Koko Tanimoto Kondo's talk at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver was a great success, with a turnout of over 100 and an inspiring musical and mime performance and participation of students who went to Hiroshima and Nagasaki with Koko. Thank you all who planned, participated, and helped, and sent wishes to the event! Professor Roy Tamashiro of Webster University and his colleagues will create a documentary based on the event and a series of interviews that they conduct in Vancouver.
Koko will talk at the University of Victoria on Tuesday, January 31. Below is a flyer.
Note on February 1: Koko's Victoria talk was a phenomenal success, engaging 130 university and community members. Big thanks to the University of Victoria, Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives, Neil Burton's family, and Professor John Price, and all who attended the event.
For those who missed the Vancouver and Victoria events, it is not too late... Koko will be speaking at the University of Washington, Seattle, on February 7. See HERE for details.
Peace Philosophy Centre, based in Vancouver, Canada (est. 2007), provides a space for dialogue and facilitates learning for creating a peaceful and sustainable world. ピース・フィロソフィー・センター(カナダ・バンクーバー 2007年設立)は平和で持続可能な世界を創るための対話と学びの場を提供します。피스필로소피센터(캐나다·밴쿠버 2007년 설립)는 평화롭고 지속 가능한 세계를 만들기 위한 대화와 배움의 장소를 제공합니다. 欢迎来到和平哲学中心!我们来自加拿大温哥华,我们致力于促进对话及建立可持续发展的和平世界。欢迎您留下宝贵的评论。Follow Twitter: @PeacePhilosophy / "Like" Facebook: Peace Philosophy Centre メールEmail: peacephilosophycentre@gmail.com
To view articles in English only, click HERE. 日本語投稿のみを表示するにはここをクリック。点击此处观看中文稿件。한국어 투고 ★Follow Twitter ツイッターは@PeacePhilosophy and Facebook ★投稿内に断り書きがない限り、当サイトの記事の転載は許可が必要です。peacephilosophycentre@gmail.com にメールをください。Re-posting from this blog requires permission unless otherwise specified. Please email peacephilosophycentre@gmail.com to contact us.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
「フクシマ」10カ月: アクセスの多かった重要記事を再度紹介します
4月中旬、NHKに一瞬映った 「WSPEEDI」 3月15日被ばく予測マップ
IPPNW「チェルノブイリ健康被害」新報告と、首相官邸資料「チェルノブイリ事故との比較」との驚くべき相違 (関連: 福島とチェルノブイリの原発事故の比較に関する首相官邸ホームページ専門家グループ解説の医学的疑問点: 医学博士 松崎道幸)
チェルノブイリ事故による放射性物質で汚染されたベラルーシの諸地域における非ガン性疾患 Y・バンダシェフスキー教授 (関連 ベラルーシ・ゴメリでの、子どもの非がん性疾患の激増)
低線量被曝ガンリスクで重要論文: 10ミリシーベルトでガンが有意増加(カナダ・マギル大学チーム)
★その他、このサイトの右側のサイドバーに、「原発問題 世界の論説」として和・英語による論説文集があります。その下方の、「当サイトの原発関連重要記事」リストもご覧ください。
★福島核危機等について 『アジア太平洋ジャーナル: ジャパンフォーカス』に英語で書いた記事はこちらのリンクにあります。http://japanfocus.org/-Norimatsu-Satoko
★引き続き、フェースブック Peace Philosophy Centre, ツイッター @PeacePhilosophy でも発信を続けます。
4月中旬、NHKに一瞬映った 「WSPEEDI」 3月15日被ばく予測マップ
IPPNW「チェルノブイリ健康被害」新報告と、首相官邸資料「チェルノブイリ事故との比較」との驚くべき相違 (関連: 福島とチェルノブイリの原発事故の比較に関する首相官邸ホームページ専門家グループ解説の医学的疑問点: 医学博士 松崎道幸)
チェルノブイリ事故による放射性物質で汚染されたベラルーシの諸地域における非ガン性疾患 Y・バンダシェフスキー教授 (関連 ベラルーシ・ゴメリでの、子どもの非がん性疾患の激増)
低線量被曝ガンリスクで重要論文: 10ミリシーベルトでガンが有意増加(カナダ・マギル大学チーム)
★その他、このサイトの右側のサイドバーに、「原発問題 世界の論説」として和・英語による論説文集があります。その下方の、「当サイトの原発関連重要記事」リストもご覧ください。
★福島核危機等について 『アジア太平洋ジャーナル: ジャパンフォーカス』に英語で書いた記事はこちらのリンクにあります。http://japanfocus.org/-Norimatsu-Satoko
★引き続き、フェースブック Peace Philosophy Centre, ツイッター @PeacePhilosophy でも発信を続けます。
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
東電、政府、省庁、メディア、輪になって尻を拭い合う姿は醜悪としか言えない。高汚染地域に事故後2ヶ月半も放置された飯館村の人々、一番放射性物質が降っているときに外に並んで水の配給を待っていた人々、すぐ避難してもより汚染された地域に避難させられてしまった人々と、子どもたちのことを考えると、絶句する。もう怒りや悔しさを表現する言葉も、エネルギーも使い果たしてしまったと思っていたが、一昨日の「政府は事故後すぐ米軍にスピーディ情報を提供していた」に続き、昨日今日の一連のニュースには、本当のたたかいは始まったばかりだとの感を新たにする。Follow → @PeacePhilosophy
日本政府は米軍の安全を日本市民の安全より優先させた (1月17日)
読売「 「スピーディの予測は不確実性が大きく、緊急時の活用は困難」との見解だ。「予測情報が提供されていれば、より適切な避難経路や避難方向を選ぶことができた」とする政府の第一原発事故調査・検証委員会の中間報告書(昨年12月)の指摘に反するもので、議論を呼びそうだ。」元記事をここにコピペする。
(2012年1月18日11時37分 読売新聞)
福島原発データ送信装置 非常用電源外し放置 東電、震災4カ月前から
産経新聞 1月19日(木)7時55分配信この記事で、18日の、一部削除される前の読売の記事では、安全委が、事故直後「炉心のデータが得られなかったため」と、さらりと言っていたことが、実は東電の重大なミス(非常用電源をはずしたまま放置していた)ことによって原子炉データをSPEEDIに送るERSSが機能していなかったことによって起こったことだということがわかったのだ。
産経新聞記事 http://bit.ly/yzoCHZ のように、原子炉データをオンラインで伝送し事故解析と進展予測をするERSSというシステムが、事故後、データ伝送の途絶で全く使われなかった。これについて保安院も斑目原子力安全委員長も極めて適当な言い訳を繰り返してきた。柿沢議員が言うように、炉心のデータがなかったにせよSPEEDIは仮のデータを使って風向き情報と共に計算結果を出していた。私の冒頭のツイートでも述べたように、事故直後住民避難のためには放射線の正確な量や種類などよりまず風向きが大事であり、風向き情報だけでもそれにもとづいて避難させることができたはずだ。
昨年4月30日の予算委、質問と答弁はこちら→http://bit.ly/zu3GPd 今、見返してみてもとんでもない答弁をしている。そしてコロコロ変わる言い訳も全て嘘で、結局は、非常用電源を繋がないまま放置していた東電の「重大な過失」によるものだったのだ。許せない。
東電、政府、省庁、メディア、輪になって尻を拭い合う姿は醜悪としか言えない。高汚染地域に事故後2ヶ月半も放置された飯館村の人々、一番放射性物質が降っているときに外に並んで水の配給を待っていた人々、すぐ避難してもより汚染された地域に避難させられてしまった人々と、子どもたちのことを考えると、絶句する。もう怒りや悔しさを表現する言葉も、エネルギーも使い果たしてしまったと思っていたが、一昨日の「政府は事故後すぐ米軍にスピーディ情報を提供していた」に続き、昨日今日の一連のニュースには、本当のたたかいは始まったばかりだとの感を新たにする。Follow → @PeacePhilosophy
日本政府は米軍の安全を日本市民の安全より優先させた (1月17日)
Monday, January 16, 2012
日本政府は米軍の安全を日本市民の安全より優先させた "Tomodachi" information control operation? Japanese Government provided radioactivity dispersion prediction to the US military before its own people
In English, see Australia's ABC's report "Japan delayed release of radiation details".
(01/16 22:35)http://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/news/dogai/343858.html
文科省、事故直後に拡散予測を米軍に提供 SPEEDIによる試算結果(01/16 22:35)
放射性物質の拡散予測、米に先に提供 国会事故調で文科省
2012/1/16 22:55
SPEEDI情報 米軍に提供
1月17日 0時7分
Friday, January 13, 2012
http://www.town.kawamata.lg.jp/sokuhou/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/NO42.pdf (下記に画像ファイルで貼り付けた。)
これを読んでわかったことは、町の計測器(シンチレーションスペクトロメータ)で測ったところ490、478、465 Bq/Kg と出たので県のゲルマニウム半導体検出器で測ったところ520 Bq/Kg だったということだ。県は、米を出荷・販売している農家だけを対象に「緊急検査」をしているが、町は、飯米農家を含む稲作農家全戸を対象にしていると。報道によると、県は、自家用米であるという理由で公表しなかったということだが、これは大問題だ。
共同 1月13日
福島米、また基準値超える 川俣町の農家
(2012年1月13日20時41分 読売新聞)
http://www.town.kawamata.lg.jp/sokuhou/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/NO42.pdf (下記に画像ファイルで貼り付けた。)
これを読んでわかったことは、町の計測器(シンチレーションスペクトロメータ)で測ったところ490、478、465 Bq/Kg と出たので県のゲルマニウム半導体検出器で測ったところ520 Bq/Kg だったということだ。県は、米を出荷・販売している農家だけを対象に「緊急検査」をしているが、町は、飯米農家を含む稲作農家全戸を対象にしていると。報道によると、県は、自家用米であるという理由で公表しなかったということだが、これは大問題だ。
Thursday, January 12, 2012
福島原発事故:1万人の母乳を検査 政府と県が実施へ
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
「収束宣言」後原発からまた水漏れ: リットルあたり5億ベクレル!
知られざる放射能汚染~海からの緊急報告~」では、原発周辺の海では、海底に近付くほど放射性物質の濃度が増し、海産物もキロ2000ベクレル以上のものが見つかっている。(この番組は必見。http://www.nhk.or.jp/special/onair/120115.html オンデマンド等であれば見てください。)
- ストロンチウム90などベータ線を出す放射性物質が1立方センチあたり50万ベクレル。わざわざ立方センチにして小さく見せているが、1リットルにしたら5億ベクレルである。「ストロンチウム90など」と曖昧に書いているが、詳細が必要である。また、セシウムは「微量」とあるが、リットル50億ベクレルある中での「微量」とは一体どれくらいなのだろう。東電はこんなとてつもない汚染水をどれだけ敷地内に抱え込んでいるのだろう。
- 巡回中の社員がたまたま水たまりを見つけたということで、これ以上漏れている可能性があるのではないか。気の遠くなるようなストロンチウム90の濃度の汚染水が海に流れ出ている可能性を、この報道を読んだ人は誰もが思うであろう。
- 凍結用ヒーターが故障して水が凍り装置が壊れるなど、この真冬ではいくらでもあり得ることだ。凍った状態でまた地震があったら機材や配管などがバリバリ壊れてしまうのではないか。このような故障の情報は氷山の一角なのではないか。
- そしてまた心肺停止状態で病院に運ばれた作業員の話が出ている。汚染水処理後の廃棄物というのは、上記のようにリットル何億ベクレルといった、想像を超えた高濃度でそれらを扱う作業員が高い被曝をするのは想像がつく。病人や死人が出るたびに「被曝と関係ない」と言う東電や政府を信用するバカはもういない。本当に、いい加減にしてほしい。「収束宣言」を撤回して、情報を開示してほしい。@PeacePhilosophy
第一原発 また汚染水漏れ出す共同
1月10日 19時33分
TBS系(JNN) 1月17日(火)2時56分配信
知られざる放射能汚染~海からの緊急報告~」では、原発周辺の海では、海底に近付くほど放射性物質の濃度が増し、海産物もキロ2000ベクレル以上のものが見つかっている。(この番組は必見。http://www.nhk.or.jp/special/onair/120115.html オンデマンド等であれば見てください。)
Sunday, January 08, 2012
「原発事故の際にIAEAに忠告を求めてはならない」ミッシェル・フェルネックス博士緊急提言 Dr. Michel Fernex warns health consequences of Fukushima
Scroll down for an English version.
フランスのNPO Les enfants de Tchernobyl/Belarus 「チェルノブイリ/ベラルーシの子どもたち」(副会長はアレクセイ・ネステレンコ、このブログの過去記事参照:ベラルーシの放射線防護研究所による「農作物への放射能対策」)の創設者であるスイスの医学博士ミッシェル・フェルネックス教授の緊急提言を掲載します。この記事の最後に、このブログの関連記事をリストアップしましたので併せてご覧ください。 @PeacePhilosophy
フランス、オー=ラン県 ビーダータル
AP通信社は11月21日、「福島第一原発の事故による健康被害の実態は、明らかにならない可能性がある」という記事を配信した。これを読むと、次のような疑問が浮かぶ。「人々をできるだけ被ばくから守り、犠牲を最低限に食い止めるための最適な方策を、いったいどの機関が日本政府に進言できるだろうか」。 福島原発の管理者は、原発の計画をたて、建設を実行した最初の誤ちから、津波到来の1時間も前、すでに地震によって原発が壊れていたことを隠蔽した過ちまで、一貫して責任を負っている。これは明らかな人災で、結果として、環境中への放射能漏れの対応に遅れが生じた。
●● IAEAに従属するWHO
1946年の世界保険機構( WHO)憲章で、WHOは、医療部門において適正な技術を提供する義務がある、と定められている。緊急時には、政府が要請するか、あるいはWHOの介入に合意が得られたあとで、その役割を実行することになっている。WHOは健康に関する全ての情報、アドバイスおよび援助を与え、健康に関する世論をしっかり記録に残す義務がある。ところが、これらの義務はまったく遂行されていない。
WHOはもともとこうだったわけではない。1957年に設立された国際原子力機関(IAEA)との間で交わされた合意(1959年、 WHA12.40)によって、原子力分野での独立性を失ったのである。より最近では、放射線関連分野におけるWHOの活動は縮小しており、福島に介入したのもIAEAであった。あまり問題とされてはいないが、IAEAは、福島やチェルノブイリのような原発大惨事が起こるたびに、大きな決定権を発揮できる、という国際原子力機関憲章をもつ。IAEAは自らの憲章に忠実で、1996年4月8日~12日にウィーンで開催されたチェルノブイリに関する国際会議会報のように、IAEA出版物には度々、憲章の第二条が引用されている。IAEAの主要目的は「全世界の平和、健康、繁栄に対して原子力産業が果たす役割を推進し拡大すること」なのである。
●● まず性差に表れる放射線の影響
チェルノブイリでは死産、周産期死亡および先天性異常の増加が見られた。もっと後になってからだが、心臓の先天異常も見られた。5 0年代に行われたアリス・スチュワート医師の研究では、胎内で被ばくした胎児は後に白血病や癌(脳腫瘍)を発病するリスクが高いことが分かっている。
●● 放射線と免疫機能低下
食品による内部被ばくにより免疫が低下したチェルノブイリの子供や幼児は、事故から何年も経ってからも頻繁に感染症にかかっている。汚染されていない地域に比べて合併症や慢性化によって悪化する率が高い。 被ばくによって引き起こされるゲノム不安定性は遺伝的に受け継がれる。調査は、子どもの祖父母から始まって、これから何世代にも渡って続ける必要がある。
●● 被ばくとガン
●● 内部被ばくを避けるには
(Nesterenko V.I.他「アップルペクチンによるチェルノブイリの子どもの体内のセシウム137の除去効果」 SMW 134: 24-27. 2004)
(翻訳:小川万里子 編集:藤原かすみ)
ミッシェル・フェルネックス Michel Fernex 略歴
1929年ジュネーヴ生まれのスイス人。医学博士。ジュネーヴ、パリ、ダカール、バーゼルで医学を学ぶ。後、セネガル、マリ、ザイール、タンザニアなどアフリカ諸国に勤務、またフランス、スエーデンでも勤務し、寄生体学、マラリア、フィラリア症の問題で、世界保健機関と15年間,共同作業を行う。スイス・バーゼル大学医学部教授に任命。臨床医学,及び熱帯医学専門医。66歳で退職。以後、IPPNWの会員、またNPO「チェルノブイリ/ベラルーシーのこどもたち」(ETB)を仏緑の党創立メンバーで反核の闘士であった夫人のソランジュ・フェルネックスと2001年に創設。また2007年から、ETB、IPPNW、 CRIIRAD、仏脱原発ネットワークなどとWHO独立のためのキャンペーン(Inde-pendent WHO)を組織。キャンペーン会員はジュネーヴのWHO本部前で毎日8時から18時までピケを張っている。(過去に、ジャン・ジーグレール、ダニエル・ミッテラン、クリス・バスビー、チェルトコフ、ヴァシーリ・ネステレンコがヴィジーに参加)
チェルノブイリ事故による放射性物質で汚染されたベラルーシの諸地域における非ガン性疾患 Y・バンダシェフスキー教授
低線量被曝ガンリスクで重要論文: 10ミリシーベルトでガンが有意増加(カナダ・マギル大学チーム)
福島とチェルノブイリの原発事故の比較に関する首相官邸ホームページ専門家グループ解説の医学的疑問点: 医学博士 松崎道幸
IPPNW 『チェルノブイリ事故の人体への影響』より: 長期にわたる甲状腺障害の拡大
When reading the article of the Mainich Daily News, dealing with health problems after the nuclear accident of Fukushima, One may ask the question: which institution could advice the authorities for ta-king the best decisions to protect the population and reduce the suffering of the victims?
The responsibility of the direction of the factory starts with the errors in the planning and building of the power plant, the absence of information about the real damage which started with the earthquake, more than one hour before the rest of the wave of the tsunami making thousands of victims 100km from there. * The later errors lead to the delay to reduce and stop the contamination of the air, of the soils and water.
According to its constitution (1946) the World Health Organization (WHO) has to provide an adequate technical assistance in the field of medicine. Intervention in case of urgency, if required by governments, or just after acceptation of such interventions should furnish the best information, give pieces of advice and assistance concerning health. It has to form a well documented public opinion regarding health. None of these obligations were respected.
For historical reasons this did not happen. The WHO signed in 1959 with the newly created (1957) International Agency for Atomic Energy (IAEA) an Agreement (WHA 12.40) which ended the independence of the WHO to act in the field of nuclear industry. * More recent decisions confirm the take away of the activities of the WHO in the field of ionizing radiation. * It explains why the IAEA could intervene in Chernobyl and Fukushima, not the WHO.
The population ignore the statutes of the IAEA, which gives directives or contributes to make decisions after an atomic catastrophe such as Fukushima or Chernobyl. The IAEA before all, has to owe the wording of its statutes. The following lines of this IAEA document, is quoted in IAEA publications, for instance in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Chernobyl in Vienna, 8-12 April 1996. It says that the Agency has as principal objective "to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic industry to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world".
In other words, this U.N. agency has before all to promote nuclear industries, and support such commercial projects. The IAEA has the highest position compared with other agencies in the hierarchy of the United Nations (UN), including the WHO, FAO, UNICEF and others being controlled by ECOSOP. Furthermore, the WHO from a legal point of view, is not independent or even absent in the field of health and ionizing radiations. The IAEA having to impose its goal, will not admit that severe diseases are due to radiation; this would slow down the spreading and the growth of the nuclear facilities in the world. The guidelines from this agency represent the defense of these commercial structures, but not a protection the population nor a help for victims.
For the national health authorities, the IAEA will be the wrong councilor in case of a nuclear catastrophe. Priority will be given to economical considerations, therefor the attempt to minimize or refute pathologies associated or provoked by artificial radiations will be denied. Wrong estimations may delay the evacuation of heavily irradiated communities.
Shocking and even less understandable in Fukushima, has been the absence of distribution of stable iodine to the whole population, and before all to children, who are more at risk. This prophylactic intervention is not expensive. It would have been efficient and, as shown in Poland by Keath Baverstock, such a campaign is very well tolerated, even if millions of children, who have the greatest need for such a protection, are included. One tablets has to be swallowed, if possible before the wind transporting radioactive iodine, mainly I-131, crosses over the region.
The Journal does not indicate that the first victims of the accident of Fukushima are and will be the children. This starts when the rapidly dividing cells of the embryo makes this stage of development 1000 times more susceptible than adults. Embryos may die, this would correspond to an early subclinical abortion. At birth, up to 5% of the girl babies have been missing the years after the explosion of Chernobyl, compared with the statistics of the years prior to 1986. The highest sex odds, with more than 5% of the female children missing were registered in Belarus and Russia, the countries with the highest radioactive fall-out. Missing girls at birth were also noticed in eastern Europe and Balkans after Chernobyl. Even in Germany there was still a significant deficit in girls at birth. However in France and Spain, with very little or localized radioactive fall-out, no changes of the historical sex odds were found. It shows that the deterioration of the sex odds is proportional to ionizing radiation.
The normal sex ratio, which is a sex odd, corresponds to about 1045 new-born males for 1000 newborn females. This ratio is more or less constant all over the world. There are other examples where the aggravation of the sex odds are increased, connected with increased radioactivity. For instance in the valley of Kerala with a back-ground radioactivity due to monazite, a thorium rich sand, with a six-time increased background activity, leads to a significant increase of congenital new dominant mutations, and Down's syndrome, as well as an aggravation of the sex odds, compared with the neiboring valley with a normal background radiation. (Padmanabham).
In Chernobyl still-birth and perinatal mortality, as well as congenital defects were noticed. Cardiac defects are often detected much later. Irradiation of fetuses in utero may lead to a significant increase of leukaemia and cancers (brain tumors) as shown in the 50th by Alice Stewart.
In Chernobyl, the incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus increased in children and especially in small children and infants, where the disease becomes evident due to the coma at entry. This is caused by defects of the immune system or a new mutation. *Usually, hereditary factors may be found in such cases; parents or grand-parents suffered from similar diseases. * In Chernobyl, type 1 diabetes mellitus is missing in the family. The Chernobyl diabetes mellitus of infants or small children appears to be a new disease.
In Belarus, it has been shown that the immune system was heavily affected after the accident. Therefore,
both the white blood cells and the gamma globulins must be studied with a prolonged follow-up in the population of Fukushima (See papers of Pr. Titov). The results should be compared with those of similar research performed in children populations far away from the radioactive fall-out. E.g.: a comparable region around Kobe or Kyoto).
When studying the immune system of irradiated children, attention should be payed to auto-antibodies, agains beta cells of Langerhans islets in the pancreas, and against thyroid cells. Hashimoto's thyroiditis has the same etiology as type 1 diabetes mellitus. *Other endocrine glands, such as sex hormones producing cells, may be responsible for functional problems especially during puberty: delayed menstruations or even epidemics of male sterility as described in Ukraine. Allergic diseases may also increase in frequency among irradiated children populations. *Again, comparison with communities free of radioactive fall-out will be necessary.
The hypersensitivity of cells (lymphocyte cultures) of irradiated children, after a short X-ray irradiation of the cell culture, should also be studied in Fukushima, as it was done in Chernobyl children by Pr. Pelevina.
The alteration of the immune system surely contributes to the increase of infectious diseases in infants and children of Chernobyl, even after years, if children still receive radio-contaminated food. The infections will have a more severe course, with complications and a tendency to become chronic, when compared with children of not radio-contaminated regions.
Ionizing radiation induces a genome instability, which is directly transmissible from generation to generation. This has to be studied and followed-up for generations, starting with the grand-parents now.
The incidence of thyroid cancer extremely rare in small children, may increase even before the fifth year of age; an age where normally only one case in one million small children suffers from this malignant disease. If irradiated in utero or soon after birth, the latency period for this cancer may be very short, and a rapidly invasive papillary cancer of the thyroid can develop in very young children. Chernobyl provoked several other thyroid diseases, such as goiter, thyroiditis and functional disorders. The other cancers have a longer latency period, up to 35 years. Cronberg in Sweden and Okeanov in Belarus found a clear trend for the increase of different cancers 10 years after Chernobyl, and a statistically highly significant increases of all common cancers after 20 years.
Irradiation of young adults leads to premature aging; the early occurrence of cancers being part of this phenomenon. *The increase of cancer was much more pronounced in younger, than in older liquidators of Chernobyl, with the same exposition to radiation. Okeanov showed further more that among liquidators, the duration of the exposition to radiation was a more important risk factor than the dose. (See Proceeding of an intentional conference, IAEA, Vienna, p279, 8-12 April 1996.). When studying problems of cancers, never chose the mortality as parameter, the mortality is declining year after year, but the incidence is growing, especially among irradiated subjects, and the mean age of occurrence may start 20 years too early. There, statistically significant differences may be found in ten to twenty years.
Blindness is also more frequent among young than among older liquidators. It is a degenerative disease of the retina, with microcirculatory disturbance, reaching after a few years the macula.
In Chernobyl the first cause of death due to radiation is not cancer, but cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, with cerebral and cardiac complications. Physicians may protect patients from these complications.
Years after Chernobyl, children with a high burden of Cs-137 in the organism are ill in 80% of the cases, and have often cardiac problems. Prior to Chernobyl and in regions of Belarus with minimal radioactive fallout, only 20% of the children can be considered as non healthy, as it was the case in Belarus before the catastrophe.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and type 1 diabetes mellitus occur in infants at always younger ages. Other endocrine diseases, such as conditions due to anomalies of sex hormones may be responsible for functional problems especially in females during puberty, with delayed menstruations and sterility in male subject.
It is important that similar studies are undertaken in Fukushima, with always a possibly to compare the findings, with a group for comparison, in a similar environment, but no radioactive fall-out. The age, the sex distribution, the professions and standard of living and the density of population should be the same. Radiologically clean regions for comparison, could be selected around Kyoto or Kobe.
Measures to be taken to protect children are before all to prevent the uptake of radionuclides with drinks and food. Clean food and drinks must be given to all children, at home and in school canteens. Holidays in radiologically clean areas are also helpful.
Pectin reduces the uptake of radionuclides, Sr-90. Cs-137 and uranium derivatives. It also accelerates the elimination of radionuclides both with feces and urine. This food additive is Considered by the experts
of the Research Laboratory of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy, as safe and efficient for this indication (Nesterenko V.I. & al. SMV 134: 24-27. 2004).
Contaminated children can also be protected with vitamin E and A, as well as carotenes, which act as antioxidants. Mothers should provide carrots, beet ruts and red fruits, containing such antioxidants to their children.
The external radiation dose is much less source of pathologies than internal dose due to incorporated radionuclides, which are chronically accumulated in given organs, Thymus, endocrine glands, spleen, surface of bones and heart. Bandazhevsky demonstrated after Chernobyl (SMW 2003; 133:p488-490) that nearly a two times higher concentrations of Cs-137 is measured at autopsy in organs from children, when compared with the concentration in the organs of adults from the same region. The highest concentrations were measured in the pancreas and the thymus of new-born babies and infants.
Dosimeters distributed to children should be replaced by whole body spectrometers periodically transported in schools for controls. This gives a measure of the Cs-137 load. If the values are above 20 Bq/kg bodyweight, pectin courses may be necessary, and the contaminated food must be replaced by absolutely clean food and clean drinks.
These reflections follow the article of the Mainich Daily News. It confirms that among adults no death related radiation occurred so far. The epidemiological and medical problems are to be studied and treated from birth to puberty by pediatricians, geneticists and immunologists, in irradiated communities. They will compare the present situation in Fukushima with that observed in not radio-contaminated comparable regions. *The cancers epidemic in adults has to be studied in 5 to 25 years from now.
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Michel Fernex |
フランスのNPO Les enfants de Tchernobyl/Belarus 「チェルノブイリ/ベラルーシの子どもたち」(
フランス、オー=ラン県 ビーダータル
AP通信社は11月21日、「福島第一原発の事故による健康被害の実態は、明らかにならない可能性がある」という記事を配信した。これを読むと、次のような疑問が浮かぶ。「人々をできるだけ被ばくから守り、犠牲を最低限に食い止めるための最適な方策を、いったいどの機関が日本政府に進言できるだろうか」。 福島原発の管理者は、原発の計画をたて、建設を実行した最初の誤ちから、津波到来の1時間も前、すでに地震によって原発が壊れていたことを隠蔽した過ちまで、一貫して責任を負っている。これは明らかな人災で、結果として、環境中への放射能漏れの対応に遅れが生じた。
●● IAEAに従属するWHO
1946年の世界保険機構( WHO)憲章で、WHOは、医療部門において適正な技術を提供する義務がある、と定められている。緊急時には、政府が要請するか、あるいはWHOの介入に合意が得られたあとで、その役割を実行することになっている。WHOは健康に関する全ての情報、アドバイスおよび援助を与え、健康に関する世論をしっかり記録に残す義務がある。ところが、これらの義務はまったく遂行されていない。
WHOはもともとこうだったわけではない。1957年に設立された国際原子力機関(IAEA)との間で交わされた合意(1959年、 WHA12.40)によって、原子力分野での独立性を失ったのである。より最近では、放射線関連分野におけるWHOの活動は縮小しており、福島に介入したのもIAEAであった。あまり問題とされてはいないが、IAEAは、福島やチェルノブイリのような原発大惨事が起こるたびに、大きな決定権を発揮できる、という国際原子力機関憲章をもつ。IAEAは自らの憲章に忠実で、1996年4月8日~12日にウィーンで開催されたチェルノブイリに関する国際会議会報のように、IAEA出版物には度々、憲章の第二条が引用されている。IAEAの主要目的は「全世界の平和、健康、繁栄に対して原子力産業が果たす役割を推進し拡大すること」なのである。
●● まず性差に表れる放射線の影響
チェルノブイリでは死産、周産期死亡および先天性異常の増加が見られた。もっと後になってからだが、心臓の先天異常も見られた。5 0年代に行われたアリス・スチュワート医師の研究では、胎内で被ばくした胎児は後に白血病や癌(脳腫瘍)を発病するリスクが高いことが分かっている。
●● 放射線と免疫機能低下
食品による内部被ばくにより免疫が低下したチェルノブイリの子供や幼児は、事故から何年も経ってからも頻繁に感染症にかかっている。汚染されていない地域に比べて合併症や慢性化によって悪化する率が高い。 被ばくによって引き起こされるゲノム不安定性は遺伝的に受け継がれる。調査は、子どもの祖父母から始まって、これから何世代にも渡って続ける必要がある。
●● 被ばくとガン
●● 内部被ばくを避けるには
(Nesterenko V.I.他「アップルペクチンによるチェルノブイリの子どもの体内のセシウム137の除去効果」 SMW 134: 24-27. 2004)
(翻訳:小川万里子 編集:藤原かすみ)
ミッシェル・フェルネックス Michel Fernex 略歴
1929年ジュネーヴ生まれのスイス人。医学博士。ジュネーヴ、パリ、ダカール、バーゼルで医学を学ぶ。後、セネガル、マリ、ザイール、タンザニアなどアフリカ諸国に勤務、またフランス、スエーデンでも勤務し、寄生体学、マラリア、フィラリア症の問題で、世界保健機関と15年間,共同作業を行う。スイス・バーゼル大学医学部教授に任命。臨床医学,及び熱帯医学専門医。66歳で退職。以後、IPPNWの会員、またNPO「チェルノブイリ/ベラルーシーのこどもたち」(ETB)を仏緑の党創立メンバーで反核の闘士であった夫人のソランジュ・フェルネックスと2001年に創設。また2007年から、ETB、IPPNW、 CRIIRAD、仏脱原発ネットワークなどとWHO独立のためのキャンペーン(Inde-pendent WHO)を組織。キャンペーン会員はジュネーヴのWHO本部前で毎日8時から18時までピケを張っている。(過去に、ジャン・ジーグレール、ダニエル・ミッテラン、クリス・バスビー、チェルトコフ、ヴァシーリ・ネステレンコがヴィジーに参加)
チェルノブイリ事故による放射性物質で汚染されたベラルーシの諸地域における非ガン性疾患 Y・バンダシェフスキー教授
低線量被曝ガンリスクで重要論文: 10ミリシーベルトでガンが有意増加(カナダ・マギル大学チーム)
福島とチェルノブイリの原発事故の比較に関する首相官邸ホームページ専門家グループ解説の医学的疑問点: 医学博士 松崎道幸
IPPNW 『チェルノブイリ事故の人体への影響』より: 長期にわたる甲状腺障害の拡大
F-68480 BIEDERTHAL, Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Michel Fernex
When reading the article of the Mainich Daily News, dealing with health problems after the nuclear accident of Fukushima, One may ask the question: which institution could advice the authorities for ta-king the best decisions to protect the population and reduce the suffering of the victims?
The responsibility of the direction of the factory starts with the errors in the planning and building of the power plant, the absence of information about the real damage which started with the earthquake, more than one hour before the rest of the wave of the tsunami making thousands of victims 100km from there. * The later errors lead to the delay to reduce and stop the contamination of the air, of the soils and water.
According to its constitution (1946) the World Health Organization (WHO) has to provide an adequate technical assistance in the field of medicine. Intervention in case of urgency, if required by governments, or just after acceptation of such interventions should furnish the best information, give pieces of advice and assistance concerning health. It has to form a well documented public opinion regarding health. None of these obligations were respected.
For historical reasons this did not happen. The WHO signed in 1959 with the newly created (1957) International Agency for Atomic Energy (IAEA) an Agreement (WHA 12.40) which ended the independence of the WHO to act in the field of nuclear industry. * More recent decisions confirm the take away of the activities of the WHO in the field of ionizing radiation. * It explains why the IAEA could intervene in Chernobyl and Fukushima, not the WHO.
The population ignore the statutes of the IAEA, which gives directives or contributes to make decisions after an atomic catastrophe such as Fukushima or Chernobyl. The IAEA before all, has to owe the wording of its statutes. The following lines of this IAEA document, is quoted in IAEA publications, for instance in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Chernobyl in Vienna, 8-12 April 1996. It says that the Agency has as principal objective "to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic industry to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world".
In other words, this U.N. agency has before all to promote nuclear industries, and support such commercial projects. The IAEA has the highest position compared with other agencies in the hierarchy of the United Nations (UN), including the WHO, FAO, UNICEF and others being controlled by ECOSOP. Furthermore, the WHO from a legal point of view, is not independent or even absent in the field of health and ionizing radiations. The IAEA having to impose its goal, will not admit that severe diseases are due to radiation; this would slow down the spreading and the growth of the nuclear facilities in the world. The guidelines from this agency represent the defense of these commercial structures, but not a protection the population nor a help for victims.
For the national health authorities, the IAEA will be the wrong councilor in case of a nuclear catastrophe. Priority will be given to economical considerations, therefor the attempt to minimize or refute pathologies associated or provoked by artificial radiations will be denied. Wrong estimations may delay the evacuation of heavily irradiated communities.
Shocking and even less understandable in Fukushima, has been the absence of distribution of stable iodine to the whole population, and before all to children, who are more at risk. This prophylactic intervention is not expensive. It would have been efficient and, as shown in Poland by Keath Baverstock, such a campaign is very well tolerated, even if millions of children, who have the greatest need for such a protection, are included. One tablets has to be swallowed, if possible before the wind transporting radioactive iodine, mainly I-131, crosses over the region.
The Journal does not indicate that the first victims of the accident of Fukushima are and will be the children. This starts when the rapidly dividing cells of the embryo makes this stage of development 1000 times more susceptible than adults. Embryos may die, this would correspond to an early subclinical abortion. At birth, up to 5% of the girl babies have been missing the years after the explosion of Chernobyl, compared with the statistics of the years prior to 1986. The highest sex odds, with more than 5% of the female children missing were registered in Belarus and Russia, the countries with the highest radioactive fall-out. Missing girls at birth were also noticed in eastern Europe and Balkans after Chernobyl. Even in Germany there was still a significant deficit in girls at birth. However in France and Spain, with very little or localized radioactive fall-out, no changes of the historical sex odds were found. It shows that the deterioration of the sex odds is proportional to ionizing radiation.
The normal sex ratio, which is a sex odd, corresponds to about 1045 new-born males for 1000 newborn females. This ratio is more or less constant all over the world. There are other examples where the aggravation of the sex odds are increased, connected with increased radioactivity. For instance in the valley of Kerala with a back-ground radioactivity due to monazite, a thorium rich sand, with a six-time increased background activity, leads to a significant increase of congenital new dominant mutations, and Down's syndrome, as well as an aggravation of the sex odds, compared with the neiboring valley with a normal background radiation. (Padmanabham).
In Chernobyl still-birth and perinatal mortality, as well as congenital defects were noticed. Cardiac defects are often detected much later. Irradiation of fetuses in utero may lead to a significant increase of leukaemia and cancers (brain tumors) as shown in the 50th by Alice Stewart.
In Chernobyl, the incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus increased in children and especially in small children and infants, where the disease becomes evident due to the coma at entry. This is caused by defects of the immune system or a new mutation. *Usually, hereditary factors may be found in such cases; parents or grand-parents suffered from similar diseases. * In Chernobyl, type 1 diabetes mellitus is missing in the family. The Chernobyl diabetes mellitus of infants or small children appears to be a new disease.
In Belarus, it has been shown that the immune system was heavily affected after the accident. Therefore,
both the white blood cells and the gamma globulins must be studied with a prolonged follow-up in the population of Fukushima (See papers of Pr. Titov). The results should be compared with those of similar research performed in children populations far away from the radioactive fall-out. E.g.: a comparable region around Kobe or Kyoto).
When studying the immune system of irradiated children, attention should be payed to auto-antibodies, agains beta cells of Langerhans islets in the pancreas, and against thyroid cells. Hashimoto's thyroiditis has the same etiology as type 1 diabetes mellitus. *Other endocrine glands, such as sex hormones producing cells, may be responsible for functional problems especially during puberty: delayed menstruations or even epidemics of male sterility as described in Ukraine. Allergic diseases may also increase in frequency among irradiated children populations. *Again, comparison with communities free of radioactive fall-out will be necessary.
The hypersensitivity of cells (lymphocyte cultures) of irradiated children, after a short X-ray irradiation of the cell culture, should also be studied in Fukushima, as it was done in Chernobyl children by Pr. Pelevina.
The alteration of the immune system surely contributes to the increase of infectious diseases in infants and children of Chernobyl, even after years, if children still receive radio-contaminated food. The infections will have a more severe course, with complications and a tendency to become chronic, when compared with children of not radio-contaminated regions.
Ionizing radiation induces a genome instability, which is directly transmissible from generation to generation. This has to be studied and followed-up for generations, starting with the grand-parents now.
The incidence of thyroid cancer extremely rare in small children, may increase even before the fifth year of age; an age where normally only one case in one million small children suffers from this malignant disease. If irradiated in utero or soon after birth, the latency period for this cancer may be very short, and a rapidly invasive papillary cancer of the thyroid can develop in very young children. Chernobyl provoked several other thyroid diseases, such as goiter, thyroiditis and functional disorders. The other cancers have a longer latency period, up to 35 years. Cronberg in Sweden and Okeanov in Belarus found a clear trend for the increase of different cancers 10 years after Chernobyl, and a statistically highly significant increases of all common cancers after 20 years.
Irradiation of young adults leads to premature aging; the early occurrence of cancers being part of this phenomenon. *The increase of cancer was much more pronounced in younger, than in older liquidators of Chernobyl, with the same exposition to radiation. Okeanov showed further more that among liquidators, the duration of the exposition to radiation was a more important risk factor than the dose. (See Proceeding of an intentional conference, IAEA, Vienna, p279, 8-12 April 1996.). When studying problems of cancers, never chose the mortality as parameter, the mortality is declining year after year, but the incidence is growing, especially among irradiated subjects, and the mean age of occurrence may start 20 years too early. There, statistically significant differences may be found in ten to twenty years.
Blindness is also more frequent among young than among older liquidators. It is a degenerative disease of the retina, with microcirculatory disturbance, reaching after a few years the macula.
In Chernobyl the first cause of death due to radiation is not cancer, but cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, with cerebral and cardiac complications. Physicians may protect patients from these complications.
Years after Chernobyl, children with a high burden of Cs-137 in the organism are ill in 80% of the cases, and have often cardiac problems. Prior to Chernobyl and in regions of Belarus with minimal radioactive fallout, only 20% of the children can be considered as non healthy, as it was the case in Belarus before the catastrophe.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and type 1 diabetes mellitus occur in infants at always younger ages. Other endocrine diseases, such as conditions due to anomalies of sex hormones may be responsible for functional problems especially in females during puberty, with delayed menstruations and sterility in male subject.
It is important that similar studies are undertaken in Fukushima, with always a possibly to compare the findings, with a group for comparison, in a similar environment, but no radioactive fall-out. The age, the sex distribution, the professions and standard of living and the density of population should be the same. Radiologically clean regions for comparison, could be selected around Kyoto or Kobe.
Measures to be taken to protect children are before all to prevent the uptake of radionuclides with drinks and food. Clean food and drinks must be given to all children, at home and in school canteens. Holidays in radiologically clean areas are also helpful.
Pectin reduces the uptake of radionuclides, Sr-90. Cs-137 and uranium derivatives. It also accelerates the elimination of radionuclides both with feces and urine. This food additive is Considered by the experts
of the Research Laboratory of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy, as safe and efficient for this indication (Nesterenko V.I. & al. SMV 134: 24-27. 2004).
Contaminated children can also be protected with vitamin E and A, as well as carotenes, which act as antioxidants. Mothers should provide carrots, beet ruts and red fruits, containing such antioxidants to their children.
The external radiation dose is much less source of pathologies than internal dose due to incorporated radionuclides, which are chronically accumulated in given organs, Thymus, endocrine glands, spleen, surface of bones and heart. Bandazhevsky demonstrated after Chernobyl (SMW 2003; 133:p488-490) that nearly a two times higher concentrations of Cs-137 is measured at autopsy in organs from children, when compared with the concentration in the organs of adults from the same region. The highest concentrations were measured in the pancreas and the thymus of new-born babies and infants.
Dosimeters distributed to children should be replaced by whole body spectrometers periodically transported in schools for controls. This gives a measure of the Cs-137 load. If the values are above 20 Bq/kg bodyweight, pectin courses may be necessary, and the contaminated food must be replaced by absolutely clean food and clean drinks.
These reflections follow the article of the Mainich Daily News. It confirms that among adults no death related radiation occurred so far. The epidemiological and medical problems are to be studied and treated from birth to puberty by pediatricians, geneticists and immunologists, in irradiated communities. They will compare the present situation in Fukushima with that observed in not radio-contaminated comparable regions. *The cancers epidemic in adults has to be studied in 5 to 25 years from now.
Saturday, January 07, 2012
A Special Event in Vancouver, January 29, 2012: Koko Tanimoto Kondo, a Hiroshima Survivor 近藤紘子バンクーバー講演「ヒロシマと共に―66年の記憶」2012年1月29日
The Unitarian Church of Vancouver Adult Education Programme and the Social Justice Committee will present:
At The Unitarian Church of Vancouver (949 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC - on Oak St.)
Koko Tanimoto Kondo, writer, speaker, and educator from Hiroshima, talks about the effects of the bomb on her life, and her ongoing work for peace. 近藤(谷本)紘子さんは、広島原爆の記憶との歩み、そして現在の平和のための活動について語ります。
Koko, daughter of Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto and Chisa Tanimoto, was a 8 month old baby at 1.1 km away from the hypocentre, when the first atomic bomb dropped on humanity on August 6, 1945 in Hiroshima. 紘子さんは流川教会の谷本清牧師、チサ夫妻の長女として生まれ、1945年8月6日、人類の上に初めて原爆が落とされたときは8カ月の赤ん坊でした。爆心地から1.1キロしか離れていなかったにも関わらず奇跡的に助かりました。
Koko, who miraculously survived the bombing, grew up with victims who came to her father's church on a daily basis. Seeing the terrible scars on faces of young women, little Koko hoped someday to meet the "bad guys" who did this to them, and take revenge somehow. Then, one day, an opportunity arrived, when she met the co-pilot of Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the Hiroshima bomb. 紘子さんは、幼いころ、父の教会を訪れる、顔にひどい傷を負った女性たちをお姉さんのように慕って育ちました。幼心に、このお姉さんたちをこんなにした悪いやつらをいつか見つけて痛い目にあわせてやろうと思っていました。ある日、その機会は訪れます・・・。
Koko, who now manages a church in Hyogo, Japan with her minister husband, speaks around the world to convey her message of peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness. Every summer, she travels to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with students of the American University in Washington, D.C., Ritsumeikan University of Kyoto, Japan, as well as students from Canada, China, Korea, and beyond. To most of the participants of this tour, Koko is the biggest inspiration. We will expect some of the past participants visiting from the East Coast of US. 紘子さんは現在兵庫県三木市でパートナーと教会を切り盛りしながら、内外で講演活動を行い、平和、和解、赦しのメッセージを発信し続けています。毎年夏には米国、日本、カナダ、中国、韓国等の大学生の広島長崎平和学習の旅に付き添っています。この旅の多くの参加者にとって、紘子さんとの出会いが一番かけがえのないものになっています。
Koko is author of Hiroshima, 60 nen no kioku (Hiroshima, 60 Years of Memory, Riyon sha, 2005; Paperback by Tokuma bunko, 2009) 紘子さんは『ヒロシマ、60年の記憶』(リヨン社、2005、文庫版は徳間文庫、2009)の著者です。
Koko's father, late Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto was one of the six atomic bomb victims interviewed in classic Hiroshima by John Hersey. Hiroshima, originally published in 1946, was the first book that made known in the United States what happened to people under the mushroom cloud. 紘子さんの父、故・谷本清牧師は、ジョン・ハーシー『ヒロシマ』でインタビューを受けた6人の被爆者の一人です。北米では広島のことを学ぶ古典として広く読まれている『ヒロシマ』は、初版1946年、キノコ雲の下側で何があったのか―原爆の人的被害―を初めて米国一般市民に知らしめた作品です。
This is Koko's first visit to Vancouver, BC. 近藤紘子さんのバンクーバー訪問は初めてです。
In 2010, Koko appeared in the National Geographic video program "24 Hours After Hiroshima." See the 45 minute video at this LINK. Koko appears in the last section. Read Robert Jacob's commentary on the video program on the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, "24 Hours After Hiroshima: National Geographic Channel Takes Up the Bomb." 2010年、紘子さんはナショナル・ジオグラフィック誌の特別ビデオ番組「24 Hours After Hiroshima」に出演しました。45分の映像はこのリンクで見られます。紘子さんの登場は最後の方です。また、ロバート・ジェイコブ氏によるこの番組の評論は、『アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカス』をご覧ください。
For inquiry, email Satoko Norimatsu info@peacephilosophy.com. お問い合わせは、乗松聡子 info@peacephilosophy.com までどうぞ。
*** 1月30日(月)午後6時半から、Peace Philosophy Centre (Vancouver) にて近藤紘子さんを囲んだ交流会を行います(potluck 持ちよりパーティー)。参加希望の方は info@peacephilosophy.com までお知らせください。A social gathering (potluck) with Koko Kondo will be held at Peace Philosophy Centre, 6:30 PM -, January 30 (Mon.) Please contact info@peacephilosophy.com if you can attend. ***
The Unitarian Church of Vancouver Adult Education Programme and the Social Justice Committee will present:
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Hiroshima A-bomb Dome (Photo by Satoko Oka Norimatsu) |
"Living with Hiroshima: My Memories of 66 Years":
An Evening with Koko Tanimoto Kondo
6:30 - 9:00 PM, Sunday January 29, 2012
At The Unitarian Church of Vancouver (949 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC - on Oak St.)
Admission by Donation
This event opens with a performance, ”Meaning of Life" by mime artist Yayoi Hirano to Bolero, music by Maurice Ravel, played at the piano by Sara Buechner and Chihiro Honma (four hands).
Also, young people from Vancouver who have participated in the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Study Tour with Koko will give their testimonies.
The event is presented by the Unitarian Church of Vancouver Adult Education Programme and the Social Justice Committee, and co-sponsored by Peace Philosophy Centre, Vancouver Save Article 9, and MOA (Museum of Anthropology). This event presented in conjunction with the exhibition, ひろしま hiroshima by Ishiuchi Miyako, on display at MOA through February 12, 2012. Exhibition sponsored in part by Shiseido and the Japan Foundation.
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Koko Tanimoto Kondo, speaking at Ritsumeikan University, August 2, 2011 |
Koko Tanimoto Kondo, writer, speaker, and educator from Hiroshima, talks about the effects of the bomb on her life, and her ongoing work for peace. 近藤(谷本)紘子さんは、広島原爆の記憶との歩み、そして現在の平和のための活動について語ります。
Koko, daughter of Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto and Chisa Tanimoto, was a 8 month old baby at 1.1 km away from the hypocentre, when the first atomic bomb dropped on humanity on August 6, 1945 in Hiroshima. 紘子さんは流川教会の谷本清牧師、チサ夫妻の長女として生まれ、1945年8月6日、人類の上に初めて原爆が落とされたときは8カ月の赤ん坊でした。爆心地から1.1キロしか離れていなかったにも関わらず奇跡的に助かりました。
Koko, who miraculously survived the bombing, grew up with victims who came to her father's church on a daily basis. Seeing the terrible scars on faces of young women, little Koko hoped someday to meet the "bad guys" who did this to them, and take revenge somehow. Then, one day, an opportunity arrived, when she met the co-pilot of Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the Hiroshima bomb. 紘子さんは、幼いころ、父の教会を訪れる、顔にひどい傷を負った女性たちをお姉さんのように慕って育ちました。幼心に、このお姉さんたちをこんなにした悪いやつらをいつか見つけて痛い目にあわせてやろうと思っていました。ある日、その機会は訪れます・・・。
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Koko's father Kiyoshi Tanimoto appears in TV Program This Is Your Life, May, 1955. |
Koko, who now manages a church in Hyogo, Japan with her minister husband, speaks around the world to convey her message of peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness. Every summer, she travels to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with students of the American University in Washington, D.C., Ritsumeikan University of Kyoto, Japan, as well as students from Canada, China, Korea, and beyond. To most of the participants of this tour, Koko is the biggest inspiration. We will expect some of the past participants visiting from the East Coast of US. 紘子さんは現在兵庫県三木市でパートナーと教会を切り盛りしながら、内外で講演活動を行い、平和、和解、赦しのメッセージを発信し続けています。毎年夏には米国、日本、カナダ、中国、韓国等の大学生の広島長崎平和学習の旅に付き添っています。この旅の多くの参加者にとって、紘子さんとの出会いが一番かけがえのないものになっています。
Koko is author of Hiroshima, 60 nen no kioku (Hiroshima, 60 Years of Memory, Riyon sha, 2005; Paperback by Tokuma bunko, 2009) 紘子さんは『ヒロシマ、60年の記憶』(リヨン社、2005、文庫版は徳間文庫、2009)の著者です。
Koko's father, late Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto was one of the six atomic bomb victims interviewed in classic Hiroshima by John Hersey. Hiroshima, originally published in 1946, was the first book that made known in the United States what happened to people under the mushroom cloud. 紘子さんの父、故・谷本清牧師は、ジョン・ハーシー『ヒロシマ』でインタビューを受けた6人の被爆者の一人です。北米では広島のことを学ぶ古典として広く読まれている『ヒロシマ』は、初版1946年、キノコ雲の下側で何があったのか―原爆の人的被害―を初めて米国一般市民に知らしめた作品です。
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Koko(2nd from left) and university students from US, Japan, and others, in front of the A-Bomb Dome in Hiroshima, August 2010 |
In 2010, Koko appeared in the National Geographic video program "24 Hours After Hiroshima." See the 45 minute video at this LINK. Koko appears in the last section. Read Robert Jacob's commentary on the video program on the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, "24 Hours After Hiroshima: National Geographic Channel Takes Up the Bomb." 2010年、紘子さんはナショナル・ジオグラフィック誌の特別ビデオ番組「24 Hours After Hiroshima」に出演しました。45分の映像はこのリンクで見られます。紘子さんの登場は最後の方です。また、ロバート・ジェイコブ氏によるこの番組の評論は、『アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカス』をご覧ください。
For inquiry, email Satoko Norimatsu info@peacephilosophy.com. お問い合わせは、乗松聡子 info@peacephilosophy.com までどうぞ。
*** 1月30日(月)午後6時半から、Peace Philosophy Centre (Vancouver) にて近藤紘子さんを囲んだ交流会を行います(potluck 持ちよりパーティー)。参加希望の方は info@peacephilosophy.com までお知らせください。A social gathering (potluck) with Koko Kondo will be held at Peace Philosophy Centre, 6:30 PM -, January 30 (Mon.) Please contact info@peacephilosophy.com if you can attend. ***
文化座カナダ西海岸公演『千羽鶴』 Bunkaza Theatre Company in Canada: One Thousand Cranes
MEDIA RELEASE: December 14, 2011
Play unites Japanese and Canadian artists for peace
One Thousand Cranes
By Colin Thomas - translated by Toyoshi Yoshihara, directed by Jun Isomura
Performed in Japanese by Bunkaza Theatre Company (Tokyo), with accompanying English surtitles and storytelling by Nan Gregory
Frederic Wood Theatre
Friday, February 10, 7:30 pm
Saturday, February 11, 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm
Colin Thomas' award-winning play weaves together the stories of two twelve-year-olds: Sadako, the girl whose death by radiation-induced leukemia is commemorated in Hiroshima's monument of one thousand cranes; and Buddy, a Canadian boy whose life is being overtaken by his fears of nuclear war.
A year after the recent nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, this beautifully crafted show from Tokyo puts a human face to nuclear fallout. It also coincides with the UBC Museum of Anthropology’s exhibition ひろしま hiroshima by Ishiuchi Miyako, an installation of 48 photographs of clothing and personal items left behind by victims of the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima (on view through February12).
Tickets Adults $32/seniors $28/students $24/Family Pack $50 (max 2 adults & 2 children under 12, available by phone or in person only)
Box Office 604.822.2678 or http://ubctheatre.universitytickets.com/
Address Frederic Wood Theatre, 6354 Crescent Road, UBC
Map http://bit.ly/r0HOtC
More http://www.theatre.ubc.ca/
Presented by UBC Dean of Arts. Co-sponsors: The Metropolitan Tokyo Government; Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver; UBC St. John's College; UBC Museum of Anthropology; Theatre at UBC; Vancouver Save Article 9; and Tonarigumi. Performed in conjunction with the exhibition ひろしま hiroshima by Ishiuchi Miyako, at the UBC Museum of Anthropology through February 12, 2012. Image courtesy Bunkaza Theatre Company.
Media Contact: Deb Pickman
604.319.7656 publicity.theatre@ubc.ca
劇団文化座 Bunkaza Theatre Company and One Thousand Cranes
Established in 1942, Bunkaza is one of the oldest contemporary theatre companies in Japan. With 45 fulltime company members, most of their repertoire deals with oppressed grass-roots people who strive for the betterment of their lives. Bunkaza has a special interest in Canadian theatre and has produced, besides One Thousand Cranes, such Canadian plays as The Tomorrow Box by Anne Chislett, Blood Relations by Sharon Pollock, and Odd Jobs by Frank Moher, all with translation by Toyoshi Yoshihara. The Bunkaza version of One Thousand Cranes premiered in 1985 in Tokyo. The company has since toured Japan, giving more than 200 performances of the play.
Play unites Japanese and Canadian artists for peace
One Thousand Cranes
By Colin Thomas - translated by Toyoshi Yoshihara, directed by Jun Isomura
Performed in Japanese by Bunkaza Theatre Company (Tokyo), with accompanying English surtitles and storytelling by Nan Gregory
Frederic Wood Theatre
Friday, February 10, 7:30 pm
Saturday, February 11, 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm
Colin Thomas' award-winning play weaves together the stories of two twelve-year-olds: Sadako, the girl whose death by radiation-induced leukemia is commemorated in Hiroshima's monument of one thousand cranes; and Buddy, a Canadian boy whose life is being overtaken by his fears of nuclear war.
A year after the recent nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, this beautifully crafted show from Tokyo puts a human face to nuclear fallout. It also coincides with the UBC Museum of Anthropology’s exhibition ひろしま hiroshima by Ishiuchi Miyako, an installation of 48 photographs of clothing and personal items left behind by victims of the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima (on view through February12).
Tickets Adults $32/seniors $28/students $24/Family Pack $50 (max 2 adults & 2 children under 12, available by phone or in person only)
Box Office 604.822.2678 or http://ubctheatre.universitytickets.com/
Address Frederic Wood Theatre, 6354 Crescent Road, UBC
Map http://bit.ly/r0HOtC
More http://www.theatre.ubc.ca/
Presented by UBC Dean of Arts. Co-sponsors: The Metropolitan Tokyo Government; Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver; UBC St. John's College; UBC Museum of Anthropology; Theatre at UBC; Vancouver Save Article 9; and Tonarigumi. Performed in conjunction with the exhibition ひろしま hiroshima by Ishiuchi Miyako, at the UBC Museum of Anthropology through February 12, 2012. Image courtesy Bunkaza Theatre Company.
Media Contact: Deb Pickman
604.319.7656 publicity.theatre@ubc.ca
劇団文化座 Bunkaza Theatre Company and One Thousand Cranes
Established in 1942, Bunkaza is one of the oldest contemporary theatre companies in Japan. With 45 fulltime company members, most of their repertoire deals with oppressed grass-roots people who strive for the betterment of their lives. Bunkaza has a special interest in Canadian theatre and has produced, besides One Thousand Cranes, such Canadian plays as The Tomorrow Box by Anne Chislett, Blood Relations by Sharon Pollock, and Odd Jobs by Frank Moher, all with translation by Toyoshi Yoshihara. The Bunkaza version of One Thousand Cranes premiered in 1985 in Tokyo. The company has since toured Japan, giving more than 200 performances of the play.
A film screening and talk, Jan 31, at MOA/UBC : "Village of Widows" 1月31日バンクーバーでの上映会・トーク
Film Screening &Talk
Peter Blow & ‘Village of Widows’
Tuesday, January 31, 4:30-6:30 pm
Michael M. Ames Theatre, UBC Museum of Anthropology
Admission to MOA: UBC staff, students & faculty free with ID; Others $9
MOAの入場料:当日4:30 pmから一般9ドル
‘Village of Widows’ —a documentary directed by award-winning filmmaker Peter Blow—recounts the remarkable story of the Sahtu Dene people, who were employed by the Canadian Government during WWII to transport uranium, which became fuel for the bombs that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Peter Blow is a researcher, writer, producer, and director based in Toronto. He has worked on close to 100 broadcast documentaries both in England and Canada, many of which have garnered numerous awards including two Oscar nominations.
ピーター・ブロウ: トロントの作家、プロデューサー、映画監督。イギリスとカナダで100本近くの放映ドキュメンタリーを作成。オスカーノミネーションを含む様々な賞を獲得。
This event is presented in conjunction with the exhibition, ひろしま hiroshima by Ishiuchi Miyako, on display at the UBC Museum of Anthropology through February 12, 2012.
このイベントはUBC Museum of Anthropologyで2月12日まで開催中の、石内都 ひろしま hiroshima の関連行事です。
Sponsors: Vancouver Save Article 9 and UBC Centre for Japanese Research, Department of Asian Studies, Indigenous Education Institute of Canada, International Canadian Studies Centre, Department of Theatre and Film, Department of Language and Literacy Education, Museum of Anthropology
Peter Blow & ‘Village of Widows’
Tuesday, January 31, 4:30-6:30 pm
Michael M. Ames Theatre, UBC Museum of Anthropology
Admission to MOA: UBC staff, students & faculty free with ID; Others $9
MOAの入場料:当日4:30 pmから一般9ドル
‘Village of Widows’ —a documentary directed by award-winning filmmaker Peter Blow—recounts the remarkable story of the Sahtu Dene people, who were employed by the Canadian Government during WWII to transport uranium, which became fuel for the bombs that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Peter Blow is a researcher, writer, producer, and director based in Toronto. He has worked on close to 100 broadcast documentaries both in England and Canada, many of which have garnered numerous awards including two Oscar nominations.
ピーター・ブロウ: トロントの作家、プロデューサー、映画監督。イギリスとカナダで100本近くの放映ドキュメンタリーを作成。オスカーノミネーションを含む様々な賞を獲得。
This event is presented in conjunction with the exhibition, ひろしま hiroshima by Ishiuchi Miyako, on display at the UBC Museum of Anthropology through February 12, 2012.
このイベントはUBC Museum of Anthropologyで2月12日まで開催中の、石内都 ひろしま hiroshima の関連行事です。
Sponsors: Vancouver Save Article 9 and UBC Centre for Japanese Research, Department of Asian Studies, Indigenous Education Institute of Canada, International Canadian Studies Centre, Department of Theatre and Film, Department of Language and Literacy Education, Museum of Anthropology
Friday, January 06, 2012
SAKURAI Kunitoshi: The Fatally Flawed EIS Report on the Futenma Air Station Replacement Facility – With Special Reference to the Okinawa Dugong
2011年12月30日に紹介した、桜井国俊『普天間飛行場代替施設建設事業環境影響評価書のジュゴン評価の致命的欠陥』の英語版です。これは、『アジア太平洋ジャーナル:ジャパンフォーカス』に1月7日付で掲載された記事Okinawa, New Year 2012: Tokyo’s Year End Surprise Attack (ガバン・マコーマック、桜井国俊、浦島悦子)の桜井氏の部分です。
Here is the English version of Sakurai Kunitoshi's criticism of the Environmental Impact Statement on the Futenma Air Station replacement facility planned at Henoko, on the northeastern shore of Okinawa Island, submitted by the Japanese government to the Okinawa Prefecture from the end 2011 to early 2012 in the turmoil of hundreds of protesters blocking delivery and sitting-in at the prefectural office hallway (see Mainichi Shimbun's report (Kyodo): Gov't submits Futenma environmental report to Okinawa pref. gov't) See HERE for the Japanese version. This is part of an article published on the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus - Okinawa, New Year 2012: Tokyo’s Year End Surprise Attack (Gavan McCormack, Sakurai Kutoshi, Urashima Etsuko).
Sakurai Kunitoshi is Okinawa’s leading environmentalist, specialist in environmental assessment law and professor at Okinawa University.
The Fatally Flawed EIS Report on the Futenma Air Station Replacement Facility – With Special Reference to the Okinawa Dugong
Sakurai Kunitoshi
The delivery of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the Futenma Air Station Replacement Facility Construction Project was effected today (28 December) at the crack of dawn. At about 4 a.m., the staff of the Okinawa Defense Bureau (ODB) of the Ministry of Defense of the Government of Japan brought the EIS into Okinawa Prefectural Government Office Building. Two days earlier, the ODB had tried to hand it to the Governor but were blocked by a group of citizens opposed to the one-sided approach taken by the ODB in the conduct of the environmental impact assessment (EIA). On the 27th, they tried once again to send it to the Governor using a private courier service but were again blocked by citizens. This questionable submission of the EIS was symbolic of the abnormality of the whole EIA process.
This short note deals with the contents of EIS with regard to the Okinawa dugong. More precisely, it aims to clarify how deficient it is in showing the impact to be caused by the replacement project on the dugong.
According to the Judgment of U.S. District Court (Northern District of California) made on January 23, 2008, DOD (U.S. Department of Defense) is obliged under NHPA (National Historic Preservation Act) to “take into account” the impacts on Okinawa dugong to be caused by their undertaking (the construction and the use of Futenma Air Station Replacement Facility). The “take into account” process at a minimum must include
(1) identification of the protected property (in this case, the Okinawa dugong),
(2) the generation, collection, consideration, and weighing of information pertaining to how the undertaking will affect the historic property,
(3) a determination as to whether there will be adverse effects or not, and
(4) if necessary, development and evaluation of alternatives or modifications to the undertaking that could avoid or mitigate the adverse effects.
These are the obligations of DOD under section 402 of the NHPA. According to the Court, “satisfaction of these obligations cannot be postponed until the eve of construction when defendants (in this case, the DOD) have made irreversible commitments making additional review futile or consideration of alternatives impossible.” The DOD has taken the position that these obligations would be satisfied by Japan’s EIA. Therefore, it is crucial to check the contents of EIS regarding the Okinawa dugong and clarify whether its quality is good enough to satisfy these obligations.
Fatal Defect of the EIS
Based on studies conducted from light aircraft and helicopters done after the submission of the Scoping Document (SD) in August 2007, the ODB concluded in its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) submitted in April 2009 that there were three dugong around Okinawa Island (one offshore from Kayoh and two offshore from Kouri) and that they generally lived there (See Fig.1). Based on this observation, they concluded that the impact of the project on the individual offshore from Kayoh would be negligible because Henoko (the project site) was far enough (approximately 6km) distant from Kayoh. So far as the probability of Okinawa dugong survival is concerned, they concluded that the impact of the project was also negligible as long as they inhabit the offshore Kayoh area.
This deduction is quite illogical. As shown in Fig.2, Okinawa dugong used to be observed very frequently along the east coast of Okinawa Island including offshore Henoko. Therefore, DEIS should clarify why they were not observed in the Sea of Henoko during ODB study conducted in the period of August 2007 – April 2009. DEIS, however, made no analysis of this topic. One possible reason they did not appear is the effect of the massive study conducted by ODB at the offshore Henoko area prior to the EIA process that started in August 2007 with the submission of the Scoping Document (SD). The study cost more than 2 billion yen (more than 25 million dollars). The study of coral and dugong as well as geotechnical investigations of the area began in 2004 with numerous borings. Environmentally conscious citizens carried out nonviolent protests against this survey using canoes. To force their way through the protests, the ODB even deployed even the Maritime Self-Defense Force mine-sweeper Bungo in the middle of the night, using their frogmen to install equipment to study coral and dugong. Because these crude installations damaged the offshore coral at Henoko this incident made the front page of the local newspaper Ryukyu Shimpo on May 22, 2007 (See Fig.3).
It may also be necessary to consider the negative impact on the behavior of dugong of landing drills carried out frequently by (US) marines from Camp Schwab in the Henoko area. Camp Schwab faces the Sea of Henoko which, according to DEIS, is rich in sea grass, the food of dugong. The offshore sea grass area at Henoko is about ten times larger than that of offshore Kayoh. Therefore, there must be some reason why dugong did not visit the offshore Henoko area during ODB study conducted in the period from August 2007 to April 2009. It may well be that the dugong were simply avoiding the disturbance to the Sea at Henoko caused by the massive pre-EIA study and landing drills.
This massive study was conducted prior to the submission of SD in August 2007, making it very difficult to know what the situation would have been like without the project, and it contravened the spirit of EIA Law that demands the project proponent consult with interested parties at the stage of submission and before the conduct of any large-scale study. Ever since the submission of the DEIS in April 2009, the Okinawan Defence Bureau has been conducting studies in the Sea of Henoko saying that they are collecting additional information including data on typhoon conditions. Many people suspect that ODB is trying to drive away the dugong from the Sea of Henoko in order to maintain their claim that the dugong generally live offshore from Kayoh and Kouri. According to the EIS submitted today, through this post-DEIS study they observed one dugong swimming offshore from Henoko in fiscal year 2010. However, they maintain their claim made in DEIS that the impact of the project on existing dugong individuals as well as on the survival of dugong population would be negligible.
In the Scoping Document, the ODB said that it would forecast qualitatively the impact of the project on dugong studying similar cases and existing information. After the revision of EIA procedures made on March 30, 2006, project proponents were requested to carry out quantitative forecasting and must provide justification when they do not carry it out. In the case of dugong, quantitative forecasting such as population viability analysis (PVA) is requested to evaluate the impact of the project on the survival of the dugong population. Through PVA we can say that the probability of Okinawa dugong survival in the year X will be Y% with this project but Z% without the project. Comparison of Y and Z will give us a basis to evaluate the impact of the project on the Okinawa dugong. However, in the Scoping Document, no justification was made for the use of qualitative forecasting.
As for the study of similar cases, on September 13, 2007 when the SD was made available for public inspection I sent my written opinion to ODB asking whether they had any concrete idea about the existence of similar cases anywhere in the world where a dugong population on the brink of extinction was facing the impact of any similar project. I emphasized in that opinion that if they did not have any concrete case in mind, then they were merely copying the Japanese Government’ EIA technical guidelines and their assessment was completely useless. The ODB neglected my opinion and neither the DEIS submitted on April 1, 2009 nor the EIS submitted today mention anything about similar cases.
On April 28, 2009, when the DEIS was made available for public inspection, I sent my written opinion to the ODB asking them to give a rational explanation for the no-appearance of dugong in the Sea of Henoko during the ODB study conducted in the period of August 2007 – April 2009 because the DEIS had nothing to say on that topic. It made no analysis of the impact caused by the massive pre-EIA study on dugong behavior. It did not mention either the impact of disappearance of the biggest sea grass area around Okinawa Island or the segmentation of the dugong habitat by the project. In my written opinion, I strongly demanded that the ODB carry out these analyses. However, my opinion was neglected once again by the ODB and the EIS offers no rational explanation.
As long as the ODB cannot give any rational explanation for the non-appearance of dugong in the Sea of Henoko during the time of its study from August 2007 to April 2009, it is reasonable to consider that the Okinawa dugong population’s survival chances will be higher if the replacement project is abandoned and the segmentation of Okinawa dugong habitat along the east coast of Okinawa Island avoided.
I hereby declare that the EIS submitted by the Okinawa Defense Bureau does not fulfill the requirements set for the Department of Defense by the U.S. District Court (Northern District of California).
Sakurai Kunitoshi
28 December 2011.
Here is the English version of Sakurai Kunitoshi's criticism of the Environmental Impact Statement on the Futenma Air Station replacement facility planned at Henoko, on the northeastern shore of Okinawa Island, submitted by the Japanese government to the Okinawa Prefecture from the end 2011 to early 2012 in the turmoil of hundreds of protesters blocking delivery and sitting-in at the prefectural office hallway (see Mainichi Shimbun's report (Kyodo): Gov't submits Futenma environmental report to Okinawa pref. gov't) See HERE for the Japanese version. This is part of an article published on the Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus - Okinawa, New Year 2012: Tokyo’s Year End Surprise Attack (Gavan McCormack, Sakurai Kutoshi, Urashima Etsuko).
Sakurai Kunitoshi is Okinawa’s leading environmentalist, specialist in environmental assessment law and professor at Okinawa University.
The Fatally Flawed EIS Report on the Futenma Air Station Replacement Facility – With Special Reference to the Okinawa Dugong
Sakurai Kunitoshi
The delivery of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the Futenma Air Station Replacement Facility Construction Project was effected today (28 December) at the crack of dawn. At about 4 a.m., the staff of the Okinawa Defense Bureau (ODB) of the Ministry of Defense of the Government of Japan brought the EIS into Okinawa Prefectural Government Office Building. Two days earlier, the ODB had tried to hand it to the Governor but were blocked by a group of citizens opposed to the one-sided approach taken by the ODB in the conduct of the environmental impact assessment (EIA). On the 27th, they tried once again to send it to the Governor using a private courier service but were again blocked by citizens. This questionable submission of the EIS was symbolic of the abnormality of the whole EIA process.
This short note deals with the contents of EIS with regard to the Okinawa dugong. More precisely, it aims to clarify how deficient it is in showing the impact to be caused by the replacement project on the dugong.
According to the Judgment of U.S. District Court (Northern District of California) made on January 23, 2008, DOD (U.S. Department of Defense) is obliged under NHPA (National Historic Preservation Act) to “take into account” the impacts on Okinawa dugong to be caused by their undertaking (the construction and the use of Futenma Air Station Replacement Facility). The “take into account” process at a minimum must include
(1) identification of the protected property (in this case, the Okinawa dugong),
(2) the generation, collection, consideration, and weighing of information pertaining to how the undertaking will affect the historic property,
(3) a determination as to whether there will be adverse effects or not, and
(4) if necessary, development and evaluation of alternatives or modifications to the undertaking that could avoid or mitigate the adverse effects.
These are the obligations of DOD under section 402 of the NHPA. According to the Court, “satisfaction of these obligations cannot be postponed until the eve of construction when defendants (in this case, the DOD) have made irreversible commitments making additional review futile or consideration of alternatives impossible.” The DOD has taken the position that these obligations would be satisfied by Japan’s EIA. Therefore, it is crucial to check the contents of EIS regarding the Okinawa dugong and clarify whether its quality is good enough to satisfy these obligations.
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Figure 1. Dugong Identified by DEIS |
Fatal Defect of the EIS
Based on studies conducted from light aircraft and helicopters done after the submission of the Scoping Document (SD) in August 2007, the ODB concluded in its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) submitted in April 2009 that there were three dugong around Okinawa Island (one offshore from Kayoh and two offshore from Kouri) and that they generally lived there (See Fig.1). Based on this observation, they concluded that the impact of the project on the individual offshore from Kayoh would be negligible because Henoko (the project site) was far enough (approximately 6km) distant from Kayoh. So far as the probability of Okinawa dugong survival is concerned, they concluded that the impact of the project was also negligible as long as they inhabit the offshore Kayoh area.
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Figure 2. Dugong Observed in the Period of January 1998 – January 2003 |
This deduction is quite illogical. As shown in Fig.2, Okinawa dugong used to be observed very frequently along the east coast of Okinawa Island including offshore Henoko. Therefore, DEIS should clarify why they were not observed in the Sea of Henoko during ODB study conducted in the period of August 2007 – April 2009. DEIS, however, made no analysis of this topic. One possible reason they did not appear is the effect of the massive study conducted by ODB at the offshore Henoko area prior to the EIA process that started in August 2007 with the submission of the Scoping Document (SD). The study cost more than 2 billion yen (more than 25 million dollars). The study of coral and dugong as well as geotechnical investigations of the area began in 2004 with numerous borings. Environmentally conscious citizens carried out nonviolent protests against this survey using canoes. To force their way through the protests, the ODB even deployed even the Maritime Self-Defense Force mine-sweeper Bungo in the middle of the night, using their frogmen to install equipment to study coral and dugong. Because these crude installations damaged the offshore coral at Henoko this incident made the front page of the local newspaper Ryukyu Shimpo on May 22, 2007 (See Fig.3).
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Ryukyu Shimpo, May 22, 2007 Survey Instruments Damaged Coral Pre-EIA Study of Futenma Replacement Facility Project |
This massive study was conducted prior to the submission of SD in August 2007, making it very difficult to know what the situation would have been like without the project, and it contravened the spirit of EIA Law that demands the project proponent consult with interested parties at the stage of submission and before the conduct of any large-scale study. Ever since the submission of the DEIS in April 2009, the Okinawan Defence Bureau has been conducting studies in the Sea of Henoko saying that they are collecting additional information including data on typhoon conditions. Many people suspect that ODB is trying to drive away the dugong from the Sea of Henoko in order to maintain their claim that the dugong generally live offshore from Kayoh and Kouri. According to the EIS submitted today, through this post-DEIS study they observed one dugong swimming offshore from Henoko in fiscal year 2010. However, they maintain their claim made in DEIS that the impact of the project on existing dugong individuals as well as on the survival of dugong population would be negligible.
In the Scoping Document, the ODB said that it would forecast qualitatively the impact of the project on dugong studying similar cases and existing information. After the revision of EIA procedures made on March 30, 2006, project proponents were requested to carry out quantitative forecasting and must provide justification when they do not carry it out. In the case of dugong, quantitative forecasting such as population viability analysis (PVA) is requested to evaluate the impact of the project on the survival of the dugong population. Through PVA we can say that the probability of Okinawa dugong survival in the year X will be Y% with this project but Z% without the project. Comparison of Y and Z will give us a basis to evaluate the impact of the project on the Okinawa dugong. However, in the Scoping Document, no justification was made for the use of qualitative forecasting.
As for the study of similar cases, on September 13, 2007 when the SD was made available for public inspection I sent my written opinion to ODB asking whether they had any concrete idea about the existence of similar cases anywhere in the world where a dugong population on the brink of extinction was facing the impact of any similar project. I emphasized in that opinion that if they did not have any concrete case in mind, then they were merely copying the Japanese Government’ EIA technical guidelines and their assessment was completely useless. The ODB neglected my opinion and neither the DEIS submitted on April 1, 2009 nor the EIS submitted today mention anything about similar cases.
On April 28, 2009, when the DEIS was made available for public inspection, I sent my written opinion to the ODB asking them to give a rational explanation for the no-appearance of dugong in the Sea of Henoko during the ODB study conducted in the period of August 2007 – April 2009 because the DEIS had nothing to say on that topic. It made no analysis of the impact caused by the massive pre-EIA study on dugong behavior. It did not mention either the impact of disappearance of the biggest sea grass area around Okinawa Island or the segmentation of the dugong habitat by the project. In my written opinion, I strongly demanded that the ODB carry out these analyses. However, my opinion was neglected once again by the ODB and the EIS offers no rational explanation.
As long as the ODB cannot give any rational explanation for the non-appearance of dugong in the Sea of Henoko during the time of its study from August 2007 to April 2009, it is reasonable to consider that the Okinawa dugong population’s survival chances will be higher if the replacement project is abandoned and the segmentation of Okinawa dugong habitat along the east coast of Okinawa Island avoided.
I hereby declare that the EIS submitted by the Okinawa Defense Bureau does not fulfill the requirements set for the Department of Defense by the U.S. District Court (Northern District of California).
Sakurai Kunitoshi
28 December 2011.
真喜志好一: アセス「評価書」は住民意見、知事意見を意図的に削除した法令違反
総理大臣 野田佳彦 殿
防衛大臣 一川保夫 殿
沖縄防衛局長 真部朗 殿
また、防衛省が飛行場を作るときのアセス省令第二条(方法書の作成)には、飛行場の使用を予定する航空機の種類 、第十八条 (準備書の作成)においては、航空機の「種類及び数」を記すことになっている。沖縄県知事も「想定されるものも含め具体的な機種及び数を明らかにすること」と方法書に対する知事意見で述べている。
また、国内のアセス訴訟や、米国での「ジュゴン訴訟」など多方面の活動で、「辺野古断念」のみならず「高江ヘリパッド断念」を日米両政府から勝ち取る決意を表明する。 以上
沖縄県知事 仲井真弘多 殿
日本政府・防衛省・沖縄防衛局は辺野古における海上基地建設のための違法な環境影響評価「評価書」を12月28日未明4時、真部朗沖縄防衛局局長の指揮で沖縄県庁の守衛室に持ち込んだ。 この「評価書」の持込みは、沖縄県議会の全会一致の決議、県民世論、沖縄選出7名の国会議員の抗議声明、大田昌秀、稲嶺惠一県知事経験者を含む有識者19名の声明なども無視した暴挙である。
ところで、12月28日に違法に持ち込まれた「評価書」は、条例違反であるばかりか、1 月5日には、アセス法に定められた方法書に対する住民、知事意見、事業者の見解が欠落するなど、重大な欠陥があったことが判明し、防衛局は 1 月6日に「第4章追加分」なる書類を提出した。しかし、「評価書」の第4章とこの追加分はタイトルも整合せず、「評価書」の欠落が正しく補正されたとは言えない。県は12月28日に持ち込まれた「評価書」そのものを修正のうえ、再提出するよう沖縄防衛局に求めるべきである。
・ 対象航空機としてオスプレイを記した(ブリーフィング資料3頁)
・ 飛行経路を台形からレーストラック型にした(ブリーフィング資料4頁)
・ ジュゴンについて、H21~22年度の自主調査も含め、3カ年以上(複数年)の調査とした(ブリ
想定されるものも含めて具体的な 機種及び数を明らかにすること。(準備書 4-32)
ア航空機の機種別の運用の方法(飛行経路・・以下略・・) (準備書 4-32)
(準備書 4-47)
この知事意見に対し、準備書では「事業者の見解」をはぐらかし、さらに今回、知事意見と事業者との応答を評価書から抜け落としたことには、「アセスを形式的に適用して、何とかクリアしようとするごまかしの姿勢も見える。アセス制度の趣旨に沿うものではない」(倉阪秀史・千葉大教授談・琉球新報 2012 年 1 月 6 日、26 面)と学者も指摘している。以上のことを踏まえ、次の2点を要請します。
1・追加されたファイルを、たとえば、方法書への意見と見解、準備書への意見と見解の順に綴り 直して再提出を求め、目次も作り替えさせて読み易くさせること。
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1月6日「琉球新報」より。 |
総理大臣 野田佳彦 殿
防衛大臣 一川保夫 殿
沖縄防衛局長 真部朗 殿
〒902-0061 沖縄県那覇市古島1-14-6 教育福祉会館407号
団長 東恩納琢磨
TEL 098-885-3008 FAX 098-885-0866
また、防衛省が飛行場を作るときのアセス省令第二条(方法書の作成)には、飛行場の使用を予定する航空機の種類 、第十八条 (準備書の作成)においては、航空機の「種類及び数」を記すことになっている。沖縄県知事も「想定されるものも含め具体的な機種及び数を明らかにすること」と方法書に対する知事意見で述べている。
また、国内のアセス訴訟や、米国での「ジュゴン訴訟」など多方面の活動で、「辺野古断念」のみならず「高江ヘリパッド断念」を日米両政府から勝ち取る決意を表明する。 以上
沖縄県知事 仲井真弘多 殿
〒902-0061 沖縄県那覇市古島 1-14-6 教育福祉会館 407 号
団長 東恩納琢磨
TEL 098-885-3008 FAX 098-885-0866
ところで、12月28日に違法に持ち込まれた「評価書」は、条例違反であるばかりか、1 月5日には、アセス法に定められた方法書に対する住民、知事意見、事業者の見解が欠落するなど、重大な欠陥があったことが判明し、防衛局は 1 月6日に「第4章追加分」なる書類を提出した。しかし、「評価書」の第4章とこの追加分はタイトルも整合せず、「評価書」の欠落が正しく補正されたとは言えない。県は12月28日に持ち込まれた「評価書」そのものを修正のうえ、再提出するよう沖縄防衛局に求めるべきである。
・ 対象航空機としてオスプレイを記した(ブリーフィング資料3頁)
・ 飛行経路を台形からレーストラック型にした(ブリーフィング資料4頁)
・ ジュゴンについて、H21~22年度の自主調査も含め、3カ年以上(複数年)の調査とした(ブリ
想定されるものも含めて具体的な 機種及び数を明らかにすること。(準備書 4-32)
ア航空機の機種別の運用の方法(飛行経路・・以下略・・) (準備書 4-32)
(準備書 4-47)
この知事意見に対し、準備書では「事業者の見解」をはぐらかし、さらに今回、知事意見と事業者との応答を評価書から抜け落としたことには、「アセスを形式的に適用して、何とかクリアしようとするごまかしの姿勢も見える。アセス制度の趣旨に沿うものではない」(倉阪秀史・千葉大教授談・琉球新報 2012 年 1 月 6 日、26 面)と学者も指摘している。以上のことを踏まえ、次の2点を要請します。
1・追加されたファイルを、たとえば、方法書への意見と見解、準備書への意見と見解の順に綴り 直して再提出を求め、目次も作り替えさせて読み易くさせること。
Thursday, January 05, 2012
この日は、全国版も含め、テレビ、ラジオとも、このことがトップニュース。沖縄地元2紙は号外を出し、防衛局の悪事、醜態は瞬く間に全県、全国に知れ渡りました。県内では、「奇襲攻撃」「闇討ち」「だまし討ち」「汚い暴挙」「姑息」「卑怯」「卑劣」「恥知らず」・・・、ありとあらゆる悪罵と嘲笑の言葉が飛び交いました。それらを投げつけてられて当然の行為を「国」がやったのです! 稲嶺進名護市長は「あきれてものが言えない」と切り捨て、「私は海にも陸にも基地は造らせないと言っている。名護市にとっては評価書自体が意味はない」と断言しました。
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「評価書」搬入を阻止するために県庁に座りこむ市民たち。Photo: Makoto Arakaki |
この日は、全国版も含め、テレビ、ラジオとも、このことがトップニュース。沖縄地元2紙は号外を出し、防衛局の悪事、醜態は瞬く間に全県、全国に知れ渡りました。県内では、「奇襲攻撃」「闇討ち」「だまし討ち」「汚い暴挙」「姑息」「卑怯」「卑劣」「恥知らず」・・・、ありとあらゆる悪罵と嘲笑の言葉が飛び交いました。それらを投げつけてられて当然の行為を「国」がやったのです! 稲嶺進名護市長は「あきれてものが言えない」と切り捨て、「私は海にも陸にも基地は造らせないと言っている。名護市にとっては評価書自体が意味はない」と断言しました。
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
佐藤学『基地問題に無関心な国民』 SATO Manabu: People in Japan are indifferent to the US milibary base problem
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