
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

アビー・マーティン氏、吉川秀樹氏をむかえてウェビナー「沖縄と世界の環境を破壊する軍事化」開催!(日本時間6月14日午前6時)Free Webinar "Militarization: Destroying the Environment in Okinawa and the World" with Abby Martin and Hideki Yoshikawa (June 13 Thurs/ 14:00 PST; 17:00 EST)

Thanks so much for the hundreds who registered! See recording below for Abby Martin's powerful speech and Hideki Yoshikawa's thorough yet succinct presentation of the U.S. military base issue in Okinawa. Thanks to World Beyond War for co-hosting this event! A Japanese-subtitled version will be available soon. 6月15日追記:400人近くの登録を得て、150人ほどがリアルタイム参加し、大変盛況のうちに終わりました。アビー・マーティンさんのパワフルなスピーチ、吉川秀樹さんの詳しくかつわかりやすい「辺野古基地問題」の解説、少しでも多くのメディア関係者、インフルエンサーに書いてもらい広めてもらいたいです。録画は以下です。日本語字幕版はこちらです(Q&Aをのぞく)!


REGISTER HERE NOW. 申し込みはこのリンクから。

Free webinar: 

Militarization: Destroying the Environment in Okinawa and the World

With Abby Martin and Hideki Yoshikawa



Go to World Beyond War event page to register:

沖縄戦から80年。沖縄は1945年から72年にかけて米軍に占領され、基地が増強されました。「復帰」後も基地押し付けは続き、いまだに日本の0.6%の土地に米軍専用基地の7割が沖縄に置かれています。水と土地は汚染され、騒音被害に悩まされ、航空機事故などのリスクに晒され続けているのです。今回は、沖縄を取材し「Earth's Greatest Enemy」(地球最大の敵)という映画を完成させつつある米国のジャーナリスト、アビー・マーティン氏と、沖縄の学者・アクティビストである吉川秀樹氏を迎え、生物多様性に富む辺野古・大浦湾の自然を破壊する基地建設がいかに無謀で不可能であるかを米国の報道関係者、ジャーナリスト、市民に訴えるオンラインイベントを行います。



調査報道家。ドキュメンタリーサイト「Empire Files」のホストを務める。ドキュメンタリー映画「ガザは自由のために闘う」、近日公開の「地球最大の敵」など。
Abby Martin
 is an investigative journalist, the creator and host of the documentary web series the Empire Files, director of Gaza Fights For Freedom and the forthcoming documentary film Earth's Greatest Enemy.

Hideki Yoshikawa
 is the Director of the Okinawa Environmental Justice Project, which aims to to protect the environment and communities of Okinawa from the overwhelming presence of U.S. military bases on Okinawa's islands. He is a resident of the City of Nago on Okinawa Island, an anthropologist at Meio University and the University of the Ryukyus, and the author of many major articles at The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus.

War and militarization are the Earth’s greatest enemies, and this remains especially true in Okinawa, Japan. The Battle of Okinawa during WWII decimated 200,000 human lives and destroyed much of the environment in the prefecture. The militarization of Okinawa, carried out by the U.S. occupation of Okinawa from 1945 to 1972, ha created a dreadful situation: Okinawa, while accounting for only 0.6 percent of Japan’s land mass, bears approximately 70 percent of the land area used for U.S. military bases in Japan. As a consequence, the people of Okinawa have been forced to live with and fight against water and land contamination, unbearable noise from aircraft, the danger of aircraft crashes, and other forms of environmental destruction by the U.S. military.

In this open press conference, Abby Martin, an American journalist and filmmaker known for her anti-war and anti-militarization documentaries, will introduce her film “The U.S. Military: Planet Earth’s Greatest Enemy” and provide an overview of how the U.S. military is destroying the Earth. Hideki Yoshikawa, an Okinawan scholar and activist, will explain how the Japanese and U.S. governments are destroying the environment of Henoko-Oura Bay in Okinawa, one of the areas richest in biodiversity in Japan, through the construction of an air base there, and how the people of Okinawa and the environment have fought back.

This webinar is free and open to the public. Participants all need to register on this page.

This is an open press conference organized by Okinawa Interest Group, Peace Philosophy Centre, Okinawa Environmental Justice Project, and World BEYOND War for journalists, media personnel, and anyone interested in learning more about how the U.S. military presence in Okinawa affects the environment.



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