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Iha Yoichi (left), and Nakaima Hirokazu (right). (Photo from Ryukyu Shimpo) |
"If Iha loses in this election, the anti-base movement will lose its credibility, and Okinawa will be ignored by the mainland Japan and the government, even more than it has been. Voices that oppose and call for revision of ANPO (Japan-US Security Treaty) will disappear not just from Okinawa, but all across Japan. Japan will reinforce its "client-state" position with the United States. This election has crucial significance: not just regional, but national, and international. This election will be a true test of Okinawan voters' citizenship. "
According to Ryukyu Shimpo's latest poll (Nov. 20 - 22 ), 93% of Okinawans are "interested in this election," up from 88.5% in the preliminary survey done in the previous week. Only four days until the election, the atmosphere is maturing. A total of 97.5% of those surveyed are planning to vote, also higher than the previous survey. 琉球新報の最新の世論調査では沖縄県民の選挙への意識は日に日に高くなっているということだ。計97.5%の人が選挙に必ず行く多分行くと表明している。
Asked about their position on the "Futenma relocation" issue, 74.7% do not want a "replacement" base in Okinawa, whereas 13% wished the government's current plan (to build a base in Henoko) to be carried out. 普天間移設問題については、計74.7%の人が「国国外」「県外」「無条件撤去」を求めている。日米合意のまま(辺野古案)という人は13%だ。
"Voters should discern policy differences (of Iha and Nakaima) and vote," the Okinawan newspaper warns. While Iha Yoichi unequivocally opposes a new base in Okinawa, there has been some confusion by incumbent governor Nakaima's expression of his intent to call for relocation of MCAS Futenma "outside of Okinawa." However, throughout the campaign, he has avoided the question of whether he really opposed the government's plan to build a new base in Henoko. "It appears that Nakaima wants to gain Okinawans' support but wants to avoid confrontation with the Japanese government at the same time," the newspaper's editorial suspects. Iha, on the contrary, "will not accept any negotiation based on the current US-Japan plan and challenge the both governments to give up the plan." 琉球新報は社説で「違いを見極め選択したい」と言っている。伊波候補が県内移設に反対なのは疑いの余地はないが、仲井真候補については、「県内移設反対か」との問いには常に曖昧な逃げ方しかしていない。新報は「有権者からは県内に反対と見なされたいが、政府との決定的な対立は避けたいという姿勢に映る。」と見ている。それに比べ伊波候補は、「日米合意を前提とした協議には応じず、両政府に断念を迫るとしている。」
Yoshida Kensei says, "The difference between Iha and Nakaima is obvious when you look at which political parties are supporting them. " Iha is supported by parties (SDP, JCP, and Okinawa Social Mass Party) that clearly demand closure of Futenma and oppose another base in Okinawa, and Nakaima is supported by LDP and Komeito, both of which support the Henoko plan. DPJ, the ruling party has not endorsed any candidate, but having agreed to the renewed Henoko plan with US in May, it is obvious that they are hoping Nakaima wins." 吉田健正氏は言う。「二人の違いは、どの政党が支持しているかが物語っていると思います。一方ははっきりと普天間撤去、県内移設反対の政党、もう一方は県内移設支持の自民党と公明党。どの候補を支持するか表明していないものの、5月末に米国政府と辺野古移設で合意した政権与党・民主党も、誰に当選して欲しいかは明瞭だ。」
Many mainland and much of the English-language media seem to think both Iha and Nakaima are opposing the Henoko plan. NO. Iha is, but Nakaima isn't. 本土のメディアとアメリカ等英語のメディアは、伊波候補と仲井真候補が両方辺野古案に反対していると思っているところが多い。それは違う。伊波は反対しているが、仲井真は違う。
If we want to support Okinawans, the majority of who do NOT want another base in Okinawa, we must support Iha Yoichi for new governor of Okinawa. 沖縄では新基地は要らないとする人が完全な多数派だ。その民意を支持したいのなら、仲井真候補ではなく、伊波候補を支持しなければいけない。
Voting will take place on Sunday, November 28 (Saturday afternoon to Sunday early morning in North America). 投票は28日(日)。
For previous post on the Okinawa gubernatorial election, see HERE.
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