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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Peace Philosophy Salon on October 17

The first Peace Philosophy Salon of the Fall 2009 Term!

Theme of this week:

More on "Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Beyond - "

Date and Time: 7 PM - 9:30 PM, Saturday October 17
(to join pizza social, please arrive by 6:00 PM)

Place: Peace Philosophy Centre (email for direction)

* The Hiroshima/Nagasaki event we had at Roundhouse on October 3 was a great success. Please see here for a report. We would like to hear more of your feedback, and have more in-depth discussion. There have been some new developments since, including President Obama being the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize with special recognition of his efforts for a nuclear-free world. We will show some videos, and time permitting, touch on more nuclear issues such as DU(Depleted Uranium Weapons), and nuclear wastes.

*Note: you do NOT have to have participated in the October 3 event in order to join this event. New participants are always welcome to Peace Philosophy Salon.

* We will have a social over pizza starting at around 6:30 PM. If you would like to participate, please be at the Centre by 6:00 sharp. We will order based on the number of people we have then. The budget will be about $5-8 per person. Snack and drink donation welcome. Donations to help with salon expenses will be welcome.

*This event is primarily conducted in English, but limited translation will be available in Japanese and Mandarin.

RSVP : to by October 16.

* The following Peace Philosophy Salon dates this term will be:

October 24, November 14, November 2 8, December 5 (all Saturday evenings)

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