Here are 2008 events related to topics of interest - peace, sustainability, and education. These are events that I either organize, co-organize, participate, or am involved with in some capacity, either as an individual or representing Peace Philosophy Centre. Details of these events are subject to change. The newest event is at the top of the list. Please email for more information.
Saturday, December 6th
Peace Philosophy Centre Event
- Bonenkai: A Year-End Gathering -
A Celebration to Mark the 2nd Anniversary of Peace Philosophy Centre
Time: 4:30 PM -
Place: Peace Philosophy Centre (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
We will invite series of mini-presentations (5-10 minutes each) of local and global peace initiatives. Presentations, demonstrations, music and art performances are most welcome. Please bring a dish to share. Children are welcome.
Email for more information.
Saturday, November 8th
Sunday, November 9th
Tuesday, November 11th
World Peace Forum Teach-In
* Vancouver Save Article 9 is hosting a workshop on November 9th. Satoko will be one of the panelists.
Saturday, November 8th
Peace Philosophy Centre Event
Reporting the 6th International Conference of Museums for Peace
By Satoko Norimatsu
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Place: White Rock (contact details)
Saturday, November 1st
Satoko will present her experience of working with progressive Japanese people and organizations in supporting victims of Japanese atrocities in Asia, with a group of teachers and BC ALPHA volunteers.
October 6 - 11
6th International Conference of Museums for Peace Kyoto and Hiroshima
Organized by:
Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University Kyoto University of Art and Design
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
* Satoko will be presenting a paper at a special interest session "Citizens Creating Spaces for Peace," and also speaking at the presentation of Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Tour by Ritsumeikan University and American University.
Saturday September 20th at Vancouver Public Library
and Sunday September 21st at SFU Harbour Centre
WILPF (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom) Conference
* Satoko is presenting on Article 9 of Japanese Constitution in the afternoon session of September 21st.
Saturday, September 13th
Peace Philosophy Centre Event
Reporting Hiroshima/Nagasaki Tour
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Place: Peace Philosophy Centre
Email for details
Wednesday, August 6th
Hiroshima Day - Lantern Festival * Peace Philosophy Centre is a supporting organization.
Saturday, August 2nd and Sunday, August 3rd
A-Bomb Exhibit
Organized by: Vancouver Save Article 9
July 31 - August 10
Ritsumeikan University and American University
Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Exchange TourKyoto/Hiroshima/Nagasaki
Email for the special invitation for UBC students to join this tour.
Tuesday June 17 , July 5
Peace Philosophy Centre Event
Documentary Film "Rokkashomura Rhapsody" (English Version)
Times :
Tuesday June 17th - 10:00AM, 2:00PM, 8:00PM
Saturday July 5th - 2:00 PM
Place: Peace Philosophy Centre
Organized by: Peace Philosophy Centre
Saturday, June 14th
Peace Philosophy Centre Event in White Rock
Documentary Film "Rokkashomura Rhapsody" (English Version)
Time: 1:30 PM -
Place: White Rock
Details: email
whiterock@peacephilosophy.comWednesday, May 28th
Vancouver Save Article 9
Post-Conference Reporting by Delegates to the Global Article 9 Conference
Time: 7 - 9 PM
Place: Vancouver Unitarian Church
Organized by: Vancouver Save Article 9
May 4 - 6
Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish WarMakuhari, Japan
* Peace Philosophy Centre is a supporting organization for the Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War.
Sunday, May 4
A Vancouver Save Article 9 Event
A Simultaneous Event with the Global Article 9 Conference
Also Children's Day Special
In Vancouver, Canada!
Time: 5 - 8 PM
Place: TBA
Saturday, April 12
Peace Philosophy Centre Event in White Rock
How Japanese Constitution was Born
Time: 1:30 PM -
Place: White Rock. For details, contact
whiterock@peacephilosophy.comLanguage: Japanese
Friday, March 21
The Face of Jizo By Futarikko
Time: 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM
Place: Metro Studio (1411 Quadra Sreet at Johnson, Victoria)
* "A-Boms and Humaniry" panels will be displayed at the theatre, with cooperation by Vancouver Save Article 9.
Saturday, March 8
Peace Philosophy Centre Event
Misako Iwashita's Peace Education Class
"Be a Participant in History, Not a Bystander"
Time: 1:30 - 3:30 PM
Place: Multimedia Room, Roundhouse Community Centre (in Yaletown, on Davie and Pacific)
Free Admission. Donation to cover the cost of rental and photocopying will be accepted.
Friday, February 29
World Without Wars: an Dinner Event Organized by Vancouver Save Article 9
Peace Philosophy Centre is a partner organization
Sunday, February 24th
Peace Philosophy Centre Event
Yumi Kikuchi and Morita Gen present
Harmonics Life Time 1:30 - 3:30 PM
Place: Vancouver Japanese Language School
Co-sponsors: Tama Organic Life, Organic Life Circle
Language: Japanese
Saturday, February 23rd
Yumi Kikuchi - Creating Peace: What One Person Can Do To Make A DifferenceTime: 2 - 4 PM
Place: Unitarian Church in Vancouver
Language: English
Friday, February 22nd
Welcome Party for Japanese Peace and Environment Activists Yumi Kikuchi and Morita Gen
Time: 6 PM
Place: Samosa Garden Restaurant, 3502 Kingsway, Vancouver
Cost: $20 for adults, $10 for children age 4 - 10, free for children 3 and under
RSVP to by Feb 19th
Saturday, February 9
Peace Philosophy Centre Event in White Rock Satoko reports her visit to Nanjing
Time: 1:30 -
Language: Japanese
Details: Contact