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7月11日琉球朝日放送(QAB)放送画面より、 要望書を提出する「憲法9条・メッセージ・プロジェクト沖縄」の有志メンバーたち |
(3) 現在進行中の高江ヘリパッド建設を即時中止する。
2014年7月11日 憲法9条・メッセージ・プロジェクト沖縄
知事選挙を考える有志一同 (代表 城間えり子)
To the Committee for Selection of Candidate for the Gubernatorial Election
We acknowledge with heartfelt respect your committee’s efforts towards selection of a candidate steeped in peace and democracy for the forthcoming Okinawan gubernatorial election.
We, a group of citizens each with just a small voice, are trying to widen the circle of study groups on the constitution in various places throughout Okinawa, with the purpose of protecting its Article 9 and realizing its high principles in our immediate everyday lives.
Japan, including Okinawa, now stands at a major historical turning-point, with construction under way on the new base at Henoko and a decision that signifies the fundamental overturn of constitutionalism forced through cabinet on the adoption of the right to exercise the right of collective self-defense. In this situation, we the people of Okinawa prefecture, recognize the coming election as having major implications for the future direction of Okinawa and of Japan. Local self-government elections are of course an important opportunity for the expression of the will of the electors. Taking the view that it is extremely important for each and every one of us citizens to raise our voices and display our sovereign independence, we now issue the following citizen demands.
We agree with and support criteria your committee seeks of the candidates that they be committed to “implementation of the ‘Kempakusho’ [see footnote] and the contents of the “Basic Stance on Okinawan Gubernatorial Election.”
In addition, we ask that the following four points be considered as criteria for selection of the candidate and reflected in her or his policies.
1. On Futenma Airbase Transfer and on the construction of the new base at Henoko and of the helipads at Takae:
---a. Unyielding opposition to be maintained to construction of any new base at Henoko regardless of how the situation may develop from now on (such as by the government resorting to force).
---b. Upon [the candidate] assuming office as Governor, the “approval of Henoko Bay reclamation” [issued in December 2013 by Governor Nakaima Hirokazu] to be cancelled.
---c. Works on the construction of helipads at Takae to be immediately halted.
2. On Article 9 of the constitution and the right to exercise the right of collective self-defense
---a. Clear opposition to any revision of Article 9, whether by change of the wording or by change of interpretation
---b. Clear opposition to any emptying-out of Article 9 by the exercise of a right to collective self-defense
3. On the deployment and reinforcement of the Self-Defense Forces.
Opposition to any deployment or reinforcement of the SDF to Okinawa, above all to the Miyako and Yaeyama Islands.
4. Reduction of US bases and review of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)
---a. To plan for the reduction in size and eventual abolition not just of bases such as Futenma but of Kadena and all the front-line US military forces stationed in Okinawa
---b. To fundamentally review the SOFA, the root of structural discrimination and infringement of human rights against the people of Okinawa.
Article 9 Message Project Okinawa (K9MP)
(Translated by Gavan McCormack)
Note: "Kempakusho" is the statement of "all-Okinawa" demand presented in January 2013 to the Abe government by a representative group of Okinawans (including all town and city mayors) calling for withdrawal of the Marine Corps' MV-22 Osprey vertical take-off and landing aircraft from Okinawa, and for the return of Futenma and renunciation of the plan to build a replacement base within Okinawa prefecture. For Ryukyu Shimpo's January 29, 2013 report of the event and the full text of the Kempakusho, see:
Okinawan leaders hand a petition to Prime Minister Abe requesting the easing of the base-hosting burden
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