
Sunday, April 29, 2007

(Japanese) 松井茂記先生による憲法講演

This is a report in Japanese of April 12th lecture by UBC Law Professor Dr. Shigenori Matsui held at Nikkei Heritage Centre. See here for the past report of his lecture in English, held at UBC by BAYT or Bringing Asian Youths Together.


4月12日、日系ヘリテージセンターで、UBC(ブリティッシュコロンビア大学)法学部松井茂記教授 Dr. Shigenori Matsui による日本語講演「日本国憲法 - 改憲は必要か」を行いました。40人ほどの参加者は熱心に耳を傾け、講演後の質疑応答も、九条問題を中心に活発になされました。


  • 日本国憲法には改正の限界がある:これ以上変えてはいけないという限界があるという理解が学会では一般的である。その限界として、国民主権がある。主権者は憲法を改正する権利があるが、主権の所在の変更、すなわち、憲法制定権の所在を変更することはできない。現行の日本国憲法は、明治憲法の改正という形式を取ったが、主権の所在が変更している。なのでこれは単なる憲法改正ではなく、革命であったという説(八月革命説)がある。日本がポツダム宣言を受諾したことにより、天皇から国民への主権交代を受け入れ、事実上の革命を起こしたという見方である。

  • 憲法改正の必要性として一般的に挙げられている論点をいくつか検証した。

  • まずは、日本国憲法は押し付けられた憲法 - 占領下にできた憲法なので「自主憲法」を作るべきだという考え方がある。しかし、ポツダム宣言を受け入れたということは新憲法を受け入れたということである。占領下にできた憲法だからといって自主的な憲法でなかったということはないのだ。当初憲法改正は日本政府に主導権が与えられていた。幣原内閣は松本烝治国務大臣を主任として「憲法問題調査委員会」を発足させる。しかしその委員会が作成した憲法草案は、基本的には明治憲法と変わらず、天皇の統治権は維持するという保守的なものであった。この草案が毎日新聞にスクープされたことを受け、総司令部は日本の新憲法のモデルとなる草案を日本側に提示する。この総司令部案には、日本の法律家や民主的思想家が中心となって作った民間憲法草案が反映されていた。そして約半年間の国会での審議、いくつかの修正も行った上で可決されたのである。以上の点からして、現行憲法を押し付けとは呼べないことは明らかである。

  • 上記の点から、日本国憲法は国民を代表する議会が審議して可決したものなので民主的な方法で「押し付け」ではなく決まったと言えるが、やはり政府主導のプロセスであった。「国民憲法制定会議」といった、国民主導で草案を作るプロセスがあったら望ましかったし、日本政府はそういう機会を日本政府から奪ったと言える。

  • 戦後60年間の間に一度も改正されたことがない、時代遅れであるという議論がある。単純に、「改正されたことがない」というのは改正の理由にならない。憲法は何十年、何百年も続く法律であり、時代を超えた一般的な原理を定めるものである。時代遅れかどうかという問いについては、個別の条項を検討する必要があり、憲法全体が時代遅れかどうかということを問うことに意味はない。同様に、改憲が必要かそうでないかという議論は、ここの条項がなぜ変える必要があるか、どのように変える必要があるかという議論なしでは意味を持たない。

  • 日本国憲法の文言が麗しくないという意見もあるが、憲法は法律文書であるので、美しい文章である必要はない。言葉づかいの文学的評価が改正の理由にはならない。

  • 憲法は国のあり方、国柄を定めるべきだという意見があるが、憲法は国柄を定める文書ではない。そのときの多数者が思う「国はこうあるべきだ」という視点を憲法に盛り込むのは危険である。どのような国のあり方がいいのかというのは人によって意見が違う。憲法は、このような多様な意見を持つ人が一緒にやっていけるための手続き文書なのである。

  • 改正が求められている個々の条例についてだが、たとえば新しい人権 - 環境権、プライヴァシー権を明記すべきだという主張がある。しかし環境を享受する権利を憲法で保障できるかは疑問である。現行13条で、プライヴァシーの権利は既に認められているので、憲法改正の必要性はない。首相公選制については、国会議員の選挙を通して国民が首相を選出しているので、憲法を改正する必要があるかは疑問である。

  • 憲法9条についてだが、自衛のために必要最小限の実力の保持は憲法9条に反しないとの政府の解釈がある。国連の定める平和維持活動(PKO)に参加するのも憲法9条の解釈内で可能であるという政府の見方である。現行9条の解釈で自衛隊の存在とPKOへの参加が認められているのだから、自衛隊の存在とPKO参加が論点である限り9条改正の必要はない。しかし集団的自衛権については現行九条の解釈では行使できないという見方が一般的である。この集団的自衛権 - 同盟国米国が日本国外で攻撃を受けたときに反撃できる権利 - の行使を認めるかどうかが、9条改正をする必要があるかどうかの論議の焦点となっている。




最後に、松井先生も指摘されていた、日本国憲法の総司令部による草案は日本のリベラルな思想家や憲法学者による民間草案がかなり参考にされていたという事実をドキュメントしたテレビ番組があります。NHK ETVで2月10日に放映された「焼け跡から生まれた憲法草案」という番組で、これを録画したビデオを先日関心のある人たちと共に鑑賞しました。関心のある方はご連絡下さい。




文責 乗松聡子

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Celebration of the 50 th Anniversary of Lester B. Pearson's Nobel Peace Prize

Vision for Peace: Facing the Challenge

- An event celebrating the 50thanniversary of Lester B. Pearson's Nobel Peace Prize

Thursday, May 3, 2007

A message from the UNAC and CIIA

On Thursday, May 3, the Vancouver branches of the United Nations Association in Canada and the Canadian Institute of International Affairs will co-host Vision for Peace, an event celebrating the 50th anniversary of Lester B. Pearson's Nobel Peace Prize.

The event will begin with a symposium featuring three guest speakers,which will be followed by a reception and dinner.

You are encouraged to join us to celebrate Lester B. Pearson's vision and legacy.

SYMPOSIUM -- 3pm - 6pm

When Lester B. Pearson was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957, it marked a coming of age of Canadian foreign policy. Pearson's concept for a U.N. peacekeeping force ended a major crisis focusing on control of the Suez Cannel. Since that time peacekeeping and peacekeepers have been closely associated with Canada.

The symposium will look back at peacekeeping in the 1950s and track its development over the intervening years up to today. To present the broader picture, we have Professor Allen Sens of the Political Science Department at UBC. The problems of peacekeepers on the ground, including the relationship with U.N. headquarters in N.Y., will be discussed by General (Ret'd) Guy Tousignant, who was appointed in 1994 the ForceCommander and Assistant Secretary-General for the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda. Finally, to present the modern development that grew out of peacekeeping and in particular the concept of peacebuilding, we have Alana Tiemessen, a doctoral candidate in the Political Science Department at UBC.

This symposium will be moderated by Professor Maurice Copithorne of the UBC Law School.

DINNER -- 7pm

Allan McGill will give his personal reminiscences, "Pearson's Performance: Recollections of a Supporting Player." McGill is a retired Canadian ambassador who was personal assistant to Mr. Pearson when he was Secretary of State for External Affairs during the Suez crisis.

Event Details:

Plaza500 Hotel and Convention Centre
500 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Symposium -- 3pm to 6pm
Reception -- 6pm to 7pm
Dinner -- 7pm

For tickets or information, contact:

Symposium - $15
Dinner - $50
Symposium/dinner - $55

RSVP by April 29

Presented by:
The Vancouver branches of the United Nations Association in Canada


Canadian Institute of International Affairs

Community Partners for Internationalization (UBC)
UBC International Relations Students Association
Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific
Peace Philosophy Centre

Monday, April 09, 2007


This is a review of Al Gore's documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth' for Chinese speaking readers. Due to the rapid growth of Chinese economy, green-house gas pollution will become a big problem. We should be aware of that; moreover, we should not consciousnessly ignore this problem as it will cut down the GDP growth rate and bring invconvenience to everyone's life.


不知道国内没有没有引进这一部片子。如果他还不算有名的话,那么在此向在中国的朋友郑重推荐Al Gore主演的纪录片《An Inconvenient Truth》。

(Japanese) 金英丸さんの講演「私たちがつくっていく東アジアの平和」に参加して by 菊野由美子

This is peace journalist Yumiko Kikuno's report of the April 2nd talk by Kim Yeonghwan. See here for the English report. For Kim Yeonghwan's profile, see here (scroll down).

講演会 「私たちがつくっていく東アジアの平和」に参加して











Thursday, April 05, 2007

Peace in North East Asia That We Create Together by Kim Yeonghwan

The BAYT event - a talk by a Korean peace activist Kim Yeonghwan at UBC Asian Centre on Wednesday April 4th was a fabulous success, with a turnout of 25 participants from UBC and the community who truly reflected Vancouver's diversity - students from Korea, Japan, China, Canada, Singapore and others.

Kim started the event asking the participants how they saw themselves in relation to the WWII. It was probably a big question to many, but after a few moments of thought, one responded by saying how she felt caught between Singapore and Japan, both of which were home to her. Another student from Korea mentioned the relationship between the North/South division of Korea after the war and the compulsory military service for Korean men which he had done.

Kim helped us see the relationship between the past and the future - how the past war could be still alive in our present life. War is not over in hearts of many people, and many lands. Kim went on to show us photographs from "East Asia Collaborative Workshop," a 10-year old project in which people from Japan and Korea worked together to excavate the bones of the victims of forced labour during the war time, many of which are still buried in the remote soil of Hokkaido, a northern island of Japan.

Kim talked about 204 workers who died at one of the construction sites between 1938 and 1943, of which 36 were Koreans and 168 were Japanese. Some died from accidents at the dam construction site, and others from violence and malnutrition. Kim said the causes of the deaths reported by the authorities were not always reliable, as sometimes when a worker died from assault, it was reported that he died from malnutrition.

What was amazing to me is the fact that 200 young people of Korea and Japan chose to come all the way to Hokkaido at their own expense to do the hard work of digging bones. How do you motivate so many young people to do this when they can be partying elsewhere? I asked him. His answer was that meaningfulness of the work and the camaraderie that developed among the participants through this work were communicated by word of mouth and that way more and more young people were drawn to this project.

Kim cautioned against the over-simplified dichotomy of nation states being called "Assailants" and "Victims" For example, there were many Japanese, as described above, among the forced labour victims, and there were many Japanese dissents during the war who were sent to prison. Kim stresses that by getting to know each other and working together, we can overcome nationalism and prejudice. 'Does one still deny the comfort women after s/he meets a victim and hears her testimony? No, because through real human interaction, you know that you can trust her.'

Kim showed us a picture of a train station, Dorasan. It is a station at the north end of the South side of Korea of the railway built between Seoul and Pyongyang. The station was called "Not the last station from the South, but the first station to the North." The station was a symbol of hope for Korea's reunification. Once the railway is in operation, one can travel from South Korea all the way to Paris and London, Kim said. Wouldn't this be wonderful? On Monday at Nikkei Centre, he also mentioned that Hakata and Pusan are so close that a tunnel like Seikan tunnel would be possible - then Japan would not be an island state any more. I found the idea fascinating. Then one can travel by train from Japan all the way to London!

Then what can we each do to make a bright future like this possible?

Kim said,

The first step: Knowing

The second step: Saying/Talking

The third step: Acting

He shared a great phrase in Japanese:

わかる & かわる 
meaning 'Know and Change- knowing something means changing yourself.' In Japanese, if you switch the first two letters of the word Wakaru, or to know, it becomes another word Kawaru, or to change.

I remember the moment of this kind of knowing when I was in high school. I read a book that described the Unit 731 - the notorious military unit of Japan that conducted inhuman chemical biological experiments on POWs in China. I, an ordinary high school student who had associated war with Hiroshima and Nagasaki up to then, was absolutely shocked. I did not even know what to think for a few days. When I finally talked to my friends about it, they didn't know what I was talking about and they didn't want to hear it. I guess it took me many years to move forward from the second step to the third step. Here I am, 20+ years later, finally acting.

Many thanks to Kim Yeonghwan for your informative and inspiring talk, and to Lim Sunsook for your assistance with the handout.

As usual, a big applause to the great teamwork of BAYT members!

Kim will be in Vancouver until April 26th. If you would like to arrange his talk for your community, please contact Peace Philosophy Centre or BAYT

Thanks for all who participated! You will make a difference in this world.

With special thanks to Winnie Cheung who kindly provided the venue

With love and determination for peace
A lecture on the Japanese Constitution by a UBC law professor Shigenori Matsui will be held in Japanese at Nikkei Centre on April 12 (Thu) 7-9 PM. See here for details.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Kim Yeonghwan's Talk at UBC on April 4th

Yesterday, Kim Yeonghwan gave us such an educational and inspiring talk on a broad range of topics such as his involvement with the 10-year old program of excavating the bones of Korean forced labourers in Hokkaido,negative campaign against North Korea and the damage it had done to the Korean communities in Japan, the Grassroots House or a peace museum in Kochi that Kim ran for 5 years, the US bases in Korea, and the railway built between Seoul and Pyongyang.

When Kim talked about the grassroots's campaign to promote the history textbook co-developed by a team of Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese, one of the participants asked, "Why isn't such an important move reported in the mainstream media?"

Yes this is why you need to come to Kim's talk.

Tomorrow he will give the same talk in English at UBC.

April 4th (Wed) 6:15 PM - 7:45 PM
Room 604 at UBC Asian Centre
Organized by BAYT Bringing Asian Youths Together

See UBC Campus Map
The Asian Centre is on the B-2 grid of the map. Expect to walk 10minutes or so from the bus depot. There is a Parkade right across theAsian Centre (Fraser River Parkade on the Map)

See details of the event here.

We hope to see many of you there!
