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Monday, November 30, 2009

The International Human Rights Day Student Symposium

International Human Rights Day
Student Symposium:

Theme: Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific

This event is sponsored by Vancouver School Board and BC ALPHA.

From the official website -

International Human Rights Day marks the anniversary of the Assembly's adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The founding nations of the UN have focused on the promotion and protection of human rights in order to prevent the recurrence of the horrors that resulted from the Second World War. This International Human Rights Day Student Symposium has been organized to help students better understand and reflect on issues of human rights violations during the Asia-Pacific War (1931- 1945) and to make connections to present day local and global issues.

Date: December 10, 2009 (International Human Rights Day) &

December 11, 2009 (due to great interest from teachers, the program will repeat for a 2nd day)

Venue: Vancouver Board of Education, 1580 West Broadway, Vancouver


08:00 - 08:30

08:30 – 08:45


Welcoming by Angela Brown, Anti-Racism Consultant, VSB

Opening Address by Thekla Lit, President of BC ALPHA

08:45 – 09:30

Plenary 1: Backgrounder of Human Rights Violations in the Asia Pacific War - Prof. John Price, History Department of University of Victoria. Prof. Price was also served as a historian for the BC Ministry of Education developed teacher’s guide, “Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific 1931-1945: Social Responsibility and Global Citizenship"

9:30 – 10:20

Plenary 2: Survivors' Testimony – Miriam van Veen and Marius van Dijk van Nooten

The survivor testimony helps students to face the bitterest of truths, the most shattering of experiences, the pity and the terror of tragedy and to come forth a bit humbler, a bit more dedicated, a bit more compassionate about other people’s sufferings and hopefully a bit wiser than before.

Miriam van Veen was born to a missionary family on a small island off Celebes, now Sulawesi in Indonesia. In 1942, just before Miriam turned two, her family was put into many concentration camps in Sumatra by the Japanese Imperial Army. Her family was eventually reunited and moved to the Netherlands in 1946. There, she became a teacher, a principal and a registered nurse. In 1965, she immigrated to Canada and worked as a RN.

Marius van Dijk van Nooten was born in the Netherlands in 1930 and grew up in the Dutch East Indies. He was eleven when Japan invaded in 1942 and was put into many concentration camps. After the war, he returned to the Netherlands and joined the merchant marines. In 1954, he moved to Canada and became a sea captain.

Facilitator: James Knihniski, Southridge School, Surrey

James met with survivors of the Asian Holocaust and visited museums and historical sites related to the Asia-Pacific War during his visit to China in the summer of 2005. Since then, he has been inviting Canadian survivors of WWII in Asia to speak in his class so to facilitate his students’ understanding of this chapter of history.

10:20 – 10:40

Break (light refreshment provided)

10:40 – 12:10

Workshop Session 1

1. “Comfort Women” & Violence Against Women in War and Peace

From the video, “You can never forget, never…” – Her Stories produced by the Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan in 2008, students will learn about the issue of “comfort women” in its totality by relating it to the structure of colonial, military, state, race, class and gender oppression. Since the 1990s, the unveiling “comfort women” issue has become the cutting edge of the global movement against violence against women in war and peace. In 2007, the Canadian House of Commons of Canada unanimously passed a resolution to support proper acknowledgment and justice for the “comfort women” victims. Similar parliamentary resolutions were also passed by other countries including US and the European Union.

Presenter: Greg van Vugt, Fraser Heights Secondary School, Surrey

During the summer of 2008, Greg visited China, Korea and the Philippines to meet with survivors who had been abducted as sexual slaves by the Japanese military during World War II in Asia.

2. Canadian Hong Kong veterans as POWs: Wounds and Closure

1,975 Canadian soldiers were sent to defend the British Colony of Hong Kong in 1941. 550 of them never returned home. In this workshop, students will make explicit connection of the Asia-Pacific War to Canada as they investigate the crimes against humanity committed against these Canadian prisoners of war and examine which international agreements were breached. The students will also consider ways to bring proper closure to the Canadian Hong Kong veterans and their families.

Presenter: Graeme Stacey, Kelowna Secondary School, Kelowna

Graeme has pioneered the inclusion of the Canadian Hong Kong veterans material in classrooms in B.C. He was invited by the BC Ministry of Education to become a writing team member of the Teacher’s Guide, “Human Rights in the Asia-Pacific 1931-1945: Social Responsibility and Global Citizenship” in which the lesson on the Hong Kong veterans is included. For many years Graeme has presented the Hong Kong veterans story at BC Provincial Studies workshops.

3. Dr. Josef Mengele’s & Dr. Shiro Ishii’s Human Experimentations & Biochemical Warfare - Role & Ethics of Medical Personnel and Scientists

This workshop will present a comparative historical and ethical study of human medical and biochemical warfare research conducted by Dr. Josef Mengele and Nazi scientists at Auschwitz and by Dr. Shiro Ishii and Imperial Japanese scientists in China.

Presenter: Dale Martelli, Vancouver Technical Secondary School, Vancouver

Dale visited the Unit 731 Museum in Harbin, in north eastern China, during the summer of 2008. Unit 731 was the biological and chemical warfare unit of the Imperial Japanese Army during 1932 – 1945. In collaboration with King David High School, students from Van Tech collaborated with students from King David High School on a comparative genocide project between Shoah and Asian Genocide. This project culminated in a presentation on Yom Ha’Shoah, the Jewish Holocaust Remembrance Day, in March 2009. He also attended the Yad Yashem International School for Holocaust Studies in Israel In the summer of 2009.

4. Rescuers and Global Citizenship in the Rape of Nanking

A group of over twenty foreigners (mostly American, but also some German, Danish, and Russian) established a neutral area in Nanking called the International Safety Zone to shelter Chinese refugees whose lives had been threatened by the invading Japanese soldiers. The committee members of the Safety Zone toiled to provide these refugees with basic needs, and more importantly, to protect them from atrocities; often risking their own lives. This workshop helps students to understand the spirit of global citizenship and the roles played by individuals in times of crisis: Perpetrator, Victim, Bystander, or Rescuer. Through an examination of individuals and events in the International Safety Zone, students will connect with history, develop an awareness of the personal strength and qualities demonstrated by the committee members, and investigate what can be learned from their courage.

Presenter: Derek Smith, Mount Boucherie Secondary School, West Kelowna

In the summer of 2008, Derek personally met with survivors of the Rape of Nanking and visited the Memorial Museum for the Victims of the Nanking Massacre. He also visited the former residence of John Rabe, now a Memorial Museum. Rabe was the Chair of the International Safety Zone in Nanking during the massacre. Derek and a colleague won the 2009 Kron Award for Excellence in Holocaust Education for a lesson that looked at the roles of Rescuers (including Rabe), both in historic and contemporary contexts.

5. Forgotten Holocaust – Atrocious Human Rights Violation and It’s Impact on Victims Now and Then

This workshop features the video documentary, Forgotten Holocaust which contains the stories of Nanking Massacre, “Comfort Station” and Forced Labour during the Asia-Pacific War. Through examples in the documentary, presenters will help students to examine immediate and lingering impacts of atrocious human rights violations on victims.


Raymond Lemoine, Principal of Ecole des Pionniers, Port Coquitlam

Raymond is producer of the documentary, “Forgotten Holocaust” which was recorded during his participation in the Peace & Reconciliation Study Tour for Canadian Educators in 2006.

Karen Symonds, South Delta Secondary School, Delta

Karen was also a participant of the Peace & Reconciliation Study Tour for Canadian Educators in 2006 and contributed in the making of the documentary. Karen teaches Pre-AP English, History 12 and History Through Film 12 at South Delta Secondary School in Tsawwassen.

12:10 – 13:00

Lunch Break (free lunch bag provided)

13:00 – 14:30

Workshop Session 2

Repeat the workshops as listed in Workshop Session 1. Participants will attend a different workshop from the one they will have attended in the morning.

14:30 – 14:50

Closing Plenary: Towards Peace & Reconciliation – Endeavours of Human Right & Peace Activists in Japan – Satoko Norimatsu, Founder of Peace Philosophy Centre in Vancouver

14:50 - 15:00

Closing Remarks - Angela Brown, Anti-Racism Consultant, VSB & Thekla Lit, President of BC ALPHA

15:15– 17:00 (Attendance Optional)

Screening of Docudrama, Iris Chang - The Rape of Nanking, co-directed by Anne Pick & Bill Spahic

Iris Chang - The Rape of Nanking is a moving and powerful film on the story of Iris Chang who almost single-handedly brought this forgotten Holocaust in Asia during WWII to the awareness of the western world. Her book, The Rape of Nanking - the Forgotten Holocaust of WWII made the best seller list of New York Times for over 5 months when it was published in 1997. Until her untimely death in 2004, Iris had continued to be voice for the voiceless victims, despite vicious vilifications from deniers. Iris’ legacy for us all is the ray of hope, justice and peace. This feature docudrama is produced by Real to Reel Productions based in Toronto.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

International Human Rights Day Celebration on December 5

Peace Philosophy Centre is endorsing this event. I hope many will come! (Click on the picture for a larger view.)

The Peace Philosophy Centre's Year-end Social will be replaced by this event. We thought it best for us to network with other like-minded organizations.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Salon This Weekend: Special Guest Tatsuo Kage 鹿毛達雄さんを迎えて

Upcoming Peace Philosophy Salon

7 - 9:30 PM, Saturday November 28th

"My Life in Japan and Canada
- Growing up in Japan in and after the War, Working for the Japanese Canadian Redress, and for Reconciliation in Asia"

Special Guest Tatsuo Kage

For the upcoming salon, we will be privileged to have Tatsuo Kage, a historian and a human rights activist who has dedicated the past four decades in bringing justice and peace to the victims of WWII, including the Japanese Canadians who were sent to internment camps, and the Asian victims of the Japanese aggression. Tatsuo will share the photographs from his childhood in the war-time Japan to his recent activities, including his involvement with the Ienaga Textbook Lawsuit and with the establishment of the Article 9 group in Vancouver. Tatsuo's talk will be followed by a Q & A and discussion. All are welcome, and friends are welcome.

Peace Philosophy Centre, Vancouver, BC
(Email for direction)

* We will start the optional pizza social from 6PM. The cost will be about $5.

*RSVP: Email by November 27
(Please indicate whether you will join pizza or not)

*Free Admission. Donations to cover expenses are welcome. Snack donations are welcome.

Tatsuo Kage

Born in 1935, he was brought up in Tokyo. He studied European history at University of Tokyo and continued his graduate study at the University of Tubingen, Germany. As a professor he taught Political and Diplomatic History at Meiji Gakuin University in Tokyo. In 1975 he immigrated to Canada. For ten years he worked as a Bilingual Counsellor at MOSAIC, a multicultural immigrant and refugee settlement service agency in Vancouver.

In the 1980's he participated in the Redress movement for Japanese Canadians. In the early 1990’s he continued human rights work participating in the formation of Human Rights Committee in the Greater Vancouver JCCA and supporting redress for WWII victims.

His research work on Exiled Japanese Canadians after the end of WW II was published in 1998 in Tokyo. He participated in the writing of A Resource Guides for Teachers: Human Rights in the Asia Pacific War (1931-1945), published in 2001 by the BC Ministry of Education.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

南京・史実を守る映画祭 Nanking Film Festival 2009 in Tokyo

Nanking Film Festival 2009 will be held in Tokyo on December 13.


The official website (in Japanese) is here. 公式ウェブサイトはこちら

The films are: 上映映画は

- Fim Nanking 『南京』(Directed by Bill Guttentag, 2007, US)

- Iris Chang - The Rape of Nanking 『アイリス・チャン- ザ・レイプ・オブ・ナンキン』(Directed by Bill Spahic, Anne Pick, 2007, Canada)

- Nanking - Hikisakareta Kioku 『南京・引き裂かれた記憶』("Nanking - Torn Memories") (Directed by Michikazu Takeda 武田倫和, 2009, Japan)

- The Children of Huang Shi 『チルドレン・オブ・ホワンシー』 (Directed by Roger Spottiswoode, 2008, Australia/China/Germany)

I hope the film event will be successful and a lot of people will come.


Hidankyo Newspaper 被団協新聞記事

(Click on the picture for a larger view.)

Here is my report of the "Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Beyond" event on October 3 in the November Edition of Hidankyo Newspaper. Nihon Hidankyo (日本被団協-日本原水爆被害者団体協議会)- a national umbrella organization for all the local associations of A-bomb survivors. The full name in English is the Japan Confederation of A-bomb and H-bomb Sufferers. Hidankyo is planning to send fifty hibakusha (A-bomb survivors) to New York in May 2010, where the Review Conference of NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) will be held, to make their voices heard and influence the decision of world leaders to reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons from this world.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What is happening in "Peace City" Hiroshima - Report by Muneo Narusawa Part II

This is the continuation from Part I, posted on November 3.(Above photo - protesters against "Towada," leaving for the refuelling mission in the Indian Ocean. The banners read, "Do not allow SDF to participate in the War!" and "Do not kill Article 9!" Photo by Peace Link Kure)


Military Bases Surrounding the A-bomb Memorial City

It is customary for the Hiroshima-based Chugoku Newspaper to issue a special extra on the morning of August 6, which they distribute around the Peace Memorial Park and A-bomb Dome. The extra carries the full text of the "Peace Declaration" read by the Hiroshima Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba at the Memorial Ceremony. The title of the Chugoku Newspaper's Editorial on that day was "64 Years After Hiroshima - Japan (as
the country that suffered atomic bombs) Should Lead the World Abolition Efforts."

There was one thing that was missing from both this extra and editorial, despite their emphasis on nuclear abolition. There was no discussion of war itself. Nuclear weapons are tools of war, and of nothing else. Why do the Hiroshima media only discuss nuclear weapons, not the war itself?

On the early afternoon of August 6, I left the massive crowds of visitors around the Peace Park to take the ferry from the quiet Ujina Port. Soon after the ferry departed, I was made aware that Hiroshima is a place of war, the reality that the "Peace Declaration" never mentions. Between Ujina Port and Kure Port, which is not far from the A-bomb Hypocentre, is a heavily concentrated military zone where one quarter of Maritime SDF (Self Defense Force) warships are based.

Kure Port is MSDF's biggest submarine base, and also one of the major bases for overseas dispatching of SDF troops. Since 2001, the replenishment vessel "Towada" departed from Kure for seven times for the refuelling mission in the Indian Ocean to support the U.S. military in the Afghan and Iraq Wars. This Spring, "Sazanami" and "Samidare," two destroyers were dispatched to off the coast of Somalia from Kure. As I walked along the shore line of Kure, I saw Stars and Stripes flaunting.
It was the U.S. Army's Akizuki Ammunition Depot Headquarters. The Headquarters were instrumental in the Vietnam War, First Gulf War, the Afghan and Iraq Wars. In the area within the 30 km radius from the Hiroshima Hypocentre, there are U.S. Army's Kawakami Ammunition Depot (Higashi-Hiroshima City), Ground SDF's 13th Brigade, and Iwakuni Base, where the U.S. Marines and the Air Force unit of MSDF are stationed.

Why Hiroshima Avoids Discussion of "War" in Its Peace Messages

Hiroshima, the "International City of Peace," which calls for "abolition of nuclear weapons," is not just surrounded by these military bases with advanced "conventional" weapons, but troops have been dispatched overseas from its own backyard. "Hiroshima" never talks about these facts, let alone all the other wars going on in the rest of the world.

How can we make sense of this contradiction between the presence of these military bases and Hiroshima's messages for peace? To address this question, a civil organization "Peace Link Hiroshima/Kure/Iwakuni" started in 1989. Its mission statement says the organization will "strive to create a Hiroshima without military bases and a Hiroshima that is not involved with war." Hideki Nitta, one of the core members of the organization says,"Hiroshima was a military city during the war, and it continues to be so after the war. At the same time, Hiroshima embraces some kind of peaceful consciousness based on its experience of atomic bombing.... now that the anti-piracy law passed, which would enable SDF's full-scale overseas activities, and that the trade unions have been weakening, I believe that we citizens must stand up and seriously protest against the Government's militaristic moves."

The Hiroshima Mayor Akiba came up with the slogan "Obamajority," inspired by the U.S. President Obama's speech in Prague, in which he called for "a world without nuclear weapons." Obama, however, has never talked about "a world without war." Professor Toshiyuki Tanaka of Hiroshima Peace Institute argues that this "absence of war" from the discussion of peace is a symbolic problem with the Hiroshima peace
movements. "Certainly the victims of atomic bombing have gone through enormous suffering. However, by specializing the A-bomb experience too much, we missed the important perspective that atomic-bombing was one of the numerous indiscriminate bombings in modern wars. As a result, the A-bomb survivors have not been able to build solidarity with victims of other indiscriminate bombing, like those of Tokyo, and those of Afghanistan. While they talk of "peace," they have not been able to universalize their experience and to relate their experience to the ongoing wars and conflicts.

"Voices from Hiroshima," however, was of course a leader in the post-war peace movement, as Professor Tanaka admits. Haruko Moritaki, co-chair of Hiroshima Alliance for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (HANWA) points out, "The U.S. almost used nuclear weapons in a number of occasions including the Korean War and the Cuban Crisis. They chose not to after all, because they could not ignore the A-bomb survivors' voices." Ichiro Yuasa, Chair of Peace Depot says "The international anti-nuclear movements could not have survived without Hiroshima. The position of Hiroshima is extremely important in the world." Yuasa, also one the founding members of Peace Link adds, "For sure Hiroshima has this duality that it has acted as a symbol of peace movements and it has also provided bases for aggressive wars during and after the war. It is necessary, however, to keep exploring what Hiroshima can do and other places can't, and what concrete messages for peace and non-military solutions that Hiroshima can convey to the rest of the world, rather than focussing on those negative sides of the city."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nagasaki Hibakusha Ayako Okumura's Story 長崎被爆者 奥村アヤ子さんのお話

Hibakusha Ayako Okumura's Story

Ayako Okumura spoke to our Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Seminar Group on August 8, 2009. She carefully hand wrote her speech, and gave it to me at the end. Ms. Okumura also spoke as a hibakusha representative at Nagasaki City's Ceremony on August 9th. We wanted to share her story with as many people as possible. We will also try to translate this into English as soon as possible.
































一. 一本の鉛筆があれば何よりもまず「人間の命」と書き「核兵器廃絶」と書き続ける決意である「広島市長」

一. 平和を願う心は人類の心、人類は違っても人間同志は敵ではない。相手を憎み殺し合わせようとする戦争こそが敵です。

一. 戦後、平和と物の豊かさの中で暮らすことが出来ましたが、心をどこかに置いてきています。豊かな心を取り戻せたら人を殺すとかイジメがなくなり毎日をたのしく過ごすことが出来る。

Monday, November 16, 2009

Yesterday Is Now 歴史の傷跡

We had a deeply engaging four-plus hours of discussion after the
screening of both Japanese and English versions of Yesterday is Now
("Wounds of History"歴史の傷跡), with Director Celine Rumalean.

One participant said that Japanese were so easily manipulated by government and media and do not have an ability to think critically and independently. Like the filmmaker Yutaka Tsuchiya said in the film, it was the Emperor during the war, and the Media after the war that control people's mind in Japan. Another argued that it is not the Japanese mindset; people are just made that way. People just make such mistakes.

Celine said that it was a big surprise to many in the West that after six decades, Japan is still so divided on whether they should have gone into war; whether it was a just war; who is responsible for the war. The war responsibility issue is closely tied with the national identity - "Japanese-ness." After six decades, people in Japan still go back and forth about how they process the history of war.

On the other hand, there is ignorance. Those interviewed at Showa-kan, this museum in Tokyo that displays how life was during the Showa Period (1927 - 1989) said "War should never be fought any more, but we should never forget about war and the fact that the current happiness and prosperity we enjoy are owed to that period of time." This is what we often hear Yasukuni worshippers say. Koizumi said that too. They believe that we are what we are now because of the precious sacrifices of the war heroes (gods) enshrined at this shrine.

Another hot topic of the evening was how we teach the dark history of a country. How do we teach children in Japan about its military's past wrongdoings and atrocities without making them feel bad and guilty? Celine said that it was dangerous just to show atrocities without giving a big picture. Careful framing is needed. I talked about my Japanese colleague and a long-time
history teacher in Japan Misako Iwashita and her three-step lesson model, which she presented in Vancouver in March 2008. First, she introduced facts. It is very important for the students to learn the facts of Nanjing Massacre and other horrible war crimes by the Japanese Army during the war. Second, she taught the kind of education that the children were made to go through, so that they believed in militarism and imperialism. Third, she introduced Japanese progressive thinkers and war-resisters then - like Senji Yamamoto, Takiji Kobayashi and others who objected to war, supported labourers and people's rights, so children could find their own role models in those brave people in Japan.

The reality, however, in the Japanese education is that still the majority of schools fail to teach that chapter of the history in any detail. The history curriculum starts with the pre-historic period and by the time they reach the modern history, they run out of time and get too busy with school entrance exams. Shoko, the Salon staff and an SFU student shared her experience of her Chinese friend telling her surprisedly that "Japanese people can be nice." It was the same kind of comment I, as a high school student received from a Filipino friend, back in 1983. After a quarter of a century, the situation has not changed much. Shoko at that time thought that education in China was biased, but as she learned more about the Japanese aggression in Asia during the war, she came to think differently. This kind of experience is shared by many Japanese overseas, young or old.

There is a lot of work to do ahead of us. There are many questions we asked but cannot find answers for. Celine asked us, "How does this part of the history matter to you?" How does the history of war matter to each of us? How far should it matter? How can each of us do so that there will be closures and we can move forward?

The theme of the film is new and relevant, almost a decade after it was made. Perhaps it is becoming more relevant. Celine says at the time it came out, the North American viewers, whose view on the war was still one that started with earl Harbor and ended with Hiroshima/Nagasaki, were not ready for the material that shed light on Japan's behaviours in
Asia that dated back to the early 1930's.

I think this film should be used at as many Japanese schools and communities as possible. The film, without any narration, does not tell you what to think or what's right or wrong. It makes one think, and connect with the historical, societal, yet deeply personal consciousness held by each who was interviewed.

Satoko Norimatsu


This is Joseph Gerson's Report of the November 8 New York event against U.S. military bases on foreign lands. For the original English version, see here.

2009年11月9日 ジョセフ・ガーソンさんからのメール 

“おばあちゃんの平和団” (Grannies Peace Brigade)は、年配者のすばらしいグループで、平和と正義の活動にとても熱心に取り組んでいます。


 スピーカーは、私とViergina Rodino、この方は、アジア太平洋凍結キャンペーン(the Asia Pacific Freeze campaign)の運営委員会の人で、6カ国協議の参加国の軍事予算の増大を食い止めるために努力しています。そしてNinotchka Roscaさん、この方は長い間、女性に対する軍隊の暴力と搾取に対抗してきたフィリピンの女性団体、ガブリエラGabriellaの中心人物です。




















 Vierinia rodinoと Ninotchka Rosaの報告は詳しくメモをとっていません。





                        ジョセフ ガーソン

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Joseph Gerson's Report of a New York Event Against U.S. military Bases on Foreign Lands

On November 8, the Granny Peace Brigade organized a Teach-in dedicated to closing the more than 1000 U.S. foreign military bases/installations worldwide, This was written by one of the speakers Joseph Gerson, author, lecturer and Director of Programs for American Friends Service Committee, to summarize his talk at the Teach-In. Shared by Jun Sasamoto, JALISA (Japanese Lawyers International Solidarity Association). See here for the Japanese translation. 日本語訳はこちらをどうぞ。


The Grannies Peace Brigade is a wonderful group of older and deeply committed peace and justice activists. They do a lot of things, from pressing for decent health care for all, to opposing the U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and over the past year or so have become active in educating their members and the wider peace community in New York about the impacts of U.S. foreign military bases and resistance to them. Several of their members attended a national conference against military bases that I organized at American University in Washington, D.C. last winter. In yesterday's conference, they brought together about 100 activists.

In addition to myself, the other speakers were Viergina Rodino, who is on the steering Committee of the Asia Pacific Freeze campaign - an effort to win a halt in increases of the military budgets of the participants in the Six Party talks, and Ninotchka Rosca, who has long been a leading figure in Gabriella, the Philippine women's organization that has confronted military violence against and exploitation of women. In terms of my background, I am the Director of Programs of the American Friends Service Committee in New England, and the editor of a book titled The Sun Never Sets...Confronting the Network of U.S. Foreign Military Bases. I have worked closely with Japanese peace, disarmament, and anti-bases organizations and activists for 25 years and have participated in conferences and had exposure tours in Okinawa on three occasions.

I was the first speaker yesterday, and I began by showing several of the photos from the demonstrations earlier in the day in Okinawa, and I read from the cover note sent to me by Osamu Niikura explaining the goals of the demonstrations and the content of the call.

I explained how, 25 years ago, when I first visited Japan, I was shocked to learn that the U.S. still maintained more than 100 military bases in Japan from Okinawa to Hokkaido (this is a figure that continues to shock my compatriots,) and and the centrality of the U.S.-Japan Military Alliance (AMPO) to U.S. hegemony in Asia and the Pacific. I explained that the U.S. bases in Japan, Europe, the Middle East and now Central Asia help to implement an imperial imperative described by Zbigniew Brzezinski (Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor.) Relying on traditional geopolitical analysis, he has argued that to dominate the world, a power must dominate Eurasia. For the U.S. as an island power in the tradition of Britain, this means maintaining to holds on the Western, Southern and Eastern perimeters of Eurasia. I then stressed the roles of U.S. bases in Okinawa, elsewhere in Japan, Korea and the Philippines in this regard and pointed out that to maintain its bases in Japan, the U.S. had even helped to elevate a Class A war criminal - Kishi - to be Prime Minister, in order to force through the revision and continuation of the alliance in 1960.

I reminded the audience that the U.S. Declaration of Independence - which explained why the colonies were declaring their independence from Britain and going to war against Britain - cited the fact that King George II "kept among us in times of peace....standing armies....which committed [intolerable] abuses and usurpation. I then distributed a resource we have produced called 10 Reasons Why U.S. bases must go. This explains modern day "abuses and usurpation" from crimes and sexual harassment that go unpunished to live fire and night-landing exercises, environmental pollution, undermining national sovereignty, and increasing the likelihood that murderous wars will be gough.

I briefly reviewed the current situation resulting from the election victory of the DPJ, a political alliance which spans a much wider ideological spectrum than even the Democratic Party in the U.S. from socialists to Ozawa and other former LDP members. I explained that the Hatoyama Government has reiterated that AMPO should continue to serve as the foundation for Japanese-U.S. bilateral relations, but that is also seeks to have one foot in Asia with the other in the U.S., as opposed to two feet in the U.S. as has been the case since the U.S. imposed the alliance in 1951. I explained that two focal issues of Japanese-U.S. tensions are whether the Futenma base will be closed with its functions (and more) being moved to Henoko. as per the SACP agreement which the Obama Administration insists upon, or whether Futnema will be closed and the Henoko base not be built, which the DPJ seems to be advocating. I then shocked the audience by explaining that a second major issue has to do with the secret agreement that has allowed the U.S. to bring nuclear weapons into Okinawa and Japan, despite the Three Non- Nuclear Principles.

Focusing in on Okinawa, I explained the concentration of U.S. bases and troops there, including most of the 47,000 U.S. troops in Japan. While showing a slide that illustrates the strategy roles that U.S. bases in Okinawa play, I told a story from 1996, after I had traveled to Okinawa to present Governor Ota with hundreds of signatures on a statement of remorse and apology for the 1995 rape of the school girl and other U.S. crimes in Okinawa. After traveling to Okinawa, I had an interview at the Japanese Defense Administration (before it became a ministry) with the man who was the principle author of Japan's Defense White Paper. At the end of the interview, he asked me what I had learned in Okinawa, and I told him. As his secretary was leading me out of the JDA, she told me "I understand the strategic importance of Okinawa, but if I lived in Okinawa with my daughter, I would be very afraid." I added that I think this reflects an underlying sense of shame that many in the Japanese elite have for what they have allowed to happen to the people of Okinawa.

I then provided a summary history of Okinawa, explaining that it has long been colonized and oppressed. I explained that it used to be an independent kingdom that paid tribute to China, and has many Melanesian and Chinese influences, as well as Japanese. I explained the role that Okinawa played as a window for Japan to the wider world during the 200 year period of Japanese isolation, and how after U.S. gunboats "opened" Japan in the 1860s, that role for Okinawa was obviated, and in 1879 Japan simply conquered and colonized Okinawa, outlawing the Okinawan language, forcing Okinawans to take Japanese names, and integrating Okinawa into Japan, much as the U.S. has done with Puerto Rico. I explained that there were issues involving racial discrimination between main islands Japanese and Okinawans, and how Okinawa was used to buy time for the Emperor System at the cost of 1/4 of its population in 1944 and 45. I explained that after placing the Okinawan people in concentration camps, the U.S. seized the former Japanese military bases - and something more - to build U.S. bases there, how Washington and Tokyo conspired to ease the burden of U.S. forces on Japan's main islands by continuing the formal military occupation of Okinawa in 1952, while ending it on the main islands, and how Okinawan hopes were shattered following reversion in 1972, when the bases remained.

Returning to the slide showing the strategic functions of U.S. bases in Okinawa, I explained that during the Cold War they were used to contain the Soviet Union and China, to serve as jumping off points for U.S. military wars and interventions in Korea, Southeast Asia and the Middle East, and how they continue to serve those functions in the post-Cold War era, including the war in Central Asia. I explained that the bases also serve U.S. nuclear war fighting plans, as training grounds for U.S. troops, to limit Japan's remilitarizaiton (even as it encourages it in many ways) and for what is euphemistically called "Rest and Recreation."

I then showed a power point presentation that was given to me by Tero Onishi of the Nago Peace Committee, which illustrated many of the points I made and focused on the impacts of and resistance to the construction of the Nago base.

I don't have such careful notes from Vierinia rodino's and Ninotchka Rosa's talks. Virgina focused on the Asia Pacific Freeze and the importance of finally negotiating a peace treaty to end the Korean war, and Ninotchka presented a moving PowerPoint that focused on the institutionalization of prostitution and other sexual violence by U.S. troops committed against women. Among the points that she made was her anger that the Japanese and Korean governments permit such violence against Filipina women to take place in their countries.

We had an extended question and answer period that touched many points: including the Obama Administration's ambitions for the U.S.-Japan alliance, the dangers of North Korea's nuclear weapons program, etc.

We urged conference participants to write to the White House urging President Obama to accept the demand that Futnema be closed and Nago not be built, and that this be done in the context of removing all U.S. troops and bases from Okinawa and Japan.

I apologize for going on so long and hope that you find this helpful.

With all best wishes,

Joseph Gerson

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Upcoming Salon - Film "Yesterday Is Now" with Director Celine Rumalean

The upcoming Peace Philosophy Salon:

Film "Yesterday Is Now"

With Director

Celine Rumalean

監督 スリーン・ルマリーンさんを迎えての上映会

The 2002 film touches on the dark and painful history of Japan's war crimes during the occupation of neighbouring Asian countries.
It contains interviews of people in Japan who are dealing with these issues with different positions and different perspectives. (See a more detailed synopsis of the film at the bottom.) この映画は、日本の戦争責任問題について、日本にいるさまざまな立場や意見の人たちのインタビューを主に構成されたものです。(詳しいあらすじは下をご覧ください。)

In our next salon, we will be extremely lucky to have the director Celine Rumalean with us to share her insights in making this film and answer our questions. 今回は、幸運なことに、監督のスリーン・ルマリーンさんをお迎えできることになりました。

Date and Time: 7:00 - 9:30 PM, Saturday November 14th (we will screen the Japanese version from 5:30 PM 日本語版を5時半から上映します)

5:30 - 7:00 Japanese Version of "Yesterday Is Now" 

7:00 - 8:30 English Version of "Yesterday Is Now"  

8:30 - 9:30 Discussion and dialogue with director Celine Rumalean

Location: Peace Philosophy Centre (located in the centre of Vancouver. Email for detailed direction)

RSVP: Email by November 13. Please let me know if you would like to come to the screening of the Japanese version.

* に日本語でお問い合わせください。会場への行き方をメールします。

* We won't order food like we normally do. You are welcome to bring your own food and eat during the film screening. The Centre will provide some light refreshments and tea. As always, snack donations are welcome. 

* Admission is free. Donations to cover the salon expenses are always welcome. 入場は無料です。センターへの寄付を歓迎します。

We look forward to sharing this special evening with you.

Satoko Norimatsu

Peace Philosophy Centre


Synopsis of Film "Yesterday Is Now"
Yesterday Is Now explores the division in Japanese society about the legacy of Japan's twentieth-century wars and occupation of neighbouring Asian countries. Through frank and probing interviews, it raises issues around Japan's motivations and its responsibility for war crimes that include sexual slavery, slave labour, the use of humans in biological-warfare experiments, and civilian massacres.
The documentary's diverse slate of subjects includes family members of the Japanese war dead, right-wing nationalists, politicians, students, and artists, as well as a teacher, a labour unionist, a journalist, a former soldier, and an A-bomb survivor. Yesterday Is Now combines their thoughts and revelations with archival footage and contemporary images to create a riveting insight into the unfinished business of Japan's wartime past.
A sobering look into how a society can be mobilized into war, how atrocities can be committed in the name of a nation and how war lives on in peacetime.
Celine Rumalean's Biofilmography
Born in Indonesia, Celine studied psychology in Australia before moving to Canada, where she studied documentary filmmaking.
Her first documentary, Crossings, focuses on the Southeast Asian Chinese immigrants in Canada and explores issues of diaspora identity. It was produced with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.
Celine has also worked on award-winning documentaries and educational media in various capacities. She was videographer for Bitter Paradise: the Sellout of East Timor, directed by Elaine Briere, line producer for the educational series First Nations, the Circle Unbroken, directed by Gary Marcuse and Lorna Williams, and assistant to director Nettie Wild during post-production of her feature documentary Blockade.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Peace, Fun, Spirit, Love, and All... Thank you!

This is a very unusual blog post - personal, and non-political, maybe the first time since the start of this blog, and tonight deserves that exception.

We had a great party to celebrate Shoko's birthday, with the "core members" of Peace Philosophy Salon.

It was such a warm, loving, and a laughter-filled party with great food and sweets!

Thank you Arc for cooking absolutely delicious (and burning spicy) Sechuan food, Dan and Meg for home-baked cakes, and for all the goodies that you all brought - above all, your presence, your laughter, your jokes, your otaku stories, ghost stories and gossips and everything....

This is also a rare appearance of the incredibly talented, handsome, funny, intelligent and creative man.... I love you!

Lots and lots and lots of love,


Saturday, November 07, 2009

A Statement from JALISA for a Japan Free From Foreign Military Bases

This is a statement by JALISA, The Japan Lawyers International Solidarity Association, to call for the return of Futenma Air Station to Japan. See here for the Japanese version. JALISA is a group of progressive lawyers in Japan, also active in the Global Article 9 Campaign.


Statement on the Futenma Marine Corps Air Station Issue
In Solidarity with the Okinawa People's Rally on November 8, 2009

1. The US military maintains large military bases on Okinawa Island, and in particular has not returned Futenma Marine Corps Air Station, a helicopter base which is right in the middle of a residential area with educational facilities. The tranquility of the residents’ daily lives is threatened, and their right to live in peace is egregiously infringed by the roar of aircraft and by a helicopter crash on a university campus.

2. An atrocity committed against a girl in September 1995 triggered a rally by Okinawans which made resolutions including the downsizing and contraction of US bases and revision of the Status of Forces Agreement. This intent was confirmed by a prefectural referendum in September 1996. In April of that year the US government itself had promised to return Futenma Air Station. However, in exchange the US government made demands including the construction of an offshore heliport near Henoko, Nago City, and the shouldering of costs by the Japanese government to relocate 8,000 Marines. The US government has therefore been refusing to quickly return Futenma Air Station.
The Henoko coastal zone is habitat for the dugong, which is a designated endangered species and is protected internationally. Hence heliport construction is a serious matter in terms of environmental protection as well. On January 24, 2008 (local time), the US Federal District Court in San Francisco rendered a decision in the “Okinawa Dugong Lawsuit” filed by Japanese and US environmental organizations against the US Department of Defense, and ruled that the Defense Department violated the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) by not assessing and considering factors including impacts on the dugongs. Additionally, the start of construction for the new base has been delayed over 10 years because of a tenacious opposition movement by locals.

3. Japan’s government changed in the general elections this August. The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), which became the new ruling party, showed its understanding of the feelings of Okinawans and made a campaign pledge that it would relocate Futenma Air Station to another prefecture or outside of Japan. But US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited Japan this October and vigorously pressed Japan to build the new base, using as his justification the accord made between the Japanese and US governments when the Liberal Democratic Party held the reigns of government. In response, the defense minister of the new Hatoyama government announced that Japan will sanction the construction of the new offshore base at Henoko, while the foreign minister stated that the government would consider consolidating Futenma Air Station with Kadena Air Base, also in Okinawa Prefecture. Once again, the right of Okinawans and other Japanese to live in peace is being treated with contempt.

4. Against worldwide calls for peace, the US government reaction to the voice of public conscience demanding peace without resorting to force has been to carry on with the military forces realignment program of the previous administration, and seek to maintain and reinforce US military power. Reinforcing US military bases raises military tensions in Asia and entrenches the Cold-War structure in Northeast Asia, which is the only place in the world were it remains. At the root of this problem is the Japan-US Security Treaty, which recognizes Japan’s obligation to provide the US with bases. This military alliance is a relic of the Cold War era and must be cancelled immediately.

5. The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) Congress held in Hanoi this June also resolved to oppose the construction of new military bases in Okinawa, and confirmed implementation of the Global Article 9 Campaign, which strives for dispute resolution that does not rely on military force.

6. We align ourselves in solidarity with the November 8 prefectural rally for opposition to base construction, and seek the speedy return of Futenma Marine Corps Air Station. Additionally, we call for international solidarity to oppose construction of new US military bases in Okinawa, the rest of Japan, and the rest of Asia.

October 30, 2009
Japan Lawyers International Solidarity Association Executive Board
Osamu Niikura, President
Jun Sasamoto, Secretary-General

JALISA Statement in Japanese 外国軍事基地のない日本に向けて-日本国際法律家協会による声明

Click here for the English version.


1. 米軍は、沖縄本島に広大な軍事基地を保持し、とりわけ海兵隊のヘリコプター基地である普天間飛行場を返還していない。普天間基地は、住宅と教育施設が集まる地域のど真ん中にあり、これまでも大学構内への墜落事故や爆音のために、住民の平穏な生活は脅かされ、平和に生きる権利は著しく侵害されている。

2. 1995年9月の少女に対する暴虐な事件がきっかけとなり、沖縄県民総決起大会は米軍基地の縮小整理と在日米軍地位協定の改定などを決議し、この意思は1996年9月の県民投票によっても確かめられている。また、米国政府自身も同年4月に、普天間基地の返還を約束した。ところが、米国政府は、その見返りに、名護市辺野古沖での海上ヘリ基地の建設や海兵隊8000人の移駐用費用の負担などを要求し、普天間基地返還の速やかな実施を拒んできた。

3. 本年8月の総選挙によって政権が交代した。新しく政権についた民主党は、その選挙公約において、沖縄県民の心情に理解を示し、普天間基地の県外ないし国外移転を掲げた。しかし本年10月に来日した米国ゲーツ国防長官が自民党時代の日米両政府の合意を盾にして新基地建設を強く迫ったため、鳩山新政権の防衛大臣は辺野古沖への新基地建設容認を表明し、外務大臣は沖縄県内の嘉手納基地に統合することを検討すると表明するなど、沖縄県民・日本国民の平和に生きる権利は、またしても踏みにじられている。

4. 米国政府は、全世界的な平和を求める声に反して、力によらない平和を求める公的な良心の声に対して、前政権以来の兵力再編路線を継承し、軍事力の維持・強化を追求している。米軍基地の強化は、アジアにおける軍事的な緊張を増大させ、世界で唯一残された東北アジアの冷戦構造を固定化する。このような問題の根本には、米軍基地の提供義務を認める日米安全保障条約がある。冷戦時代の遺物であるこのような軍事同盟は、早急に解消されなければならない。

5. 沖縄での新たな軍事基地建設に反対することは、本年6月にハノイで開かれた国際民主法律家協会(IADL)の総会でも決議され、軍事力によらない紛争解決をめざす「グローバル9条キャンペーン」の推進が確認されている。

6. われわれは、11月8日の基地建設反対を求める県民大会に連帯し、米軍普天間基地の速やかな返還を求めるとともに、沖縄、日本、アジアにおける新たな米軍基地の建設に反対するよう、国際的な連帯を呼びかける。

               会長 新倉 修 / 事務局長 笹本潤

Thursday, November 05, 2009

A Letter from a Hibakusha in Okinawa (English Translation)

A Letter to the Citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
From a Hibakusha residing in Okinawa

See the original Japanese version here. 日本語版はここです。

Dear Citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,

I am a hibakusha, an A-Bomb survivor, and I live in a place called Yambaru in the north of the main island of Okinawa. I am an old man, trying to heal the pain of being irradiated by living amongst the myriads of gods breathing in the mountains, rivers, grasses and trees of this island. In reading this letter, I would like you to understand and remember that I cannot claim my voice to be representative of all hibakusha, but I feel my message is an important one.

On August 6, 1945, the atomic bombing made many citizens of Hiroshima hibakusha, and three days later, the second atomic bombing also made many people of Nagasaki hibakusha. Sixty-four years have passed since then. Now, the majority of the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not hibakusha as the hibakusha population is rapidly diminishing as it ages. Soon we hibakusha will all disappear from this world. For the last sixty-four years we have been desperately trying to survive, tormented by the haunting memory of an unforgettable experience: the indescribable agony of sudden death caused by the most atrocious and inhumane weapon ever produced in the history of mankind. Yet it is not only this memory that torments us. We live with the constant fear that the residual radiation embedded in our bodies may kill us unexpectedly, at any time. However, the pain of being an A-bomb survivor differs from person to person, and cannot be summarized in a few words under the general term of “hibakusha.”

For my part, I must be honest and state that for some time after the war, I bitterly hated the U.S. and often reflected on how my life could have been different if the bombing had not occurred. Had I have been able cry out, “You foolish Americans!” it might have eased my anger a little. At a time when Japan was under the occupation of the Allied powers, such action was impossible. However, my feelings towards my situation have changed over the years.

We hibakusha are not intolerant. We have developed creative methods for survival as we have all struggled to overcome grave despair, to find hope and to understand the meaning of our lives. We therefore sincerely wish from the bottom of our hearts for peace and the total abolition of nuclear weapons. Nevertheless, we feel that our souls and bodies must first be healed before we can discuss the abolition of nuclear weapons. Please base your understanding of our situation on the fact that each hibakusha has his or her own distinctive pain. It is our honest belief that once we are healed and our pain is understood, we can then turn our attention to the movement to abolish nuclear weapons. I wonder whether I am alone in feeling that anti-nuclear movements have so far been promoted solely in the interests of politics without trying to disentangle the tangled threads of the deep and complex sorrow of each hibakusha.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki’s recent bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games is one incident which reflects the callous attitudes of those who exploit the symbolic nature of these cities, ignoring the pain of the hibakusha. Another such reflection can be seen in the proposal that U.S. President Obama visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many are keen for this to happen; I, on the other hand, would like him to first express his remorse for the atomic bombings on behalf of all Americans, the people responsible for spreading the fear of nuclear weapons worldwide and creating the hibakusha population.

I would like to ask the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to consider the following:

The leader of the United States, the nation that developed and used atomic bombs, is going to receive a Nobel Peace Prize, an award ironically established by the person who became a millionaire for his invention of smokeless gun-powder and dynamite. I am unsurprised, as this kind of celebration is an old ploy frequently exploited by people with money and power to deceive the public. I do, however, find it shocking that the anti-nuclear movement is collecting signatures from the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in an attempt to encourage President Obama to visit these cities. This situation is akin to that of the arsonist firefighter, who sets fire to a house, and is then the first to rush to save it. This push for President Obama to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki is no different from inviting the arsonist to the scene of his crime without asking him to express any remorse or to pay compensation. Please do not hurt the hibakusha any further by pursuing such insulting projects. Though the anti-nuclear movement is promoting the collection of signatures as an act of goodwill, we find their cause very upsetting and feel we have nowhere to appeal. We are old and do not have much time left to us. Before President Obama is urged to visit the cities that his country destroyed, he must be asked to agree to pay all the hibakusha’s medical expenses, living allowances and compensation for damages, and must also be requested to release all information collected by the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission through its medical examinations of hibakusha. The ABCC operated for many years only for the purpose of collecting data on the effects of radiation on human bodies and never offered medical treatment to hibakusha.

I would like to convey to the mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the following message:

I cannot help harboring deep doubts about your dignity and ability as mayors of your respective cities, given that both of you publicly and shamelessly promote Hiroshima and Nagasaki as potential hosts of the Olympic Games, an event which inevitably incites nationalism. Through this exploitation, you are making fools of the hibakusha. Do you think that the Olympic Games could be held at Auschwitz? Ever since the Nazis held the Olympic Games in Berlin as a grand festival to exult the Aryan race, they have been continually berated for exploiting the occasion and showing off their nation-state under the guise of sportsmanship. Do you wish the same criticism on your cities?

You may think that Nazi nationalism is a bygone matter that no longer has anything to do with our lives today. Yet that kind of nationalism behind Berlin's Olympics was still seen in the recent bidding process for the host-ship of the Olympic Games. It clearly revealed the ugly greed of all the candidates, and one could
sense a war-like atmosphere behind the process. It is generally believed that competition cultivates personal character and gives individuals confidence, but in fact, competition actually gives most individuals, save a very small number, an inferiority complex that weakens their confidence. Moreover, competition can be a dangerous tool as it reduces the value of individuals, the value of a nation, city, school, to mere numerical figures: the outcome of the competition. We must not forget that spiritual power, which cannot be converted into numbers, cultivates humanity.

Why is it that we cannot eliminate war? Even if we could successfully abolish nuclear weapons, I am certain that we would not be able to avoid the occurrence of new conflicts. As a result, more destructive weapons could potentially be developed. Encouraging compassion on the other hand, enables one to extend one’s imagination to the pain suffered by the hibakusha, as well as by all other war victims, and is essential in rendering all weapons meaningless. This is the starting point to freeing humankind from war. In this sense, the abolition of nuclear weapons should be a movement for the creation of the spirit of peace.

From now on, we, the people of Earth, need to generate the strong will to live together as a global family, overcoming the barriers of race and nation, and together we must explore alternatives to war for the resolution of friction between peoples. There appears to be no other way for mankind to retain its dignity.

When reading any piece of writing, one must read between the lines to fully comprehend what it is that the author wishes to say. I ask you to listen to the voice of the voiceless hibakusha in a similar manner.

Thank you very much for reading my letter.

November 2009

Tsukishita Miki

(Edited and translated by Yuki Tanaka)

沖縄在住の一被爆者から A Letter From a Hibakusha in Okinawa

Here is a letter written by a hibakusha (A-bomb survivor) in Okinawa, shared by Yuki Tanaka, Professor of Hiroshima Peace Institute. See the English version here. 広島市立大平和研究所の田中利幸先生から託された、沖縄のある被爆者の方がその思いを綴ったレターを公開します。英語版はこちら


1946年8月6日 広島市民のすべての人、8月9日、長崎市民のすべての人が被爆者にされてしまいました。

























広島市長 長崎市長に申し上げます












Resolution of the Civil Society Symposium Coinciding With the ICNND Hiroshima Meeting

(The civil society's call for action, shared by Yuki Tanaka, Professor of Hiroshima Peace Institute)

Towards a World Without Nuclear Weapons—Now is the Time to Act!

Civil Society Symposium Coinciding with the ICNND Hiroshima Meeting


Hiroshima, 18 October 2009

Now is the time to decide once and for all to rid the world of nuclear weapons and to urgently begin to put that decision into practice.

International momentum towards the creation of a world without nuclear weapons is growing. We must grasp the opportunity before it is lost. It is vitally important that concrete steps for the abolition of nuclear weapons be taken at the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference, which will be held in New York in May 2010.

It is in this historic context that we have gathered, while the 4th meeting of the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (ICNND) is being held here in Hiroshima. As the shared will of the Hibakusha and other people gathered here, we make the following fervent appeal to the international community, to the ICNND, to the Japanese government and to Japanese civil society.

To the International Community

 The reality of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki shows clearly that there is no future for the human race unless nuclear weapons are abolished, but the nuclear weapons states have failed to honor their past promises and legal obligations to work to implement this objective. They have not negotiated in good faith for nuclear disarmament. Nuclear weapons states and non nuclear weapons
states must fulfill the undertakings they made at the 1995 and 2000 NPT Review Conferences and all countries, NPT members and non-NPT members, should begin negotiations forthwith on a Nuclear Weapons Convention to comprehensively outlaw and eliminate nuclear weapons.

 The international community must work to create a peaceful, just and environmentally sustainable world in which human, national and international security do not depend on military force, especially not on nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction.

 The nuclear proliferation dangers posed by the civil use of nuclear energy must be acknowledged frankly and addressed in ways which do not exacerbate existing problems or create new problems.

To the ICNND

 Strengthening the momentum for a world without nuclear weapons that has emerged since the advent of the Obama Administration, the Commission should make recommendations which give further impetus to this trend. The Commission’s recommendations must be ahead of the game, not lagging behind moves that are already in train.

 Mindful of the catastrophic use of nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the wishes of the Hibakusha, the Commission should point the way toward entry into force of a Nuclear Weapons Convention by 2020.

 The Commission should strongly urge the commencement of negotiations on a Nuclear Weapons Convention as a short-term goal for the next four years.

 It should also recommend that the UN Security Council confirm that the use of nuclear weapons is a crime against humanity, and that nuclear free zones backed by negative security assurances should be expanded.

 In particular, the Commission should state clearly its support for the principle of “no first use” of nuclear weapons. It should recommend that all nuclear weapon states and their allies adopt such a policy immediately, at least by the 2010 NPT Review Conference.

 Since its inception the Commission has received several submissions from NGOs, including two from the ICNND Japan NGO Network. The recommendations in these submissions remain valid. The Commission should seriously study the submissions it has received from civil society and incorporate their comments and recommendations into its report.

To the Japanese Government (summary of points covered in the civil society petition handed to the government on October 15, 2009)

 The Japanese Government should make an official declaration of support for a nuclear “no first use” policy and demand that the United States adopt a nuclear “no first use” policy too.

 At the UN General Assembly and the NPT Review Conference the Japanese Government should express its support for Ban Ki Moon’s nuclear disarmament proposal and the commencement of negotiations on a Nuclear Weapons Convention.

 The Japanese government should issue a political statement saying that it aims for a North-East Asia Nuclear Free Zone and use fora such as the six party talks to further this aim. It should commence concrete negotiations to this end and, in the spirit of its Peace Constitution, Japan should move to a security policy that is not dependent on nuclear weapons.

 The Japanese government should promptly reconsider its missile defense plan, which is an obstacle to the reduction of tensions in East Asia and North-East Asia.

 The use of plutonium and highly enriched uranium entail the risk of nuclear proliferation. So that Japan can truly contribute to nuclear non-proliferation, the Japanese government should reconsider its nuclear fuel cycle policy.

To Japanese Civil Society

 Listen to the witness of the Hibakusha and spread the message in our schools and local communities. When we do so, always draw connections with current nuclear weapons problems and the elimination of nuclear weapons.

 Let us ensure that people in our local communities are aware of the historic times in which we live and the unprecedented opportunity to move forward on nuclear disarmament.

 Call for local authorities which are not yet members of Mayors for Peace and the National Council of Japan Nuclear Free Local Authorities to join, and for Mayors who have not yet signed the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Protocol to sign up.

 Make sure that this year and next year local authorities which have made “nuclear free” declarations hold events involving citizens.

 Lobby our locally elected Diet members to work for the abolition of nuclear weapons.

 Continue to promote civil society cooperation for nuclear abolition throughout the world, so that together we can shift the international community.

 Together let us build a powerful movement for nuclear abolition in the lead up to the NPT Review Conference in May 2010.

NGO Statement Concerning the Hiroshima Meeting of the International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament

(The unproductive result of ICNND is a reminder for the civil society to be proactive and vigilant about the current global nuclear disarmament movement. This statement was shared by Yuki Tanaka, Professor of Hiroshima Peace Institute)

NGO Statement Concerning the Hiroshima Meeting of the International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament

The International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (ICNND), an initiative of the Australian and Japanese governments, held its fourth meeting in Hiroshima from October 17 to 20 2009. At press conferences after the meeting the Co-Chairs outlined the meeting’s main outcomes. Unfortunately, their comments were a great disappointment to the representatives of civil society who have engaged with the Commission over the past year.

The Commission said that it would produce an “action-oriented report” and “lobby political leaders throughout the world to encourage real nuclear disarmament”.1 However, we fear that the Commission’s report, which is expected to be released in the near future, could in fact act as a brake on the current momentum towards a world without nuclear weapons.

Various civil society organizations call for the abolition of nuclear weapons by between 2020 and 2025. Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev at successive Reykjavik summits envisioned this process taking a decade. The Global Zero campaign, to which both of the Commission co-chairs are signatories, advocates achievement of a world free of nuclear weapons by 2030. The Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) yearn to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons in their lifetimes, but the Commission proposed no target date for getting to zero. It sets a ‘minimisation point’ with well over 1000 nuclear weapons by 2025 as a ‘medium term’ goal, and no operational detail or timeframe, even indicative, beyond that. There is a serious risk that the practical result will be the erosion of a sense of urgency commensurate with the threat, and that the Commission’s recommendations will be used as justification for those who aim for a world with fewer rather than no nuclear weapons. The grim reality is that a ‘minimization’ point with well over 1000 nuclear weapons does not minimize the dangers we face – and will continue to risk global catastrophe and the end of human civilization.

Civil society calls for the early commencement of negotiations for a Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC), but the Commission appears to view a NWC as little more than a distant prospect. Media reports from press conferences held after the Hiroshima meeting indicate that the Co-Chairs mentioned a NWC as an issue to be addressed in the medium term (2012 – 2025), but the Commission’s lack of direct and explicit engagement on a NWC in the very near future is a major disappointment. We regard the commencement of negotiations on a verifiable, phased NWC by no later than 2015, and their conclusion by no later than 2020, as appropriate and realistic.

The Commission proposed that the role of nuclear weapons be declared to be restricted to deterring nuclear attacks (core deterrence) by 2012. “Core deterrence” is not an end in itself, but restricting the role of nuclear weapons in this way is an important step to facilitate deep reductions in the number, forward deployment and alert status of nuclear weapons. However, there is a danger that the Commission’s 2012 target date could actually delay nuclear weapons states and their allies from reducing the role of nuclear weapons in their security policies by next year’s critical nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Review Conference. In particular, the United States’ Nuclear Posture Review and Russia’s review of military doctrine are being carried out now and will be finalized by early next year. Pressure is needed now. If they are to be taken seriously, the countries with over 95% of the world’s nuclear weapons must reflect their stated commitment to a world free of nuclear weapons in their military doctrines. If they do, it would be a major step forward and greatly increase the likelihood of a successful outcome to the NPT Review Conference. If they do not, a tipping point towards a cascade of proliferation will likely be crossed.

A related issue is “no first use” of nuclear weapons. On 18 October in Kyoto the Japanese Foreign Minister, Katsuya Okada, repeated his oft-expressed support for nuclear no first use, indicating that he expected the ICNND’s report to support such a policy. However, instead of recommending early adoption of no first use, the Commission appears to have relegated this to a medium term goal with a target date of 2025. The ICNND has introduced conditions which have caused confusion over the definition, but such a distant target sends the wrong signal at this critical time.

It is reported that the Japanese Commissioner and Advisors were largely responsible for delaying the target dates of these recommendations on the grounds that they would weaken the US extended nuclear deterrent (nuclear umbrella). This is a spurious and counterproductive argument. It is most regrettable if the Japanese Commissioner and Advisors played an obstructive role on these issues. It is governments which in the end must act to progress nuclear disarmament. Bearing in mind that the Commissioners and Advisors were appointed before the change of government in Japan and the United States, and that the Commission’s independence is inherently compromised by the Japanese Co-chair being a senior serving (now opposition) politician, the Japanese and Australian Governments should take policy leadership and not allow their needed support for concrete steps to progress a world free of nuclear weapons at this vital time to be weakened or delayed. Both governments should immediately declare their support for a reduction in the role of nuclear weapons and adoption of no first use doctrine as necessary early steps towards the elimination of nuclear weapons.

We are also concerned that no date was set for a ban on the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, and that a target number of 1000 nuclear weapons by 2025 reported in the media before the Hiroshima meeting was raised after the meeting to “less than 2,000”. We are concerned that a process of settling on the “lowest common denominator” is compromising the Commission’s work, and reducing its potential to gain wide civil society support, to inspire and to lead. We hope the Commission will yet strengthen its recommendations and provide real leadership and effective advocacy towards a world free of nuclear weapons.

In the lead up to next year’s NPT Review Conference, we call on all governments by concrete action to strengthen the momentum towards a world without nuclear weapons generated by recent events, including President Obama’s speech in Prague in April and the UN Security Council Resolution of September. Bolder leadership is called for in order to overcome the profound dangers now facing humanity and seize the present historic opportunity to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons.

1. Summary of ICNND’s first meeting held in Sydney by Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 24 October 2008.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Hiroshima/Nagasaki Event Report in Fraser Monthly 月刊ふれいざー11月号

I wrote an article to report the October 3 Hiroshima/Nagasaki Event (Roundhouse Community Centre, Vancouver) in the November edition of Fraser Monthly.  Double-click on the image for a larger view of the article.