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Nago City Assembly Adopts Resolution to Oppose Henoko Base Plan - photo from Okinawa Times |
According to Ryukyu Shimpo on October 17, Nago City Assembly's resolution to oppose the U.S. and Japanese governments' plan to build a new USMC base in Henoko, which was adopted on October 15, was reported on the Internet, but was largely ignored in the paper version of the mainstream media in Japan. Only Nikkei and Asahi reported it. It was useful news for those like me who only check Japanese news on the Internet. Paper versions, because of the physical limitation of space, reflect the media's priority on what and what not to report, and how. All newspapers and TV stations reported the Nago City Assembly election on September 12 widely and emphatically. How can we explain this difference? The Japanese media world have been reporting the recent dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands extremely one-sidedly from the government's argument that the Islands are "inherent" and "integral" part of the Japanese territory and there is "no territorial dispute" existing. It is apparent that the government and media are purposefully capitalizing on the incident and the nationalistic reactions to it in both Japan and China to orchestrate perceived fear and threat of China within Japan, in order to justify the construction of a new base in Okinawa. Reports on democratic voices in Okinawa therefore have been suppressed.
Nago's resolution this time is significant as it is the first time that the city's assembly opposed against construction of Futenma "replacement" base within Okinawa.
Below is the resolution text in Japanese.
去る5 月28 日、鳩山連立政権は、「最低でも県外移設」との公約を覆し、名護市民、沖縄県民の頭越しに、米軍普天間飛行場の移設先を「名護市のキャンプ・シュワブ辺野古崎地区及びこれに隣接する水域」とする日米共同声明を発表した。
その後、6月28 日にカナダのトロントで行われた日米首脳会談で菅直人首相は、日米共同声明に基づき、県内移設を約束した。
沖縄県内には全国の米軍専用施設の約74%が集中しており、今日まで沖縄県民は65 年以上もの間、基地負担という犠牲を強いられている。本市においても総面積の約11%を占める軍用地が存在しており、これ以上の基地負担を押し付けられることは、県民への差別的政策にほかならない。
平成22 年10 月15 日
あて先 米国大統領、駐日米国大使、米国国務長官、米国国防長官、米国国務次官補
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