japanese affairs office at the State Department, is said to have made offensive remarks about Japanese culture and people in Okinawa in a lecture to students in Washington late last year.

The unnamed official declined to confirm or deny Maher’s remarks, saying only, ‘‘I’m not going to comment on things that may or may not be accurate.’‘

He also said Washington will continue to work with Tokyo on the relocation of a key U.S. Marine base in the southern island prefecture.

Maher likened the Japanese cultural preference for maintaining social harmony to ‘‘extortion’’ and described the people on the southern island of Okinawa as ‘‘lazy,’’ according to a written account compiled by some students who attended the lecture.


重視の和の文化を「ゆすりの手段に使う」 「沖縄はごま
じた」などと話している。(共同通信編集委員 石山永





 ケビン・メア米国務省日本部長の話 学生たちにはオ


の話 偏見であり、あまりにもゆがんだ日本観だ。日米


沖縄戦後史)の話 メア氏の発言は赤裸々な「占領意識


 ケビン・メア氏 1954年生まれ。81年、米国務