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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Best Game on Earth

Last summer I went to hear a talk given by Kikuchi Yumi, a Japanese environmentalist and peace activist, and there I bought a book called 'Butterfly' by Norie Huddle and Kikuchi Yumi. It is a very creative and inspirational book about how the earth can become a butterfly just like the caterpillar becomes one. Well, I am not making much sense probably. One only needs to see and read the book. Anyway there Norie Huddle proposes the 10 rules of 'the Best Game on Earth.' They resonated with me and I would like to propose a Vancouver chapter of 'The Best Game Club.'

Here I quote the rules of the Game by Norie Huddle.

The goals of The Best Games on Earth:
To create peace, health, prosperity and justice universally
on Earth by the year 2012.
The 10 rules of The Game:

1. Speak the truth.

2. Acknowledge the truth when others speak it.

3. Come from love, respect, and gratitude.

4. Leave the trail better than you found it.

5. Expect miracles.

6. Do what gives you joy and create joy in what you do.

7. Be generous with who you are and what you have.

8. Be a good friend and teammate.

9. Clean up your messes, learn the lessons and move on.

10. If you have an idea for how to improve The Game, share it!

I love them as they are deceptively simple, yet challenging to practice. Each one of these rules is so deep and meaningful that each deserves a dedicated workshop or two by itself. My favourites are No. 9; it allows one not to be perfect. I also like No. 10 because it gives an open-ended invitation to all to contribute.

Yumi Kikuchi says in the book, "My life has changed completely since I started this Game. I cannot just turn into a butterfly overnight, but life turned from a repetition of the same pattern into an exciting journey. " She always keeps these rules in mind in her speaking engagements, e.g. Am I speaking the truth? Am I speaking from love and respect? She also suggests one needs friends to practice these rules with, and I totally agree with her. This is why I am inviting you to join the Vancouver Best Games Club! Please leave a comment to this post or email me if you would like to join.

Lots of love,


Monday, January 29, 2007

Peace Philosophy Centre and 2007 Plans

On January 1st, the new year 2007 started, and so did Peace Philosophy Centre.

Peace Philosophy Centre

  1. facilitates learning for peace and sustainability.
  2. creates space for leadership and growth.
  3. encourages open dialogue and equal participation.
  4. invites diverse opinions.
  5. involves people with all backgrounds.
  6. promotes peace through arts.
  7. supports peace by peaceful means.
  8. believes world peace and personal peace are inseparable.
  9. networks with like-minded people around the world.
  10. holds love, passion, well-being, trust, fun, and spirit as its core values.

In each or our events and projects, we have 'Peace Philosophers.' A Peace Philosopher is somebody who shares her/his knowledge, experience,and passion with participants. Peace Philosophers are with us to learn from us as much as we learn from them.

Here are Peace Philosophy Centre's or P-Phil's confirmed projects for the Year 2007, and we will add many more as we go along!

  • 'Peace Philosophy Salon' to be held on the second Saturday of each month (January 13, February 10, March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9,September 8, October 13, November 10, December 8 - no meeting July/August) 'Salon' is an informal meeting where we talk about various current issues such as peace, environment, food, and education. We may watch relevant videos. We do not have a specific 'Peace Philosopher' at our Salons, i.e. everyone is a equal contributor to the meeting. Sometimes we collaborate with other organizations in planning the Salon. Call 604-619-5627 for details.

  • We continue to support BAYT, or Bringing Asian Youths Together. On February 16th, BAYT will host a screening of the film Japan's Peace Constitution at UBC.

  • Promotion of composting and cleansing of our environment using EM, or Effective Microorganisms, as our approach to tackle the climate change.

  • Starting in March, we will screen the documentary film 'Annyong Sayonara' at different locations in Vancouver and beyond.

  • Peace Boat will come to Vancouver on May 18 and 19. I will board the Boat as a guest facilitator from Acapulco, Mexico on May 10. In Vancouver, we plan to facilitate a welcome-event for the Peace Boat participants, in collaboration with interested peace organizations in Vancouver.

See here for the details of the upcoming events.

If you would like to participate in events of Peace Philosophy Centre activities or get involved in any way, please email

Love and peace,

Satoko Norimatsu :)

Monday, January 08, 2007

(Japanese) Learning Composting with Ms. Tsuruta using EM or Effective Microorganisms

On January 5, 2007, Ms. Fumie Tsuruta introduced us to the world of EM, or Effective Microorganisms and how we can recycle kitchen waste using EM to create rich and healthy soil for organic farming.

EM was developed by Professor Teruo Higa of Ryukyu University. For a more detailed description EM in English, go to the paper "BENEFICIAL AND EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISMS" presented by Dr. Higa and Dr. Parr.


EM とはEffective Microorganisms (有用微生物群)といって、微生物学など何も知らない自分はこの言葉を聞いただけで頭がクラクラしてくるのですが、学問的に理解していなくてもとにかくやればいいのよという鶴田さんの励ましもあり、学んでみようという気持ちになりました。

EMは、琉球大学の比嘉照夫教授によって開発されたもので、当日鶴田さんが持ってきてくれた、(株)EM研究所が発行した「Eco Pure Mini - EMを知らないあなたに」によると、世の中にある「善玉菌」と「悪玉菌」のうち、「善玉菌」を集めたものということです。納豆やチーズ、味噌やお酒など、発酵食品は、食物が「善玉菌」によっておいしく変容した形で、逆に「悪玉菌」にやられると、いわゆる「腐敗」という現象になるのです。EMに利用されている代表的な善玉菌として、「光合成細菌」photosynthetic bacteria, 「酵母」yeast, 「乳酸菌」lactic acid bacteria 「放線菌」ray fungi, 「糸状菌」 filamentous fungi といったものがあるとのことです。EMは農業においては、土壌の質を良くし病虫害を防止します。畜産においては家畜のえさや飲み水に入れることで糞尿の悪臭を弱め、家畜は病気にかかりにくくなります。水質を浄化するので、汚染された河川の水が魚のすめる水によみがえるそうです。詳しくはEM研究所の情報をご覧下さい。

鶴田さんは、「EMボカシ」という、EMで有機物資材(Bran - 穀類のぬか・フスマ)を発酵させたものを生ごみにかけていって密閉し、1-2週間で堆肥になるというプロセスをわかりやすく説明してくれた。容器としては、スクープで売るようなアイスクリーム屋から空いた容器をもらっているとのこと。底に、水がたまるようなスペースを作ることが決め手らしい。鶴田さんは、石油トレイに穴をあけたものを引っくり返して容器の底に敷いて使っていました。底にたまった液は、流しやトイレに流せばきれいになるとのこと。EMボカシは、ノースバンクーバーにあるオーガニック食品店「タマ・オーガニック」に電話して、店長の杉山ひろこさんから購入することができるとのことです。





「「いい土が出来てねぇ~」「発酵が上手くいったら本当にいい匂いがするのよ」と鶴田さんがおっしゃる度に 全く経験の無い私は「触ってみたい!匂ってみたい!」と夢膨らむばかり。。。畑上手なおばあちゃんになる夢、ゆっくりスタートしたいと思います。とても勉強になりました。有難うございました。」(M・A)





2007年1月8日 乗松聡子

PS 企画してくれたさゆりさん、雪の中来てくれた皆さん、ありがとう!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

(Japanese) Announcement of Peace Philosophy Centre's First Event of 2007


2007年1月1日付けで、Peace Philosophy Centre (PPhil) はBC州事業登録され、正式発足しました。地球と人類、そして生物全体の存続のために、今年も「平和」(暴力を減らす・なくす)「持続可能性」(環境を守る)をテーマにさまざまな活動をしていこうと思いますので、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。

急なのですが、PPhil 2007年第一回イベントを1月5日(金)に行うことになりました!

“日々排泄する汚染を日々の環境浄化材へ変換”~生ごみリサイクルを学ぶ with 鶴田文江さん




日時 1月5日 (金) 午後1時から
場所 Peace Philosophy Centre  
1565 Graveley St., North Vancouver BC    
Phone 604-619-5627 (メールアドレスはWeb上では公開していません。私のメールアドレスをご存知の方はメールでお返事いただければと思います。もちろんお電話もOKです)
★参加ご希望の方は、1月4日(木)まで ご連絡をお願いします。定員10名です。


