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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Best Game on Earth

Last summer I went to hear a talk given by Kikuchi Yumi, a Japanese environmentalist and peace activist, and there I bought a book called 'Butterfly' by Norie Huddle and Kikuchi Yumi. It is a very creative and inspirational book about how the earth can become a butterfly just like the caterpillar becomes one. Well, I am not making much sense probably. One only needs to see and read the book. Anyway there Norie Huddle proposes the 10 rules of 'the Best Game on Earth.' They resonated with me and I would like to propose a Vancouver chapter of 'The Best Game Club.'

Here I quote the rules of the Game by Norie Huddle.

The goals of The Best Games on Earth:
To create peace, health, prosperity and justice universally
on Earth by the year 2012.
The 10 rules of The Game:

1. Speak the truth.

2. Acknowledge the truth when others speak it.

3. Come from love, respect, and gratitude.

4. Leave the trail better than you found it.

5. Expect miracles.

6. Do what gives you joy and create joy in what you do.

7. Be generous with who you are and what you have.

8. Be a good friend and teammate.

9. Clean up your messes, learn the lessons and move on.

10. If you have an idea for how to improve The Game, share it!

I love them as they are deceptively simple, yet challenging to practice. Each one of these rules is so deep and meaningful that each deserves a dedicated workshop or two by itself. My favourites are No. 9; it allows one not to be perfect. I also like No. 10 because it gives an open-ended invitation to all to contribute.

Yumi Kikuchi says in the book, "My life has changed completely since I started this Game. I cannot just turn into a butterfly overnight, but life turned from a repetition of the same pattern into an exciting journey. " She always keeps these rules in mind in her speaking engagements, e.g. Am I speaking the truth? Am I speaking from love and respect? She also suggests one needs friends to practice these rules with, and I totally agree with her. This is why I am inviting you to join the Vancouver Best Games Club! Please leave a comment to this post or email me if you would like to join.

Lots of love,



  1. Anonymous6:09 pm

    Satoko, I like those 10 rules of the game, especially the third one, come from love and respect,which have to angles: humanbeing and the nature, that we should do our works come from love and respect not only to humanbejings, but also to the enviroments. I would like join the Vancouver Best Games Club, can you abdopt me as your online joiner?
    (Jiangfei, CASS)

  2. Dr. Jiang Fei, thank you and what an honour that you will join the club! Yes I totally agree that coming from love and respect applies to environment, not just humans. How could it be the Best Game on Earth if it doesn't work for the Earth itself?

    With appreciation from heart,

    Satoko Norimatsu

  3. Hi Satoko-san and Dr. Jiang Fei,
    I came across this blog and would love to be an online member of the Vancouver Best Game Club, too.

    By the way, the third rule was changed slightly, thanks to conversations in Japan, around 2002: Come from love, respect and gratitude. I completely agree with Dr. Jiang Fei: this sense of love needs to be extended to the environment, to the essence of creation, not just to human beings.

    With love, respect and gratitude,
    Norie Huddle (in West Virginia)

    PS. This is my first time ever to respond to a blog, so please be patient with me!

  4. Thank you Norie for your comment! In my understanding, you and Yumi Kikuchi co-wrote the book "Butterfly." Thank you for noticing my blog. Thank you also for letting me know the change in the third rule. I will make a change. If you would like to contact me, please email our centre and I will email you back from my personal email address.

    With appreciation,

    Satoko Norimatsu
