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Monday, September 28, 2009

Hiroshima/Nagasaki Event by Canadian Students 広島長崎、カナダ学生による報告イベント

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Beyond

- Exploring the History, Sharing Stories, Looking to the Future-

Sponsored and Organized by: Peace Philosophy Centre

Date and Time: 5:00 - 7:30 PM, Saturday, October 3, 2009

Place: Room B, Roundhouse Community Centre, Vancouver, BC

RSVP: Email by October 2

Free Admission; Non-alcoholic beverages and light snacks provided; snack donations are welcome; parking available at the community centre parking and on streets)

**A-bomb Exhibit Panels donated by Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, with the special cooperation of David Laskey, whose late wife Kinuko was a Hibakusha Survivor from Hiroshima, will be displayed at the event.

** This event is supported by Vancouver Save Article 9, an organization working for preservation and realization of Article 9, the war-renunciation clause of the Japanese Constitution.

Part I: Hiroshima and Nagasaki
(A-bombing history, victims' experiences, non-Japanese victims, peace museums)

Part II: Beyond Hiroshima/Nagasaki
(Peace tour experience for US., Japanese, and Canadian students; movements for nuclear abolition)

Presentations will be followed by discussion.

Six Canadian students participated in the Ritsumeikan/American University tour to Hiroshima and Nagasaki from July 31 to August 10, to attend the memorial ceremonies for the victims of the atomic-bombing on August 6 and 9. They made the journey to learn the history of WWII, specifically the first use of the nuclear weapons on the two cities, to hear the experiences of hibakusha (A-bomb victims), and to learn the current movements for nuclear disarmament and abolition.

This student-led event is to share our precious experience with the wider community. We ask you to join our call for action for a world free of nuclear weapons, which U.S. President Barack Obama pledged for in his Prague speech on April 6.

The students who will be leading the event will be Rowan Arundel (UBC Graduate), Arc Han (UBC), Shoko Hata (SFU), Uli Ng (Royal Roads Univ.), Julie Nolin (Royal Roads Univ.), Meg Serizawa (SFU), Satoshi Watanabe (Ritsumeikan Univ.), and Harry Teng (Royal Roads Graduate).

It will be a special evening of mutual learning and sharing.

Love and peace,

Satoko Norimatsu
Director, Peace Philosophy Centre

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