
Monday, December 26, 2011

米国専門家二人による、『ネイチャー』誌の鳩山・平寄稿に寄せるコメント Japanese translation of Dalnoki-Veress & Makhijani's comments to Hatoyama/Taira article in Nature

12月19日投稿で紹介した『ネイチャー』誌鳩山・平寄稿に賛同する米国の専門家二人のコメントの和訳です。英文版は下方にあります。Here is a Japanese translation of Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress and Arjun Makhijani's comments to the article on Fukushima nuclear crisis by former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and a House of Representatives member Tomoyuki Taira, in Nature (December 15, 2011). Translated by Terumi Terao (TUP: Translators United for Peace) and Satoko Oka Norimatsu. The original article of these comments are in the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. See our previous post on the Nature article.



2011年12月19日(The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus 掲載記事のうち、ダルノキ-ベレス&マキジャーニ執筆部分の和訳)



この記事がもう一つ指摘していることは、「再臨界」、すなわち連鎖反応が少なくとも短時間の間再び起こった証拠である測定結果について、実は間違っていた、と東電と原子力安全・保安院が 2011年4月に発表したことが、人びとの判断を誤らせたという点である。元首相とチームは最終的に生データを手に入れた上で、 再臨界があったことは否定できないし証拠ははっきりしている、と結論づけた。

我々の一人(ダルノキ-べレス)が3月28日に発表した論文(英語版日本語版あり)で、この問題を提起した。その論文では、東電が福島原発1号炉のタービン建屋の海水から塩素38を観測したことが何を意味するかを分析した。当時、原子炉の冷却に普通の水を利用することができず、代わりに海水が使われていた。 我々は、測定された塩素38(海水中の食塩の中に天然に存在する非放射性の塩素37の放射化生成物)の濃度を説明するのに必要な炉心の中性子束を計算した。その結論は好ましからざるもの で、自然におこる自発核分裂では塩素38の濃度の測定値を説明することができなかった。再臨界の可能性は明らかで、無視できなかった。再臨界は再び起こる可能性がある。その時我々が恐れたのは、「事態収拾のための作業の中ですでに曝されている危険よりもかなり大きな危険に」作業員を曝す結果になる可能性があることであった。東電には我々が表明した危惧を考慮してさらに分析を進め、我々が出した結論に対する答えを出してくれることを期待していた。多くの研究者もナトリウムの同位体の濃度測定の必要性を指摘していた。しかしこの論文が発表された後、東電は測定が間違っていたと主張した。





翻訳:寺尾光身/TUP(Translators United for Peace)、乗松聡子 (@PeacePhilosophy)

モントレー国際問題研究所、ジェームズ・マーティン不拡散センターの研究員。核軍縮・廃絶と核分裂物質の世界的拡散についての専門家である。カナダ・カールトン大学で高エネルギー物理学の博士号取得(超低レベル放射線バックグラウンド測定器の研究)メールアドレス  電話番号:831-647-4638.

エネルギー環境研究所所長。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校工学博士(専攻は核融合)。過去20年間、核兵器製造、実験、核廃棄物等、核燃料サイクルの分野で多くの研究業績と論文がある。著書のCarbon-Free and Nuclear Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy (『CO2と核からの脱却:米国エネルギー政策のロードマップ』)では、化石燃料や核エネルギーに一切依存せず、米国経済を完全に再生可能エネルギーに移行させる初めての分析を行った。Nuclear Wastelands(『核廃棄物の土地』)のの共編者、Mending the Ozone Hole (『オゾン層の穴を治す』)の主著者でもある。メールアドレス:

From the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus

Comment on the Comments by Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and Representative Tomoyuki Taira

Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress and Arjun Makhijani

Former Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio and Representative Taira Tomoyuki wrote a bold, courageous and very public comment in the December 15 issue of Nature magazine calling for the immediate nationalization of the Fukushima Daiichi (FD) nuclear power plant. Their biggest frustration is the problem that TEPCO has inflicted on the public since day 1 of this tragedy: a lack of transparency, a lack of being forthcoming about the depth and breadth of the problem. We are dismayed to learn that TEPCO refused to give the reactor manual even to the former Prime Minister of Japan at first, and when it did, it redacted portions.

The article throws some light on what TEPCO might be trying to hide. TEPCO has declared a successful “cold shut down” while the authors quite rightly point out that this claim may be irrelevant given that some of the fuel has reached the concrete floor and may breach it, posing a threat of unremediable contamination of ground water. Now that TEPCO has announced a “cold shutdown”, surely they should be able to access the concrete base and verify its integrity!

The article also indicates that TEPCO and the Japanese nuclear regulator may have misled the public when they stated in April 2011 that a measurement that provided evidence for ‘re-criticality’, that is a restart of a chain reaction for at least a brief spurt, was incorrect. After the former Prime Minister and his team finally got the raw data, they concluded that a re-criticality could not be ruled out – the evidence was inconclusive.

We raised this issue in a paper (available in English and Japanese) by one of us (Dalnoki-Veress), released March 28. There we analyzed the implications of TEPCO’s Chlorine-38 measurement from sea water in the turbine of FD reactor #1. At the time, sea water was used to cool the reactor in the absence of access to regular water. We estimated the neutron flux in the reactor core needed to explain the measured concentration of Chlorine-38 (which is an activation product of non-radioactive Chlorine-37 naturally present in the salt in sea-water). This led to the uncomfortable conclusion that natural spontaneous fission could not explain the measured Chlorine-38 concentration; the possibility of a re-criticality was clear and could not be ignored. It could happen again. Our fear at the time was that a re-criticality could cause workers to be “in considerably greater danger than they already are when trying to contain the situation”. We hoped that TEPCO would take our concerns into consideration and respond to our conclusion by further analysis, especially as many analysts have mentioned the need to measure the concentration of sodium isotopes. After the paper was published, TEPCO claimed the measurement was in error.

The authors of the comment in Nature have taken an independent look at the TEPCO data and found the data to be consistent with the initial March 25th measurement of Chlorine-38. This implies that as we suggested in late March the possibility of re-criticality cannot be ignored. Efforts must also be made to determine why so many official simulations don’t predict a re-criticality. An independent investigation is clearly called for not only to determine if TEPCO covered up the results, but to understand what actually happened for the sake of future safety.

The immense problem of cleanup at the site, which will take decades and cost untold sums of money, the problem of people who have no homes to go back to, the problem of contaminated businesses and schools and farms – none of these problems can be addressed with confidence with TEPCO in charge of FD. In any case, the company does not have the assets to deal with the damage and compensation claims.

We agree and echo the authors call for an independent scientific committee to look at all the data in an objective way devoid of the “dangerous optimism” of those who work within the nuclear industry. Nuclear safety demands that the damage from the earthquake prior to the tsunami and possible damage from the aftershocks be understood. Secrecy is inimical to safety and it is also hostile to democracy. But nationalization must be carried out on condition of complete transparency — including publication of all prior documents and measurements, including raw data. Governments are no strangers to secrecy; nationalization will not help if we go from corporate secrecy to a governmental one.

The stakes are high for Japan and indeed for the world, since despite the disaster at FD nuclear power is expected to expand in Asia and the Middle East. In addition, immediate risks for workers attempting to mitigate the situation need to be quantified and fundamental questions need to be asked about the risks the industry poses for society. Certainly they need to be posed before TEPCO and other Japanese corporations are allowed to sell their nuclear power wares to third countries.

Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress is a Research Scientist at the James Martin Center for Non-Proliferation Studies of the Monterey Institute of International Studies. He is a specialist on nuclear disarmament and on aspects of global proliferation of fissile materials. He holds a PhD in high energy physics from Carleton University, Canada, specializing in ultra-low radioactivity background detectors. He can be contacted here: and 831- 647-4638.

Arjun Makhijani is president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research ( He holds a Ph.D. in engineering (specialization: nuclear fusion) from the University of California at Berkeley and has produced many studies on nuclear fuel cycle related issues, including weapons production, testing, and nuclear waste, over the past twenty years. He is the author of Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy the first analysis of a transition to a U.S. economy based completely on renewable energy, without any use of fossil fuels or nuclear power. He is the principal editor of Nuclear Wastelands and the principal author of Mending the Ozone Hole. He can be contacted here:

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