
Monday, May 30, 2011

豪放射線医師「福島炎上:核の惨事を解剖する」(アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカス)Fukushima Burning: Anatomy of a Nuclear Disaster by Peter Karamoskos

From Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. See below for English text.

アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカスの記事に5月22日掲載されたオーストラリア人医師による記事 Fukushima Burning: Anatomy of a Nuclear Disaster の和訳を紹介します。原文も下方に掲載しました。福島で何が起こっているのか、世界的な影響は何か、チェルノブイリと比べてどうか、放射線の健康影響、ガンのリスクは、損害はいくらぐらいになるのか、そしてどれぐらい危機が続くのか、等、放射線の専門家による厳しくも示唆に富む記事です。



翻訳 田中泉




ではどれだけの放射性物質が放出されたのか? チェルノブイリと比較すると?







電離放射線(IR)が人体にその有毒な影響を伝達するメカニズムは2つある。まず、生物組織中の原子に電離性放射物質のエネルギーが移ると、その原子は電気量が変化し、フリーラジカル(訳注:少なくとも対を成さない原子1つを持った原子または分子団)が形成される。それが次に細胞内の遺伝子(DNA)を損傷し、遺伝的な変異につながる。 そして、電離的放射性物質が細胞核の中を通過するので、その過程で直接的な遺伝子の破壊が起こる。するとこれによって細胞の通常のメカニズムが働かなくなり、ガンが起こりやすくなる。ガンは10-50年、またはもっと長いあいだ発症しないかもしれない(潜伏)が、白血病の場合たった5年ということもありうる。電離放射線は、世界保健機構の国際ガン研究所によって第一級の発がん物質に分類されている。その発がん性の確かさから最上位に入れられているのである。










Fukushima Burning: Anatomy of a Nuclear Disaster  
May. 22, 2011

The May/June edition of Australian magazine Physician Life features a lengthy report on the Fukushima crisis by Melbourne-based nuclear radiologist Dr. Peter Karamoskos.

A Japanese translation is available here.
The issue is available in full online.

In the piece, Karamoskos poses and answers key questions for understanding what has taken place at Fukushima and what the likely public health effects will be.

What happens when a nuclear reactor overheats?

When nuclear cores overheat due to a lack of water coolant, they ultimately melt. Remaining water quickly turns to steam preventing replenishment of the water and endangering the integrity of the pressure vessel. Furthermore, the reactor pressure vessel may also melt leaking the melted fuel which may escape into the environment if the primary and secondary containment structures (concrete) have been damaged. Spent fuel is kept at around 25 degrees in cooling ponds for a few decades. The water must be continually replenished to maintain this temperature. If there is a loss of water or a failure of replenishment, the spent fuel will overheat and catch fire, releasing its radiotoxic contents. Note that the longer fuel is irradiated in the reactor core, the more radioactive it becomes due to the build-up of fission by-products which also contaminate the fuel limiting its usable life. Only about 1-2% of the uranium in fuel rods is actually used up in a reactor. It is these fission by-products that pose the greatest immediate danger if released into the environment.

Radioactive fallout and its health effects

Radioactive fallout from a nuclear reactor can be considered in two groups: isotopes of the noble gases (xenon, krypton-133) are radioactive elements with a very low chemical reactivity, relatively short half-lives, are not retained by the body and they remain and become dispersed in the air without ground deposition. Hence they have limited adverse health potential. The second and more dangerous radioactive fallout group is represented by mainly the radioactive isotopes of iodine, cesium, and tellurium. These elements form fine suspended particles in the air (aerosols), which due to their weight will gradually end up falling on the ground when released into the air, contaminating all vegetation, clothing and any other surfaces including water sources. Those that pose the greatest health threat are Cesium-137 (half-life 30 years) and Iodine-131 (half- life 8 days). Iodine-131 is a beta emitter and is absorbed into the blood stream through inhalation and ingestion and concentrated by the thyroid gland where it is highly carcinogenic, predominantly in young people under 18 years of age. Cesium is a gamma and beta emitter. It is also absorbed by the body through the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts and subsequently into the bloodstream and deposited throughout the body. Cesium takes between 10 days and 100 days for half of it to be excreted from the body so there is significant hazard once it is absorbed. Unlike I-131 therefore which loses most of its potential for harm in a few months, cesium remains hazardous in the environment for several hundred years.

So how much radioactivity was emitted and how does it compare to Chernobyl?

The spread of airborne contamination is unlikely to be evenly distributed due to many variables including the prevailing winds, the altitude the contamination reaches before dispersion and the time period of release. Thus, although we speak of radial zones from the plant, the shape of the fallout most likely will represent a plume rather than a concentric disc. Furthermore, the prevailing jet stream is towards the United States west coast which is likely to have higher levels of contamination (but still very minimal at that distance) than, say, northern Canada which is closer to Japan. Contamination is likely to spread throughout the northern hemisphere and indeed trace amounts have already been detected from nearly all monitoring sites in that hemisphere. There is effectively an ‘air curtain’ at the Equator that prevents contamination from reaching the southern hemisphere. Shortly after the nuclear plant explosions, a 20km exclusion zone was established and residents between 20 and 30km were advised to remain indoors. The IAEA and US NRC suggested this was inadequate and advised an 80km exclusion zone. Utilizing CTBT monitoring data, the Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics calculated that in the first three days, the activity of I-131 emitted was 30% and Cesium-137 20-60% of the entire Chernobyl emissions of these isotopes. Although Chernobyl emitted vastly more fallout than Fukushima has to date, it was the I-131 and Ce-137 that accounted for most of the terrestrial human and environmental hazard, and these are the main Fukushima fallout components. Also, the Fukushima plant has around 1700 tonnes of fresh and used nuclear fuel on site with an unknown amount having been damaged, whereas the Chernobyl reactor had only 180 tonnes. As far as human health is concerned comparisons therefore between Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters are valid.

Emissions have continued since then, albeit at a lesser rate than initially was the case. Note, however, that there has also been extensive contamination of the sea off the coast of Fukushima as contaminated seawater runoff from the plant used to cool it continues unabated at a rate of 7,000 tonnes per day. Concentrations of radioactive iodine were measured at over 4,300 times the legal limit. Measures to intentionally dump the contaminated seawater build-up into the sea are being considered. Contamination of the seawater will compromise the fish stocks along the local coast for some time and has destroyed any remnants of the fishing industry that were not wiped out by the tsunami.

France’s Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) has estimated that within 20km of the plant the levels of contamination will exceed that of Chernobyl, and there will be “a strongly contaminated zone, extending to 60km around Fukushima in which there will be “measurable impacts but not dramatic impacts” although the contamination will be less than the comparable area around Chernobyl. Beyond this zone contamination will be measurable as far as 250km but with health impacts not able to be measured.

The more extensive evacuation zone advised by the IAEA (but ignored by the Japanese authorities) was vindicated, as later monitoring showed hot spots of contamination as far as 43km from the plant with levels of activity comparable to those areas which were mandatory evacuation zones at Chernobyl. lonising radiation (IR) imparts its deleterious health effects through two mechanisms: transference of its energy to atoms in biological tissue which then becomes electrically charged leading to the formation of free radicals which then damage the cell’s genetic blueprint (DNA) leading to genetic mutations; and direct DNA disruption along the track as ionising radiation traverses through the cell’s nucleus. This then predisposes to the initiation of cancer when the regulatory mechanisms of the cell fail. Cancer may not appear for 10- 50 (or more) years (latency), although can be as short as 5 years for leukemia. lonising radiation is classified as a Class 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research in Cancer of the World Health Organisation, the highest classification consistent with certainty of its carcinogenicity.

Two types of IR health effects are recognized. The severity of deterministic effects is directly proportional to the absorbed radiation dose. These include skin damage and blood disorders due to bone marrow effects. The higher the dose, the worse, for example is the skin radiation burn. These have a threshold below which they do not occur, although this may vary between individuals. This threshold is around 100) millisieverts (mSv) at which point blood production begins to be impaired. Deterministic effects which exceed around 1000mSv induce acute radiation sickness with vomiting, diarrhea, and shedding of mucosal linings of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, bone marrow suppression and sterility. Once the dose exceeds more than 3000-5000 mSv, death is likely in a matter of days to weeks. Stochastic effects are ‘probabilistic’ in nature. In other words, the higher the dose the greater the chance of them occurring, however, once they occur their severity is the same irrespective of the original dose. The main stochastic effect is cancer. The lower the dose of IR, the lower the chance of contracting cancer, however the type and eventual outcome of the cancer is independent of current risk coefficients for the development of cancer are approximately 8% per 1000 mSv (ie. 1 in 12 chance) and 5% for cancer fatality (1:20). The US National Academy of Sciences reviewed the effects of low level ionising radiation (defined as less than 100 mSv) in their seminal report and concluded that: “… there is a linear dose-response relationship between exposure to ionizing radiation and the development of solid cancers in humans. It is unlikely that there is a threshold below which cancers are not induced.” Emergency workers at the plant are likely to  developed deterministic effects as their upper allowable occupational doses have been increased to 250 mSv (from the 100mSv total dose over five years allowable. and the lmSv per annum allowable dose to the public). One incident induced radiation burns to two emergency workers’ legs from stepping in highly radioactive water in reactor 2, with a calculated total dose of 180 mSv from this one incident. In order to limit occupational doses workers have been recruited from a 600 person pool of workers on a rotating basis, and recruitment from overseas has now become necessary to avoid exceeding the revised occupational dose limits. It is highly likely that some of these workers will die of their exposures from the induction of cancer. No cases of acute radiation sickness have been reported to date.

The longer term stochastic effects will be much harder to define given the relatively high background incidence of cancer and the long latency period for its appearance. The prompt evacuation of people from the immediate surrounding environment, notwithstanding the insufficient exclusion zone, and offshore wind on the days of maximum fallout, will have minimized these effects. Furthermore, the administration of stable iodine to block thyroid uptake of I-131 in sufficiently exposed young people will also have significantly decreased the development of thyroid cancer. Even though risk models of cancer induction can be used to predict the likely cancers over the next six decades, it is possible that we will never know the true number of actual excess cancers in the general population due to inherent statistical limitations and large uncertainties, even several decades after the event. This is particularly so at very low doses. The only exception to this will be excess thyroid cancers as this is a rare malignancy and hence is easily statistically detected.

How long will it take to resolve the crisis?

It all depends on what we mean by “resolve the crisis.” The Japanese government has set a target of “several months” to stop the continuing atmospheric, sea and ground emissions from the plant. Note that this is a desired outcome, not necessarily the likely outcome. It is conceivable that more drastic measures need to be adopted including burying the entire plant under a concrete sarcophagus which alone is estimated will cost upwards of $12bn. Of course, the entire plant will need to be written off as even reactors 5 & 6 which were not damaged are too heavily contaminated. Cleaning up radioactive sites is massively costly, time consuming and dangerous. If the plant is able to be brought under control, it will take more than 30 years to decommission the reactors and decontaminate the site and will cost “more than 12 billion dollars.” Of course, that is not the upper limit of liability for the beleaguered Japanese taxpayer Bank of America-Merrill Lynch has estimated an upper bound of $130bn for the Fukushima disaster alone in liabilities and economic losses. The decommissioning effort alone will likely bankrupt the operator TEPCO resulting in a knock-on massive liability for Japanese taxpayers. Unlike the case with all nuclear power generated around the world, where operators refuse to generate electricity unless most of their liabilities are capped in the event of a major accident, the 1961 Act on Compensation for Nuclear Damage places no cap on damages. However, if the company is bankrupted, this liability transfers to the taxpayers. After this disaster, the Japanese tax-payers will realise that it is they, not the nuclear power companies, who need protection.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

20 mSV for Children: "Scientific Basis Not Clear" by the Japan Medical Association 日本医師会「子ども20mSV」問題声明英訳


The Japan Medical Association's statement, issued on May 12, was a significant addition to the mounting criticism against the Japanese government's April 19 decision to raise the annual radiation dose limit from 1 mSV (millisievert) to 20 mSV. An English version is available now, thanks to Hideko Wada, one of the leaders of MSCR, Moms to Save Children from Radiation. Some criticized that this statement from the Japanese doctors' association came too late, but many thought better late than never. The statement does not specifically ask the government to rescind their new limit, but it clearly expresses its concern for children's susceptibility to radiation, and the lack of scientific ground on the 20 mSV decision.

Please also see the list of related articles available in English and other langugages on this issue.

May 12, 2011

The opinion of the Japan Medical Association on the “Notification of interim policy regarding decisions on the use of school buildings and outdoor areas within Fukushima Prefecture” issued by MEXT
The Japan Medical Association

On April 19, the National Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) issued a notification concerning radioactive exposure limits for children using school grounds to the governor of Fukushima and the Fukushima Prefectural Board of Education.

This notification set the children’s interim radiation exposure limit to 20 mSv per year. Thus assuming a life pattern of 16 hours inside the (wooden) building and 8 hours in the yard, they calculate that the outdoor and indoor radiation dose rate at 3.8 μSv/h and 1.52 μSv/h respectively. They conclude that schools below this level will not exceed 20 mSv per year.

But the statement issued by the International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP) dated March 21, on which the designated radiation rate is based, only states, ” after the termination of this emergency, it is possible to choose as a reference levels for ordinary people in the band of 1 to 20 mSv per year.”

The scientific basis for choosing the maximum amount of 20 mSv in the band of 1 to 20 mSv is not clear. The government’s action should be more carefully deliberated considering the fact that growing children are more sensitive to radiation exposure compared to adults. We as a nation should make the utmost effort to reduce the exposure to radiation of children, as well as adults. We are responsible for the children’s health and life.

Although the government has released a notification to the schools and related facilities requesting that they should start examining measures for environmental amelioration, such as removing the surface soil of the grounds of kindergartens, nursery schools, schools and parks, they should take more active responsibility for the initiative.

We urgently request that the Japanese National government strive to reduce children’s radiation exposure in the fastest and most effective way possible.


Below is the original Japanese version. 日本語版です


20ミリシーベルトの基準引き下げを 学校屋外活動で日医

2011.5.12 21:50


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Information sources in languages other than Japanese on the issue of Fukushima's children and allowable radiation dosage 「子ども20mSV問題」外国語情報

(June 3: We added an English translation of the French petition at the bottom, following the original French text. Thanks to Vanessa Warheit, Director of documentary film "Insular Empire: America in the Mariana Islands," for translation. The French petition has collected over 26,000 signatures, as of June 3. If you would like to join the petition campaign in Japan in English, you can sign HERE.)

From Kyodo News - "Parents from Fukushima Prefecture protest the Japanese government's safety standards on radiation levels at elementary and middle schools in the nuclear disaster-stricken prefecture as they visited the education ministry in Tokyo on May 23, 2011. On the right is an official of the ministry. The parents demanded the government retract its stance that it is safe for schoolchildren to use school playgrounds as long as the dose they are exposed to does not exceed 20 millisieverts over a year following the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station. (Kyodo)"

On April 19, the Japanese government raised the allowable annual radiation exposure limit from 1 mSV (millisievert) to 20 mSV. The decision has been heavily criticized by experts inside and outside Japan, as it is applied to children who are more susceptible to radiation, and this limit does not take internal radiation dosage into consideration. 20 mSV is the yearly average of what is allowed for Japanese nuclear plant workers under normal circumstances. On this website, we have so far primarily written and provided information in English on this "20 mSV" issue and on the Fukushima nuclear crisis in general. In this post we attempt to compile a list of articles, video news, press releases available in English and other languages. Please inform, or Twitter @PeacePhilosohpy if you know of other good sources.


Addition on July 8

Global Research
Radiation: The Future Children of Fukushima

Addition on June 9

The Japan Times
Widen evacuation zone for children, pregnant women: Greenpeace chief

Greenpeace urges Japan to evacuate town's children


Press TV
Japanese govt. under fire for schoolyard radiation
Japan confirms meltdown at 3 reactors

New York Times
Angry Parents in Japan Confront Government Over Radiation Levels
Japan Tries to Ease Fury of Parents Near Plant

Common Dreams (From the Japan Times)
School Radiation Cleanup Slammed in Fukushima-Parents flunk ministry over soil-removal policy shift

Japanese protest revised school radiation limit

The Australian (AAP - the same content as above)
Japanese ire over radiation limit for kids

The Guardian
Fukushima parents dish the dirt in protest over radiation levels

The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus (most comprehensive and in-depth
reports on the issue)
Protests: The 20 Millisievert Decision and the Future of Atomic Energy in Japan
20 Millisieverts for Children and Kosako Toshiso’s Resignation
Save the Children: Radiation Exposure of Fukushima Students

Spanish National TV "TV1"
Nuevos datos confirman la gravedad de la crisis nuclear de Fukushima

Der Spiegel
Japan legt hohe Strahlengrenzwerte für Kinder fest,1518,758410,00.html

[International Criticism]

Tillman Ruff's Opinion Article in Kyodo News Agency
OPINION: Children of Fukushima need our protection

A bilingual version on Peace Philosophy Centre

IPPNW's letter to Education Minister Takaki (bilingual) on Peace Philosophy Centre
 IPPNW to Japanese Government: Raising Allowable Radiation Dose for Fukushima Children "Unacceptable."

PSR (Physicians for Social Responsibility)
PSR Press Conference on Chernobyl Anniversary
(with Japanese translation)
Physicians for Social Responsibility Calls 20 mSV for Children "Unconscionable."

The Japan Medical Association

[Fukushima Parents' Voices]
Testimony of a Fukushima Mother


Green Action (One of the four NGOs leading the movement to get the
government to rescind the 20 mSV decision.)
Fukushima Update

MSCR (Moms to Save Children from Radiation)

French petition campaign (text of the petition and an English translation below.)
Un blog du Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire"
Pétition urgente :
Refusons l’exposition des enfants japonais à des doses élevées de radioactivité

Pétition urgente :
Refusons l’exposition des enfants japonais à des doses élevées de radioactivité

À l’attention de M. Yasuo SAITO, Ambassadeur du Japon en France
Votre Excellence,

En France comme en Allemagne, 20 mSv/an est le seuil maximal d'irradiation recommandé pour "les personnes affectées à des travaux sous rayonnements ionisants", c'est-à-dire pour les travailleurs du nucléaire. Au Japon, la loi sur les normes du travail interdit aux personnes de moins de 18 ans de travailler dans ces conditions. De plus, les nourrissons et les enfants sont plus vulnérables que les adultes aux effets sanitaires néfastes de la radioactivité.

Or, le 19 avril 2011, le gouvernement japonais a décidé de relever de 1 mSv/an à 20 mSv/an la norme de radioprotection pour les écoles de la préfecture de Fukushima. Permettre que des enfants soient exposés à de telles doses de rayonnements est révoltant et inhumain.

Nous condamnons fermement cette décision intolérable. C’est pourquoi, M. Saito, nous demandons instamment l'annulation immédiate de cette décision du gouvernement nippon autorisant l’exposition des enfants japonais à des doses de radioactivité pouvant atteindre 20 mSv/an.

Actuellement, 75 % des écoles élémentaires et intermédiaires de la préfecture de Fukushima présentent des niveaux de contamination tels qu'elles relèvent de « zones de contrôle des rayonnements » (0,6 microSv/h ou plus). Pire encore, 20 % des écoles relèvent de « zones individuelles contrôlées sur l'exposition » (2,3 microSv/h ou plus) et présentent une situation radiologique extrêmement dangereuse.

Aucune dose de radioactivité n'est inoffensive. La très officielle Commission Internationale de Protection Radiologique (CIPR) admet elle-même que « toute dose de rayonnement comporte un risque cancérigène et génétique ». Les normes d'exposition ne correspondent en aucun cas à des seuils d'innocuité scientifiquement fondés ; elles définissent seulement des niveaux de « risque admissible ». Admissible par qui ? Par ceux qui décrètent les normes, ou par ceux qui les subissent en pratique?

M. Saito, à ce jour, les nombreuses associations japonaises * qui se sont élevées contre cette décision n'ont eu aucune réponse tangible à leurs questions : pourquoi, comment et par qui cette décision a-t-elle été prise?

Ces questions sont aussi posées par M. Toshisô Kosako, qui a démissionné le 29 avril de son poste de conseiller spécial du Premier Ministre japonais en matière de protection contre la radioactivité. Lors d'une conférence de presse, le professeur Kosako, en larmes, a déclaré qu' "il est tout à fait inacceptable d'appliquer une telle limite de dose à des enfants en bas âge, et à des élèves de classe primaires, et il est urgent de revenir sur cette décision".

Votre Excellence, nous demandons instamment que le gouvernement japonais annule immédiatement la décision autorisant l'exposition des enfants à des doses d'irradiation pouvant atteindre 20 mSv/an, et prenne au contraire toutes les dispositions nécessaires pour les préserver de l'exposition à la radioactivité.

Nous demandons également que le gouvernement japonais rende public sans délai le nom des experts qui ont avalisé cette décision inhumaine.

Votre Excellence, nous espérons que vous mettrez tout en œuvre pour que votre gouvernement fasse droit aux demandes légitimes des associations japonaises * - des demandes qui sont aussi les nôtres. Nous vous prions de croire, M. Saito, à notre haute considération, ainsi qu'à notre vigilance quant aux mesures prises par le gouvernement japonais pour protéger ses citoyens.

Nous adressons nos pensées solidaires et notre soutien au peuple japonais dans les terribles épreuves qu’il affronte aujourd’hui.

* Pétition lancée par les associations Green Action, Greenpeace Japan, Citizens' Nuclear Information Center, Citizens Against Fukushima Aging Nuclear Power Plants (Fukuro-no-Kai), Osaka Citizens Against the Mihama, Oi, and Takahama Nuclear Power Plants (Mihama-no-Kai), Friends of the Earth Japan. Voir : et Voir aussi l'appel au secours lancé par le collectif japonais des Mères réunies pour Sauver les Enfants des Radiations :

Urgent Petition:
Stop The Exposure of Japanese Children to Elevated Doses of Radioactivity

To the attention of Mr. Yasuo Saito, Japanese Ambassador to France

Your Excellency,

In France, as in Germany, 20mSv/year is the maximum radiation dose recommended for “persons affected by ionizing rays in the workplace” - i.e. for nuclear workers. In Japan, labor law prohibits people under the age of 18 from working under these conditions. Additionally, infants and children are more vulnerable than adults to the adverse effects of radioactivity.

However, on April 19, 2011, the Japanese government decided to raise the norm for radioactive exposure from 1mSv/year to 20mSv/year for the schools in Fukushima prefecture. Allowing children to be exposed to such high doses of radioactivity is revolting and inhuman.

We strongly condemn this intolerable decision. This is why, Mr. Saito, we demand an immediate reversal of the Japanese government's decision to authorize exposing Japan's children to doses as high as 20mSv/year.

At the moment, 75% of elementary and middle schools in Fukushima prefecture have been contaminated to a degree that they are "radioactive monitoring zones" (0.6 μSv/h or more). Still worse, 20% of the schools are "individual radiation exposure zones" (2.3 μSv/h or more) and are thus in a dangerously radioactive state.

There is no such thing as a safe dose of radioactivity. The official International Commission on Radiation Protection itself admits that "any dose of radioactivity carries a carcinogenic and genetic risk". "Safe exposure" norms never correspond to maximum levels based on scientifically-proven safe levels; they simply define levels that are within “acceptable risk.” Acceptable to whom? To those who decide the norms, or to those whose health is subjected to them?

Mr. Saito, today the many Japanese organizations * that are rising up against this decision have received no tangible response to their questions: why, how, and by whom was this decision made?

These questions are also being asked by Mr. Toshiso Kosako, who on April 29th resigned his position as special counselor to Japan's Prime Minister over the matter of protecting the public against radiation. At a press conference, Professor Kosako, in tears, declared that "it is completely unacceptable to apply such a limit to young children, and to elementary school students - it is urgent that we reverse this decision."

Your Excellency, we insist that the Japanese government immediately reverse its decision to authorize exposing children to doses of radioactivity as high as 20mSv/year, and instead take every measure to ensure the children are protected from radioactive exposure.

We also ask the Japanese government to immediately make public the names of the experts who supported this inhuman decision.

Your Excellency, we hope that you will do all in your power to ensure that your government complies with the Japanese organizations'* - and our - legitimate requests. We make this request, Mr. Saito, with great respect, and with continued vigilance over measures taken by the Japanese government to protect its citizens.

We stand together with the people of Japan, and offer them our continued support during these terrible times.

* Petition initiated by Green Action, Greenpeace Japan, Citizens' Nuclear Information Center, Citizens Against Fukushima Aging Nuclear Power Plants (Fukuro-no-Kai), Osaka Citizens Against the Mihama, Oi, and Takahama Nuclear Power Plants (Mihama-no-Kai), Friends of the Earth Japan. See: : and See also the call for help issued by the Japanese collective Mothers United for Saving Children from Radiation:

Friday, May 27, 2011

「子ども20mSV」撤回へ、5月23日文科省前行動: 内外で注目度急上昇 Fukushima Parents Confront the Government Over Allowable Radiation Dosage

International media attention is rising over the contentious issue that the Japanese government has increased the allowable radiation dosage by twenty times, from one millisievert per year to twenty, including children. On May 23, seventy parents and children from Fukushima and hundreds of supporters gathered in front of the Ministry of Education in Tokyo. Please see below for the list of English-language reports, including one by New York Times, and the video report by Press TV, and one by the Spanish national broadcaster.

5月23日、「20mSV」撤回を求めた福島の親子たち、支援者たち数百名(500人から1000人ぐらいの幅で報告されています)が文科省との交渉に臨みました。交渉には、福島みずほ、川内博史、森ゆうこ、川田龍平各議員が立ちあいました。FoE Japan の報告によると、 

報告全文と今後の行動については FoE Japan ページをご覧ください。

今回は5月2日の行動と比べてメディアの取り上げ方も大きいものでした。運動が加速し、内外に問題意識が共有されているのを実感します。下に、フジテレビ特集、海外メディア報道、Our Planet TV による詳細報道と、伊藤夏子さんによる報告を紹介します。伊藤夏子さんが詳細に記録し、報告している福島からの生の声(下記)は、報道だけでは決してわからないものなので、ぜひ読んでください。



New York Times
Angry Parents in Japan Confront Government Over Radiation Levels
by Hiroko Tabuchi

Irish Times
Fukushima plant suffered triple meltdown
by David McNeil

Japanese protest revised school radiation limit

Fukushima Parents Protest



Our Planet TV のレポート(日本語) 17分。行動の雰囲気が手にとるようにわかる、福島の親の訴えが心に迫る、報告です。福島、川内議員らのがんばりも見られます。山本太郎さんも。詳しい情報はここへ。







00:00~ 本日の申し入れ、交渉の報告

06:23~ これまでの経過報告、本日の交渉の感想 (佐藤さん)












福島市内在住 高校一年生の母親



A: 尿検査はフランスの研究機関の協力で、5人分送る。食品測定は、仏の研究所の所長自ら持参してくれる。5月29日に測定会。測定方法を教えてくれ、測定器も一台置いていってくれる予定。避難・疎開・雇用の相談会、希望者と希望地のマッチングもする。除染の相談、講演会、カフェも29日に開催。

39:08~ 第一集会所の報告


41:24~ お知らせ
5月29日(日)「さよなら放射能祭り」福島市にて 食品測定、カフェなど

43:01~ 東京の男性

TEL 03-6734-4002/ FAX 03-6734-3835


最新情報では、文科省はこの行動を受けてか、5月27日、「1ミリシーベルト以下を目指す」という方針を発表しました。そのために、時間1マイクロシーベルト以上の学校については国の負担で表土除去を行うということです。これは年間にすると8.76ミリシーベルトとなり、1ミリシーベルト以下を目指すという方針と矛盾しています。20ミリシーベルトまで許容するという姿勢も崩していません。この問題、今が正念場です。FoE Japan, ふくろうの会などに要請への呼びかけがあります。署名も続行しています。ぜひ福島の子どもたちを守るため、参加してください。

FoE Japan は、この文科省の決定を「前進」と評価しています。運動が成果を上げていることを認識し、引き続き20mSV撤回に向けて訴え続けましょう。

Peace Philosophy Centre (ツイッター @PeacePhilosophy フェースブック Peace Philosophy Centre

Sunday, May 22, 2011

福島とチェルノブイリの原発事故の比較に関する首相官邸ホームページ専門家グループ解説の医学的疑問点: 医学博士 松崎道幸







1. 2011年4月15日付首相官邸HP「チェルノブイリ事故との比較」の内容はすべて医学的に誤っている。
(ア) 19名のチェルノブイリ原発内被ばく後死亡者の死因が被ばくと関係なしと述べているが、急性白血病など悪性疾患で5名が亡くなっているのが事実。
(イ) 24万人の除染作業員と数百万人の周辺住民では6千人の甲状腺ガン以外に健康影響はないと断定しているが、WHOなどのごく控えめな見積もりでも、ガンによる超過死亡は今後4千人から9千人と考えられている事実を隠している。
(ウ) 放射線被ばくによって増える病気はガンだけではない。原爆被爆者において、ガン、心臓病、脳卒中など様々な病気のリスクが有意に増えることが分かるまでに40年から50年以上の追跡調査が必要だったのに、事故後わずか20年に満たない時点でチェルノブイリ事故の被ばく者の健康に影響がないと述べることは、原爆被ばくを受けた国の被ばく問題専門家の資格が問われる見過ごすことのできない誤りである。
(エ) 今後チェルノブイリ被爆者の追跡調査が継続されるにつれて、ガン、非ガン性疾患による超過死亡が数万人の単位で発生することが医学的に十分予測される。
2. 政府は、首相官邸HP「チェルノブイリ事故との比較」を削除し、チェルノブイリ事故と福島原発事故の健康影響に関する科学的証拠に基づいた情報を国民に提供すべきである。
松崎さんは、官邸文書が準拠しているという UNSCEAR (国連科学委員会)とWHO(世界保健機関)の報告書をもとに、官邸文書におけるチェルノブイリ除染作業者の被曝死やガンによる超過死亡数予測についての記述はこれらの報告書の内容を誤って伝えていると指摘しています。また、放射性影響研究所による広島と長崎の原爆被害者を対象とした半世紀以上に渡る調査においては、白血病以外のガンと被曝の関係がわかるまでには30-40年かかっており、ガンの発病リスクが1シーベルトにつき50%増えることがわかったのは52年たってからでした。また心臓病や脳卒中が被曝によって増加するのがわかったのも、被曝から40年後だったということです。したがって被曝後20年しか経っていない時点でのチェルノブイリ被害研究自体も、被曝と病気の関係を結論づけるのは尚早と論じています。また、放射線影響研究所の原爆被害者調査は「明らかなしきい線量(それ以下の線量では影響が見られない線量のこと)は観察されていない」としていることに言及し、










Saturday, May 21, 2011



文科省と米エネルギー省が共同で行った小型飛行機とヘリコプターによる福島の汚染調査についての記事、「チェルノブイリだったら強制避難になっていた範囲が800平方キロ」「琵琶湖の1.2倍」といった報道はたくさん流れたのですが、素朴な疑問「現在福島で避難になっている地域とどれぐらい重なっているの、それともずれているの?」という問いに答えてくれる報道は私が知る限り中日新聞のものだけでした。中日の記事は、新たに発表された汚染地図の上に現在の避難区域を線引きし、はみ出している地域を明確にしています。それを重要視して、プリントして会合で仲間に配ったりしていたのですが、数日前、5月12日の報道リンク は既に切られていました。「書き過ぎ」と判断されたのかなと察しましたが知る由もありません。当然のことを報道していたと思います。幸いプリントを持っていてくれた仲間からもらって、5月12日の自分の関連ツイート(@PeacePhilosophy)と共にここにアップします(ツイートの中の中日記事リンクは上記のものですのですでに無効です)。政府はこの結果を受けて当然避難区域を拡大する措置を取るべきです。 こういう地図を探してました(中日新聞)。文科省と米エネ

5・5万ベクレル以上の地域が強制移住の対象となった。」 地

伊達市の一部などで見られた。」 地図で見ると、30キロ圏内

エリアを変える必要はない」 この「ただちに」という言葉に日

ルで、今回の汚染地図では作付け制限地域以外にも広く見られる。」 農業こそ空間線量ではなく土壌の線量を基準に作付制限をすべ

穫物の検査で安全を確保したい」と話している。」 地図で30





福島の土壌汚染、一部でチェルノブイリ並み 原子力委で報告  :日本経済新 

土壌汚染、一部チェルノブイリ並み…専門家推計 : 科学 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読

福島第1原発:「土壌汚染600平方キロ」推計値を報告 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞) 

東京新聞:チェルノブイリ級の土壌汚染も 原子力委に専門家報告:社会(TOKYO

調査の報道  や報告  に加え何の新しい

少々脱線するがこの河田氏が3月26日時点で出している文書がある。  「放射性ヨウ素と小児の甲状腺ガン」福島がチェルノブイリ

放射能はほとんどの地域で1,500,000 Bq/m2以上(3月23日までに日本で検出され
た値の100倍以上)で,最も高い地域では5,000,000 Bq/km2になった。」

00万から3000万。 (4ページ別紙2)(30km超え

毎日報道  の地図によると原発北西30kmを超え、飯館村

河田  チェルノ影響・ベラルーシゴメリ「3,400人が放射性
ヨウ素により2 Sv以上の被ばくを甲状腺に受け,そのうち300人は10 Svを超えた。
また,上述避難民のうち,3歳以下の小児の甲状腺被ばくの平均値は1 Svであっ

福島の乳児甲状腺被曝予測  でも、「3」から「1」の線が1

でも河田さん、3月26日に最終改訂したこの記事、  福島

最新河田報告に戻るが、  先ほど触れた4社報道で注意

年経った今も住めないのだ。そのレベルの汚染度の地域がこの148万 Bq/m2


福島の  地域(600平方キロ、東京23区に相当する)の



ロが「一時移住」および「農業禁止区域」。福島では700平方キロ、この地図 (4ページ 別紙2)ではおおよそ緑の範囲内で、青にもか

でも避難にならず、作付制限がない地域が広がる。  河田氏

設定基準とした年間20ミリシーベルトを下回るという。」  4分の1、下回るなんてものじゃない。


以上土壌汚染関連TW参考資料は毎日  日経  東京(共同)  中日  
安全委  文科省 



チェルノブイリ級の土壌汚染も 原子力委に専門家報告

関連記事を検索してみますか?チェルノブイリ級の土壌汚染も 原子力委に専門家報告  国の原子力委員会は24日、定例会議を開き、福島第1原発事故の対応を討議した。専門家として招かれた原子力発電環境整備機構フェローの河田東海夫氏(原子力工学)は放射性物質による土壌汚染の濃度が一部地域でチェルノブイリ事故に匹敵するとの分析結果を示し、避難住民の帰還には「大規模な土壌修復計画が不可欠だ」と指摘した。





福島の土壌汚染、一部チェルノブイリ並み 原子力委で報告;at=DGXZZO0195583008122009000000

2011/5/24 22:49 ニュースソース 日本経済新聞 電子版  東京電力の福島第1原子力発電所事故で放出された放射性物質による土壌汚染が、福島県の一部で旧ソ連・チェルノブイリ原発事故の濃度に匹敵することが分かった。24日に開かれた国の原子力委員会で報告された。周辺住民の避難を解除するには土壌の修復が欠かせないという。









(2011年5月25日00時52分 読売新聞)






Friday, May 20, 2011

福島の子どもたちを被ばくから守るために:5月23日午後1時文科省前集合 Action to Save Fukushima Children from Radiation: 1 PM at Ministry of Education, May 23

See the bottom of this post for information on the action by Fukushima's parents and NGOs on May 23 to protest against the Japanese government's decision to allow children in Fukushima up to 20 millisieverts of radiation per year, a decision heavily criticized by experts inside and outside of Japan. All are welcome to participate in this action. For more information on the matter in English and to sign the petition, see Green Action, MSCR (Moms to Save Children from Radiation), and updates on Fukushima crisis including this issue, see the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus.



これを受けてグリーン・アクション、フクロウの会、美浜の会、国際環境NGO FoE Japanの4団体が繰り返し対政府交渉を行ってきて、この4団体とグリーンピースジャパン、原子力資料情報室が呼びかけ団体となってネット署名運動も行ってきましたが、5月23日に「文部科学省 包囲・要請行動&院内集会」をする、ということで、ぜひ参加できる人にしてもらいたいと思い、「Foe Japan スタッフブログ」よりここに案内を転載します。英語版はMCSR "Moms to Save Children from Radiation" から下方に転載します。
【5.23 文部科学省 包囲・要請行動&院内集会】
子ども20ミリシーベルトを撤回せよ! 福島の子どもたちを守れ!

13:00 文科省前集合
13:30 文部科学大臣への要請(交渉中)
14:30 移動開始
   於:参議院議員会館 講堂
   記者会見 於:参議院議員会館 講堂

【共催】グリーン・アクション、原子力資料情報室、福島老朽原発を考える会(フクロウの会)、美浜・大飯・高浜原発に反対する大阪の会(美浜の会)、国際環境NGO FoE Japan







福島の子どもたちの未来を守りましょう! 文科省を包囲しましょう!

連絡先:国際環境NGO FoE Japan
tel: 03-6907-7217(平日のみ) fax: 03-6907-7219
We need the foreign media to hear us!

On Monday, May 23, 2011, we the Parents From Fukushima Prefecture will visit Minister Yoshiaki Takagi (the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) to plead that the government of Japan immediately reduces the safety limit of radiation exposure. We want the government to withdraw the current "safe exposure amount" of 20mSv per year to minimize children's radiation exposure.
We want to speak to Minister Takagi in person about the dire situation of Fukushima children.

The meeting will be at 1:00 PM in front of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology building. 3-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo (closest station: Toranomon, Kasumigaseki)

Map in English:

Unfortunately, Minister Takagi, the vice Minister, and the parliamentary official all declined our request. Instead, Mr. Watanabe, Senior Deputy Director-General of the Science and Technology Policy bureau, will be the negotiating person.
We find this attitude by the government of Japan to be crass, irresponsible and merciless, considering the extreme severity of this situation in Fukushima prefecture.

Japanese authorities have been widely criticized for raising the safety standard of 20 mSv per year too high. We believe that Minister Takagi should explain to us why he won't reduce this safety standard.

On Monday, May 23, 2011, Parents from Fukushima are protesting for Minister Takagi’s response. We need the foreign media to cover and report this developing crisis.

Quote: International environment NGO FoE Japan (authorized nonprofit organization)
Contact: NGO FoE Japan E-mail:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

原発導入の背景に「広島長崎の意図的な忘却と米国の核軍拡」:ピーター・カズニック Peter Kuznick: "Japan's Nuclear History in Perspective: Eisenhower and Atoms for War and Peace" (Japanese Translation)

日本の原発導入の歴史を考察したものとして、このサイトでは田中利幸ロバート・リフトン大江健三郎各氏の英語論説の和訳、NHKドキュメンタリー『現代史スクープドキュメント 原発導入のシナリオ~冷戦下の対日原子力戦略~』を紹介してきました。今回は、核による人類滅亡までの時間を象徴的に表す「終末時計」 Doomsday Clock で知られるアメリカの 『ブレティン・オブ・ズィ・アトミック・サイエンティスツ』Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists誌 (1947年創刊)に4月13日に掲載された、アメリカン大学歴史学部准教授のピーター・カズニック氏の論文を紹介します。(カズニック氏は1995年以来、アメリカン大学と立命館大学の共同プログラムで、毎年アメリカ人学生を引率して広島と長崎を訪れています。ピース・フィロソフィー・センターは2006年以来この研修旅行に協力しており、2008年以降はカナダの学生も参加しています。)

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists に掲載された原文はここです。Japan's nuclear history in perspective: Eisenhower and atoms for war and peace また、この論文は田中利幸氏の紹介文付きで The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus にも掲載されています。Yuki Tanaka and Peter Kuznick, Japan, the Atomic Bomb, and the “Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Power”



翻訳 松下ノア 乗松聡子









しかし、後の1954年3月のビキニ環礁で行われた水爆実験(キャッスル作戦・ブラボー (BRAVO))はアイゼンハワーの計画を狂わしかけた。米国の水爆実験による放射性降下物は236ものマーシャル諸島を汚染し、爆発地点から85マイル離れ、米国の定めた危険水域の外で操業していた日本の第五福竜丸の船員23名全員が被爆した。また放射能を浴びたマグロが市場に出回り、大勢の人がそれを食べたことから後にパニックを引き起こした。





ワシントンポスト紙はマーレイの意見を 「軍拡競争への執着から人々の気持ちをそらせるもの」として賞賛した。そしてこう続けた。 「今では多くのアメリカ人が日本への原爆投下は必要ではなかったと気付いている….日本に対して原子力平和利用の手段を提供することは日本との関係を修復するのに最良の方法である。その上、アジア諸国に対して、米国は東洋人を単なる原爆の威力を試すための道具として見ているという印象を払拭するにも最善の策である。」

マーレイと下院議員のシドニー・イェイツ(民主党・イリノイ)は初の原子力発電所を広島に作ることを提案した。1955年初めイェイツは、6万キロワットの電力を供給する発電所を広島に建設する法案を提出し、そうすることで 「原子力がキリング(殺人)よりもキロワット(電気)を作り出すのための手段となる」と述べた。 6月までには、米国と日本は、原子力の研究と開発のために協力するという合意書に署名した。




しかし、米当局が喜ぶのは時期尚早であった。左派の政党や労働組合による反核運動は人々の共感を呼んでいた。1956年4月に国務省情報局(USIS)が行った調査では実に60パーセントの日本人が、核のエネルギーは 「人類に恩恵をもたらすというよりは災いをもたらす」ことになると信じていた。米国が核軍縮実現に向けて「真摯な努力をしている」と答えたのは25%だけだった。毎日新聞は「最初に放射能雨の洗礼を浴びせ、次は『原子力平和利用’』を装った外国の営利主義からの抜け目ない攻勢である」と米国の原子力平和利用を推進するキャンペーンを激しく非難した。毎日新聞は日本人に、「『白人の手』によってなされている、日本での原子力平和利用のキャンペーンの本当の目的は何かということを冷静に考える」ように呼びかけた。 

しかし、国務省情報局(USIS)のますます激化する数年にわたる活動が実を結び始める。米国の宣伝攻勢に関する機密報告書によると、1956年には70パーセントの日本人が 「原子力」を「有害なもの」と同一視していたが、1958年までには30パーセントにまで下がった。自国が近代的な科学技術・工業大国になることを望んだ日本人は、自国のエネルギー資源不足を知っていたので、原子力が安全で環境に優しいものである、と納得することにしてしまった。国民は広島と長崎の教訓を忘れてしまったのである。










アメリカン大学歴史学准教授・核問題研究所所長。全米核の歴史と政策討議委員会創立者。核教育プロジェクト共同創立者。著書に『研究所を超えて 1930年代米国で政治活動家として活躍した科学者たち』、共著に『冷戦文化の再考』。木村朗鹿児島大学教授との共著『広島・長崎への原爆投下再考―日米の視点』は、2010年に日本語で出版(法律文化社)。オリバー・ストーン監督が手掛け、2011年11月テレビ「ショウタイム」で公開予定の12部からなるドキュメンタリーフィルム「アメリカの忘れられた歴史」の台本を執筆中。同名の本についてもオリバー・ストーン監督と共同で執筆している。

(Translated by Noa Matsushita and Satoko Norimatsu)

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Japan's nuclear history in perspective: Eisenhower and atoms for war and peace

By Peter Kuznick | 13 April 2011

It is tragic that Japan, the most fiercely antinuclear country on the planet, with its Peace Constitution, three non-nuclear principles, and commitment to nuclear disarmament, is being hit with the most dangerous and prolonged nuclear crisis in the past quarter-century -- one whose damage might still exceed that of Chernobyl 25 years ago. But Japan's antinuclearism has always rested upon a Faustian bargain, marked by dependence on the United States, which has been the most unabashedly pro-nuclear country on the planet for the past 66 years. It is in the strange relationship between these two oddly matched allies that the roots and meaning of the Fukushima crisis lay buried.

Japan embarked on its nuclear energy program during the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower, a man now best remembered, ironically, for warning about the rise of the very military-industrial complex he did so much to create. Eisenhower is also the only US president to have criticized the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Fearing the bombings would destroy the prospects for friendly post-war relations with Russia, at one point he advocated international control of atomic energy and turning the existing US stockpile over to the United Nations for destruction.

Yet by the time he took office in 1953, Eisenhower's views on nuclear weapons had changed. Not wanting to see the United States "choke itself to death piling up military expenditures" and assuming that any war with the Soviet Union would quickly turn nuclear, he shifted emphasis from costly conventional military capabilities to massive nuclear retaliation by a fortified Strategic Air Command. Whereas President Harry Truman had considered nuclear arms to be weapons of last resort, Eisenhower's "New Look" made them the foundation of US defense strategy.

Just like a bullet? On occasion, Eisenhower spoke almost cavalierly about using nuclear weapons. In 1955, he told a reporter: "Yes of course they would be used. In any combat where these things can be used on strictly military targets and for strictly military purposes, I see no reason why they shouldn't be used just exactly as you would use a bullet or anything else." When Eisenhower suggested to Winston Churchill's emissary Jock Colville that "there was no distinction between 'conventional' weapons and atomic weapons: all weapons in due course become conventional," Colville recalled, horrified, "I could hardly believe my ears."

Eisenhower began transferring control of the atomic stockpile from the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to the military. Europeans were terrified that the United States would start a nuclear war, which Eisenhower threatened to do over Korea, over the Suez Canal, and twice over the Taiwan Strait islands of Quemoy and Matsu. European allies begged Eisenhower to show restraint.

Public revulsion at the normalization of nuclear war threatened to derail the Eisenhower administration's plans. The minutes of a March 1953 meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) stated: "the President and Secretary [John Foster] Dulles were in complete agreement that somehow or other the tabu [sic] which surrounds the use of atomic weapons would have to be destroyed. While Secretary Dulles admitted that in the present state of world opinion we could not use an A-bomb, we should make every effort now to dissipate this feeling."

Atoms for Peace buried in radioactive ash. Eisenhower decided that the best way to destroy that taboo was to shift the focus from military uses of nuclear energy to socially beneficial applications. Stefan Possony, Defense Department consultant to the Psychological Strategy Board, had argued: "the atomic bomb will be accepted far more readily if at the same time atomic energy is being used for constructive ends" (p. 156). On December 8, 1953, Eisenhower delivered his "Atoms for Peace" speech at the United Nations. He promised that the United States would devote "its entire heart and mind to find the way by which the miraculous inventiveness of man shall not be dedicated to his death, but consecrated to his life." He pledged to spread the benefits of peaceful atomic power at home and abroad.

But the subsequent March 1954 Bravo test almost derailed those plans. Fallout from the US hydrogen-bomb test contaminated 236 Marshall Islanders and 23 Japanese fisherman aboard the Daigo Fukuryu Maru ("Lucky Dragon no. 5"), which was 85 miles away from the detonation and outside the designated danger zone. A panic ensued when irradiated tuna was sold in Japanese cities and eaten by scores of people.
The international community was appalled by the bomb test. Belgian diplomat Paul-Henri Spaak warned, "If something is not done to revive the idea of the President's speech -- the idea that America wants to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes -- America is going to be synonymous in Europe with barbarism and horror." Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru declared that US leaders were "dangerous self-centered lunatics" who would "blow up any people or country who came in the way of their policy."

Eisenhower told the NSC in May 1954, "Everybody seems to think that we are skunks, saber-rattlers, and warmongers." Dulles complained, "Comparisons are now being made between ours and Hitler's military machine."

Criticism was fiercest in Japan. In Tokyo's Suginami ward, housewives began circulating petitions to ban hydrogen bombs. The movement caught on across the country. By the next year, an astounding 32 million people, or one-third of Japan's population, had signed petitions against hydrogen bombs.

Long-suppressed rage over the 1945 atomic bombings, squelched by US occupation authorities' total ban on discussion of the bombings, had finally erupted. The Operations Coordinating Board of the NSC recommended that the United States contain the damage by waging a "vigorous offensive on the non-war uses of atomic energy" and even offer to build Japan an experimental nuclear reactor. AEC Commissioner Thomas Murray concurred, proclaiming, "Now, while the memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki remain so vivid, construction of such a power plant in a country like Japan would be a dramatic and Christian gesture which could lift all of us far above the recollection of the carnage of those cities."

Selling the peaceful atom in Japan. The Washington Post applauded Murray's idea as a way to "divert the mind of man from his present obsession with the armaments race." "Many Americans are now aware … that the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan was not necessary. … How better to make a contribution to amends than by offering Japan the means for the peaceful utilization of atomic energy. How better, indeed, to dispel the impression in Asia that the United States regards Orientals merely as nuclear cannon fodder!"

Murray and Rep. Sidney Yates (Democrat of Illinois) suggested locating the first electricity-producing nuclear power plant in Hiroshima. In early 1955, Yates introduced legislation to build a 60,000-kilowatt generating plant there that would "make the atom an instrument for kilowatts rather than killing." By June, the United States and Japan had signed an agreement to work together on research and development of atomic energy.

But selling this idea to the Japanese people would not be so easy. When the US Embassy, US Information Service (USIS), and CIA launched their vigorous campaign to promote nuclear energy in Japan, they turned to Matsutaro Shoriki, the father of Japanese baseball, who ran the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper and the Nippon Television Network. After two years' imprisonment as a Class-A war criminal, Shoriki had been released without trial; his virulent anti-communism helped redeem him in American eyes (see Tetsuo Arima, "Shoriki's Campaign to Promote Nuclear Power in Japan and CIA Psychological Warfare," unpublished paper presented at Tokyo University of Economics, November 25, 2006). Shoriki's newspaper agreed to co-sponsor the much-hyped US exhibit welcoming the atom back to Japan on November 1, 1955 with a Shinto purification ceremony in Tokyo. The US ambassador read a message from Eisenhower declaring the exhibit "a symbol of our countries' mutual determination that the great power of the atom shall henceforward be dedicated to the arts of peace."

After six weeks in Tokyo, the exhibit traveled to Hiroshima and six other cities. It highlighted the peaceful applications of nuclear energy for generating electricity, treating cancer, preserving food, controlling insects, and advancing scientific research. Military applications were scrupulously avoided. The nuclear future looked safe, abundant, exciting, and peaceful. The turnout exceeded expectations. In Kyoto, the USIS reported, 155,000 people braved snow and rain to attend (p. 176).

The steady spate of films, lectures, and articles proved enormously successful. Officials reported, "The change in opinion on atomic energy from 1954 to 1955 was spectacular … atom hysteria was almost eliminated and by the beginning of 1956, Japanese opinion was brought to popular acceptance of the peaceful uses of atomic energy" (p. 179).

Such exultation proved premature. Antinuclear organizing by left-wing political parties and trade unions resonated with the public. An April 1956 USIS survey found that 60 percent of Japanese believed nuclear energy would prove "more of a curse than a boon to mankind" and only 25 percent thought the United States was "making sincere efforts" at nuclear disarmament. The Mainichi newspaper blasted the campaign: "First, baptism with radioactive rain, then a surge of shrewd commercialism in the guise of 'atoms for peace' from abroad." The newspaper called on the Japanese people to "calmly scrutinize what is behind the atomic energy race now being staged by the 'white hands' in Japan."

But intensified USIS activities over the coming years began to bear fruit. A classified report on the US propaganda campaign showed that in 1956, 70 percent of Japanese equated "atom" with "harmful," but by 1958, the number had dropped to 30 percent. Wanting their country to be a modern scientific-industrial power and knowing Japan lacked energy resources, the public allowed itself to be convinced that nuclear power was safe and clean. It had forgotten the lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In 1954, the Japanese government began funding a nuclear research program. In December 1955, it passed the Atomic Energy Basic Law, establishing the Japan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC). Shoriki became minister of state for atomic energy and first chair of the JAEC. Japan purchased its first commercial reactor from Britain but quickly switched to US-designed light water reactors. By mid-1957, the government had contracted to buy 20 additional reactors.

In the United States, the AEC aggressively marketed nuclear power as a magic elixir that would power vehicles, feed the hungry, light the cities, heal the sick, and excavate the planet. Eisenhower unveiled plans for an atomic-powered merchant ship and an atomic airplane. In July 1955, the United States generated its first commercial nuclear power. In October 1956, Eisenhower informed the United Nations that the United States had agreements with 37 nations to build atomic reactors and was negotiating with 14 more.

By 1958, the United States was becoming almost giddy with the prospect of planetary excavation under the AEC's Project Plowshare, which proposed to use peaceful nuclear blasts to build harbors, free inaccessible oil deposits, create huge underground reservoirs, and construct a bigger and better Panama Canal. Some wanted to alter weather patterns by exploding a 20-megaton bomb alongside the eye of a hurricane. One Weather Bureau scientist proposed a plan to accelerate melting of the polar icecaps by detonating 10-megaton bombs. Only Eisenhower's reluctance to unilaterally break a Soviet-initiated nuclear test moratorium halted this sheer folly.

Still, Project Plowshare achieved its goals. Lewis Strauss, chairman of the AEC, admitted that Plowshare was intended to "highlight the peaceful applications of nuclear explosive devices and thereby create a climate of world opinion that is more favorable to weapons development and tests."

Atoms for Peace masks nuclear weapons buildup. Under the cover of the peaceful atom, Eisenhower pursued the most rapid and reckless nuclear escalation in history. The US arsenal went from a little more than 1,000 nuclear weapons when he took office to approximately 22,000 when he left. But even that figure is misleading. Procurements authorized by Eisenhower continued into the 1960s, making him responsible for the levels reached during the Kennedy administration -- more than 30,000 nuclear weapons. In terms of pure megatonnage, the United States amassed the equivalent of 1,360,000 Hiroshima bombs in 1961.

Few know that Eisenhower had delegated to theater commanders and other specified commanders the authority to launch a nuclear attack if they believed it mandated by circumstances and were out of communication with the president or if the president had been incapacitated. With Eisenhower's approval, some of these theater commanders had in turn delegated similar authority to lower commanders (I am grateful to Dan Ellsberg for this information). And given the fact that there were then no locks on nuclear weapons, many more people had the actual power, if not the authority, to launch a nuclear attack, including pilots, squadron leaders, base commanders, and carrier commanders.

In 1960, Eisenhower approved the first Single Integrated Operational Plan, which stipulated deploying US strategic nuclear forces in a simultaneous strike against the Sino-Soviet bloc within the first 24 hours of a war. The Joint Chiefs were subsequently asked to estimate the death toll from such an attack. The numbers were shocking: 325 million dead in the Soviet Union and China, another 100 million in Eastern Europe, 100 million from fallout in Western Europe, and up to another 100 million from fallout in countries bordering the Soviet Union -- more than 600 million in total.

The price of denial. While Americans were preparing for nuclear annihilation, the Japanese were living in their own form of denial. From its shaky beginnings in the 1950s, the Japanese nuclear power industry flourished in the 1960s and 1970s and continued to grow thereafter. Prior to the tsunami-precipitated Fukushima accident last month, Japan had 54 functioning nuclear power reactors that generated 30 percent of its electricity; some projected it would not be long before Japan reached 50 percent. But the terrible nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima has forced the Japanese to deal for a third time with the nightmarish side of the nuclear age and the fact that their nuclear program was born not only in the fantasy of clean, safe power, but also in the willful forgetting of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the buildup of the US nuclear arsenal.

A reckoning with Japan's nuclear legacy is now taking place. Hopefully, the Japanese will move forward from this tragedy to set a path toward both green energy and repudiation of deterrence under the US nuclear umbrella, much as they blazed a path with their Peace Constitution and antinuclearism following the horrors of World War II.

Peter Kuznick
Kuznick is associate professor of history at American University and director of the Nuclear Studies Institute. Kuznick founded the Committee for a National Discussion of Nuclear History and Current Policy and co-founded the Nuclear Education Project. He is the author of Beyond the Laboratory: Scientists as Political Activists in 1930s America, co-editor of Rethinking Cold War Culture, and co-author of Rethinking the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Japanese and American Perspectives (in Japanese, 2010). Currently, he is co-authoring a 12-part documentary film series and book with Oliver Stone titled The Forgotten History of the United States, which is scheduled to air on Showtime in November.