The Unitarian Church of Vancouver Adult Education Programme and the Social Justice Committee will present:
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Hiroshima A-bomb Dome (Photo by Satoko Oka Norimatsu) |
"Living with Hiroshima: My Memories of 66 Years":
An Evening with Koko Tanimoto Kondo
6:30 - 9:00 PM, Sunday January 29, 2012
At The Unitarian Church of Vancouver (949 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC - on Oak St.)
Admission by Donation
This event opens with a performance, ”Meaning of Life" by mime artist Yayoi Hirano to Bolero, music by Maurice Ravel, played at the piano by Sara Buechner and Chihiro Honma (four hands).
Also, young people from Vancouver who have participated in the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Study Tour with Koko will give their testimonies.
The event is presented by the Unitarian Church of Vancouver Adult Education Programme and the Social Justice Committee, and co-sponsored by Peace Philosophy Centre, Vancouver Save Article 9, and MOA (Museum of Anthropology). This event presented in conjunction with the exhibition, ひろしま hiroshima by Ishiuchi Miyako, on display at MOA through February 12, 2012. Exhibition sponsored in part by Shiseido and the Japan Foundation.
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Koko Tanimoto Kondo, speaking at Ritsumeikan University, August 2, 2011 |
Koko Tanimoto Kondo, writer, speaker, and educator from Hiroshima, talks about the effects of the bomb on her life, and her ongoing work for peace. 近藤(谷本)紘子さんは、広島原爆の記憶との歩み、そして現在の平和のための活動について語ります。
Koko, daughter of Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto and Chisa Tanimoto, was a 8 month old baby at 1.1 km away from the hypocentre, when the first atomic bomb dropped on humanity on August 6, 1945 in Hiroshima. 紘子さんは流川教会の谷本清牧師、チサ夫妻の長女として生まれ、1945年8月6日、人類の上に初めて原爆が落とされたときは8カ月の赤ん坊でした。爆心地から1.1キロしか離れていなかったにも関わらず奇跡的に助かりました。
Koko, who miraculously survived the bombing, grew up with victims who came to her father's church on a daily basis. Seeing the terrible scars on faces of young women, little Koko hoped someday to meet the "bad guys" who did this to them, and take revenge somehow. Then, one day, an opportunity arrived, when she met the co-pilot of Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the Hiroshima bomb. 紘子さんは、幼いころ、父の教会を訪れる、顔にひどい傷を負った女性たちをお姉さんのように慕って育ちました。幼心に、このお姉さんたちをこんなにした悪いやつらをいつか見つけて痛い目にあわせてやろうと思っていました。ある日、その機会は訪れます・・・。
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Koko's father Kiyoshi Tanimoto appears in TV Program This Is Your Life, May, 1955. |
Koko, who now manages a church in Hyogo, Japan with her minister husband, speaks around the world to convey her message of peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness. Every summer, she travels to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with students of the American University in Washington, D.C., Ritsumeikan University of Kyoto, Japan, as well as students from Canada, China, Korea, and beyond. To most of the participants of this tour, Koko is the biggest inspiration. We will expect some of the past participants visiting from the East Coast of US. 紘子さんは現在兵庫県三木市でパートナーと教会を切り盛りしながら、内外で講演活動を行い、平和、和解、赦しのメッセージを発信し続けています。毎年夏には米国、日本、カナダ、中国、韓国等の大学生の広島長崎平和学習の旅に付き添っています。この旅の多くの参加者にとって、紘子さんとの出会いが一番かけがえのないものになっています。
Koko is author of Hiroshima, 60 nen no kioku (Hiroshima, 60 Years of Memory, Riyon sha, 2005; Paperback by Tokuma bunko, 2009) 紘子さんは『ヒロシマ、60年の記憶』(リヨン社、2005、文庫版は徳間文庫、2009)の著者です。
Koko's father, late Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto was one of the six atomic bomb victims interviewed in classic Hiroshima by John Hersey. Hiroshima, originally published in 1946, was the first book that made known in the United States what happened to people under the mushroom cloud. 紘子さんの父、故・谷本清牧師は、ジョン・ハーシー『ヒロシマ』でインタビューを受けた6人の被爆者の一人です。北米では広島のことを学ぶ古典として広く読まれている『ヒロシマ』は、初版1946年、キノコ雲の下側で何があったのか―原爆の人的被害―を初めて米国一般市民に知らしめた作品です。
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Koko(2nd from left) and university students from US, Japan, and others, in front of the A-Bomb Dome in Hiroshima, August 2010 |
In 2010, Koko appeared in the National Geographic video program "24 Hours After Hiroshima." See the 45 minute video at this LINK. Koko appears in the last section. Read Robert Jacob's commentary on the video program on the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, "24 Hours After Hiroshima: National Geographic Channel Takes Up the Bomb." 2010年、紘子さんはナショナル・ジオグラフィック誌の特別ビデオ番組「24 Hours After Hiroshima」に出演しました。45分の映像はこのリンクで見られます。紘子さんの登場は最後の方です。また、ロバート・ジェイコブ氏によるこの番組の評論は、『アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカス』をご覧ください。
For inquiry, email Satoko Norimatsu お問い合わせは、乗松聡子 までどうぞ。
*** 1月30日(月)午後6時半から、Peace Philosophy Centre (Vancouver) にて近藤紘子さんを囲んだ交流会を行います(potluck 持ちよりパーティー)。参加希望の方は までお知らせください。A social gathering (potluck) with Koko Kondo will be held at Peace Philosophy Centre, 6:30 PM -, January 30 (Mon.) Please contact if you can attend. ***
PEACE - Project COLETTE, COLaboration EThics TErrestrial --- Olocausto - Apartheid - Hiroshima - Nanchino - New York Sept. 11 2001 - Kiev - Dresden - Gulag - Kyoto etc.