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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A new Japan Focus article "Henoko, Okinawa: Inside the Sit-In"

Let me introduce a new Japan Focus Article "Henoko, Okinawa: Inside the Sit-In" written by Yumiko Kikuno and translated by Satoko Norimatsu and Yumiko Kikuno. See HERE to read the whole article:

December 25, 2009 With Sakae Toyama, Henoko Tent Village "Mayor"


  • On the rainy and cold Christmas Day of 2009, we got lost several times driving down the winding narrow roads towards Henoko, a small fishing village on the North Eastern shore of Okinawa Island, about a two-hour drive north of the capital, Naha. We were looking for the "Tent Village," where activists were sitting in to protest against the government's plan to build a new US Marine Corps airbase as a "replacement facility" of Futenma Air Station. Yes, this issue has been at the centre of the news reports in Japan for the six months since the new coalition government took power, but do we really know what has happened for the last eight years in and around this tent, on and off this coral beach, and in the ocean where endangered marine mammal dugongs come by for feeding? The victory of Inamine Susumu, the anti-base candidate in the January 24 mayoral election of Nago, where Henoko is located, was anticipated but was not known yet when the 40-minute lesson on the history of Henoko activism was given inside the tent to two visitors from the mainland and from overseas. Thinking back, the protesters at Henoko were among the citizens of Nago and Okinawa who served as advocates of democracy during the thirteen years of chasm between the pro-base government of Nago and the popular will opposing the new base, expressed in the 1997 plebiscite. In the Western world, the sit-in by the workers of Gdansk shipyards is well-known as one of the longest in modern times, and one that launched the transition to democracy in Poland and helped end the Cold War. But the multi-year Henoko "sit-in" story is little known outside of Japan, if not outside of Okinawa. Here is the first short account from "inside" the movement by one of its stalwarts.....

Read the whole article on Japan Focus.

This article was introduced at ZNet too.

The original Japanese version is here.



  1. K.Yoshida11:29 pm


  2. Russ L.11:30 pm

    Thank you for the opportunity to read the informative article. While I read about the mayoralty election on the internet and the growing opposition to the U.S./Japan agreement, only the enclosed article provided me with the details.

  3. Oh, and the Henoko Inside the Sit-in article with the photos is just
    putting tears in my eyes. It is too much... The November 2010 election is going to be crucial... 13 years of anti-violent protests, that's so
    strong. These people are amazing.
