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9月21日、NYで、日米会談。外務省HPより。 |
米国務省の記者会見の全文を読んでもいろいろわかってきます。http://fpc.state.gov/172931.htm 報道で、普天間移設の「結果を出せ」とか言われている部分は、カート・キャンベル(アジア太平洋地区担当の国務省次官)が報告している部分の勝手な解釈ですよ。
キャンベル:We all acknowledged the challenges associated with Futenma replacement. But I think both sides understand that we’re approaching a period where we need to see results, and that was made very clear by the President.
ジャパンタイムズに載ったAP/Kyodo の野田オバマ会談報道も advises on action (基地問題で行動を求めた)とか言ってるけどhttp://search.japantimes.co.jp/mail/nn20110923a1.html 記事の本文を見たらやはりキャンベルの言ったことを引用してるだけです。過去の関連投稿リストも併せてご覧ください。
天木直人さんのブログでも、こう言ってます。http://www.amakiblog.com/archives/2011/09/23/#002039 「日米同盟深化を狙うはずのオバマ大統領との首相会談が見事にあてがはずれ、宿題ばかりを突きつけられて終わったらしい。当然だ。今の米国は尻に火がついている。財政破綻の危機だ。」
ワシントン講演で、沖縄県民の反対を押し切って辺野古基地を強行したら「米国と沖縄、日米関係に修復不能の亀裂を残す」と訴えた仲井真沖縄知事。http://peacephilosophy.blogspot.com/2011/09/okinawa-governor-nakaima-irreparable.html 沖縄県民全員の反対を受けてもいまだに辺野古辺野古と騒いでいるのは日本の政治官僚マスコミだけ。
21日午後12時20分(現地時間)から約35分間,国連総会出席のため訪米中の野田総理は,オバマ大統領との間で日米首脳会談を行ったところ,ポイント以下のとおり(先方:クリントン国務長官,ガイトナー財務長官,デイリー大統領首席補佐官,ドニロン大統領補佐官,ライス国連代表部大使他,当方:玄葉外務大臣,長浜官房副長官,長島総理補佐官,藤崎駐米大使他同席)。US Department of State
1 冒頭~日米関係総論~
2 日米関係~各論~
3 アジア太平洋地域情勢及びグローバルな課題
U.S. Foreign Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region
September 21, 2011
...Danny’s already talked about the strong investment, and he will spend a few minutes going through the very good meeting that just took place between the Japanese prime minister and President Obama, but our alliances remain at the core of what we are seeking to do in terms of preserving peace and stability and promoting economic interest in the Asian Pacific region.国務省記者会見の全文はこちら。
We are also seeking to establish stronger partnerships with new players in the region. Clearly, China, is of critical importance here, but it doesn’t end there. We have substantial investments in developing stronger ties with key players like Indonesia. One of the most important aspects of our Asian Pacific strategy is also to work more closely with India and to help put meat on the bones of India’s desire to play a prominent role in the Asian Pacific region going forward. As Danny has indicated, we’ve also made substantial commitments to institutions in Asia. This is a critical time of institution building. We’ve joined the East Asia Summit; we are playing a more active role in the ASEAN Regional Forum. Just last few weeks we had the largest-ever delegation at the Pacific Island Forum to underscore our commitment to the part – when we say, Asia Pacific, sometimes the Pacific gets short shrift. And it is also important to underscore our strong, strategic, and moral and humanitarian commitments there as well.
We are also involved in a very intense process in terms of our force posture. The United States – one of our most important contributions to Asia is our forward deployed forces. We are seeking to strengthen them but also to diversify them and to work more to provide a continuing security role in the Asian Pacific region, and obviously we are taking steps over the last few days to advance our trade agenda, our economic agenda. We remain committed and optimistic about the Korea Free Trade Agreement. We’re making intense efforts on TPP and looking ahead at APEC in terms of revitalizing overall agenda. So what you are seeing is really a comprehensive approach that reflects the fact that much, if not most, of the history of the 21st century will be written in Asia, and the United States wants to be a full part of that history going forward.
Let me ask Danny to talk a little bit about the very good meeting that the President just had with the prime minister, Prime Minister Noda, and then I can give you a little bit more background on some of the issues that are transpiring in Secretary Clinton’s meeting. I think, as you now, Special Representative Mitchell just returned from Burma, and I can give you a little readout on his deliberations and also what we are hoping to do over the balance of the remainder of the week. Thanks.
MR. RUSSEL: Thank you, Kurt. Well, I’d start by saying that President Obama had a bilateral meeting today with Prime Minister Noda. But prior to that yesterday, in the context of the Open Government Partnership, he had an opportunity to spend a little time with another important treaty ally, President Aquino of the Philippines, on the margins of that event, as well as with the president of Mongolia, President Elbegdorj, who was there for the Open Partnership Initiative as well. And these are major relationships of great value to the President and to the United States.
I had the honor of being present when South Korea President Lee Myung-bak last night was honored at the Waldorf by the Appeal of Conscience Foundation as the Statesman of the Year 2011. And my colleague from the White House presented a letter from President Obama and, in fact, I think as we speak, the two presidents are seated along with the Secretary General at a luncheon. That’s an important relationship that will be celebrated next month when President Lee visits Washington for a state visit.
Today, building on the substantive conversation that Secretary Clinton had with the Japanese foreign minister just the other day, the President spent some time talking to Prime Minister Noda, someone who is well-known to us from his important work, first as vice finance minister and then as minister of finance, who worked very closely with Secretary Geithner. I would describe the meeting as very substantive and very efficient. They covered a wide range of the pending issues in the relationship and some of the challenges that both of us face, but in a way that was not vague.
This was not an exchange of platitudes, and these are not leaders who are starting from scratch. The conversation built on the important work that has been underway in the alliance, and, I think, in terms of coordination on the range of economic issues. They talked in depth about the global economy, about our respective roles in cooperation. They talked about regional economic issues, including, as Assistant Secretary Campbell mentioned, APEC, G-20, and the issue of TPP and high quality trade agreements in the region. And they also discussed bilateral economic issues.
On the security side, they discussed the security environment globally, as well as some of the challenges that the alliance itself is continuing to work on. They agreed to continue to work together closely. I was, again, struck by the overwhelming convergence of interests between the U.S. and Japan, between the two leaders, and the continuity of the work that is underway.
But let me invite Assistant Secretary Campbell to give you more granularity on that.
ASSISTANT SECRETARY CAMPBELL: Can I just say – like Dan had been in a lot of these meetings – I was struck at how quickly the two leaders got down to work. And so the open, very warm statement the President highlighted, that this was an extraordinary partnership. The prime minister thanked the United States for its strong, continuing support in the aftermath of the tragic earthquake and nuclear crisis. The President committed that the United States would continue, as we go into a second and third phase of recovery, that we would stand by the people of Japan, very substantial discussion on regional security, agreement that we need to continue close coordination on all issues of common interest, including the Korean Peninsula, maritime security.
We also talked a lot about the global cooperation that the United States and Japan has enjoyed. The President thanked the prime minister for Japan’s continuing commitment, the $5 billion, roughly, to important and critical programs of health and civil security in Afghanistan. We talked about the need to work closely on a range of other issues. We all acknowledged the challenges associated with Futenma replacement. But I think both sides understand that we’re approaching a period where we need to see results, and that was made very clear by the President.
We also discussed the challenges. The President made clear we’d like to see progress after many years on beef, and the prime minister indicated he’d make best efforts. The President also very strongly affirmed the Japanese decision to enter into The Hague Convention – asked that this – on Child Abduction – asked that these steps be taken clearly and that the necessary implementing legislation would be addressed.
He also indicated that while that was an important milestone for Japan, that – he also asked the Japanese prime minister and the government to focus on the preexisting cases, the cases that have come before. The prime minister indicated that very clearly, he knew about the number of cases. He mentioned 123. He said that he would take special care to focus on these particular issues as we – as Japan also works to implement the joining of The Hague Convention, which the United States appreciates greatly.
I think with that, we’ll be happy to take any questions on any issues. Just identify yourself, if you would. We’ll take three here, one in back, and come back for three.
Yes, please....
野田オバマ会談報道はおかしい →鋭い指摘です
おお!昨日の @PeacePhilosophy Satoko Norimatsusさんの連続ツイートが既存
メディアに影響を与えている!RT @ryukyushimpo [琉球新報] 「普天間移設」大統領発言、疑義が浮上 首をかしげる首相 http://bit.ly/p9o1cx
「普天間移設」大統領発言、疑義が浮上 首をかしげる首相 - 琉球新報 - 沖縄の新聞、地域のニュース
http://news.tvasahi.co.jp/ann/news/web/html/210923012.html しかし「結果」だろうが「進展」だろうが大差はない。要は米側から辺野古に基地を作れなんて一言も言われていないこと。