Hello, everyone, this is Arc, a new member of Peace Philosophy center. Thanks for Satoko, I'm so happy I could be standing here and greeting you.
First, let me introduce myself. I'm a international student from China, studying Asian Regional study in Vancouver now. Now I'm in the second year. I'm the only one son of a common family in Yibin City, SiChuan porvince of China--yea, I miss my parents a lot. But anyway, Vancouver is a very good place to study because I meet people from different countries with different background. It helps me open my eyes and minds.
Then, why I involved in peace keeping activities. Ah, there are many reasons. First, I want to thank my parents great emphasis on love, gentleness, honesty, and peace. They shaped me in this way. Secondly, since I'm interested in history studies, I feel the North East Asians have suffered so much during the 20th centry, and they are continuely suffering now--Korea penisular is seperated, China is still divided, enmity still exists among countries. Most of the problems are remains from Cold war or even WWII. Seeing people in other refion are enjoying a regional harmony and happy life, I feel I need to do some thing.
Well, I think there are too many things to say about why I want to do this, but I hope I would not take too much of you time. In short words:
I love my parent, I love my country, I love Canada, Japan, Korea... and other countries and their culture, I love people, I love this plannet we are living, I hope I can do something for them.
That is. Thank you!
皆さん,はじめまして。私の名前は”アーク ハン”です、中国から、カナダバンクバーにアジアの文化を専攻している留学生です。えど、日本語は勉強していて、まだ上手ではありませんだから、もう一生懸命頑張ります。
私は東北亜の文化や歴史などに興味を持っていて、聡子さんのPeace philosophy centerに仕事をするのがとても面白いと思います。そして、えど、皆さんに よろしくお願いします!
Peace Philosophy Centre, based in Vancouver, Canada (est. 2007), provides a space for dialogue and facilitates learning for creating a peaceful and sustainable world. ピース・フィロソフィー・センター(カナダ・バンクーバー 2007年設立)は平和で持続可能な世界を創るための対話と学びの場を提供します。피스필로소피센터(캐나다·밴쿠버 2007년 설립)는 평화롭고 지속 가능한 세계를 만들기 위한 대화와 배움의 장소를 제공합니다. 欢迎来到和平哲学中心!我们来自加拿大温哥华,我们致力于促进对话及建立可持续发展的和平世界。欢迎您留下宝贵的评论。Follow Twitter: @PeacePhilosophy / "Like" Facebook: Peace Philosophy Centre メールEmail: peacephilosophycentre@gmail.com
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Thank you Arc for the tri-lingual self-introduction! I am very excited to work with you and believe that a young, open-minded learner like you will make a big difference in this world. Welcome to Peace Philosophy Centre!
Glad to see new blood in the centre, hope to see your excellent posts, good wishes to Satoko and Han!